Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

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I respect every individuals right to their own opinion, even if I don't agree. But giggling about your sisters murder isn't being socially awkward, its creepy. Rolling you feces into a grapefruit sized ball and saving it until it dries, isn't socially awkward, its disturbing. Smearing feces on your siblings candy has nothing to do with being socially awkward. Smiling at your mothers funeral and while you talk about the murder of your sister, goes beyond simple awkwardness.

Dr. Phil worked for months with BR and after all of that time the grinning and giggling fool was the best he could coax out of him. Please! This is a grown man, with an ivy league degree and a pilots license as well as his ability to sail boats. He is not a fool, yet he sat there and acted like one. It appeared to me, as if he felt vindicated. At last the cameras were on him, it was all about him and he could hardly contain his glee.

To be honest, we the general public are the only intruders involved in this case and we arrived after the fact.

Sure, what right do we have to question their family murders?
*snip*Rolling you feces into a grapefruit sized ball and saving it until it dries, isn't socially awkward, its disturbing.

Somehow, I don't find it a bit surprising that you believe this happened.

s(he) be(lie)ve(d) said:
Smearing feces on your siblings candy has nothing to do with being socially awkward.*snip*

Please explain the steps you think Burke took to do this.
I was never on the Burke did it train, but after watching the DP interview and learning more about everything I'm starting to think there's a good possibility that he did it.
Somehow, I don't find it a bit surprising that you believe this happened.

Please explain the steps you think Burke took to do this.

Wow to the bbm question. I don't know for fact that its true anymore than the majority of the stuff reported and discussed here. I have no first hand knowledge of anything pertaining to this case. Do you? Like you and the others here, I only have the facts and fiction that we have been fed over the years. Like you I have to sift through them and find those that make sense to me or have by now been proven to be true. Like everyone else here I can only speculate. Since CBS and the experts brought it up on the show, knowing they could be sued and have to show proof. They, like me/us know that there are several reports of out of the norm fecal episodes IE. scatological problems. So yes I feel this most likely is a truth backed by a history for proof.

As for your question. In JBRs room, were found a to big for her pair of pj bottoms with fecal matter in them and box of candy smeared with fecal matter. You've been to zoo I assume? How do the monkeys do it. That's how I imagine it happening.

This was exhilarating, thank you for the challenge!
*snip*As for your question. In JBRs room, were found a to big for her pair of pj bottoms with fecal matter in them and box of candy smeared with fecal matter. You've been to zoo I assume? How do the monkeys do it. That's how I imagine it happening.*snip*

Monkeys throw feces.


Are you saying Burke threw feces, yes or no?
Monkeys throw feces.


Are you saying Burke threw feces, yes or no?

:laughing:Thanks for the laugh! It seems he did a lot of things with poop, he very well may have thrown it too. To answer the question>> No silly, he used his hands. By the way, how do you know that he didn't save and sculpt his feces?
I don't know.

Do you prefer to think he did, yes or no?

No, I would prefer to think that Burke had nothing to do with this. I also don't want to believe that he was a victim of his parents. But what I feel or think doesnt make a thing here true or false, it just makes it what I think.

A spade is a spade, there are numerous reports by different people at different times of toileting issues in that house, both urine and fecal. This alone tends to make me believe there is more truth then not in the theory.
Somehow, I don't find it a bit surprising that you believe this happened.

Please explain the steps you think Burke took to do this.
If any post in this thread deserves a ton of "likes", it's yours.

I'm with you.....some of this stuff is going too far. A "grapefruit size" piece of feces is found and this somehow equals Burke saving it up and sculpting it....even though no one knows whose feces this actually is. It could just as easily(more easily) be Jonbenet's. Feces is found on a box of chocolates and this somehow equals Burke smearing it all over her candy out of spite......even though this feces was never actually tested. Not only do we not know whose it is, we don't know how much was there or if it was truly feces. There is zero proof linking this to Burke yet it is considered fact by some. Its basically a coin toss......that always lands on tails(Burke).

