Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

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On today's Dr. Phil show, 9/15/2016, Dr. Phil is taking questions from the audience.

He talked about Burke's smirk. According to Dr. Phil, Burke is just displaying nervousness. He says he's a normal adult and doesn't have any mental disorders. He's been sheltered all these years and is just afraid.

Now they're quoting Smit and playing Smit's side of the case. He talked about Smit's resignation letter, but didn't include Thomas' resignation letter. They were also showing Smit video of him entering through the train room window. They're not going into details.

Phil: "I'm not going to grill anyone who was 9 years old when his sister was murdered. He wasn't a suspect."

Phil: "He was in bed when this happened and when he woke up he was whisked out of the house." So Burke couldn't have done or known anything.

For this Dr. Phil interview: "Wood was present when John Ramsey was questioned because I was interviewing both Wood and John on the same day." He wasn't there as John's attorney. (If you want to believe that....)

DNA question: waistband and underwear which he says is DNA. He then says there was touch DNA in 2008. Phil's not accurate on the facts--the waistband DNA was tDNA. He didn't bring-up any of the other DNA facts. Period. This guy is presenting only Wood's side of the case.

Wood to Lacy, "You're going to be the laughing stock of the country if you don't clear the Ramseys." Not sure if I got that quote right, but Wood was putting pressure on AL to clear the family. AL personally apologized to the Ramseys.

Wood: "Beyond a reasonable doubt he has been exonerated." Referring to John Ramsey.

"There was no snow to leave footprints in." Again misrepresenting the facts. This is more complicated than their portrayal. There was frost on the grass but not on the pathways. When the sun comes up the frost goes away. They think we're stupid.

"They're feeding the media to put sensational details on the Ramsey family." Steve Thomas' book shows how the information was leaked through AH office and fed to the Ramseys attorneys. They then fed the information they wanted to put pressure on the investigators.

"They failed to mention that there was no snow." Again, he doesn't mention the frost.

"Why wouldn't they speak to the police?" ... "They got a call from a friend telling them that they were being targeted by the police." He's talking about the cooperation and how they cooperated with the police. He'd ignoring how quickly the Ramseys lawyered-up (within hours). "They're going to hold the body hostage" Oh god. This is another misrepresentation.

Now the bedwetting issue. "Her bedsheets weren't wet or stained." Wow, ********. They showed a photo of the sheets but didn't bother to say they were tested.

Wood: "This is not a person capable of flying into a rage and killing her child." (SD, you want to chime in here?) "There were no urine stains on the bed" ... for the life of me I'll never be able to spell eurone without spell check.

"There was no voice on the end of the tape. There was no credible evidence of any voices on the end of that tape. There has never been any evidence to support it whatsoever."

Did they ever take lie detector tests? Oh god, they're ignoring the detail of the polygraph tests. They're making it look like they clearly passed the tests. The details they're leaving out is shameful.

The ransom note and Patsy's writing. "Patsy was close to elimination." Patsy was rated from 4 to 4.5 so Patsy should have been eliminated.

"The Bolder police wanted to push the Ramseys into confession."

Commercial break. They will talk about sexual molestation next.

Jonbenet the victim of sexual molestation. "Maybe someone in the family..."

"Was she being sexually abused?" Phil: "There as never been a formal finding that she was sexually abused." "There was no evidence in the autopsy that there was any ongoing sexual abuse" "There wasn't a finding that she was molested long time." "No. No evidence other than that night." They're ignoring information from the autopsy.

"Burke's happy in his life. He gets along well with his dad."

Now Phil's talking about "Observe and Measure" so he's talking about how we have 20 years of his life to have observed. Since he hasn't done anything then he isn't guilty. (I personally don't believe BDI, but there are others who will object to this.)

Thank you for the summation you provided here. Notice the true bills are never referred to in his history of the case but the 2008 exoneration certainly is.
Notice he says that BR is not a suspect. Well Phil, BR refers to himself as well as his mom and dad as SUSPECTS. I may be silly but most people don't admit they are suspects. BR does.

