Dreams/Visions? - #1

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These words were just in my head this a.m. thinking about the case:

__ton truck
La Jolla
frozen items, food?

Don't get it. However, sometimes, I'll think something and later on it will have some relevance, so thought I'd post it although it didn't make any sense to me.

Know the feeling have had a few words that I too have been thinking.

Jewlery, cash, Country side, train tracks, bridge, blackwater, fish
Know the feeling have had a few words that I too have been thinking.

Jewlery, cash, Country side, train tracks, bridge, blackwater, fish

It almost seems as if these words were whispered to me by some spiritual source. What is your theory on how this happens to you?
It almost seems as if these words were whispered to me by some spiritual source. What is your theory on how this happens to you?[/QUOTE

I am no psychic or anything like that but occassionally will dream. Sometimes the dreams are symbolic, sometimes its like someone is talking and telling a story other times dream is like a movie or in chat formation. I have trouble trying to figure what they mean. And all I know they may not even pertain to what I think it might be. Just trying to figure out if it does or not. Yes I believe it is spiritual in nature and at times catches my attention, more then other times.
Early this a.m. I got another city in CA. Seems to be some movement city to city in CA. Don't get it.
Here's something that moves city to city in CA, and although I can't link it to fish or water or deliveries yet, there does seem to be a "Twilight" connection. It's a stretch, but in light of Kalai Fourzan's story, I thought it might be worth a look:
Comic-Con International: 40th Anniversary, San Diego, CA July 23-26, 2009:


*A few of my favorites from the 'Autograph Schedule': Clive Barker, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Neil Gaiman (!), Adam West (Batman), Alan Dean Foster, Terry Brooks (!), Elvira (Mistress of the Dark)

*Thursday, July 23
1:45-2:45 Summit Entertainment— Summit Entertainment presents a sneak peek of exclusive footage of some of its upcoming major film releases!

The Twilight Saga: New Moon—Summit Entertainment is proud to present the panel for The Twilight Saga: New Moon, the highly anticipated sequel to last year's box office smash Twilight. Surprise members of the cast will answer your questions about the second film in the series and debut never-before-seen footage from the new film.

*Although Comic-Con is over , there are similar conventions scheduled:

Up Next: APE
Alternative Press Expo

The Concourse
620 7th Street
San Francisco

*How might a bad guy take advantage of this? Gives me the shivers!

Comic-Con Magazine:

...FREE magazine gives you valuable information
The Spring 2009 issue of Comic-Con Magazine, the new official publication of the San Diego Comic-Con International, WonderCon, and APE, the Alternative Press Expo is available now...

...Comic-Con Magazine will be the publication to keep you informed on happenings at our three conventions. Printed four times a year, three issues will continue to be sent to everyone on our mailing list and distributed through Diamond Comics Distributors to select comics shops across the country, as well as our own distribution to various coffee shops, art-houses, and alternative locations in the San Diego and Los Angeles area...

(click here to view this issue now)

(We don't have a "hunches" thread, so I hope nobody minds that I put this info here instead!)
Coasta, SS, I'm glad to see you both online as I would like to use this thread to explain Wed. and my trip to Mc Cleary on Thursday, and why I hesitated to post until now. I have some things to say after I post my short experience in Mc Cleary. I'm thinking this thread would be the best place to avoid ridicule as I feel some citizens of Mc Cleary may take offense with my assessment of how Lindsey has been let down. What do you think? The Lindsey thread has some happy spirits going on and I would definately spoil the moment unintentially.
I had a dream this morning and all I remember are the words "delivery" and "Robert" which kept being repeated in my head. Not that this means anything, but thought I should mention it anyway. When I wake up and it is the first thing on my mind, I pay attention.

SS - this may refer to the suburban and Robert Manwill. The suburban was allegedly stolen on July 22..... and Robert went missing on July 24th. You posted the morning of July 22.....

Just a thought.

