Dreams/Visions? - #1

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Groups have also been searching trails behind the Simpson Door mill. Friends said it was an area the girl liked to visit.
That echo (hollow and tinney) I hear when she screams, do ya'll think it might come from being down in a well? Everything I've searched today regarding wells, storm shelters, bomb shelters keeps bringing up Simpson Door Mill. I'm thinking she's in a well somewhere behind Simpson Door Mill. I think it was an accident, she fell in because it was kinda dark.

I don't know I feel silly even posting this I don't have any special gifts but I keep feeling this.
Don't feel silly, kseal. I don't think most of us are claiming any special ability. Just getting our "gut feelings" out there. At this point, it can't hurt, as we really know next to nothing in this case. Might as well get your feelings out there! :)
From the article, I couldn't tell where this Simpson Door Mill was located. Does anyone know? I found a Simpson Door Company at 400 Simpson. Is that the same thing? That's pretty much downtown...

Groups have also been searching trails behind the Simpson Door mill. Friends said it was an area the girl liked to visit.
That echo (hollow and tinney) I hear when she screams, do ya'll think it might come from being down in a well? Everything I've searched today regarding wells, storm shelters, bomb shelters keeps bringing up Simpson Door Mill. I'm thinking she's in a well somewhere behind Simpson Door Mill. I think it was an accident, she fell in because it was kinda dark.

I don't know I feel silly even posting this I don't have any special gifts but I keep feeling this.
Nothing to feel silly about! Clues come in many ways and who are we to say what our thoughts or dreams could bring up in any case. We take any clue we can get when it comes to finding a missing child. :) No special gifts required.

Yes, the Simpson Door Mill or Company is in the photo Steadfast put on the Points of Interest thread. It is the one taken from Maple looking down 4th street, IIRC. You can see the plant clearly. Not sure about wells being there, but I wonder if they have vat type things on the property? Like huge water tanks or something?

Or like the water tower that Scandi has been talking about?! Wow. Cavernous and tinney. Hmmmm...
Can a person get into the water tower? Yes...they could if they worked for the City Water Department. Where would the City workers be when not out doing jobs? Right next to Beerbower Park in their huge large building with bay doors, the inside smelling of grease and old vehicles, which is right next to the bridge. Hmmmm....
Can a person get into the water tower? Yes...they could if they worked for the City Water Department. Where would the City workers be when not out doing jobs? Right next to Beerbower Park in their huge large building with bay doors, the inside smelling of grease and old vehicles, which is right next to the bridge. Hmmmm....

:eek: Wow. And the connections keep on coming... Kinda cool to see!
OK...so you may not be able to get actually into the water tower (still researching that one carefully), but it could be a clue to take a much closer look at that area like Scandi has been trying to get across for some time now. ;)
Let me know if you can find anything about the water towers. I am doing an internship with a Parks & Recreation department right now. I can ask my supervisor about it, haha. Don't worry. I only have 3 weeks left. They can't suspect too much of me. ;)
10-2009, 04:20 PM
Registered User Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 12

Hello all.

I'm new to this. Just found this forum when trying to validate (or invalidate) the "message" I got about LB. If I break etiquette, please let me know.

Occasionally, I get information or messages from a place I cannot really describe. Sometimes these things turn out to be uncannily accurate. When I hear of a missing person, I stop to gather impressions about the case. I do this before clicking on links to news stories or missing person pages. I try to go with just a name and photo. This is what I did when I saw that LB was missing. A lot of what I got seems to fit with what the profilers have since said, so I thought I'd share it, just in case.

I sent this to the police, but they haven't responded. I know they usually people like me to be "kooks". That's OK, I'm sure they are busy following up on tangible tips.
Keep in mind, this is not meant to be taken as fact, just an "impression":

She was walking alone when a car approached. It seems like an older model car with more squarish edges. It is not in great shape, possibly banged up and may have different colors, such as when a body part has been replaced or is primed for painting.

