Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

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It may have already been brought up, but the most damning thing that BR says in this interview is when he admits to waking up in the middle of the night "when everyone else was asleep" to sneak down and play with his toys. He admitted it himself in the interview. That right there is pretty much all anyone needs to know this was not an intruder scenario, because the parents stayed up a bit (JR stayed up with BR to help him with a toy model if I'm not mistaken) and most likely, if he did indeed wake "in the middle of the night," BR would have heard or even encountered the killer roaming the house (drinking tea and feeding JBR pineapple in the dining room, leaving his flash light in the kitchen, etc.).

Does anyone know if BR received any train-related toys that Christmas? If he had snuck down to the living room to play with his toys, and he did receive a new train, wouldn't it be conceivable that he'd go down to the train room that very night as well?

Did he really receive a new train - or was the train like the bike he didn't receive? Or was it the monorail which was stashed in the WC.
Quote: PositiveLight:

DP to BR- "Were you aware of these different theories that are out there? Theories that you
killed your sister, theories that your mother killed JonBenet, and theories that an
intruder killed JonBenet. That seems to be the three camps that people talk about."
BR- (smiling) "Yeah I mean I know that we're suspects. I didn't know there were "camps" I guess."
DP- "And these are people that post online. The shorthand is RDI- Ramsey Did It, IDI-
Intruder did it or BDI- Burke did it. Do you know the theories that they set forth in saying
that your mom killed JonBenet?"

Thank you for all of your tremendous work PositiveLight!

I've highlighted the area where D.P. brought up the fact that there are discussions online about B.R.'s sister's murder.

The glaring omission is that many of these people on the websites are extremely concerned about JonBenet's murder and they have
committed hundreds of hours of time to try to extract the truth from this mess of a case.

The point being, in my opinion, it should have been mentioned that these websites only exist because people care about JonBenet and they
believe she deserves justice.
She deserved to have this case solved. At the very least. Most family members would be grateful for the
caring and interest for justice for a loved one of theirs who had been murdered. That is why I don't understand why this hasn't
happened in this case.

I know that people care tremendously about JonBenet because I see it in the posts I read on WebSleuths every day. They are filled with
compassion and kindness.
There is a huge following about B.R.'s sister because JonBenet deserved more. She deserved to have people
standing up for her and demanding the truth about what really happened. After all, it is about a little girl who was savagely murdered. That
is why we are all here. For her. For JonBenet.
Amen! Justice for JonBenet!

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Did he really receive a new train - or was the train like the bike he didn't receive? Or was it the monorail which was stashed in the WC.

I've heard that some of the train set was moved to around the Christmas tree as a decoration. I don't think the Lego monorail would be described as a train, I would think it would be called just legos (or lego train). I wish we had a more comprehensive list of the gifts that year. I suspect there were at least some tracks upstairs and that he didn't have to go to his room or the train room to poke her with the tracks.

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Quote: PositiveLight:

DP to BR- "Were you aware of these different theories that are out there? Theories that you
killed your sister, theories that your mother killed JonBenet, and theories that an
intruder killed JonBenet. That seems to be the three camps that people talk about."
BR- (smiling) "Yeah I mean I know that we're suspects. I didn't know there were "camps" I guess."
DP- "And these are people that post online. The shorthand is RDI- Ramsey Did It, IDI-
Intruder did it or BDI- Burke did it. Do you know the theories that they set forth in saying
that your mom killed JonBenet?"

Thank you for all of your tremendous work PositiveLight!

I've highlighted the area where D.P. brought up the fact that there are discussions online about B.R.'s sister's murder.

The glaring omission is that many of these people on the websites are extremely concerned about JonBenet's murder and they have
committed hundreds of hours of time to try to extract the truth from this mess of a case.

The point being, in my opinion, it should have been mentioned that these websites only exist because people care about JonBenet and they
believe she deserves justice.
She deserved to have this case solved. At the very least. Most family members would be grateful for the
caring and interest for justice for a loved one of theirs who had been murdered. That is why I don't understand why this hasn't
happened in this case.

