Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

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DP to BR- "Where were you when that phone call was made?"
BR- (Big Grin)"In my bed."
DP- "How do you know?"
BR- "I.. I don't remember getting up until my dad came in there." (looks down and to the left.)

DP to JR- "Was Burke.."
JR- "NO."
DP finishes his statement- "In the kitchen when that 911 call was made?"
JR- "No."
DP- "Where was Burke when the 911 call was made?"
JR- "Well we checked his bedroom immediately almost in all this chaos and he was
asleep in bed. That is pure fiction."

Police Interrogation of Burke
Burke- "I was like laying in bed with my eyes open like, (opening eyes wide and blinking and
smiling) you know. So, I was thinking of what might have happened."
Detective Schuler- "Did you hear Mom and Dad talking?"
BR- "I just heard Mom like going psycho."
Detective Schuler- "Going psycho?"
Burke- "Yeah going like, you know..."
Det. Schuler- "Did you go down and see what was going on?"
BR- "No, I just stayed in bed."

911 call snippet-
Kim Archuletta- "Patsy?"
PR- (quietly in the distance after the she hung up/thought she hung up) "Help me Jesus.
Help me Jesus. Help me."

Kim Archuletta, 911 operator- "There was a male voice and I knew that for sure. And then
there was another voice. So there are three... there are three different voices. The
third one was a little bit more faint, but I knew there was a third distinct different voice."

Police Interrogation of PR-
Tom Haney- "Was there any conversation immediately following your last word to the dispatcher?"
PR- (throwing her hands up in the air) "I don't remember. I was out of my (leans in towards
Tom Haney with gritted teeth) mind. My child was missing."

DP to BR-
DP- "Former police investigators for the Boulder Police Department, Detective Steve Thomas
and the Chief of Police Mark Beckner, both say there was a voice at the end of the 911 call.
And your voice was heard saying (Burke isn't smiling and seems to be picking at something
on couch) 'What did you find?' Did you speak those words?"
BR- "No.(looks down)"
DP- "Were you there when that call was made?"
BR- "No. (looks down again not smiling.)"
DP- "So you were not there and you did not speak those words?"
BR- "(Looking down again) That's correct."
DP- "It's also been speculated that your father can be heard yelling 'We're not speaking
to you.'"
BR- "Definitely don't remember that. (Begins smiling big again) I don't know unless
someone erased my memory or something (laughs) like..."
DP- "Well the 911 call with your mother hysterical about your sister being kidnapped
would seem to me to be a stand out experience in one's life."
BR- "Oh yeah."
DP- "I wouldn't think that it's faded into the background."
BR- "No. I mean absolutely not. I mean that's something pretty big that I wouldn't remember.
So I..I wasn't there."
DP- "So you can say with absolute certainty that is not your voice on that 911 tape?"
BR- "Absolutely not."
DP- "You went to see a child psychologist. Do you recall that?"

Coming up- DP- "Nobody in the world has seen this before. This was 13 days after JonBenet's murder."
Dr. Bernhard- "What do you think happened to your sister?"
BR- "I think someone took her very quietly and ... (Burke swings his hand down)"

Commercial- (2.40 min)

News snippet- "JonBenet's little 10 year old brother is also in the spotlight. Neither
John or Patsy Ramsey have submitted to an official police interrogation, but a
statement from young Burke Ramsey is now said to be part of the official record.
10 year old Burke was video taped recently as he was interviewed by a Department
of Social Services approved psychiatrist."

DP to BR- "You went to see a child psychologist. Do you recall that?"
BR- "Yeah. (no smile)"
DP- "You were supposedly asked to draw a picture of your family. They said
you drew a picture of yourself, and your mom and your dad, but you didn't
draw JonBenet. Do you remember that?"
BR- "Vaguely?"

Lin Wood and DP are sitting across from each other discussing the case.
LW- "Unbeknowst to the Ramsey family, the police went in to where Burke was staying
with a relative and told the relative that The Ramsey's had given them
permission to interview Burke. It was an absolute lie."
DP and BR are now sitting in a screening room with a big screen in front of them.
DP- "We came here because we wanted to look at some tape and kinda get your
reactions to some of these things. This was 13 days after JonBenet's murder.
Nobody in the world has seen this before."

