Dr Phil w/ George and Cindy Anthony (Show airs 9.13.2011)

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"She's a lost ball in high weeds".......(Cindy)

per Judge Stan Strickland tonight with NG.

(Dr. Phil plays jailhouse visit tape where after Cindy asks Casey her gut feeling, Casey tells Cindy in her heart she knows Caylee is not far)

Dr. Phil: What do you think about that comment now that you know that she knew?

Cindy: I know Casey knows where Caylee was placed. I know in my heart. I know that now...

Dr. Phil: Did she put her there?

Cindy: I'm not sure if she put her there by herself or if someone helped her. I was told that Caylee was found in a different spot than where Casey thought she was and that was another reason why she couldn't come clean because if she would have said Caylee drown and then couldn't produce Caylee's body then they wouldn't believe her.

George: See and I could understand why if Caylee drown, then why all this elaborate cover up?

Dr. Phil: Do you believe that however this happened, your daughter was in the woods burying that child? Alone or with somebody else, do you believe she was in the woods burying that child?

Cindy: I believe Casey had knowledge or had something to do with placing Caylee there. And I don't understand it, I know that Casey's belief as soon as someone dies they leave their body and that's no longer Caylee. That Caylee went straight to heaven. I know that.

Dr. Phil: Are you trivializing burying this child in the woods because (Cindy shaking her head no squeezing her lips tightly together, rubbing her palms) she was a Christian and she believed her soul had left her body?

Cindy: No I'm not. (Looks down) That's not the right place for Caylee's remains to be. I mean I feel that as soon as someone dies (keeps looking down and back up at Dr. Phil) they're gone and that's just a shell. Our body is just a vehicle to be on this Earth but I would never anybody that I love like Caylee was found. I could never do that. I don't think that that was right.

George: I can't excuse her for whatever happened, I can't do that. She's responsible for Caylee and whatever happened to Caylee she has knowledge of that. And where Caylee was eventually placed, Casey had something to do with it. I know that.

Cindy: There's no excuse for where Caylee was found.

George: No. None whatsoever.

Cindy: And I'm not making excuses for that but...

Dr. Phil: When you say; "but" that starts the excuse.

Cindy: To me, that was not Caylee, I mean yes it breaks my heart that her body was left there but what were we gonna do anyway? Our belief is for cremation. And Caylee's remains would have been cremated at that time and they were cremated 7 months later.

Dr. Phil: Cindy, you just said; "she shouldn't have put her in the woods but what were we gonna do anyway?" that is excusing this!

Cindy: (shifting in her seat) No it's not.

Dr. Phil: That's why people are shaking their television sets right now. I get being loyal to your children, I really do. (Cindy shaking her head smiling) But isn't it disloyal to Caylee to not take a clear eyed view and try find out what happened to her?

Cindy: Oh absolutely, Caylee has been my number 1 focus for 3 years. And I in no way would ever disrespect Caylee's remains but Caylee did not die in those woods. Would I have loved to hug my granddaughter one more time? (starts to cry) The shell of her body? Yes, I would have. Would I have loved to properly placed her where she needed to be? Absolutely. But I have to move on with that. (wipes away tears) I am not trying to justify what Casey did and until I find out what happened to Caylee and what happened to Casey that day, I have to live with what I know. And I am not going to beat myself over it. (wiping tears) I don't care what people think. It doesn't matter from this point on. (takes the tissue Dr. Phil offered her) I prayed to God for 3 years to find out what happened to Caylee and I prayed during the whole trial that God would give me closure if Casey was responsible for Caylee's death that Casey would go to jail and be punished. When that verdict came in and Casey was free, I had my answer. That it was an accident. I believe that justice for Caylee was when her mother walked. I believe that in all my heart because I know the love that those two had and I know Caylee's soul would never have rested knowing that her mother has been vilified for her death (George looking away) and I believe it was an accident. (wiping tears) and until someone can prove different, that's what I believe. And I'm hoping some day we'll find out what happened to Casey and I'm not gonna be her judge and jury. God is her judge and he let her free.

Just wanted to add a note to CA on that statement. No CA, God did not "set her free". Hell's waiting for her and if you hold her hand tight enough you can go straight there with her.
"Justice for Caylee was when her mother walked."