Yeah....he's socially awkward. So are many people. We now have people diagnosing him with Aspbergers and everything else under the sun. The one person known to have talked to him at length(Dr. Phil) says he is not.....yet this is ignored for convenience. People continually point out the laughing and smiling Burke but for some reason never mention the crying Burke mentioned in the actual police reports. Burke crying that morning is one of the very few new things learned this year but it doesn't fit in to these theories so its like it never happened. Now he's apparently "joyful" about her murder.
:laughing:Thanks for the laugh! It seems he did a lot of things with poop, he very well may have thrown it too. To answer the question>> No silly, he used his hands. By the way, how do you know that he didn't save and sculpt his feces?

If Burke ever gets low on money he can always go into Excrement Art. Yes there is a such a thing. No you don't want to know how I found out.
If any post in this thread deserves a ton of "likes", it's yours.

I'm with you.....some of this stuff is going too far. A "grapefruit size" piece of feces is found and this somehow equals Burke saving it up and sculpting it....even though no one knows whose feces this actually is. It could just as easily(more easily) be Jonbenet's. Feces is found on a box of chocolates and this somehow equals Burke smearing it all over her candy out of spite......even though this feces was never actually tested. Not only do we not know whose it is, we don't know how much was there or if it was truly feces. There is zero proof linking this to Burke yet it is considered fact by some. Its basically a coin toss......that always lands on tails(Burke).

Because the smearing of feces on the wall was documented and the sizes-too-big PJs had feces in them. I say this with respect but I'm surprised you're pointing the finger at JB. From what we know about Burke he is the one most likely to exhibit symptoms of scatolia.
If any post in this thread deserves a ton of "likes", it's yours.

I'm with you.....some of this stuff is going too far. A "grapefruit size" piece of feces is found and this somehow equals Burke saving it up and sculpting it....even though no one knows whose feces this actually is. It could just as easily(more easily) be Jonbenet's. Feces is found on a box of chocolates and this somehow equals Burke smearing it all over her candy out of spite......even though this feces was never actually tested. Not only do we not know whose it is, we don't know how much was there or if it was truly feces. There is zero proof linking this to Burke yet it is considered fact by some. Its basically a coin toss......that always lands on tails(Burke).

Yeah....he's socially awkward. So are many people. We now have people diagnosing him with Aspbergers and everything else under the sun. The one person known to have talked to him at length(Dr. Phil) says he is not.....yet this is ignored for convenience. People continually point out the laughing and smiling Burke but for some reason never mention the crying Burke mentioned in the actual police reports. Burke crying that morning is one of the very few new things learned this year but it doesn't fit in to these theories so its like it never happened. Now he's apparently "joyful" about her murder.

I have diagnosed BR with nothing. I'm simply going on the reports of several people in the Rs life. Who by the way did say he was smearing feces on bathroom walls. Your right it could have been JBRs fecal ball, but no one has said she played with hers. All reports were on BRs smearing. I dont think he was on the spectrum, I think he was a victim as a child. For what its worth, I do have experience with a child who was abused and having jealousy and abandonment issues. I see a lot of BR as a boy in my 6 year old son (adopted, mine none the less)

I have never stated one way or another what DI I am. For the record I'm RDI, all three of them have something to do with what happened that night and the hindrance of justice to this day.

On Phils show, my opinion of BR is based on what I saw and heard for myself. I have eyes and intuition that have served (ME) well over the years. I stay true to myself and not what some other unknown person thinks I should feel or believe. But hey, thats the great thing about these forums and the posters in them, diversity of opinion.

Nobody here knows if they are right or wrong until we have a confession or a conviction. Until then, its all personal opinion and like butt holes we all have one.
If any post in this thread deserves a ton of "likes", it's yours.