Snippet of DR. Bernhard interview with BR
Dr. Bernhard- (unintelligible) maybe you could draw me a picture, a picture of
your family for me while you tell me about them. Would you do that for me?"
BR- "I can't draw."
Dr. Bernhard- "That doesn't really matter. It's not a test of your drawing.
It's just so I get to know your family and stuff like that. So the first person
you would draw would be who?"
BR- "Oh I got one. My dad!"
Dr. Bernhard- "OK."
BR- "A really good one."
Dr. Bernhard- "So who's next? Who would you draw next?"
BR- "Mom"
Dr. Bernhard- "Mom? Ok. So what does your mom do?"
BR- "She's ..just work as a mom."
Dr. Bernhard- "Works as a mom. What do you like best about your mom?"
BR- "Mm, she's nice and ...more. (laughs)"
Dr. Bernhard- "That's it? So, is your mom the kind of mom that gives
lots of hugs and kisses?"
BR- "Yeah. Yep. MmHmm."
Dr. Bernhard- "Both you and your sister or just you or just your sister?"
BR- "Just the both of us."
Dr. Bernhard- "Anybody else in your family?"
BR- "Uh..."
Dr. Bernhard- "...that you are gonna draw or is that it?"
BR- "I was gonna draw me!(laughs)"
Dr. Bernhard- "What about you?"

DP back with BR in the screening room-
DP- "This is the first time you've seen it right?"
BR- "Yeah."
DP- "When you see that do you remember it?"
BR- "Yeah. I remember the room. (smiling looking at himself on the screen)I
think I didn't know it was a psychologist."
DP- "So you at the time you're 9 and the observations that were leaked to the press
was that it was unusual that you felt safe. That you showed little warmth
towards your family. That you displayed an enormous lack of emotion and an almost
indifference (BR looks uncomfortable and keeps looking around) and you had
difficulty opening up about the family. Similar to children who feel that there
are things they shouldn't say. You drew a father a mother and yourself but
JonBenet was not in the picture at all. And you said that you were 'getting on with
life' (BR is no longer smiling while listening now) Do you remember saying that?"
BR- (smiles again) "I don't remember saying that."
DP- "What do you think about those observations?"
BR- "Watching the video I...think I look like a normal kid? I I think maybe maybe that's
just my personality that I'm a little more reserved?"

Candice DeLong- "When Burke was asked to draw a picture of his family, he did exactly that.
Mom. Dad. And Burke. Because that was the only family he has when he was asked to draw
the picture. But it was inferred that he didn't include JonBenet because he killed her."

DP to BR- "Did you consciously not draw JonBenet?"

Commercial 4 min

DP standing outside the original Ramsey home in Boulder, Colorado
DP- "The interrogation tapes of a 9 year old Burke speaking to a psychologist
at the Boulder Police Department just 13 days after JonBenet's death have been kept
under lock and key for 20 years. They have never been made public and Burke had
never seen them until we watched them together. While Burke was watching the
tapes, I was watching him."

Interview with DR Bernhard snippet
Dr. Bernhard- "So the first person you would draw would be who?"
BR- "Oh I got one my dad."
Dr. Bernhard- "Ok."

DP to BR- "Did you consciously not draw JonBenet?"
BR- "I don't really remember what was going through my head, but she was gone
so I didn't draw her. (Shrugs)"
DP- "There's a second clip and you're going to talk about actually JonBenet's death
to this psychologist. Take a look."

Back to interview with 9 yr old Burke
Dr. Bernhard- "So what do you think happened to your sister?"
BR- (taking the board he was playing with and covering his head and face with it)
I know what happened to my sister. laughs. (unintelligible) she was killed."
Dr. Bernhard- "How do you think that happened?"
BR- (still covering face with board) "I think...well I...I asked my dad where
did they find her body and my, my dad said "I found (unintelligible)in the
basement," to himself. I, I think that someone took her very quietly and.."
Dr. Bernhard- "Mmhm."
BR- "Took her down to the basement..."
Dr. Bernhard- "Mhmm."
BR- "and he, and he took a knife out and he whoops like that (making a overhanded
stabbing motion with right hand)."
Dr. Bernhard- "Mm-hmmm. Do you think that's how she died?"
BR- "Probably a hammer, he hit her in the head with it. (again does a swing down motion
with his right hand)."
DP to BR- "Why do you think you're saying this?"
BR- "Well I think she's asking me what happened to my sister and 'well she was killed.' (smiles)
and she keeps kinda going deeper and shes like what do you think happens and I'm like
'you know what happened and she was killed' and she asked me what do I THINK so I guess
I was theorizing what had happened and I think I felt a little awkward talking about it and
I think it's just something that I thought everyone knew and so it's like 'why are you
asking me about this again?"
DP- "Right."

