The only reason Cindy defends Casey is because she sees that as something a good mother would do. It's part of her con. No denial. No guilt. No trying to protect the daughter she loves. I don't believe any of those things motivate Cindy Anthony.
Remember her interview, "what kind of mother would I be if I didn't support my daughter?" or something very close to that. Cindy doesn't give a carp about anyone but Cindy, imo. Cindy cares only about how she is perceived and what she can get. She ain't lying out of guilt, denial or love. She is lying for personal gain. The supportive mother in denial routine garners her sympathy with some. It allows her to start a foundation to rake in cash. If she admits how she really feels and what she really knows, she becomes an accomplice of sorts. Gone is the sympathy and opportunity for financial gain. Gone is the "supportive mother and doting grandmother" persona. Casey has been on to her mom for years. She has Cindy's number. Cindy knows Casey is her mirror image and probably admires Casey for killing her daughter and managing to get away with it. She has Casey's number. George and Lee are hot messes that don't know how to handle these psychotic women so they just do as they're told and hope for the best.
I can not give one bit of credit for any sincere feeling to Cindy or Casey Anthony. To me, their shallow callousness and self-absorption is transparent. Sweet Caylee Marie Anthony is dead because neither of these two women have sincere loving feelings and the child got caught in the vortex of their competitive hateful relationship. Psychos.