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Suspiciously, Lin Wood is also Dr Phil's lawyer, surely that's a huge conflict of interest? DP employed him to sue the National Enquier in July this year!
Oh no - I missed the "special supplement" - Oh

A BIG :gthanks: for posting that BoldBear!!
Thank goodness "someone" on this thread has a brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU "ocean"

So the rest of us are brain dead cretins? Rude. At least we "brainless" folks are respectful to those with differing opinions. :(
Remember that old saying, the Apple never falls far from the tree? Well- a few days after this murder- JR has moved on, now BR uses the same words in his interview. If guilty wouldn't a coping strategy be to move on. If you don't move on you'd wallow around depressed.
Moving on=guilt

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If John used flashlight to put Burke to bed and then Burke used flashlight to go back downstairs then how to John get back to his room without anylight?

And more to the point- what the heck with not using, oh, I dunno, LIGHTS? Freaking weirdos.
Confirmed: Maglite flashlight was the weapon that killed JonBenet, see clip at the 0:30 mark. It struck her sideways, as opposed to front/back, fits the skull injury perfectly.



That was a heck of a strike with the flashlight to cause her skull to separate up to 1 3/4 inches!!! I was thinking BR could have caused that big of fracture with a golf putter but now I think it very well could have been JR. Glad I didn't record Dr. Phil today. Wonder if Dr. Phil was compensated for taking sides?
And more to the point- what the heck with not using, oh, I dunno, LIGHTS? Freaking weirdos.

That is odd. Maybe the flashlight was on "everyone's mind" and they felt the need to include a flashlight in the story? Wasn't it clean of prints?
I am dying for someone from the FBI to comment on the interviews, would love a shrinkie dinkie to take a look too...no shrinks commenting yet?
Well, in my opinion Dr. Phil could have done this and gotten his point of view out there without the insulting smirks and chuckles. So unprofessional!
I have not seen this yet and appreciate the insights from people here but I am not surprised re: Dr. Phil. I feel like Oprah Winfrey sprung him on everyone (perhaps unwittingly) and he and his obnoxious he—knows—better, tough love way of operating just is beyond and I have never been a fan. Plus, Lin Wood said on Twitter they had Burke R. do the interviews with Dr. Phil to basically counter the CBS special so it is no—holds—barred, apparently. Sad.
There really is no definitive evidence pointing to anyone very frustrating
That is odd. Maybe the flashlight was on "everyone's mind" and they felt the need to include a flashlight in the story? Wasn't it clean of prints?
The flashlight was completely clean including the batteries. No prints, no DNA, no fibers ... nothing.
I have not seen this yet and appreciate the insights from people here but I am not surprised re: Dr. Phil. I feel like Oprah Winfrey sprung him on everyone (perhaps unwittingly) and he and his obnoxious he—knows—better, tough love way of operating just is beyond and I have never been a fan. Plus, Lin Wood said on Twitter they had Burke R. do the interviews with Dr. Phil to basically counter the CBS special so it is no—holds—barred, apparently. Sad.

So the interview with Dr Phil was to do damage control of the CBS special, and today's episode of Dr Phil was to do damage control on the damage control interview given by Dr Phil...

Gee wiz :rollercoaster:
There really is no definitive evidence pointing to anyone very frustrating

Just as an outsider looking in, I've found the evidence points to several people, but only enough where we would strongly suspect them but not enough where it would hold up in a court of law.
So the interview with Dr Phil was to do damage control of the CBS special, and today's episode of Dr Phil was to do damage control on the damage control interview given by Dr Phil...

Gee wiz :rollercoaster:

Well stated. Feeling like a dog chasing its tail, anyone?

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Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights with us. I'm in my early 30s, with a significant amount of trauma from childhood and into my 20s. I'm not ready to share details of most of the events, yet, but what you said really resonates with me. I don't think the average person realizes just what trauma can do to someone. I have not watched the DP interviews, but I've read just about everything I can get my hands on. I've thought BDI (RDI, for sure), but I always come back to the fact that any of Burke's strange behavior can be attributed to trauma from what may have happened in the Ramsey household in the years before JB died, when she died, and the subsequent media coverage, etc. I think this is especially true if he hasn't had much treatment/therapy. I've had TONS of therapy, and I still don't cry when I talk about my most harrowing experiences. I feel like I am talking about them happening to someone else. Our brain has many ways of trying to protect us from the trauma.