Lawrence Schiller, author Perfect Murder, Perfect Town, "Sometimes when police think they
have figured out the timeline, something surfaces that just throws everything out the
window. When the autopsy was completed, the coroner has discovered that there was
undigested pineapple in JonBenet's stomach. Well the police didn't even know there was pineapple.
They went back and they started looking at all the photographs. When did JonBenet eat the
pineapple? Where did she eat the pineapple?"

News snippet- "And police discovered fingerprints on a bowl of pineapple left in the
family's dining room on the morning of the murder."

Steve Kardian, Former Police Detective- "The significance of the pineapple bowl, what
it tells us is that it was someone that JonBenet trusted that sat down and fed her
that pineapple."

DP to BR- "Well about 18 months later it was June 1998, you were interviewed by the

Snippet from police interrogation
Det. Schuler- "What was JonBenet's favorite snack?"
BR- "I don't think she had a snack anytime before bed."
Det. Schuler- "Some moms cut up apples."
BR- "Yeah."
Det. Schuler- "What else (unintelligible)?"
BR- "That's all I know of, maybe pineapple."
Det. Schuler- "Pineapple?"

DP is now sitting across from both Lin Wood and JR-
JR- "The question that I was asked by the police was did she eat pineapple
before she went to bed when you brought her home that night and I said no.
JonBenet went to bed. She did not eat pineapple. And I guess they thought I
must be lying, therefore I must be lying about other things."

Snippet of Police Interrogation of PR- "I didn't put the bowl there. OKAY?
I did not put the bowl there. (referring to a photo on a table in front of her)
I would not do this, setup like this."
Tom Haney- "Those prints belong to one of the two of you."
PR- "They do? (seems genuinely surprised)"
Haney nods yes.
PR- "You're sure?"
Haney nods yes.
CBS 48 hours snippet- "The fingerprints on the bowl are Patsy's according to
police suggesting she's the one that gave the fruit to her daughter. But if
Patsy did give it to JonBenet, and is lying about it, then investigators wonder
could she be lying about everything?"

Police Interrogation of BR snippet-
Det. Schuler- (showing BR a photo) "Do you remember drinking any iced tea around
Christmas time?
Burke- "Maybe at a Christmas party."
Det. Schuler- "And how long does food normally sit out on your table?"
BR- "Not very long."

Lawrence Schiller- "But what was more interesting was that next to that bowl
was a glass of tea and on that glass of tea was Burke's fingerprints."

Police Interrogation of BR-
Det. Schuler- "Would you leave it there for a long period of time? Like, I mean
would you.. is there other times when maybe the dishes don't get cleaned up right
away?" (Burke is noted to be in a cushy chair but sitting on his knees and rocking
forward almost going head first onto floor it seems.) Or do they typically get get done?"
BR- "From what I remember is they typically did."

DP is sitting back on the couches speaking with BR-
DP Did you and she eat pineapple together at any time during the day?"
BR- "(smiling) Maybe? I mean like I don't remember specifically eating
pineapple, but I very well could have. Like would you remember eating
pineapple 20 years ago (laughing slightly)like uh you know.."
DP- "There was a flashlight and a baseball bat found at the house and investigators
thought one of those could have caused JonBenet's head wound."

Steve Kardian- "JonBenet did suffer a severe fracture. 8 1/2 inches along the
right side of her skull. The things that could have been possibly used were
maybe a metal flashlight, a baseball bat. The baseball bat was found outside.
It also had fibers from the carpet that was in the basement where JonBenet was found."

DP to BR- "Did they show you either of those items?"
BR- "They showed me a picture of the baseball bat like on the side of the house
or something."