I know that people care tremendously about JonBenet because I see it in the posts I read on WebSleuths every day. They are filled with
compassion and kindness.
There is a huge following about B.R.'s sister because JonBenet deserved more. She deserved to have people
standing up for her and demanding the truth about what really happened. After all, it is about a little girl who was savagely murdered. That
is why we are all here. For her. For JonBenet.

I wish I could "thank" this post multiple times! That is *exactly* why most of us are here, because we knew something was wrong with this case from the start, and we've always wanted justice for JonBenet, especially once we realized her family had discarded her like a broken doll and saved their own asses regardless of the harm they caused others.

Just so sad that 20 years later, shyster lawyers are still making money off of her.
Courageous folks who open their hearts to share their own tragedies on these threads are awe-inspiring. Your generosity of sharing is
huge and I imagine there will always be a touch of pain associated with it.

You all bring home the fact that as we all have grieved over loved ones, we greatly appreciate that others still care about our losses.

This is why I truly do not understand why members of JonBenet's family do not appear on these websites occasionally to say something like
"I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for remembering my sister/daughter".

I am not judging - just being surprised that this has never happened - at least to my knowledge.

I would be so grateful for anyone acknowledging my loss - whether it be in a letter or a website. I tend to think most people feel this way.

They could not acknowledge all of the people who actually loved and love their daughter more than they do. We want justice - they want to continue to avoid the truth of what happened.
IMO I think the Ramsey's loved JonBenet dearly. But the truth of what happened was too horrific. Their son killed her. They have lived with that and covered it up for 20 years now. They couldn't bear what justice would mean legally for Burke and their standing professionally and socially. So they made the decision to cover for Burke. JMO
IMO I think the Ramsey's loved JonBenet dearly. But the truth of what happened was too horrific. Their son killed her. They have lived with that and covered it up for 20 years now. They couldn't bear what justice would mean legally for Burke and their standing professionally and socially. So they made the decision to cover for Burke. JMO
I do think they loved JonBenet. I don't think Burke did. I do think their grief was real and not just because of JonBenets death. They had to live with Burke knowing what he did. I don't think I could do it if I'm being very honest. Everytime I looked at my son I would see what he did. [emoji22] but the cover up and staging takes away any feelings of pity for them. I don't think people would have been so harsh on them had they told the truth. Burke would have received proper care and could actually have a chance at a normal life. People would have supported them too. This crime could have had a potentially good learning point for parents. Patsy with her background in journalism could have easily been a spokesperson for family violence and how to stop it. Plus mental health awareness for children. She could have turned this tragedy into something positive in a way.
But they chose the wrong path. So I have no sympathy for them. Because of the choices they made afterward. Plus all the lives they ruined by casting blame on everyone else. Jmho but I don't feel anything but disgust for them.

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I don't think they could have envisioned the many many long term consequences of their covering this up. IMO they thought the police would arrive, find the body, investigate leads from their note and eventually have to give up. They would bury their daughter. They would get help for Burke and move on with their lives. But once the media got those pagent pictures the whole case and the cover up was magnified. They couldn't remain anonymous. They had to get lawyers, they tried to come up with "leads" for the police and their lawyers to investigate. IMO they had no interest in becoming spokesmen for family violence or mental illness. They just wanted it all to go away.
I don't pity them. I do see how the decision they made that horrible night just snowballed into something they could not control.
I don't think they could have envisioned the many many long term consequences of their covering this up. IMO they thought the police would arrive, find the body, investigate leads from their note and eventually have to give up. They would bury their daughter. They would get help for Burke and move on with their lives. But once the media got those pagent pictures the whole case and the cover up was magnified. They couldn't remain anonymous. They had to get lawyers, they tried to come up with "leads" for the police and their lawyers to investigate. IMO they had no interest in becoming spokesmen for family violence or mental illness. They just wanted it all to go away.
I don't pity them. I do see how the decision they made that horrible night just snowballed into something they could not control.