I'm with you.....some of this stuff is going too far. A "grapefruit size" piece of feces is found and this somehow equals Burke saving it up and sculpting it....even though no one knows whose feces this actually is. It could just as easily(more easily) be Jonbenet's. Feces is found on a box of chocolates and this somehow equals Burke smearing it all over her candy out of spite......even though this feces was never actually tested. Not only do we not know whose it is, we don't know how much was there or if it was truly feces. There is zero proof linking this to Burke yet it is considered fact by some. Its basically a coin toss......that always lands on tails(Burke).

Yeah....he's socially awkward. So are many people. We now have people diagnosing him with Aspbergers and everything else under the sun. The one person known to have talked to him at length(Dr. Phil) says he is not.....yet this is ignored for convenience. People continually point out the laughing and smiling Burke but for some reason never mention the crying Burke mentioned in the actual police reports. Burke crying that morning is one of the very few new things learned this year but it doesn't fit in to these theories so its like it never happened. Now he's apparently "joyful" about her murder.

Seems like its open season on BR. Lets clear a few things up:

1. A pair of JonBenet's feces soiled pants were lying on her bathroom floor, origin unexplained.

2. The grapefruit size piece of feces was observed in JonBenet's bed.

3. AFAIK the larger sized pair of pants lying on JonBenet's bedroom floor did not contain feces, i.e. fact check this!

4. Feces were smeared on JonBenet's candy box.

5. BR smeared a bathroom wall with feces as a younger child.

6. Both BR and JonBenet had toileting issues relating to feces.

6. is likely the take away item, or generalization to be assumed.

Seems like its open season on BR. Lets clear a few things up:

1. A pair of JonBenet's feces soiled pants were lying on her bathroom floor, origin unexplained.

2. The grapefruit size piece of feces was observed in JonBenet's bed.

3. AFAIK the larger sized pair of pants lying on JonBenet's bedroom floor did not contain feces, i.e. fact check this!

4. Feces were smeared on JonBenet's candy box.

5. BR smeared a bathroom wall with feces as a younger child.

6. Both BR and JonBenet had toileting issues relating to feces.

6. is likely the take away item, or generalization to be assumed.


You're correct about all except the feces-soiled pants (BBM):

From "Foreign Faction: Who Really Kidnapped JonBenét?" by James Kolar

I had reviewed an investigator’s report that documented a 1997 interview with former Ramsey nanny – housekeeper Geraldine Vodicka, who stated that Burke had smeared feces on the walls of a bathroom during his mother’s first bout with cancer. She told investigators that Nedra Paugh, who was visiting the Ramsey home at the time, had directed her to clean up the mess.

There were other police reports in the files that documented what I thought could be viewed as related behavior. CSIs had written about finding a pair of pajama bottoms in JonBenét’s bedroom that contained fecal material. They were too big for her and were thought to belong to Burke.

Additionally, a box of candy located in her bedroom had also been observed to be smeared with feces. Both of these discoveries had been made during the processing of the crime scene during the execution of search warrants following the discovery of JonBenét’s body.

I wondered whether fecal material observed in pajamas thought to belong to Burke, and smeared on the box of candy in his sister’s bedroom, could have been related to the symptoms of scatological behavior associated with SBP.
You're correct about all except the feces-soiled pants (BBM):

Thanks for that correction. That's why I suggested fact checking it, as I was not certain. Anyway both JonBenet and Burke displayed similar behavior regarding soiling their pants, etc.

If those really are BR's pants in JonBenet's bedroom, just how does Spitz think it all started down at the breakfast bar?

Thanks for that correction. That's why I suggested fact checking it, as I was not certain. Anyway both JonBenet and Burke displayed similar behavior regarding soiling their pants, etc.

If those really are BR's pants in JonBenet's bedroom, just how does Spitz think it all started down at the breakfast bar?


No one ever said that the feces-soiled pajama bottoms were fresh. Patsy was not known to be a great housekeeper and the maid hadn't come for 2 days (?) I think.
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