Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

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DP to audience- "It's one of the main things people talk about when discussing the mystery of
who killed JonBenet. Rachel writes, 'That "S" in the ransom note looked like Patsy's. But Burke
says it doesn't look like her writing. Was it her?' Well. Patsy could not be fully ruled out.
But not by much. Uh Federal judge Carnes, who was ruling in a case where the Ramsey's had
brought a suit against a journalist for liable and the judge wrote in her opinion, that
the chances that Patsy wrote this note she characterized it as very low. Lin Wood deposed
former DA Alex Hunter. And he admitted that she was about a 4.5 out of 5 on being eliminated.
So he said she was not totally eliminated but was 'close to elimination'. And when you're trying to
determine who writes something, you don't really look for similarities. The technology and the
science has to do with the numerous dissimilarities and do not put much credence in similarities
themselves. Take a look."

Candice DeLong- "The police were absolutely convinced that Patsy wrote that ransom note and
therefore she must be the killer. It was a quantum leap."

Lin Wood- "The law enforcement handwriting experts had concluded that on a 1 to 5 scale,
5 being elimination- didn't write it, Patsy Ramsey was scored at between 4 and 4.5.
Virtually eliminated. But they couldn't eliminate her. They should have but they couldn't
because if you eliminate Patsy, then you have totally blown out of the water the Boulder
Police Departments theory that they went with that it had to be John. No we decide it's not
John so it must be Patsy."

DP to audience- "Ok Lydia what's your question?"
Lydia- "Hey Dr. Phil. The magazines through the years have wrote that Burke or his mom
did it. Why did they have these headlines if it isn't true?"

DP- "Well (laughs) we know a tabloid wouldn't write anything if it wasn't true right?
So I'm certain that's true. They don't write anything about me that isn't true. This
goes back to the police releasing misinformation that pointed to uh..the Ramsey's
being guilty and as I said the Boulder Police wanted to pressure the family into a
confession. And.. as we said earlier, DA Alex Hunter under deposition admitted that the
Boulder PD leaked lies to the press to get these headlines.Burke's attorney sued those
tabloids. Next it's been speculated whoever killed JonBenet could have been sexually
abusing her. But is THAT true? We'll talk about that next."

DP to audience- "We're back talking about the tragic death of JonBenet Ramsey. We are
at the 20 year anniversary of her death and it still remains unsolved. One of the
theories that has lived throughout these 20 years is that JonBenet was the victim
of sexual molestation and this has taken a lot of different turns. One being that
she was in these beauty pageants and that this may have attracted pedophiles and
that maybe someone that someone that had attended these pageants and someone that
had followed her and gotten close to her in some way was sexually molesting her.
Uh it went so far as some people finding that maybe someone in the family either a
family member or a close family friend that someone was um molesting her. So
this has been out there as well. Uh Brian where are you? you have a specific
question about that."

Brian- "Yeah was JonBenet being sexually abused and maybe by someone from her
beauty pageants?"

DP- "Well, and and I guess when you say was she, was there evidence that she
was? Um there has never been a formal finding made um that she was sexually
abused. When you look at the autopsy, there is no finding in the autopsy report
fro m which you could conclude there was any ongoing sexual molestation or abuse.
Now the autopsy did comment that during the death, during her murder that night,
that she had been uh assaulted that night. Probably with a foreign object. Most
likely the paintbrush. But that was that night. There was not a finding that
she had been molested long term. There's just not evidence of that. Uh
JonBenet's doctor vigoriously denied ever finding any evidence of sexual
abuse across time. So in terms of evidence, no. There's no evidence other than
that night. She had been sexually assaulted that night according to the
autopsy so that's what we know. Okay any other question? Anybody have.. yes ma'am?"
Audience member- "Did they have any rivalries or anything that someone would have to
go and cut out the competition in any of these beauty pageants? Is that what..why she
was murdered? That it's too much of a competition?"

DP- "I don't think you can rule out anything like that. Um when you don't know who it is.
Um and she clearly was put out there and um what we know from Burke is he said that
this was a fun thing um that Patsy and JonBenet shared. It wasn't something..we see a lot of
stage moms and they push these kids. Spend fortunes on these wigs and costumes and all that
kind of stuff. That did not appear to be the case here. So it didn't seem like this was
a highly competitive activity...does that mean that somebody wasn't threatened by her or
something.. I don't know. Uh but certainly this wasnt one of those dog eat dog pageant
patterns that you hear about sometimes so we don't see a history of that. But, we don't
know. I think we know who DIDN'T kill her but we don't know who did.
Everybody has been commenting um on Burke's seemingly strange behavior and they want to
know what this guy is like in his real life. So everybody is curious about what is
going on with Burke today. What's he do when he's just out and about in the world.
He's a pretty private guy but I'll tell you a little bit more about him when I get back."

DP to audience- "Okay Audrey you have a question. Right?"
Audrey- "What is life like like today?"
DP- "He's he's happy in his life now. He is a computer analyst uh he works remotely.
He's not around people a lot. He's kind of a loner. He's dating a very nice young lady.
Seems to have a pretty nice life. Gets along well with his dad. From a psychological
perspective, I'm always interested in the difference between speculation and
measurement. With speculation and prediction you have to look at what's going on
and predict what someone might do or what their patterns might be going forward.
But with the passage of time, you don't have to speculate. You can observe and
measure. And for anyone that would have suspicions about Burke, you would look
at his first 9 years and see if there's any history of him behaving in a bizarre
fashion. Torturing or killing small animals or being violent in some way and there's
absolutely none of that. And now we have 20 years of his life to have observed.
Has he been in trouble with the law? Has he been arrested for any anti-social
behavior or anything that has brought him into conflict with authorities? And
the answer is absolutely no. I don't think the guys gotten a parking ticket.
And um I think he's doing pretty well with his life. Um so that's all we have time for
today. On Monday September 19th, you're going to hear a lot more about Burke's story and
you're going to hear a lot more details. You're going to find out who he thinks
killed his sister JonBenet. He has some very strong feelings about this and we're
going to cover a lot more. There's just so much here we couldn't cover it in the
three shows that we had planned so we added this one. I hope this helped clear
some things and some additional facts and we'll have more about this on Monday.
I want to thank you for all your questions and we'll see you next time."