True true Tex. It's a true heartbreaker. But I honestly think they had lawyers the minute they found her body before staging even occurred. I think that's why all of Johns calls from the month of December were erased never to be revealed. I think he was burning up that phone all night with lawyers trying to figure out how to handle the situation. Patsy meanwhile was writing her novel. I wouldn't be shocked if it came out one day that they knew before they even staged the cover-up that Burke couldn't be charged. They covered to save their reputation.
But you know karma has a funny way of setting things. John and Patsy sold their soul basically to protect their status and image and they went broke trying to keep it covered up. That in itself is a little justice. Not enough justice but still.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
True true Tex. It's a true heartbreaker. But I honestly think they had lawyers the minute they found her body before staging even occurred. I think that's why all of Johns calls from the month of December were erased never to be revealed. I think he was burning up that phone all night with lawyers trying to figure out how to handle the situation. Patsy meanwhile was writing her novel. I wouldn't be shocked if it came out one day that they knew before they even staged the cover-up that Burke couldn't be charged. They covered to save their reputation.
But you know karma has a funny way of setting things. John and Patsy sold their soul basically to protect their status and image and they went broke trying to keep it covered up. That in itself is a little justice. Not enough justice but still.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

I don't think they contacted lawyers that night. JMO. No lawyer, knowing Burke was an "infant" in the eyes of the law would have advised covering anything up. That would expose them (Ramsey's) legally. A lawyer may have advised them to call the police, let the police see that Burke had done this horrible thing, then work with authorities quietly to get him some treatment.

But yes, the cover up ultimately did destroy their image as well as financially.

Surprise Answer and Question Episode of DR. Phil.

Episode 3

Narrator- "Today on an all new Dr. Phil, millions watched Burke Ramsey speak out for the first time in 20 years. and now.."

DP speaking to an audience from a single chair on the stage..

DP- "Many of you have commented on Burke's smile. Let me give you my interpretation of that."

Narrator- "Your questions..."

Audience members asking questions "Why wouldn't the Ramsey's speak to the police?" "The magazines have written that Burke or
his mom did it. Why do they have these headlines if it isn't true?" "Was JonBenet being sexually abused?"

Narrator- "Your comments..."

Audience members again - "Did they have any rivalries in these beauty pageants? Was that why she was murdered?"

Narrator- "Answered..."

DP- "HE WAS 9 YEARS OLD when this happened! HE WASN'T a SUSPECT PEOPLE."

Narrator- "The Burke Ramsey Interviews..."

DP- "I want to thank everyone for your interest in the shows that we've been doing exploring the 20 year old unsolved
mystery of who killed 6 year old JonBenet Ramsey. There have been such interest in the shows, that we have decided to
devote some additional time to delve deeper into the facts of this compelling story. Now millions of people have watched
this story unfold, and thousands of people have posted on social media. Now I want to thank all of you who have
expressed support for Burke who has spoke out for the first time in 20 years. This was not easy for him. Here's a look
at some of what Burke has revealed so far."

Revisiting the previous episodes-

DP to BR- "The night that your sister JonBenet was killed, there were 3 people in that house that we know the
identity of. And you are one of those three. You, your mother and your father. But in the 20 years that have gone
by, you're the one that has never talked about this publicly. My question for you is why now and why here?"
BR- "For a long time the media basically made our lives crazy. Seeing that as a little kid is kind of chaotic
nightmare. It's the 20th anniversary and there's apparently still a lot of attention around it. I want to
honor her memory um...by doing this."

911 snippet
Dispatcher- "Do you know how long she's been gone?"
PR- "No I don't! Please we just got up and she's not here. Oh my God please!"

