Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

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At this point, he could pole-vault with that *advertiser censored**er! I don't care what anyone thinks about me saying this: I hope I outlive him. Because if I do, I'm going to go to that funeral and do some horrendous things!

Lin has a baby toe dick complex methinks. Overcompensating. It's obvious in his tweets and his need to tear others down.
I think it's odd that neither Burke nor John has named what the "toy" was on Christmas night. John said when they got home from the Whites he helped Burke put together this little plastic toy he'd gotten for Christmas. Then when Burke admitted to Dr. Phil that he'd been up during the night, he said it was to play with a little toy he'd gotten for Christmas. I don't know if this is one and the same toy, but it's interesting that they both seem reluctant to describe it, or act as if they don't remember what it was.

Maybe the toy was the catalyst for what happened to JonBenet that night. If she got up too and somehow messed with or damaged Burke's toy, maybe that's what led to everything else. It could even be what made the marks on her that Lou Smit thought was a stun gun and James Kolar thinks was the ends of a train track. Whatever it was, I wouldn't be surprised if it's missing along with some of the other items that night.
I think it's odd that neither Burke nor John has named what the "toy" was on Christmas night. John said when they got home from the Whites he helped Burke put together this little plastic toy he'd gotten for Christmas. Then when Burke admitted to Dr. Phil that he'd been up during the night, he said it was to play with a little toy he'd gotten for Christmas. I don't know if this is one and the same toy, but it's interesting that they both seem reluctant to describe it, or act as if they don't remember what it was.

Maybe the toy was the catalyst for what happened to JonBenet that night. If she got up too and somehow messed with or damaged Burke's toy, maybe that's what led to everything else. It could even be what made the marks on her that Lou Smit thought was a stun gun and James Kolar thinks was the ends of a train track. Whatever it was, I wouldn't be surprised if it's missing along with some of the other items that night.

Maybe the toy only exists in each persons mind. I think JR said it was a toy BR had been given for Christmas. I reckon the toy story is just that, another one of JR's legends.

Nearly all of JR's imaginative legends seem to relate to the basement, e.g. broken window, suitcase, chair, toy, etc. So there is something being hidden here beneath JR's explanation, what I am not certain about?

I think it's odd that neither Burke nor John has named what the "toy" was on Christmas night. John said when they got home from the Whites he helped Burke put together this little plastic toy he'd gotten for Christmas. Then when Burke admitted to Dr. Phil that he'd been up during the night, he said it was to play with a little toy he'd gotten for Christmas. I don't know if this is one and the same toy, but it's interesting that they both seem reluctant to describe it, or act as if they don't remember what it was.

Maybe the toy was the catalyst for what happened to JonBenet that night. If she got up too and somehow messed with or damaged Burke's toy, maybe that's what led to everything else. It could even be what made the marks on her that Lou Smit thought was a stun gun and James Kolar thinks was the ends of a train track. Whatever it was, I wouldn't be surprised if it's missing along with some of the other items that night.

Somewhere along the line I've heard it was a Lego set, and also a toy parking garage. Not sure if it was a Lego parking garage or neither, or both. How was that for a completely useless answer? Lol
I've heard it was a Micro Machines parking garage. However the R's have made mention of Legos a few times, specifically saying that BR wouldn't get mad if she messed up his legos (said JR) and I think BR said something about how he would fight with her if she messed up his legos (I don't remember this part as well, if anyone does feel free to correct me).

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I think it's odd that neither Burke nor John has named what the "toy" was on Christmas night. John said when they got home from the Whites he helped Burke put together this little plastic toy he'd gotten for Christmas. Then when Burke admitted to Dr. Phil that he'd been up during the night, he said it was to play with a little toy he'd gotten for Christmas. I don't know if this is one and the same toy, but it's interesting that they both seem reluctant to describe it, or act as if they don't remember what it was.

Maybe the toy was the catalyst for what happened to JonBenet that night. If she got up too and somehow messed with or damaged Burke's toy, maybe that's what led to everything else. It could even be what made the marks on her that Lou Smit thought was a stun gun and James Kolar thinks was the ends of a train track. Whatever it was, I wouldn't be surprised if it's missing along with some of the other items that night.
This bothers me too. I mean they discussed this stuff only a few months after the crime with police I'm sure. So we aren't talking 20 years later for them. This started right after the crime.
I'm sure Burke talks about the same thing in his interview with the psychologist. Less than two weeks later.