These are two guys with whom she is familiar. One of them has a connection to a female friend of hers (possibly cousin or stepbrother). The friend is either slightly older or presents herself as such. The friend may be Hispanic or of a darker complexion. I haven't really had time to delve into this whole story, but this person with the Myspace page "Fistey" could be a possibility. (From what I have since read I believe that she is the friend from whose house LB left, is that correct? If so, does she have any male relatives in their early 20s who live in this or a neighboring town?)

I get that one (or both) of these guys lives or stays in a basement of a female relative (mother, grandmother or aunt). They are from somewhere south (possibly Mexico) and may travel in and out of the area. The guys stand out because they look different than the other residents. Their grooming and dress is more "urban" than the locals.

They are known for talking to younger people and may be involved in dealing drugs (specifically methamphetamine). This could be part of the reason they are in and out of the area.

My sense is that LB got in the car thinking she was getting a ride home. They did something to persuade her to "hang out" (possibly alcohol) and then took her somewhere (possibly the basement). A day or two later, one or both may have taken her out of town. I won't share the rest of my impression unless something I have said can be validated. There is no sense in upsetting people if this is completely inaccurate.

I do get a strong sense that a third person has some information or suspicions about these characters, but is reluctant to speak up for fear of getting himself in trouble. If approached in the right manner he may spill the beans.

I would love more than anything to have this stuff checked out and shown to be false. I'd rather think she ran away than wonder if the impressions I picked up might be true.

Interesting. I still wonder how old the children are in the Kara K. family. If there are teenagers, who are their friends, and are they from out of town? I know the mom said they moved to McCleary because it was a small town and seemed to be safe, but why that particular town? Don't get it.
About Simpson door mill, it is behind Gordon's grocery store (on Simpson Ave) and across the street from Beerbower Park. If you look at the google map, it is the big fenced in area behind the grocery store.
I'm not sure who's post to pull as I see relavance to all posts. I mentally take a step back and try and think what an overall view of the disappearence and the areas talked about by us. SS had what I feel is an accurate account by Lindsey's good friend that we could take to heart as truth. This friend talked about the areas we are mentioning as being a place they liked to go to to play and hangout. Another said the girls like to go on a back trail behind the bldgs. we are discussing. My first thought is pay attention to the overall picture of this area, not individual aspects of that immediate area as being the end all. The end all could be a passing (astro thread) or the end of her life in Mc Clery as she may have been transfered. As much as I want to believe that Lindsey was taken to be sold into slavery I'm not getting that feel. Poster mentioned urban like males so I think it is relavant to look into the demigraphics of the immediate area and also find out the age group that frequents the park during the hours after dusk. LE would have an idea what kids stick out like a sore thumb when the sun goes down. The echo sound of screams resignating from a large type metal buiding has one wanting to look at that particular bldg. past the park, possibly in front of the trails. Does that person work on cars in the bldg? Is there a particular water source for that property and the land on that street? What is the talk about town concerning meth use by teens and early 20's? To what extent did Lindsey feel she was introuble with mom as she left her friends home? Was Linsey the type of 10yr.old girl to say to herself, "I don't even want to go home." "I don't want to be yelled out,go to my room for the rest of the night." "I'm so mad at mom and brother", "their not the boss of me". Mom stated Lindsey is a drama queen. Would the feelings that come with this age (drama queen is sometimes mistaken for the prehormonal changes when a little girl begins her periods into womanhood) have caused Lindsey to walk the opposite way towards Simpson. I wish we had information as to the time of when Lindsey & friends frequented the park. Such a bummer they have moved the command center out of McCleary. Is there a rhyme to their reason thinking the perp will slip up? I'm not getting that vibe. I have the feeling LE caved way to soon. (OOoo, I just had a deja vue while typing this last setence ) I feel something was going to "turn over" just before the park celebration. I used those words as they came to mind instead of other words like, discover,solved, break open, or found. Is anyone feeling a sadness of loss of hope more today than days past?
Kagey Karen's quote:

To what extent did Lindsey feel she was introuble with mom as she left her friends home? Was Linsey the type of 10yr.old girl to say to herself, "I don't even want to go home." "I don't want to be yelled out,go to my room for the rest of the night." "I'm so mad at mom and brother", "their not the boss of me". Mom stated Lindsey is a drama queen.