DP to BR- "Did you know she was looking for JonBenet?"
BR- "Uh I remember her saying, 'where's my baby where's my baby'."

News snippet- "The child beauty queen was found in the basement of her family's home the day after Christmas."

BR- "My dad came and told me JonBenet is in Heaven now and he started crying and then I started crying."

Police Interrogation of BR clip
BR- "And I saw everyone was sad inside and my dad told me that JonBenet was in Heaven."

BR to DP- "I don't really think of her as dead.. I just think of her as in Heaven."

Lawrence Schiller, author of Perfect Murder, Perfect Town- "There were more mistakes made in this case than
in any case I've ever seen."

Lin Wood, Ramsey family attorney- "Within a week it was clear that the Boulder Police Department had made
up it's mind. It was someone in the household. Game. Set. Match."

DP to JR- "It has been said that you and Patsy did not cooperate with the police. That you in fact
obstructed this investigation."
JR- "That's totally false. Police came to our home and we talked to them for what seemed like hours.
Aaanddd they started this 'well we need you to come down to the police station. And by now we had the
media trucks out front and Patsy was in no condition to be moved. She was in bad shape."

911 call snippet
Dispatcher- "Patsy? Patsy?"
PR faintly heard "Help me Jesus. Help me Jesus."

Candice DeLong- "The police department thought that they heard something in the background after
Patsy hung up on the 911 call. It was their opinion that Burke can be heard in the background."

Lin Wood to DP- "You can hear what is clearly keystrokes of a computer as that 911 operator continuing
I'm sure to fill out the report. I had it tested. There's no voice on there that is Burke Ramsey's."

DP to BR- "Former police investigators for the Boulder Police Department say that your voice was heard saying
'What did you find?'. Did you speak those words?"
BR- "No."
DP- "Were you there when that call was made?"
BR- "No."

DP to JR- "There are people then and now, still that speculate that this woman brutally murdered her own
JR- "People who think that show a profound lack of common sense. It's cruel humanity."

DP to BR- "What do you remember about JonBenet?"
BR- "I remember like liding down the hill on boxes and we'd draw the inside to make it look like a car or
something." (((((IS it just me or was this NOT shown in the first two episodes??Maybe I forgot it in all of the

DP- "It's been 20 years still unsolved. You don't want her to be forgotten."
BR- "That's right. I don't want anyone to stop working on the case. I want them to focus on finding the
real killer and not making up bogus theories about me and my parents."
(((((((Again I don't remember this from the first two episodes!!??!!?))))