Police interrogation of BR-
Det. Schuler- "Is there anything strange about it being out there to you? I mean
do you find it odd that it's out there?"

BR to DP- "That was my baseball bat. I would normally leave it out on the patio."
DP- "So and intruder could have picked that up on the way in?"
BR- "Yeah."
DP- "And I think your dad had said he used the flashlight that night (Burke looks to the
right) to put you to bed and then you snuck downstairs to play?"
BR- "Yeah I had some toy that I wanted to put together. I remember being downstairs after
everyone was kind of in bed wanting to get this thing out."
DP- "Did you use the flashlight so you wouldn't be seen?"
BR- "I don't remember. I just remember being downstairs and I remember this toy."
DP- "Did you hit your your sister over the head with a baseball bat or a flashlight?"

Commercial- (3:50 min)
News snippet Ashleigh Banfield CNN- "Some stunning new revelations about the mysterious
death of a little girl, JonBenet Ramsey. Mark Beckner who took over the case in September
of '97 has given a lengthy interview on Reddit and perhaps the biggest revelation is
exactly how JonBenet actually died."
She reads Mark Beckner, Former Boulder Police Chief's Reddit response.
"We know from the evidence she was hit on the head very hard with an unknown object,
possibly a flashlight or similar type item. The blow knocked her into
unconciousness, which could have led someone to believe she was dead. The strangulation
came 45 minutes to two hours after the head strike, based on the swelling on the brain."

DP to BR- "Did you hit your sister over the head with a baseball bat or a flashlight?"
BR- "Absolutely not."
DP- "If someone in your house did, do you think you would have heard it?"
BR- "(not smiling) Probably. Yeah. Bites lips."
DP- "There's a book written by the lead investigator in this case, that set forth some
of his theories. He says one of the reasons that he believes you are the culprit here
is that on the day of your sister's murder, you never asked about her welfare."
BR- "Well it was pretty much just 'hey we can't find your sister. What do you think
happened?' and I was like, 'well she's probably just hiding somewhere. Have you
guys looked around the house?' The next time I talked to somebody was, 'She's dead.'"

Police interrogation of BR-
Det. Schuler- "When did you really find out that JonBenet was, was dead?"
BR- "I know that at Fernie's house, And I saw everyone was sad inside and my dad
telling me that JonBenet was in Heaven."
Det. Schuler- "What did you do?"
BR- "Started crying."

DP to BR- "I think people are reacting to the fact that you seem to be unbothered
by all of this."
BR- "Yeah. Well I can tell you I was very emotional at the Fernie's and I
would just randomly cry out of nowhere. I guess it's a combination of sitting there
with this weird guy that I never talked to before and asking me all these personal
questions. It's a combination of that and just kind of at some point you have to
move on and I'm not saying I moved on then, it might have been kinda the other end
cause I really didn't get it but you gotta start...stop crying at some point I
DP- "So The lead investigator thinks your the culprit because you had previously
been violent with JonBenet. Had you ever violently attacked your sister?"
BR- "No."
DP- "Did you hit your sister with a golf club?"

Commercial- (3:50min)

Police interrogation of PR
PR- "And he, you know, he was out there with a, those little wiffle balls, golf balls, you
know. And she walked up behind him, about that time, and he clipped her right on the cheek."
Haney- "Okay."
PR- "And she screamed bloody murder."