Sorry for snipping, but I wanted to isolate this part of your post. You encapsulated what I believe was her: state of mind upon being told to leave and go home. I agree with you--been feeling the same.

In that state of mind, she probably would be much more inclined at that moment to accept a ride home from someone she thought was more "on her side" "accepting? of her rebelliousness" like a teenager or young adult male(s) or even an older man she thought was "cool" and understood her.
Kagey Karen's quote:

To what extent did Lindsey feel she was introuble with mom as she left her friends home? Was Linsey the type of 10yr.old girl to say to herself, "I don't even want to go home." "I don't want to be yelled out,go to my room for the rest of the night." "I'm so mad at mom and brother", "their not the boss of me". Mom stated Lindsey is a drama queen.

Sorry for snipping, but I wanted to isolate this part of your post. You encapsulated what I believe was her: state of mind upon being told to leave and go home. I agree with you--been feeling the same.

In that state of mind, she probably would be much more inclined at that moment to accept a ride home from someone she thought was more "on her side" "accepting? of her rebelliousness" like a teenager or young adult male(s) or even an older man she thought was "cool" and understood her.
Now i'm wondering if some of the teens you have mentioned have a tie into an automobile mechanics shop? No offense to Lindsey's mom as she has been ridiculed like others over the net, but her family hasn't lived in the town long enough to dissern how safe a small town is. It appeared she assumed this in her own mind after relocating there. As a small side note it would be interesting to find out what was so attractive makeing mom want to relocate? I know burdened mothers will sometimes assume their children are wiser than their years and have a more laid back attitude of "their fine". Looking at the small glimps into Lindsey's life and late curfew for a 10yr.old I think her mother may have thought this about Lindsey. I'm asking myself why either adult women didn't think to drive her home? How soon did Lindsey's mom call her friends mother to ask why Lindesy wasn't home? We've heard Linsey's brother went calling out her name looking for her but did anybody else do something to look for her right before lE arrived, during LE interview, and directly after LE arrives.
I feel something was going to "turn over" just before the park celebration. I used those words as they came to mind instead of other words like, discover,solved, break open, or found. Is anyone feeling a sadness of loss of hope more today than days past?

Respectfully snipped. And yes. For me, I wouldn't say it's a loss of hope of finding answers as much as it is a sadness of what happened to Lindsey. For me this actually began yesterday, instead of today. (More specifically, after waking from a dream early yesterday morning.) I won't get into the dream at this point, but just wanted to answer and confirm your question.
I just wanted to throw out another idea that came up as a result of this thread and the astro thread. This is just a thought and not based on actual evidence, just so everyone knows. But a lot of our ideas here lately have been, at least in a few opinions, pointing to a city worker. In the astro thread I know it was suggested that the perp may be someone that Lindsey didn't have any strong feelings about, but was seen as an authority figure. So my thought is...perhaps this was someone in a city vehicle? I don't know if this is even possible, or if McCleary even has city vehicles. Just an idea to think consider I guess.
Respectfully snipped. And yes. For me, I wouldn't say it's a loss of hope of finding answers as much as it is a sadness of what happened to Lindsey. For me this actually began yesterday, instead of today. (More specifically, after waking from a dream early yesterday morning.) I won't get into the dream at this point, but just wanted to answer and confirm your question.

Well, that LE representative/sheriff guy sitting with the Baums in the interview that Angel Who Cares posted today from the early morning show certainly didn't begin anyones day with a feeling of hope, optimism, or competency for that matter !

Not a very good spokesman :(
I just wanted to throw out another idea that came up as a result of this thread and the astro thread. This is just a thought and not based on actual evidence, just so everyone knows. But a lot of our ideas here lately have been, at least in a few opinions, pointing to a city worker. In the astro thread I know it was suggested that the perp may be someone that Lindsey didn't have any strong feelings about, but was seen as an authority figure. So my thought is...perhaps this was someone in a city vehicle? I don't know if this is even possible, or if McCleary even has city vehicles. Just an idea to think consider I guess.