DP to audience- "Ok now first off the top many of you have commented on Burke's smile. That when he's
talking about something that's very serious even though 20 years after the fact, that he's smiling.
So let me give you my interpretation of that. Um. This is anxiety. Uh. He's socially uncomfortable.
I've seen it a lot. He's not autistic. He's not weird. He's not creepy. He's just nervous. Um. This is
a young man that has grown up in kind of a seige mentality. I've spent a lot of time with him over the
last several months and you have to understand when this happened he was plucked out because media was
all over him. So he's been moved around a lot. Lived in isolation quite a bit and he's just not socially
comfortable and he's certainly not comfortable uh being on camera. And so when people get anxious you know
sometimes they'll pull their hair. Sometimes they'll you know (pretending to loosen his collar) kind of do
this kind of thing. Uh for him he just has this kinda nervous smile. Um. But he wanted to do this and he
wanted to do it because he knew at the 20th anniversary, that he was gonna get pushed to the forefront.
Because he's the one person in all of this that has never spoken. And he's was already getting bombbarded
with requests and people finding him. We know of 5 or 6 programs , movies, documentaries that are being
done right now about this story. But even with the discomfort, Burke wanted to do this because he knew that
it was the 20th anniversary and he wanted to honor his sister and he said if his story was going to be told,
he wanted to be the one telling it. So um what you're seeing is nervousness. I spent a lot of time with this
young man. He's very intelligent um and he's very personable when you spend time with him. What you're seeing
is anxiety expressing itself. Nothing more nothing less.Um. With 20 years of analysis and re-analysis and
seeing your level of interest and looking at all of your comments, I thought I'd review some of the facts and
answer some of the questions. So let's just get started. I'm gonna first take a question from the audience.
Tara you had a question right?"
Tara- "Yes."
DP- "Okay what's your question?"
Tara- "Has Burke ever been considered a suspect at any point?"
DP- "Uh. Has Burke ever been considered a suspect. Absolutely unequivically no. Now the Boulder Police
Department uh.. was very biased and prejudice in this. They targeted the Ramsey's from the beginning.
And let me say whenever a child dies violently in a home, statistics are the parents are who you look to
first. Family members are who you look to first. That's just statistically what you do. But the Boulder
Police Department were very tunnle visioned, very singular in focusing on the Ramsey's. But even with
their prejudice and bias, Burke Ramsey has never been a suspect. he has never been a person of interest.
He was only considered a witness. So the Boulder PD, the Boulder DA, the FBI, the sheriff, no one has
ever considered him a suspect then or now. So he's never been a su... I mean he was 9. He was 9 years old
okay my next question is from Michelle who writes on FaceBook, "Why after all these years, do people
still think Burke and his family did it?"
DP- "Well I'm kinda talking about that already. Michelle that's only some people. Um. And I can tell you
they do it because ...it's like everything else. You know if you read something on the internet, people kind of
think 'Well it's on the internet it must be true'. There has been so much rumor, and story, and innuendo about
this case that it is just astounding. Uh But I want to talk about the facts. Now, uh.. when this case got underway,
the Boulder Police Department hired Lou Smit. Now he was a retired police investigator. So this is a guy that's
retired. And they brought him back. He ultimately resigned from the case in frustration because he thought the
police were not investigating the case properly. Take a look."

Lou Smit- Ramsey Homicide Investigator- "I believe when the case first started, that it did look like the
Ramsey's did this. I even thought that initially."

Lin Wood- "The Boulder District Attorney's office hired Lou Smit out of retirement to help them in their
role in the investigation. Lou Smit was the best of the best in terms of homicide investigators. Even the
Boulder District Attorney's office knew that the Boulder Police Department's investigation was deteriating
into a joke."
DP to LW- "He believed that there was considerable evidence that an intruder committed this crime. He
commented on the window that was focused on being an entry/exit where there were leaves in the window
well to the basement of all the windows on that side of the house except this one."

Reporter talking to Lou Smit outside of the Ramsey home- "I remember reading several law enforcement
officials saying there's just no way someone could get through this window. Can you show me how you think
someone could?"
Lou Smit- "Yes I've been in there several times myself."
Reporter- "Why don't you show me how you believe it happened."
Lou Smit- "You notice Katy too that this is an area thats real hidden from view. There's fences all around
and this is the perfect place for going cause no one can see you."
Reporter- "The Boulder Police Department has contended that it's investigated all leads but Smit insists
the Boulder PD never really persued the intruder theory."

DP to audience- "It's astounding to me that when you go back and read this record, the Boulder Police
say an intruder cannot get in the basement window and you just saw a 60 something year old man
just slide in the window. That's Lou Smit the investigator. I..umm.... it's astounding to me.

DP- "Next somebody wanted to know why Burke give a lot of one word answers. Well, I'm going to tell you
when we come back."

Coming up- "My question is What DNA was found and where and whose was it?"