DP to BR- "Did you hit your sister with a golf club?"
BR- "Not on purpose. (slight laugh) She was standing behind me and I swung up like that."
DP- "So you accidently clipped her in the cheek I believe it was?"
BR- "Something like that yeah."
DP- "On your backswing?"
BR- "Yeah."
DP- "okay was that on purpose?"
BR- "No. Absolutely not."
DP- "Did you intentionally hit JonBenet on the head with a golfclub?"
BR- "No."
DP- "There was some theory that someone had used a stungun on her."
BR- "Yeah."
DP- "Then an alternate theory was that the spread of the marks that they were alleging
might be a stungun were actually the ends of train tracks that might have been
poked into her."
BR- "Yeah."
DP- "You had a trainset at home right?"
BR- "Yep."
DP- "Did you ever hit her with it? Did you ever hit her with a train tracks?"
BR- "No. I.."
DP- "Did you ever poke her with the train tracks?"
BR- "No. no. The moment you said that I was like 'How would I even do that?'"
DP- "Yeah."
BR- "I never did anything like that."
DP- "The autopsy did not identify that your sister was sexually abused. But
experts that have analysed it say that it was possible. Did you ever have any
knowledge or suspicion that JonBenet had been sexually abused or molested in any
BR- "No."
DP- "This wasn't anything you'd ever heard, thought of, suspected, she never
said anything to you or saw anything that..."
BR- "Absolutely nothing that would lead me to believe that anybody was sexually
abusing her in anyway."
DP- "Let me ask you this straight up. Did you ever sexually abuse JonBenet?"
BR- "No. Absolutely not."
DP- "Let's clear this up. Once and for all. Did you do anything to harm your
sister? Did you murder your sister JonBenet?"

DP is standing on the sidewalk outside of the original crime scene-
"Next week, Burke answers the questions that have been haunting him for years.
Take a look..."

DP to BR- "Why do you suppose more than a decade later (knocks on chair) They're
knocking on your door wanting to talk to you again?"

Narrator- "Monday on an all new DR. Phil-
JR- "This is my final interview."
Narrator- "Who killed JonBenet Ramsey?"
JR- "My child was murdered Christmas night. Don't ever forget it."
DP- "People have made a big issue out of the date that you put on the
tombstone. What do you say to people that say you put the 25th because you
knew when she died?"

End of Episode 2.
Ok so I kinda got tickled when I saw DP do this as Burke is responding about how he moved on so I snapped a screen shot from the TV on my phone. Seriously. Dr. Phil would rather jab his own eyeballs out than listen to BR dig any deeper. [emoji23]

I can't stop laughing at this image. [emoji23] [emoji23]

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Just logged in to say ty for what an amazing job you did PL !Thanks so much.
J. Fitzgerald mentions in an interview that BR's behavior on dr. Phil speaks volumes. I wish they elaborate grrrr. I mean all these experts waited for this for years just like we did and now that it happened everybody is so damn quiet and won't comment. Annoying.
On Saturday Night Live last night was the grinning "Maaybe" a reference to B. R.? Near the beginning of the show there was the "guy in the red sweater" with regard to the question period of the 2nd presidential debate.

When asked if he would turn out to be a creepy man then the "guy in the red sweater" responded with a huge grin "maaay be"

It seemed to me to be referencing B.R.

e.t.a. On second (and third thought) perhaps this was not a reference to B.R. Obviously I am highly suspicious of wide grins accompanied by "maay be"s.
J. Fitzgerald mentions in an interview that BR's behavior on dr. Phil speaks volumes. I wish they elaborate grrrr. I mean all these experts waited for this for years just like we did and now that it happened everybody is so damn quiet and won't comment. Annoying.
I guess that's what Lin Wood is trying to achieve by suing anyone who comments....
Thanks PL for all your hard work!

And that picture is funny! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
JR- "My child was murdered Christmas night. Don't ever forget it."
DP- "People have made a big issue out of the date that you put on the
tombstone. What do you say to people that say you put the 25th because you
knew when she died?"

End of Episode 2.

So why did the small foreign faction kill JonBenet in the first place? If she died on Christmas Day, then the kidnappers did not need to even leave the ransom note, because she was already dead in the basement by the time JR & PR made the phone call. They couldn't have caused her death by calling the police and their friends, "talking to a stray dog," because she was already dead. Boy, these guys were some really STUPID kidnappers - to have killed their victim yet still left a useless ransom novel at the scene.
Ok so I kinda got tickled when I saw DP do this as Burke is responding about how he moved on so I snapped a screen shot from the TV on my phone. Seriously. Dr. Phil would rather jab his own eyeballs out than listen to BR dig any deeper. [emoji23]

I can't stop laughing at this image. [emoji23] [emoji23]