I want to preface that I don't remeber dreaming upon awakening but once in a blue m oon. Doc says it is due to years of waking up every 2 hr's. In time I'll remember them as normal sleep patterns keep getting better and they are. What I'm trying to say is I don't put stock into my dreams when I may have one. This was a late afternoon when I began to doze. All the sudden I had a pain I'm caaling white pain because i got an instant brain type freeze feeling seeing a flash of brite white flash that lasted a nano second This dream moment was a moment that had me grimacing wanting to look away as it was horrific. I was awake trying to stay with it, knowing I had to look up from the ground as Lindsey was in the moment to see the abductor. I have never had to describe a dream state like this ever in life! I didn't even have lindsey on my mind as I had just been on FB with our MamaBear poster trying to figure out her farm game. Lindsey wasn't on my mind when I dozed. When the "swallow ice cube" brain freeze hit I immediately with no thought place my right palm hand kind of like Jack Benny, holding it, grimacing my head to the right, while my left hand was up like talk to the hand gesture. I took a breath as I saw that precious child laying on green grass with beige small bald spots integrated and green forrestry bushes and trees behind her. I would like to say it would have been an area openning to a straight backfield but it wasn't a baseball field. Her body was at the edge of the openning. She was barely alive. This is so hard to type and if I were family I wouldn't want to read this in a public forumn. Those that have come to know my postings know I'v never wrote about dreams. I go by educational understanding of the human condition and try to use what my husband refers to as Spock Logic. So in finishing this post I have released more for me and hopefully someone might help me understand this form of dream. Lindsey's eyes is what I zoned in on and they looked so fearful, confused"why'. I had to see these eyes through a smashed bloody face and the eyes were bloodvesiled broken bloody but she was alive. I turned my head to the left (I'm awake after that brain shock) in a squatting position next to Lindsey initially bending over her feeling like Oh my God, baby and knowing I had to force myself to look up and I a grown woman felt frightend but knew i had to. I put my left fist on my mouth, held my breath and a man had legs apart in a V, army green to olive green pleated pants with the darts at the top, clean. Skinny leather belt side ruffed small buckle dingy metal. Mediumn waste with the same color,slight tone difference [newer) brushed cotton shirt,small shirt buttuns buttoned up normally as a dress shirt. Hair and eyebrows dirty sandy blond. Cuffs buttoned as well. No pokets on shirt that stood out but one that seems to blend into shirt. He was looking down with proudness ,sereen satisfaction and just finishing a last tuck in as he looke at her bloodied without a squint of panic. She layed dead, torso,waist upward and limp bent at knees way to the right with him strattled. He was a clean washed man not looking like a labor worker, almost hard working manager type and comfortable with the look he has. Thats it. Thursday was aberdeen day and out of nowhere the night before he asked me if I wanted to stop in Mc Cleary and my mouth dropped. He is Spock Logic,only helped me try and locate 20 mi west SE and didn't even know that this was close to my heart as I'v spoken "Anthony" for a yr. We had a wonderful drive to Mc Cleary. He still doesn't know about my dream! I just wanted to get this out because the rest seemed to follow naturally that day. Figured if I got this out I could move on to other things left for another thread except it seems in a spiritually way I need to proceed from here and leave the other thread for fact investigating. The only other thing is when I first looked at Lindsey with those profuse blood veins eyeballs seemed to give me a last glance weekly to make me look up. When I did I expected to look back down at an alive Lindsey and she passed while i was looking. This wasn't quite a dream. In sluething my mind has taken to look at uniforms that had adorments removed The shirt was very brushed cotton med. gage fabric. If it may be a uniform I didn't see holes eyelets? for pins badges.
SS i was typing the above entry as you were posting. Whoa!
Kageykaren, I am glad you posted your 'dream' or 'vision'. Your distress about your experience is very clear - as clear as these details you remember and have communicated so well. Take a deep breath, and try to remember that whatever happened to Lindsey already happened, and she is safe now, and without pain or fear. If she brought you these images, it is because she knew you could handle what she showed you, and still think with that wonderful "Spock logic" of yours. Trust that; I do.