DP- "Today it's the interview 20 years in the making that has everyone talking. JonBenet Ramsey's
older brother, Burke Ramsey, breaks his silence two decades after his sister was murdered on
Christmas night in Boulder, Colorado in 1996. Now we're addressing some of the thousands of
comments pouring in and catching everyone up on the facts of the case as it stands today
because frankly, across 20 years, so many facts, theories, myths have developed it's just too
much to cover and we just fan out of time in the two hour shows that we have. But there's
another show coming up on Monday where we'll be covering even more. A lot of people are
asking me 'Dr. Phil why weren't you cross examining him more. We've seen you time and time
again. We know you are a hard edged cross examiner. You drill down and do not let people
happened, this was a nine year old boy lying in his bed. No one has ever considered this
kid a suspect. I'm not going to grill somebody who was 9 years old when his sister was
murdered. Not one agency on the face of the globe has ever considered this kid a suspect.
I don't consider him a suspect. When I talk to him, when I ask him the questions... um
..he ..he gave me what he knew. And you know across 20 years memories decay and we look at
it based on what we know, what we've heard, what we've read. He was in bed when this happened
and when he woke up he was whisked out of the home and taken to a friends house. So, he
doesn't know what went on. So a lot of his answers are short because he doesn't know
much and his memories have decayed. I found him very forth coming. I found him very
transparent and he was really willing to answer anything. And I said when I was
introducing him for the interview I said, 'You did it without a lawyer present
because he didn't need one. And by the way, Lin Wood who you've seen answering
questions, he was present when I was talking to John. But that was only because I
was interviewing John and Lin on the same day. John did not request a lawyer
be present either. John Ramsey did not request a lawyer be present at all. And he
also put no restrictions on the interview what so ever. What I found interesting and you
will see this in the show on Monday, was him recalling his relationship with
JonBenet and how they played together and how they teased each other and what fun
they had. And I think you'll really enjoy the insight you'll get in Monday's show
because this is the first time that you're going to hear it from that prespective.
You've heard experts and pundits and speculators. You're gonna hear from her brother
and what went on between the two of them. Um I had a question from Um...is it Nyrah?"
Nyrah- "Yes. My question is what DNA was found, and where and whose was it?"

DP- "Okay. There was DNA evidence that was taken from a blood spot in the
underwear and on the waistband of JonBenet's leggings and that was determined to
be from an unknown male and does not match any of the Ramsey's. It could not be
them. Then there was touch DNA which was tested in 2008. The technology did not
exist to test for touch DNA back when the crime actually committed. That
technology wasn't available and wasn't tested for until 2008. And what I what I was
saying is you want more markers than were available. Uh.. so they did the best testing
they could. You always want bigger and bigger samples. They tested what they had. The
DNA report uh..results in exonerating Burke and his family, were given to the police
within two weeks of JonBenet's murder but they weren't given to the DA for 7 months.
So the Ramsey family attorney, Lin Wood, wrote a letter to Mary Lacy and they had
a secret meeting where she finally admitted that she agreed that the Ramsey's had
been targeted by the Boulder DA and it was getting out of control. This led to an
unprecidented act. Take a look."

JR to DP- "I learned just recently that within two weeksthe police were given a
report by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation Lab. Who ever looked over the DNA
and said this DNA excludes this list of people: including John Ramsey, Patsy
Ramsey, Burke Ramsey and others. That report was given to the police within
two weeks. They did not share that with the District Attorney for 7 months. They
knew within two weeks that the DNA excluded the family. And yet they withheld
that information."

Lin Wood to DP- "I wrote the Senior Boulder and I copied the District Attorney
Lacy and I said in no uncertain terms, if this investigation is not transferred out
of the hands of the Boulder Police Department, and into the hands of a third
party objective competent law enforcement agency, I'm going to sue the city of
Boulder and you're going to be the laughing stock of the country when the truth
comes out about the incompetency of your department in this investigation. That
letter gave District Attorney Mary Lacy what she needed to call me and say I want
to talk to you. And I remember sitting there with her and I said THIS HAS TO STOP.
And only you can stop it. And I'll never forget and she looked at me and said
I agree with you. When she committed that her department would take over the
investigation which they did, and then District Attorney Mary Lacy issued a
public statement to apologize to them and to make clear that going forward from
that day, they would be treated as victims because they were in fact victims."
News snippet from MSNBC "The parents have now been cleared in that little
girl's murder. They are no longer suspects. New DNA technology has cleared
them. This was technology that wasn't available when investigators were first
looking at the murder of JonBenet Ramsey."