The end of episode 3.
There was new stuff in your last one it's not your imagination
There was new stuff in your last one it's not your imagination
I was thinking I had lost my dang mind!:laughing:He was supposedly answering questions that surfaced from the first two shows.
I really think this Q&A was planned ahead of time. Just to make things more interesting.

Agreed he would be a terrible lawyer! Enjoy going through and seeing all of the lies and twisting of facts lol
For him to have spent months with Burke getting to know him... he sure didn't know much about the case. It's
all about what they want crammed down the listeners throats. What they want us to think is the truth. I honestly don't think the
audience was buying what he was selling either. Some looked down right disgusted at him. JMOO
DP- "HE WAS 9 YEARS OLD when this happened! HE WASN'T a SUSPECT PEOPLE."

Well duh :facepalm: The law prevented him from being a suspect Dr. Phil

He's so condescending

Thank you for doing this!!! Yes I agree he would be a bad lawyer. Caught him in some lies too.
Well duh :facepalm: The law prevented him from being a suspect Dr. Phil

He's so condescending

Thank you for doing this!!! Yes I agree he would be a bad lawyer. Caught him in some lies too.

RBBM I felt like I was a child being shamed for stealing a cookie from the cookie jar the whole time I was typing this. And you're welcome! :loveyou:
Now if someone wants to go through this last episode I posted and put together the lies or twists, it would be great! After I finish the last episode that I still need to find online, I'm going to splice together all of Burke's parts so we just have his separate from everything else. I think we will find there isn't too much actually to "Burke's Exclusive Interview". At least in regards to how much was actually devoted to him being interviewed that is.
Thanks again from the bottom of my heart for doing this, PositiveLight!

Agreed , my 13 year old neice was strangled , and she most definitely did not have a peaceful look about her until the funeral home did their work on her ...

My best wishes are with you and with her in Heaven.
He would also be a terrible salesperson.


He's basically a sock-puppet for Lin Wood. And we know that Woody lies about this case every time he opens his mouth. Except when he brags about the money he's made. That's probably true.
He's basically a sock-puppet for Lin Wood. And we know that Woody lies about this case every time he opens his mouth. Except when he brags about the money he's made. That's probably true.
Lord everyone is really sock puppets for the Ramsey's in my opinion. Don't their a$$s get sore from having John's hand up there for so long? And Lin Wood. He's a piece of work too. He literally looks wooden to me. Like Pinocchio. If only his nose would grow when he lied. :angel:
Okay so I have to finally let out my Dr Phil rant. Years ago I bought his stupid diet book. The first part talks about how he advised his clients to take a big ziplock bag and for one day buy two of everything they ate and put one in the bag and eat the other one. I suppose it was his stupid take on.. .aversion therapy. But like, uh, Greek yogurt mixed with water and egg whites and whole wheat toast or a green smoothie or whatever you ate is going to look gross all mixed together in a clear bag at the end of the day, no? So what exactly was he wanting us to become averse to? Digestion?
Lord everyone is really sock puppets for the Ramsey's in my opinion. Don't their a$$s get sore from having John's hand up there for so long?

OHHHHHHHH! Oh MY GOD! That was great! I'm rolling from that one!

And Lin Wood. He's a piece of work too. He literally looks wooden to me. Like Pinocchio. If only his nose would grow when he lied. :angel:

At this point, he could pole-vault with that *advertiser censored**er! I don't care what anyone thinks about me saying this: I hope I outlive him. Because if I do, I'm going to go to that funeral and do some horrendous things!
OHHHHHHHH! Oh MY GOD! That was great! I'm rolling from that one!

At this point, he could pole-vault with that *advertiser censored**er! I don't care what anyone thinks about me saying this: I hope I outlive him. Because if I do, I'm going to go to that funeral and do some horrendous things!
I will go with you! 😂

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Lord everyone is really sock puppets for the Ramsey's in my opinion. Don't their a$$s get sore from having John's hand up there for so long? And Lin Wood. He's a piece of work too. He literally looks wooden to me. Like Pinocchio. If only his nose would grow when he lied. :angel:

So there is this article about an upcoming TV show on the subject of Facial Analysis, something I'm interested in, here is a selective quote:

Hence, recent studies suggest that those with ​what we perceive to be ​dominant faces (fuller jaws and thicker brows) are more likely to make CEO, that juries are more inclined to believe baby-faced men are not guilty of certain crimes, and that politicians with competent-looking faces (higher cheekbones and angular jaws) have a greater chance of being elected.

BBM: guess who I immediately thought about?

RBBM I felt like I was a child being shamed for stealing a cookie from the cookie jar the whole time I was typing this. And you're welcome! :loveyou:
Now if someone wants to go through this last episode I posted and put together the lies or twists, it would be great! After I finish the last episode that I still need to find online, I'm going to splice together all of Burke's parts so we just have his separate from everything else. I think we will find there isn't too much actually to "Burke's Exclusive Interview". At least in regards to how much was actually devoted to him being interviewed that is.

BBM - Here you go: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4uavgl

Thank you so much for taking the time to transcribe, PositiveLight!
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