That could very well be the case! The authority figure could have reprimanded her and told her she would get into big trouble if she didn't get in the vehicle right away, so he could "drive her home." Someone much like a Dennis Rader (as most of you know was a city worker for Animal Control). Is there a curfew?
I think we need to put this in the Profile thread.
I found this photo on the City of McCleary's website, under the "Departments" tab:

In City Departments:
Development Services / Building
Light & Power
Municipal Court
Planning Department
Public Facilities: 100 S 3rd Street, McCleary, WA 98557
Water / Wastewater

There are 22 (City Employees) currently on staff.

McCleary Public Facilities is a division of Public Works that deals with streets, stormwater, parks and the cemetery. The city's Maintenance Crew is also a part of this division. The Crew also provides all maintenance work on water and sewer lines, including hooking up new customers; providing traffic control for Light & Power; and maintaining city buildings.

The Public Facilities Manager inspects all developer-constructed utilities that will eventually be deeded to the city as a part of the development process...

Streets and Sidewalks (photo of flooded Summit Rd., 1/08/2009)
Parks and Cemetary (photo of Beerbower Park)
Summit Place II South Retention Pond 1/08/2009

Public Facilities Manager: Todd Baun

*June 22nd through July 2nd :
The City crew will be flushing the water system using various fire hydrants around town...

About Water:

The city pumps this groundwater from two 90-foot wells located on city property just west of the SR108 turnoff north of town. Water system operators treat the water with a disinfectant to protect us from microbial contaminants and then pipe it to two storage tanks located east of the city. Operators inspect and clean the tanks regularly to minimize buildup of sludge in the system. From the tanks the water then flows to customers through the distribution system....



The Wildcat Creek Aquifer is a naturally occurring, cost-free reservoir that provides clean, safe drinking water to several hundred individual domestic wells, three Group B public water system wells, and three Group A public water system wells, one of which is the City of McCleary’s water system...

Approximately 250 parcels in the unincorporated part of the valley have houses on them. Forty-five houses do not have on-site sewage disposal permits but are assumed to have on-site sewage systems. The County issued 171 permits for on-site systems before 1995, and has issued 74 permits since then. The new standards that took effect in 1995 have resulted in the construction of a greater number of pressure distribution systems, and
there are now about 50 such systems in the valley. County records show that 13 on-site systems have been repaired in the valley, a number that may be low since repairs before 1980 may not have been recorded.

There are fewer individual wells than on-site sewage systems because of homes served by the six public water system wells: Two Group B wells (Olin 330 & Sky Acres) and one Group A well (Pit Co 328) in the northeastern portion of the valley; one Group B well (Wintercreek MHP) and one Group A well (Forrestview Senior 55+ community) in the southwestern portion of the valley; and the City of McCleary’s water utility, which serves four homes located outside City boundaries on Larson Road.


*The McCleary Community Center is located at 726 W Simpson Avenue, next to the Cemetery. (There is a playground at the Community Center)

I've lost this post twice, but I really wanted to post that picture of the city fleet and garage...then I saw the South Retention Pond at Summit Place II...and the name Todd Baun (I am not implying Mr. Baun knows anything about Lindsey. I just find his name interesting, and his job description)...and then, I got interested in water and wells, so I added some info I found about that, too.

I'm sorry I'm all over the place. My points: here are some city employees and job descriptions; a metal building with bays; water and wells aplenty; and a playground near a City building.

Does anything here strike a chord with you intuitives? Thanks!
That could very well be the case! The authority figure could have reprimanded her and told her she would get into big trouble if she didn't get in the vehicle right away, so he could "drive her home." Someone much like a Dennis Rader (as most of you know was a city worker for Animal Control). Is there a curfew?
I think we need to put this in the Profile thread.
Do they have a dogcatcher in McCleary?
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