DP speaking to Lin Wood and JR- "Has John Ramsey scientifically and based on
the position of law enforcement, been exonerated as having anything to do with
JonBenet Ramsey's death?"
Lin Wood- "Yes. Beyond a reasonable doubt. He has been exonerated."

DP to audience- "Well next investigators said there were no footprints in the
snow outside the Ramsey home the day JonBenet's body was found. Meaning someone
in the house must have killed her. So what's that all about? We'll talk about that
after the break."

Coming up- Lin Wood- "Intruders don't levitate in, kill someone, then levitate out.
If there are no footprints in the snow.. (shrugs) Somebody in the house did it."


DP to audience- "We're taking your questions about JonBenet Ramsey's case, and as
we mentioned earlier, the Boulder Police were feeding the media sensational
details to put pressure on the Ramsey family. Now a great example of something they
leaked is that there were no footprints in the snow. Now Leigh tweeted about that.
'Everyone says there were no footprints in the snow outside JonBenet's house, so
it had to be someone inside.' Now THIS was probably the number one thing that
made people prejudice against the Ramsey's. Well there was a big problem with the
no footprints in the snow explanation. And here it is."
Lin Wood to DP- "I took the sworn testimony of the District Attorney at the time,
Alex Hunter, in litigation. And Alex Hunter testified under oath that the Boulder
Police Department working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation came up with a
plan to leak selective false accusitory information against the family members so that
it would potentially pressure them into what they believe might be a confession
or some error or misstep that would help them prove their case. Rocky Mountain news
published a statement that was based on unnamed police sources. That police
sources stated that there were no footprints in the snow surrounding the Ramsey
home on the night of the murder. That's it! Intruders don't levitate in, kill someone,
then levitate out. If there were no footprints in the snow... (shrugs) somebody in
the house did it. The problem is that statement was false. That statement was false and
you don't have to go any further than to look at the crime scene photos taken
the morning that she was found missing that show there were only patches of snow.."

DP we're looking at a crime scene photo full screen right now and there's not snow
around the house. That's what you're referring to."
Lin Wood- "Absolutely. Look at the pathways the walkways into the house and
immediately surrounding the house. There's no snow!"

DP back to audience- "Okay. This is what really bothers me about this and in interrogation
the police have the right to lie to a suspect. They do. This went beyond that. They
put into the media that there were no footprints in the snow. What they failed to
mentionis there was no snow. Ok this is the window that you saw Lou Smit. This is a
picture taken the morning of the crime. There's no snow. So all of these people that
are on the internet all these years have been saying that you debunk the
intruder theory because there were no footprints in the snow. (screaming)
THERE WAS NO SNOW. The Boulder police, they said under oath they were doing this
to put pressure on the Ramsey's so they would come forward and confess."
DP- "Ok Harriet you had a question."
Harriet- "Why wouldn't the Ramsey's speak to the police?"
DP- "They did give them interviews but they did go about this somewhat differently
and I'll tell you why. They got a call from a friend who told them, 'YOU are being
targeted by the Boulder Police. They have made up their mind. They are not looking at
intruders. They are not looking at any pedophiles from pageant shows. They have
decided that you are guilty. They are targeting you they are setting you up. You
need to watch yourself.' And at that point, they decided they needed to get themselves
a lawyer.But they did cooperate with them. They did interviews with them. They gave
them hair samples, DNA samples. At the time that it immediately happened, Patsy had the
kind of presentation problem that Burke had. Patsy didn't look like what a typical
grieving mother should look. like Burke doesn't look like a typical grieving brother
you might think. Everybody grieves differently, which people still have a sterotypical
view. She was just barely able to communicate in any way. They decided they wanted to
take the body home, out of state, to have the funeral, and the Boulder Police said they
were gonna hold the body hostage until they came in and talked. And other
authorities said (throws hands up) you absolutely cannot do that. So it got
very adversarial very quickly. Alright next. The two things people still keep
talking about, Why do some people still believe the theory that Patsy Ramsey uh
actually went into a fit of rage after JonBenet accidentally wet the bed. Years after
the Ramsey family has been publically exonerated. Plus. Once and for all was there
a voice at the end of Patsy's 911 call? This too has been answered many many years
ago. We'll clear this up after the break."