This statement alone was the saddest...most pathetic...thought from the grandmother of a precious little girl who, in my opinion was murdered and dumped in a swamp by the grandmother's own daughter.
This statement caused my own soul to feel a disruption within. My spirit hurt. I believe that CA believes this with all of her heart. She always will.
The bread will always fall butter side up for CA because that is the way she will always see it, even with dirt, hair, floor crud and all things nasty staring her right in the face. She will eat that bread because in her mind it is all clean and tasty. Don't tell her otherwise. She will not hear you.
Blessings to little Caylee and may God open the blind eyes of CA so that she might see.

I agree 100% , this was the saddest, most awful thing I've ever heard Cindy say... and she's said some crazy stuff.
He did. I think he's still conflicted about what he should admit. They lied or made excuses for so long ,told so many different versions ,it must be hard to just say "yes,I believe she borrowed the shovel" .

I think it is reasonable for him to be conflicted. It has to be the worst thing imaginable to accept. The visions of Caylee and Casey have got to drive him almost mad when he thinks about Casey killed Caylee and throwing her away right down from their house.

But at least he is making progress and it began before the trial and that is why he never rolled over for Casey when testifying, imo

Wow, CA and FCA are evil twins.

Did I hear it stated that CA told Dr Phil that Georges gambling is what started Caseys down fall? Did Cindy not only blame George for the felon not being able to get to the shovels but pretty much everything?

I seriously dont know how George has not outed himself from all this.
My daughters take...CA seems to be blaming GA for everything. His fault because he cheated on her and gambled, his fault he locks the shed. CA not happy with GA today. She claims GA never has said to her that he believes the felon is responsible for Caylees death, believes Caylee was in the trunk and that the felon drugged Caylee and Caylee didn't wake up. These two deserve each other.

They are just performing their carefully crafted two players spiel on the audience with a Dr. Phil's blessings.
May be Amy Singer's merry band is still somewhere in the back ground, analyzing the social media with hints for their next interview.
Just wanted to add a note to CA on that statement. No CA, God did not "set her free". Hell's waiting for her and if you hold her hand tight enough you can go straight there with her.

Judge Strickland has it right. 12 human beings set her daughter free.

I had to chuckle when he commented that he thought Cindy was like a ball lost in the weeds.

it's a frightening thought, but FCA could be pregnant as we speak. I'm sure she had to find something to do hanging around all day with her security boys. You know FCA! She's no prude. I wouldn't put it past her to have another child to spite CA and GA. Have a child and then don't even let them see it. She is that evil!! Mark my words.... she will get pregnant for spite!!

I totally agree. I have said since the day she walked free that the first thing she will do is get pregnant. :mad:
They are just performing their carefully crafted two players spiel on the audience with a Dr. Phil's blessings.
May be Amy Singer's merry band is still somewhere in the back ground, analyzing the social media with hints for their next interview.

I really dont think there is any evidence of that.

Cindy would never agree to her being put in such a bad light.

CA was fuming in parts of todays show. All that work trying to excuse the felons behavior and GA just flushed everything down the tiolet..Darn it!

I believe that she was wishing for God to show her the way...deliver some chloroform and a tiny rag...(not too tiny!!) and a long commercial with no one around.
I thought this was great...right on target!

On Nancy Grace tonight, Judge Stan Strickland said this re CA:" I feel for her, I know she's in pain. I want to like her...I can't. I don't dislike her. From the very beginning, I thought she was a lost ball in high weeds."

That man has a way with words! "Miss Anthony and the truth are strangers." He is dead on with his observations!

judgeS on NGrace here now.. along with bill shaeffer...

We've listened to CA blather on for hours, for years, and never once did it come up that KC was working a second job! WTH?? :waitasec: Wonder what KC's second job was? :floorlaugh:
Haven't read the whole thread but apparently Cindy said that she'd been told that Caylee wasn't where Casey left her? !!! Whoa!! What? Someone said that to Cindy? Who? If it's true, it could fit with a theory I've had all along that the detectives in the swamp looking for Caylee where there trying to find something Casey was looking for so Baez could make a deal with the prosecution in exchange for Caylee's remains. I think Baez may have told Dominic Casey or someone else who told Dominic Casey where to look, but they just got the wrong turn off, or walk in, whatever. Why else would the defense be so insistent that the body had been moved?
Wow, CA and FCA are evil twins.

Did I hear it stated that CA told Dr Phil that Georges gambling is what started Caseys down fall? Did Cindy not only blame George for the felon not being able to get to the shovels but pretty much everything?