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Look at Burke, WTH was he laughing about??? Lordy, it was like a joke-fest to him.
You're welcome everyone! I just want to make sure we have it all down in case the videos eventually disappear into oblivion. Y'all I tried to highlight when Burke's behavior was off (it was off THE WHOLE interview don't get me wrong) and wanted to do it in an unbiased manner. It was extremely difficult to tolerate watching him laugh and smile during these interviews. Seriously. Something is very wrong with this guy. It was even more creepy due to the fact that I would have to replay comments several times to get the wording right and not ONCE did it ever become... how do I say this?.... it never seemed easy to rewatch a clip over and over. His behavior stuck out more each time! I never once got "Use to his behavior" and able to put it on the back burner. It kept sending chills down my spine.
That picture though!!! :laughing:Usually DP was calm cool and collected. But that one moment the camera caught him totally frustrated with BR. lol! I was interested in DP's expressions during the interview and he usually was very reserved. Only a few times did he look like WTH is wrong with this kid!?!
Looking back, I think DP knows this kid is guilty as hell and he's been forced to do the question and answer part or risk a lawsuit. I think he did that special episode to cover his own a$$. He DID give us the interview that we are now able to witness his behavior and his responses and the extra tidbits that no one previously knew. Like being downstairs for example when everyone was asleep.
So .... this is hard to say.... thanks Dr. Phil for letting us see the true Burke Ramsey. I still have to find a recording of the last interview that occurred on the Monday after the CBS special aired. Like I said I kinda was ticked off after the Q&A episode and didn't want to record the last one. Regretting that decision now of course. lol
Now to work on the Q&A session. I took some pepto already to keep from being nauseated throughout this one... lol
You're welcome everyone! I just want to make sure we have it all down in case the videos eventually disappear into oblivion. Y'all I tried to highlight when Burke's behavior was off (it was off THE WHOLE interview don't get me wrong) and wanted to do it in an unbiased manner. It was extremely difficult to tolerate watching him laugh and smile during these interviews. Seriously. Something is very wrong with this guy. It was even more creepy due to the fact that I would have to replay comments several times to get the wording right and not ONCE did it ever become... how do I say this?.... it never seemed easy to rewatch a clip over and over. His behavior stuck out more each time! I never once got "Use to his behavior" and able to put it on the back burner. It kept sending chills down my spine.
That picture though!!! :laughing:Usually DP was calm cool and collected. But that one moment the camera caught him totally frustrated with BR. lol! I was interested in DP's expressions during the interview and he usually was very reserved. Only a few times did he look like WTH is wrong with this kid!?!
Looking back, I think DP knows this kid is guilty as hell and he's been forced to do the question and answer part or risk a lawsuit. I think he did that special episode to cover his own a$$. He DID give us the interview that we are now able to witness his behavior and his responses and the extra tidbits that no one previously knew. Like being downstairs for example when everyone was asleep.
So .... this is hard to say.... thanks Dr. Phil for letting us see the true Burke Ramsey. I still have to find a recording of the last interview that occurred on the Monday after the CBS special aired. Like I said I kinda was ticked off after the Q&A episode and didn't want to record the last one. Regretting that decision now of course. lol
Now to work on the Q&A session. I took some pepto already to keep from being nauseated throughout this one... lol

Thank you SO much for doing this, PositiveLight!

But just a reminder... "This kid" is a 29-year-old man, soon to be 30! I know he looks at least 10 years younger than that, and acts about 11, but he's almost 30...Unbelievable really. There are a lot of things wrong with him....I think maybe JR has kind of kept him in a box all this time and he's been frozen psychologically and maturationally...I have a 23-year-old son and he's WAY more mature than BR....
You're welcome everyone! I just want to make sure we have it all down in case the videos eventually disappear into oblivion. Y'all I tried to highlight when Burke's behavior was off (it was off THE WHOLE interview don't get me wrong) and wanted to do it in an unbiased manner. It was extremely difficult to tolerate watching him laugh and smile during these interviews. Seriously. Something is very wrong with this guy. It was even more creepy due to the fact that I would have to replay comments several times to get the wording right and not ONCE did it ever become... how do I say this?.... it never seemed easy to rewatch a clip over and over. His behavior stuck out more each time! I never once got "Use to his behavior" and able to put it on the back burner. It kept sending chills down my spine.
That picture though!!! :laughing:Usually DP was calm cool and collected. But that one moment the camera caught him totally frustrated with BR. lol! I was interested in DP's expressions during the interview and he usually was very reserved. Only a few times did he look like WTH is wrong with this kid!?!
Looking back, I think DP knows this kid is guilty as hell and he's been forced to do the question and answer part or risk a lawsuit. I think he did that special episode to cover his own a$$. He DID give us the interview that we are now able to witness his behavior and his responses and the extra tidbits that no one previously knew. Like being downstairs for example when everyone was asleep.
So .... this is hard to say.... thanks Dr. Phil for letting us see the true Burke Ramsey. I still have to find a recording of the last interview that occurred on the Monday after the CBS special aired. Like I said I kinda was ticked off after the Q&A episode and didn't want to record the last one. Regretting that decision now of course. lol
Now to work on the Q&A session. I took some pepto already to keep from being nauseated throughout this one... lol