My point is, if we tried to remember a gift or specifics about a day twenty years ago that was an average day, we probably wouldn't remember it. But! If it involved the death of our child and every detail may be important to solving the case and finding the killer we would immediately be able to answer questions THAT day in the police station when we went to help find the killer. Oh wait... that's what we would do! I forgot we are talking about the Ramsey's who all suffer from Ramnesia and didn't help the cops.
Another thing I think is interesting is they refer to the unknown toy as something small or insignificant. Maybe this in itself is a tell. Burke felt all his pile of toys weren't as special as JonBenet's. Maybe that was the breaking point that started the downward spiral that spread out throughout the day and only got worse as time progressed that evening. Kids at those ages don't look at the cost of gifts. They want to know if both piles of toys are equal in their eyes. Been there, done that! Maybe JR tried to spend some alone time with BR putting together some toy to maybe make him feel better about his gifts and calm the storm. But it didn't work. BR was to far gone in his anger. Maybe BR had made threats in front of the guests at the party at Fleet Whites. Maybe JR was trying to stop his thought process.
I think this goes towards why the parents were indicted on the first charge. There was evidence possibly that BR was out of control that day and the parents failed to protect JonBenet from him. JMOO

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I think whether it was the torn gifts in the WC, or the trains, it doesn't really matter. We know how territorial Burke is given how he reacted to having the psychologist drink out of his soda.

If she tried to play with his trains or his toys it wouldn't take much to set him off being the loose cannon he is.
Lin has a baby toe dick complex methinks. Overcompensating. It's obvious in his tweets and his need to tear others down.
Made me think of a candidate running for president. [emoji53]

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Maybe the toy only exists in each persons mind. I think JR said it was a toy BR had been given for Christmas. I reckon the toy story is just that, another one of JR's legends.

Nearly all of JR's imaginative legends seem to relate to the basement, e.g. broken window, suitcase, chair, toy, etc. So there is something being hidden here beneath JR's explanation, what I am not certain about?

What if JR and BR's toy that night was JonBenet?
We know how territorial Burke is given how he reacted to having the psychologist drink out of his soda.
Where can this be viewed? I'd like to see it. How did Burke react? Did the psychologist do it on purpose to see how he would react? Thanks!
Where can this be viewed? I'd like to see it. How did Burke react? Did the psychologist do it on purpose to see how he would react? Thanks!

I don't think I saw that portion but it was in Kolar's book if you choose to believe him. (I do) According to him, when Burke was being interviewed by Susanne Bernhard she took the drink out of his soda can and he bristled at the intrusion of his personal space and indicated he couldn't drink from the can anymore. (May also explain why the bowl of pineapple wasn't finished) Yes I believe she did it on purpose to gauge his reaction.
Well said, boodles. Yes he is socially awkward, but I don't think he is responsible. I will always believe it was an intruder, unless proven otherwise. moo
Well said, boodles. Yes he is socially awkward, but I don't think he is responsible. I will always believe it was an intruder, unless proven otherwise. moo

I respect every individuals right to their own opinion, even if I don't agree. But giggling about your sisters murder isn't being socially awkward, its creepy. Rolling you feces into a grapefruit sized ball and saving it until it dries, isn't socially awkward, its disturbing. Smearing feces on your siblings candy has nothing to do with being socially awkward. Smiling at your mothers funeral and while you talk about the murder of your sister, goes beyond simple awkwardness.

Dr. Phil worked for months with BR and after all of that time the grinning and giggling fool was the best he could coax out of him. Please! This is a grown man, with an ivy league degree and a pilots license as well as his ability to sail boats. He is not a fool, yet he sat there and acted like one. It appeared to me, as if he felt vindicated. At last the cameras were on him, it was all about him and he could hardly contain his glee.

To be honest, we the general public are the only intruders involved in this case and we arrived after the fact.
I respect every individuals right to their own opinion, even if I don't agree. But giggling about your sisters murder isn't being socially awkward, its creepy. Rolling you feces into a grapefruit sized ball and saving it until it dries, isn't socially awkward, its disturbing. Smearing feces on your siblings candy has nothing to do with being socially awkward. Smiling at your mothers funeral and while you talk about the murder of your sister, goes beyond simple awkwardness.