I seriously don't know how George has not outed himself from all this.

Seem to be carbon copies of each other.

I think they have been so ostracized by now that they only have each other. For some insane reason I think George still loves Cindy but realizes she has major issues....a lot like Casey.

I sure wouldn't have wanted to be George and go home with Cindy after this interview.

He is probably still catching hell for it.

We've listened to CA blather on for hours, for years, and never once did it come up that KC was working a second job! WTH?? :waitasec: Wonder what KC's second job was? :floorlaugh:

Working on lies and fake emails to make the first job believeable-that must have been exhausting!!
Oh yeah-then there's coming up with lies for her friends and family too!!
Dr. Phil: In your opinion, is Casey disturbed?

Cindy: (looks surprised) Yes. I think something terribly...

Dr. Phil: Did you consider that she's seriously disturbed?

Cindy: I think there is something seriously wrong with my daughter and her thought processes. I think that something started before or during her pregnancy and after Caylee was born. I think something started to trigger because Casey was not that person prior to that.

Shows how lazy and uncaring CA was to Casey if she seen problems in Casey around the time of the pregnancy and did nothing and she continued to see those problems all the while not helping Casey to get mental help while Casey was raising a child. How responsible was that? CA sickens me to the core.
I agree 100% , this was the saddest, most awful thing I've ever heard Cindy say... and she's said some crazy stuff.

I was so offended by that.

I hope her therapist sees these interviews and they will know Cindy has major issues that 3 years have not made better.

She makes up the most gosh awful excuses I have ever seen. Bizarre is an understatement.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree when it comes to Casey and Cindy.

Cindy stays in this imaginary nonexistent world of realty too.

Just watching snippets of the interview on HLN and noticed another Cindy LIE.

She said, very passionately, that she always wondered if it might have been a drowning, and then she claims that LE NEVER asked Casey about that scenario. REALLY?

Because we must have seen that clip of the video a million times where the investigators ask her point blank if Caylee accidentally drowned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does Cindy truly believe her lies or does she think we are all just stupid?

Also, bugged the carp out of me when she tried to tell everyone what an AWESOME mother Casey was. :puke:
Dr. Phil: When you picture her (Caylee), are you able to picture her as laughing and a fun little girl or do those images of her with duct tape over her mouth with a heart on it creep in?

George: (looks down and catches his breath stifling a sob) To think that Caylee could be treated like that... that's... (closes his eyes opens them with tears in them) not a way a child or a human should be treated. There's no way. (gets angry) And if this scenario that Casey had told her defense about (gasp and looks down) Caylee drowning, why go through all this elaborate stuff to tape her up, to put her in a laundry bag, to put her in a trash bag and bury her in the woods (begins to sob) I can't comprehend a human doing that, especially a daughter... doing that to my granddaughter. (eye contact with Dr. Phil) I can't... I can't visualize that. I don't want to visualize that cause the only thing I can visualize about Caylee is that beautiful girl that I saw dance around every day who'd come down the hallway (sobs again) and just made my life beautiful. I just miss her.

Thank you sooooo much for these transcripts - they are wonderful, especially with physical observations included, to help remember what was said.

Have you gotten to the part where Cindy is talking about 'what happened?' (I think she was talking about June 16th) to make Casey's whole world turn upside down so badly that she found it easier to think Caylee was taken by Zanny and stick with that story rather than tell them she drowned.....

I wish Dr. Phil would've held up a mirror and asked Cindy 'and what's happened to you that you will ignore all the evidence and still believe Casey is innocent, even though you admit she is a liar?'. LOL....he could have asked her if she's having post-partum schizophrenia, gran mal seizure or a brain tumor. He could have laughed and said "I'm the Doctor here, let me do the diagnosing."

Dr. Phil had at least one thing right: why do people lie? To escape consequences. There weren't consequences for not having a job, for partying, for abandoning her car, for making up imaginary friends, for getting a tattoo......the only thing there would be consequences for is killing her daughter. (ok, and stealing from Amy)
Haven't by my decision watched Dr. Phil's interviews with the Anthonys. But I tuned in today to the Jane VM show and saw clips of George and Cindy as they sat for the recent interview.

All I can say is - looks like Cindy got an eyelid or brow lift. And it looks pretty good.

The rest of what I heard is lie after lie. Can't comment on that, not worth my time.
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