Thanks for all your transcribing, a super human effort, beyond the call of duty, etc. Personally I reckon BR was neglected by his parents, not deliberately, but as the culmination of various processes, i.e absent father, absent mother, e.g. JonBenet and the pageants.

I reckon if you feed this into your favorite personality disorder along with the knowledge that BR played doctors with JonBenet, then you have a prescription for a young mind going wrong?

I am working on the Q&A. Not sure what time I will be finished because I'm babysitting today and tonight. BUT
I want to point out things as they jump out at me due to be possibly forgetting about it.
Weird statement that JR makes to DP when DP asked him why people felt they weren't cooperating with police.
Ok JR says they talked to the police for hours it seemed like that day at the home. Then the cops said they wanted
them to go to the police station. John states Patsy was in no condition to be moved.... so that's why they didn't go.
If she was in no condition to be moved, how did she get to their friends home later that day?
Why didn't JR go to the police station at least since Patsy he said couldn't. Patsy had enough people around her at that time
that he could have easily left for a few hours to talk with police.
He didn't want to do that I'm assuming because he has a lawyer at the home when the police was questioning him. If he went to
the police station it might have been suspicious that he would bring the attorney with him. See what I mean?
The comment is very ...dang what's the word....misleading and deflective.
He could easily have cooperated that evening. Even if Patsy couldn't. So why didn't he?
Devil is in the details. See I would have followed this with... well were your feet broken? Why didn't you yourself go to the station?
JR is a sneaky devil.
Thank you SO much for doing this, PositiveLight!

But just a reminder... "This kid" is a 29-year-old man, soon to be 30! I know he looks at least 10 years younger than that, and acts about 11, but he's almost 30...Unbelievable really. There are a lot of things wrong with him....I think maybe JR has kind of kept him in a box all this time and he's been frozen psychologically and maturationally...I have a 23-year-old son and he's WAY more mature than BR....
same here! Mine is about to be 24! :) I was being snarky referring to him as a kid :laughing::angel: because he is just as you described him! lol
Thanks for all your transcribing, a super human effort, beyond the call of duty, etc. Personally I reckon BR was neglected by his parents, not deliberately, but as the culmination of various processes, i.e absent father, absent mother, e.g. JonBenet and the pageants.

I reckon if you feed this into your favorite personality disorder along with the knowledge that BR played doctors with JonBenet, then you have a prescription for a young mind going wrong?

I think you are right. I don't think they ever set limits on these kids. They didn't know what was proper behavior and what was not. A kid with no limits and add in a possible mental health issue and parents who aren't very hands on... then yes you have a ticking time bomb. IMHO at least. I read Linda Wilcox statements on a interview and found them very eye opening. http://www.acandyrose.com/s-linda-wilcox.htm
How she describes the family and the dynamics is just... wow. Check it out.
Thank you SO much for doing this, PositiveLight!

But just a reminder... "This kid" is a 29-year-old man, soon to be 30! I know he looks at least 10 years younger than that, and acts about 11, but he's almost 30...Unbelievable really. There are a lot of things wrong with him....I think maybe JR has kind of kept him in a box all this time and he's been frozen psychologically and maturationally...I have a 23-year-old son and he's WAY more mature than BR....

Yeah there's 18 year olds more mature joining the military and here's Burke almost 30 smirking and laughing with glee. He needs boot camp but I doubt he'd have lasted.

Seriously. Something is very wrong with this guy.

Understatement of the century!
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