I've never experienced anything like what you describe, and am feeling especially grateful for that fact right now. It must have been terrifying, and so sad. Sending hugs and strength your way.

Could the place you saw be a golf course? Was the grass groomed, or cultivated, do you remember? (I am imagining lawn-grass, as opposed to a field or meadow). And did you have a sense of the man's age?

(More hugs, and remember to breathe!)
Big hugs KageyKaren, sometimes it is hard when you have such vivid dreams and agree with coastal point, that she is safe now and she wouldn't of come to you if she knew that you couldn't handle the situation. Your a pretty smart woman.
Where you able to hear anything in surrounding area, such as vehicals off in a distance or water sound, sounds of the wood like frogs etc., or sense other things in the area such buildings. Can you get a sense of time of day it is. Is it real bright or low light. Do you feel that she knew him. Sometimes questions help jog parts of the memory of the dreams. I know this must be pretty difficult. My heart goes out to you kagey. Thank you for telling your dream. Hopefully soon she will be found
Big hugs KageyKaren, sometimes it is hard when you have such vivid dreams and agree with coastal point, that she is safe now and she wouldn't of come to you if she knew that you couldn't handle the situation. Your a pretty smart woman.
Where you able to hear anything in surrounding area, such as vehicals off in a distance or water sound, sounds of the wood like frogs etc., or sense other things in the area such buildings. Can you get a sense of time of day it is. Is it real bright or low light. Do you feel that she knew him. Sometimes questions help jog parts of the memory of the dreams. I know this must be pretty difficult. My heart goes out to you kagey. Thank you for telling your dream. Hopefully soon she will be found
This is for you and coastal and I appreciate your response and most of all that you were able to realize my distress by this. To answer questions, No sound of anything! Sometimes the NW has what I call London days wether it is summer, winter or fall (I know carol King's song "You've Got a Firend LOL!) Take a horse shoe type land area. Upper part of the U shape poiint's to be right where the wall of brush and trees begins. and surrounds the whole area except aan entrance that didn't seemed well traveld I felt remote,in a clearing that seemed dark like our London days I mentioned, but felt no censation as to hot or cold temp. It wasn't dewy from a light rain but plush greenery. No picnic tables just so very still and quiet! The grass is that plush grass, that might make one want to put their lawn mower 1 above the lowest blade.
this isn't like a golf type ground but when I squatted to look into Linsdey's eye my periffial vision to my left front and up to about the perps knees I could see a net hanging loosely to the back right of the clearing and it wasn;t in great shape but weathered more than torn. In those moments I remember saying to myself," Don't look up towards the perp, it must be an old ball park except no bleachers, no back fence and no infield. I told myself to pay no mine as I was bent need on Lindsey's right wanting to hold onto the moment of what her face looked like as she was looking up at the perp and that is when she could only move her eyes to speak through them. This man had on leather type hush puppies comfy shoe 3 laces each shoe, and not knew just broken in. I'm thinking over grown golf course abandon. Thinking of Tuba right now made me agree this could be considered "lonely", but this grass must be cut as it wasn't overgrown which may be a sign that he new this site well. I didn't see the brutel attack taking place. This man didn't seemed panic to get out of the area once that last tiny tucking of his shirt. Like he would just leave and never look back. This man with sandy blond hair
messy just slightly over his ears, 2 3 days dirty and had two day not shaving look. It seemed to me his affect was proud of himself and had no fear to walk away and integrate back in to a community and work. A golf course abandon might have muddy areas? I think I can say this was a net to catch golf balls which would put this landing far from the actual golf course. I had no feelings like this for the perp when I began studing this case. Thanks again, so appreciative for your input.
Big hugs KageyKaren, sometimes it is hard when you have such vivid dreams and agree with coastal point, that she is safe now and she wouldn't of come to you if she knew that you couldn't handle the situation. Your a pretty smart woman.
Where you able to hear anything in surrounding area, such as vehicals off in a distance or water sound, sounds of the wood like frogs etc., or sense other things in the area such buildings. Can you get a sense of time of day it is. Is it real bright or low light. Do you feel that she knew him. Sometimes questions help jog parts of the memory of the dreams. I know this must be pretty difficult. My heart goes out to you kagey. Thank you for telling your dream. Hopefully soon she will be found
Sorry i didn't answer those questions or maybe I did?? No buildings. 3:30 to 5:00 in the evenning but a feel before five. Age of man early 40's more than 35 to 38 range but not close to 50,45 yrs of age. The one thing that stood out as I took my eyes from Lindsey to the an slowly looking up from the groun the slacks hung not tapeared slightly wider but hung nice all the way to waiste. That is it, nada, nothing else! Don't want another one! While at the shell gas station a day after the vision or whatever we noticed as it was busy there the men were quiet, looking down, not wanting eye contact with each other as they were taking care of business. My husband brought that up to me and I said you noticed that unsettled air surrounding the station. While junking in aberrdean I met a woman from Raymond Wa. we got to talking and she lived in Mc Cleary for 5 yrs. before moving and said the Mc Cleary police were crooked and everyone new it! Whoa!!!! I told her about this site and she was aware of W/S as she is a forensic astrologer but hasn't practiced it 10 yrs. due to path in life. Well of course I had to share our forumn of FA and it encouraged her to join. She stated she was going to talk with her friend in Mc Cleary?? Hopefully she will let me know if she joined as we hit it off. I looked away at a table with frames and had to move a book to look at them and the darn book title was "Black Widow." This particular road trip had so many uncanty coencidences. After I laid the book down I said good by to the sweet woman walke over to a dirty small metal elevator and there in this rickity elevator was a crumbled picture of Lindsey on her flyer.
Hi Karen, I am sitting here trying to picture what you have described and want to thank you for sharing your dream experience.