DP to audience- "We're taking your questions on the JonBenet Ramsey case. A lot of
people want to know more about the DNA which is covered in our next installment series
airing on Monday. Here's another thing that people are focusing on on Twitter.
Katie tweets, 'OMG Burke says JonBenet was a bed-wetter. That makes me think
maybe the cop theory about Patsy killing her is true!'
You know first. Look at the crime scene picture of JonBenet's bed sheets. They
(laughs) they weren't wet or stained. And there was no evidence supporting
rage by Patsy. Who again was cleared by the Boulder PD who early on targeted
her and by the Boulder DA in 2008. Uh. Here's what Burke Ramsey's lawyer Lin Wood
says about the theory that Patsy killed JonBenet accidentally after a bed-wetting
incident the night of her death."

Candice DeLong- "People believed that Patsy got very angry and lost her temper at
JonBenet for wetting her bed and cracked her skull open in the bathroom."

Lin Wood- "That's not who Patsy Ramsey is or was. This is not a person capable of flying
into a rage over her child wetting the bed. The crime scene photos clearly show that the
bed was not wet, had no urine stains. I think most people know urine stains don't disappear.
But the Boulder Police Department maintained that theory for years."

Snippet of CNN LKL interview-
PR- "(putting her hand up in Steve Thomas's face) You must have conjured something in your
head for you to come out and call me a murderer of my child."

Lin Wood to DP- "Their lead detective Steve Thomas wrote a book trying to capitalize on
this child's murder. That's his theory. That's the best they could do. And the best they
could do was not supported by physical evidence."

DP to audience- "Now she did have some urine in her tights. But, you have to
understand she had been murdered. You do loose control of your bodily functions when
your body is shutting down. But it had nothing to do with wetting the bed."

DP reads out loud- "Eric on Facebook posted, 'I'm still unclear. So can you hear
Burke's voice at the end of the 911 tape, or not?' Ok this is something I can speak to
personally because I've heard enhanced versions of the tape. I can just tell you
my opinion, there's not Burke's voice on the end of that tape. There's not anybody's
voice on the end of that tape. The call was tested by independent labs. They determined
there was no voice at the end of the tape. There has never been credible investigation
of the 911 tape that discovered any voices. You can hear a click, it's as Patsy hangs up
the wall phone and you hear no voices after that. Let alone Burke's. So that's one
of these theories that's out there. Um but there's never been any evidence to support
it whatsoever. "

DP- "Breanna posted on Facebook 'Did the Ramseys ever take polygraph tests?' Yes. Uh.
Both John and Patsy took polygraph tests. They did not take polygraph tests from the Boulder
PD because of their adversarial relationships. Um Their attorney contacted an independent
examiner that was the best of the best, much like we use here. Um that worked with the
FBI and gave the polygraph test. Demanded that the results be made public. Both John and
Patsy took multiple polygraph tests and both passed them. I think Patsy may have had one
that was inconclusive early on. She did not fail, it was inconclusive. She ultimately took
and passed the test. John passed the test. Burke of course was never polygraphed because
he was never a suspect in the case. So, um yes they did take polygraph tests and both
passed the tests. Um they're not admissible in the court of law but they did pass polygraph

DP- "Next the ransom note was the real monkey wrench that people have talked about in this
case. We'll discuss that after the break."

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