Dr. Phil worked for months with BR and after all of that time the grinning and giggling fool was the best he could coax out of him. Please! This is a grown man, with an ivy league degree and a pilots license as well as his ability to sail boats. He is not a fool, yet he sat there and acted like one. It appeared to me, as if he felt vindicated. At last the cameras were on him, it was all about him and he could hardly contain his glee.

To be honest, we the general public are the only intruders involved in this case and we arrived after the fact.
Well said!

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Gosh it sure does seem quiet in here now that most of the ppl who came here because of the new docs are gone... Back to normal, but with a few lovely new additions!

So Dr. Phil worked with BR for months. What the heck did they work on? Did he say in the show? I can't remember. Or maybe they were all working with Lin Wood, making sure all the answers were ok. Ol' Lin still missed a couple though! The bit about him sneaking downstairs, the bit about his dad handling the flashlight, the bike thing and the one thing Lin couldn't save, BR's totally weird, unsettling affect.
BR is so socially awkward, DP only got about 15 minutes of interview that he could use in a 2 hour show. Remember, these were the BEST bits captured after MONTHS of 'working' with BR and who knows how much video taping. Think about it.

I do not want to believe that BR killed his sister and his parent(s) covered it up for him but . . . the only thing that makes any sense at all is that he did and they did. I do not believe JR was sexually abusing his children - at all. I do not believe that a wet bed sent PR into a homicidal rage. I do think jealousy could be a motivator for a young child to strike out at an even younger child who got a new bike for Christmas and put her fingers in his bowl of pineapple and cream.

Mr. Barnhill said they worshipped JBR, almost like she was Jesus Christ. That is odd for a fellow church member to say.
Gosh it sure does seem quiet in here now that most of the ppl who came here because of the new docs are gone... Back to normal, but with a few lovely new additions!

So Dr. Phil worked with BR for months. What the heck did they work on? Did he say in the show? I can't remember. Or maybe they were all working with Lin Wood, making sure all the answers were ok. Ol' Lin still missed a couple though! The bit about him sneaking downstairs, the bit about his dad handling the flashlight, the bike thing and the one thing Lin couldn't save, BR's totally weird, unsettling affect.


The TV doctor was forced to defend Burke’s behaviour after the social media storm that followed during the two one-hour specials that aired earlier this week.
Dr Phil explained: “This is anxiety. He’s socially uncomfortable, I’ve seen it a lot. He’s not autistic. He’s not weird. He’s not creepy.
“He’s just nervous. This is a young man that has grown up in a kind of a siege mentality.
“I’ve spent a lot of time with him over the last several months, you have to understand when this happened he was plucked out because media was all over them.
“Even with the discomfort Burke wanted to do this.”
Gosh it sure does seem quiet in here now that most of the ppl who came here because of the new docs are gone... Back to normal, but with a few lovely new additions!

So Dr. Phil worked with BR for months. What the heck did they work on? Did he say in the show? I can't remember. Or maybe they were all working with Lin Wood, making sure all the answers were ok. Ol' Lin still missed a couple though! The bit about him sneaking downstairs, the bit about his dad handling the flashlight, the bike thing and the one thing Lin couldn't save, BR's totally weird, unsettling affect.

I wish I had known about this site years ago! I think there had to have been ulterior motives for doing these interviews. They had to be fully aware what people would say and how they would react. DP and LW were wrong for letting him go on tv. Although we did get to see that he grew from the creepy 9 yr old to the creepy 29 yr old. I just don't think this was all nerves. I think he has a sinister side some can't see because it is hard to accept that anyone could act like this and "just be anxious". It was as if the cameras were finally on just him and he was excited to talk about her death. Excited in a bad way. Like he really reveled in the pleasure that he's pulled off this crime and really no one can do a dang thing. That daddy can't say anything because it would make him loose more than just social standing. If this is as good as DP could get him ready for tv or a jury for that matter... then no wonder DP didn't stay just with his jury firm. He sucks at preparing defendants!

The TV doctor was forced to defend Burke’s behaviour after the social media storm that followed during the two one-hour specials that aired earlier this week.
Dr Phil explained: “This is anxiety. He’s socially uncomfortable, I’ve seen it a lot. He’s not autistic. He’s not weird. He’s not creepy.
“He’s just nervous. This is a young man that has grown up in a kind of a siege mentality.
“I’ve spent a lot of time with him over the last several months, you have to understand when this happened he was plucked out because media was all over them.
“Even with the discomfort Burke wanted to do this.”

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