One thought is niggling at me as to where this place could be. I hope our locals all read your writings as they might have a good idea.

I have to go re-read your posts again, but didn't come away with the feeling your dream didn't take place in the evening or night as you saw too much. Maybe dreams work that way though, with light being given for one to get as much possible from their dream.

ETA: Oh, I see now you say it seemed like 3:30 to 5pm. That could be an illusion like I said to assist you in maximizing what you saw. There must have been a reason for you to have such an intense dream. Maybe it is fortutitous ;}

This is for you and coastal and I appreciate your response and most of all that you were able to realize my distress by this. To answer questions, No sound of anything! Sometimes the NW has what I call London days wether it is summer, winter or fall (I know carol King's song "You've Got a Firend LOL!) Take a horse shoe type land area. Upper part of the U shape poiint's to be right where the wall of brush and trees begins. and surrounds the whole area except aan entrance that didn't seemed well traveld I felt remote,in a clearing that seemed dark like our London days I mentioned, but felt no censation as to hot or cold temp. It wasn't dewy from a light rain but plush greenery. No picnic tables just so very still and quiet! The grass is that plush grass, that might make one want to put their lawn mower 1 above the lowest blade.
this isn't like a golf type ground but when I squatted to look into Linsdey's eye my periffial vision to my left front and up to about the perps knees I could see a net hanging loosely to the back right of the clearing and it wasn;t in great shape but weathered more than torn. In those moments I remember saying to myself," Don't look up towards the perp, it must be an old ball park except no bleachers, no back fence and no infield. I told myself to pay no mine as I was bent need on Lindsey's right wanting to hold onto the moment of what her face looked like as she was looking up at the perp and that is when she could only move her eyes to speak through them. This man had on leather type hush puppies comfy shoe 3 laces each shoe, and not knew just broken in. I'm thinking over grown golf course abandon. Thinking of Tuba right now made me agree this could be considered "lonely", but this grass must be cut as it wasn't overgrown which may be a sign that he new this site well. I didn't see the brutel attack taking place. This man didn't seemed panic to get out of the area once that last tiny tucking of his shirt. Like he would just leave and never look back. This man with sandy blond hair
messy just slightly over his ears, 2 3 days dirty and had two day not shaving look. It seemed to me his affect was proud of himself and had no fear to walk away and integrate back in to a community and work. A golf course abandon might have muddy areas? I think I can say this was a net to catch golf balls which would put this landing far from the actual golf course. I had no feelings like this for the perp when I began studing this case. Thanks again, so appreciative for your input.