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Or the right kind of therapy. Grief therapy is not the same as trauma therapy, and even a lot of therapists/ psychiatrists/psychologists don't know the difference. We had a terrible time finding the right therapists. Because of my experience as a child losing a sibling and getting no therapy at all, I was very, very persistent, and dragged everyone to doctor after doctor. We kept being referred to grief therapists. We finally found a doctor saved our lives when she told us we weren't ready for grief therapy, that we needed trauma therapy first.

Not to go too far off topic, but we were already seeing grief therapists, who threw a fit when I added the trauma therapists. When my son told me of a severe phobia he had developed, I immediately knew it was from the trauma (again, my husband was very surprised, he never would have connected it). I made sure he told his trauma therapist, who very quickly knew exactly how and why he had developed it, and began working with him on overcoming it. The grief therapist, even when told about it, had no clue as to why he had developed the phobia and how it was connected to his brother's death, and had no idea how to treat it.

If JR and PR were not as persistent in finding the right kind of therapist, or if they didn’t get him much (or any) therapy at all because they were afraid of what he might tell a therapist... well, with therapy it's bad. Without, it's a million times worse.

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There are moments in this interview where Burke looks positively deranged, diabolical...almost at moments highly excited , deeply and overwhelmingly delighted...he looks as though he might explode from the rapture.

So earlier as someone said dp said nothing is wrong with br, no mental deficit, just nervous...

If that was nervous, I would hate to see what he looks like in a happy moment. Please, can we have a real professional look at b,? Obviously dp is fooled by the I'm just nervous excuse...

Unless something is seriously wrong with his face, and his eyes..He shows us he truly never thinks about her and this stuff, because he already moved on when he was nine and got his parents to himself.

I'm going to watch it again cause I can't believe the whole thing.
Patsy covering for Burke fits most of the evidence Doesn't mean it's true. What if patsy assumed Burke did it wrote note but he didn't?
Not sure about your points. I do not understand how I am "contradicting myself" by concurring that I agree with the findings of one of the leading experts in this case, James Kolar. My point about "John and Jane Q Public" is that they are largely inventing their own storylines and in many cases they simply disregard all the man-hours and highly impressive credentials of trained investigators like Mr. Kolar who have had their hands on testimony, documents, and witnesses that the average keyboard quarterbacks could only dream of.

Now as far as Mr, Kolar's background and credentials goes, here's what I know from reading his book and doing my own research:

James Kolar began his law enforcement career with theBoulder, Colorado Police Department in 1976. During his law enforcement career, he served as a patrol officer, detective, detective-sergeant, supervisor of the department's narcotic and intelligence unit, and as a sergeant in the uniformed patrol division.

He also served as an assistant commander for the SWAT team, the coordinator for the department's gang unit, and as a supervisor for the recruit officer Field Training and Evaluation Program. He instructed nationally on these topics.

Kolar left the Boulder Police Department in 1993 to take the chief's positionin the mountain resort community of Telluride, Colorado and held that position for 11 years until he
accepted an investigator's position with the 20th Judicial District Attorney's Office in Boulder, CO in June 2004. As chief investigator for the DA's office, he assumed the lead role for the JonBenet Ramsey cold-case homicide investigation.

The Town of Telluride subsequently recruited Kolar back to the chief's positionin March 2006. Since that time, he served 6 years on the executive board of the Colorado Association of Chief's of Police as a representative for the southwest region of the state and is currently serving a 2-year term as the chair of Colorado's CCIC Board of Executive Directors.

He serves as the vice chair for the San Miguel County Emergency TelephoneService Authority and is a member of Colorado's Western Slope Joint TerrorismTask Force.

For any readers who know about law enforcement and investigation (some of you may have relatives in law enforcement) these are impressive credentials by anyone's measuring stick; (about 40 years of experience).

If (as you say) Mr.Kolar is "not anywhere near the person who understands and knows all the evidence" - well I guess you know of better sources with better training and credentials.

Who are they? One can never stop learning. I'd like to know.

Obviously no one can know everything but I don't think there's much of a rational argument that Mr Kolar is NOT one of the leading experts involved in the case.

As far as your statement "the experts in no way believe Burke has anything to do with this" - well, anyone can say anything; (many keyboard experts are prone to do that.)
Who and where are the "experts" that say that?What are their credentials?

I would not include the DA's office among your list since they called for a grand jury to hear the evidence...and then they disregarded the grand jury's findings.
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