Karen, I wish you could go look at Mike's aerial photos to see if you can pinpoint that U shaped patch of green grass surrounded by trees. On the side where the 2 ends of the horse shoe would be did you notice anything? Did trees abut the grassy area?

Questions and more questions. LOL Could it be a spot in the ORV Park at Capitol Forest? Would a maintanance man wear an outfit like that? Who would wear pants like that now adays? Not military I assume. I'll be thinking. xox
It almost seems as if these words were whispered to me by some spiritual source. What is your theory on how this happens to you?
I don't know what it is, but I do know I wish mine would whisper! LOL When I hear just words...they are loud and the reason they are hard to ignore. I have tried as they sometimes tend to interrupt me when I am trying to sleep. ;)

Originally posted by Salem: SS - this may refer to the suburban and Robert Manwill. The suburban was allegedly stolen on July 22..... and Robert went missing on July 24th. You posted the morning of July 22.....

Just a thought.

Oh...I bet you are right. I didn't know about Robert's case until much later after he went missing and someone brought it to my attention. RIP Robert Manwill. :(

Thanks for putting those together for me. Sometimes our dreams/visions do cross over into other cases and it is difficult to decifer until it comes out. I have seen this happen a few times.
Wow! Karen!! Now that is what I truly call a vision. Extremely detailed and as if you are an unseen bystander in the midst of the actual happening.

Could the area perhaps be a soccer field? With the net and the grass, it seems a logical choice.

I don't know anyone who would take care of an abandoned golf course, but I guess it is possible if a person wanted to go there illegally to hit a few balls. The upkeep would be very difficult without water and a road leading directly to it.

The details of the man in your vision is incredible so I wanted to list them.:

1. Medium waist (slender ?)
2. Dishwater Blonde hair (dirty & strawberry, salt & pepper colored)
3. Clean cut (no facial hair except for 2-3 days stubble)
4. Kahki pants (military olive/army green)
5. Thin leather belt w/dingy metal buckle (ruffed ?)
6. Thin legs (pants hung straight to waist)
7. Brushed cotton, long sleeved shirt (newer, one pocket, cuffs buttoned)
8. Neat dresser (tucking in shirt)
9. Soft brushed leather shoes with 3 eyelets on each side (broken in)
10. Age approximately 35-42 yo
11. Height: Appox. 5' 8"
12. Weight?
13. Distinguishing characteristics: scars, eye color, birthmarks, fingernails, ears, bushy eyebrows, etc.?
14. Hat?
15. Laborer/working class
16. Male
17. Causasion

Originally posted by KageyKaren: I put my left fist on my mouth, held my breath and a man had legs apart in a V, army green to olive green pleated pants with the darts at the top, clean. Skinny leather belt side ruffed small buckle dingy metal. Medium waste with the same color,slight tone difference [newer) brushed cotton shirt,small shirt buttuns buttoned up normally as a dress shirt. Hair and eyebrows dirty sandy blond. Cuffs buttoned as well. No pokets on shirt that stood out but one that seems to blend into shirt.

This man had on leather type hush puppies comfy shoe 3 laces each shoe, and not knew just broken in. I'm thinking over grown golf course abandon. Thinking of Tuba right now made me agree this could be considered "lonely", but this grass must be cut as it wasn't overgrown which may be a sign that he new this site well. I didn't see the brutel attack taking place. This man didn't seemed panic to get out of the area once that last tiny tucking of his shirt. Like he would just leave and never look back. This man with sandy blond hair messy just slightly over his ears, 2 3 days dirty and had two day not shaving look.
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