Dreams/Visions? - #1

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I found this photo on the City of McCleary's website, under the "Departments" tab:

In City Departments:
Development Services / Building
Light & Power
Municipal Court
Planning Department
Public Facilities: 100 S 3rd Street, McCleary, WA 98557
Water / Wastewater

There are 22 (City Employees) currently on staff.

McCleary Public Facilities is a division of Public Works that deals with streets, stormwater, parks and the cemetery. The city's Maintenance Crew is also a part of this division. The Crew also provides all maintenance work on water and sewer lines, including hooking up new customers; providing traffic control for Light & Power; and maintaining city buildings.

The Public Facilities Manager inspects all developer-constructed utilities that will eventually be deeded to the city as a part of the development process...

Streets and Sidewalks (photo of flooded Summit Rd., 1/08/2009)
Parks and Cemetary (photo of Beerbower Park)
Summit Place II South Retention Pond 1/08/2009

Public Facilities Manager: Todd Baun

*June 22nd through July 2nd :
The City crew will be flushing the water system using various fire hydrants around town...

About Water:

The city pumps this groundwater from two 90-foot wells located on city property just west of the SR108 turnoff north of town. Water system operators treat the water with a disinfectant to protect us from microbial contaminants and then pipe it to two storage tanks located east of the city. Operators inspect and clean the tanks regularly to minimize buildup of sludge in the system. From the tanks the water then flows to customers through the distribution system....



The Wildcat Creek Aquifer is a naturally occurring, cost-free reservoir that provides clean, safe drinking water to several hundred individual domestic wells, three Group B public water system wells, and three Group A public water system wells, one of which is the City of McCleary’s water system...

Approximately 250 parcels in the unincorporated part of the valley have houses on them. Forty-five houses do not have on-site sewage disposal permits but are assumed to have on-site sewage systems. The County issued 171 permits for on-site systems before 1995, and has issued 74 permits since then. The new standards that took effect in 1995 have resulted in the construction of a greater number of pressure distribution systems, and
there are now about 50 such systems in the valley. County records show that 13 on-site systems have been repaired in the valley, a number that may be low since repairs before 1980 may not have been recorded.

There are fewer individual wells than on-site sewage systems because of homes served by the six public water system wells: Two Group B wells (Olin 330 & Sky Acres) and one Group A well (Pit Co 328) in the northeastern portion of the valley; one Group B well (Wintercreek MHP) and one Group A well (Forrestview Senior 55+ community) in the southwestern portion of the valley; and the City of McCleary’s water utility, which serves four homes located outside City boundaries on Larson Road.


*The McCleary Community Center is located at 726 W Simpson Avenue, next to the Cemetery. (There is a playground at the Community Center)

I've lost this post twice, but I really wanted to post that picture of the city fleet and garage...then I saw the South Retention Pond at Summit Place II...and the name Todd Baun (I am not implying Mr. Baun knows anything about Lindsey. I just find his name interesting, and his job description)...and then, I got interested in water and wells, so I added some info I found about that, too.

I don't know the area but was wondering if they keep this area mowed. It has a fence around it.
Thank you so much for the links to the uniforms and belt it is very much appreciated Seriously Searching.
I wonder what the City Workers wear as uniforms? In particular, the water works department.
That's a good thought about the water works uniforms, SS. Or I was thinking someone say, employed as an electrician by the park service could wear a similar color/style shirt and pants as park rangers. kk suggests that the clothes were very neat and clean. What type of worker would be able to keep the clothes clean though? Several people were talking about how there could have been service people around setting up the Bear Festival.
SS yhank you for the photos Please teach me how you do that and with speed too. This isn't the color I saw on the female officer Mary A Boner pk ranger. If this could have your magic it would show everyone the exact color of his clothes. The one difference say with unform pants is his seem to have a more tailored fit same material. When i googling that one site we aren't supposed to post kept comming up during those boy scout searches and post of someone who knoews about things were intersting. I don't read there and I'm thinking I should. I wish we new other programs the Baum children may have belonged to. there was areason she wanted me to lay back to her torso as I could have easily looked to my left and up while squatted on Lindsey's left side. Was there something else important enough that I had to lay on her?
ok, I'm here. What did you guys need help with?

I haven't read this thread in a few days. How far should I go back?
That's a good thought about the water works uniforms, SS. Or I was thinking someone say, employed as an electrician by the park service could wear a similar color/style shirt and pants as park rangers. kk suggests that the clothes were very neat and clean. What type of worker would be able to keep the clothes clean though? Several people were talking about how there could have been service people around setting up the Bear Festival.
Someone who drives around in a truck all day and checks levels at the water sewage station or walks around reading meters. They don't get dirty...they push pencils.
SS yhank you for the photos Please teach me how you do that and with speed too. This isn't the color I saw on the female officer Mary A Boner pk ranger. If this could have your magic it would show everyone the exact color of his clothes. The one difference say with unform pants is his seem to have a more tailored fit same material. When i googling that one site we aren't supposed to post kept comming up during those boy scout searches and post of someone who knoews about things were intersting. I don't read there and I'm thinking I should. I wish we new other programs the Baum children may have belonged to. there was areason she wanted me to lay back to her torso as I could have easily looked to my left and up while squatted on Lindsey's left side. Was there something else important enough that I had to lay on her?
I simply googled US Park Rangers in Uniform photos. ;)

Yes, I do think her wanting you to see from her vantage point means there is something she is trying to point out. It will be very specific, imo. Try thinking not only about looking at it from her perspective of where she was laying...but how she would think about things from a 11yo point of view. To her...it stood out for some reason. Does this make sense?

You saw him tuck in his shirt. Describe his hands.
I wonder what the City Workers wear as uniforms? In particular, the water works department.

Not exactly sure what McClearys city workers wear but every other city worker in the county wears whatever they want. No uniform. Usually jeans, a t-shirt and a jacket if it's cold/rainy. Occaisionally they will wear rain gear if they are working outside for extended periods of time.

The only way you'd know they were county/city workers is if they happen to be driving a city/county truck.
Picture of the current Washington State National Park ranger uniforms.

I don't know the area but was wondering if they keep this area mowed. It has a fence around it.

Thanks Tamg for that, I had seen a pond north of McCleary on a map I believe and now I know what it is. Gee, it might have been in one of Mike's photos. xox
I simply googled US Park Rangers in Uniform photos. ;)

Yes, I do think her wanting you to see from her vantage point means there is something she is trying to point out. It will be very specific, imo. Try thinking not only about looking at it from her perspective of where she was laying...but how she would think about things from a 11yo point of view. To her...it stood out for some reason. Does this make sense?

You saw him tuck in his shirt. Describe his hands.

Oh, Very Good SS! Ya Ya And I'm wondering if the ground was level.

I looked at a photo today that Karen posted and it was sunny but I noticed at the edge of the grass and runing into the trees it became quite dark. So I am also wondering if she was lying fully on the grass or over towards where the trees start.

I'm thinking for this guy to have a lifeless body lying out on the grass and his standing straddled over her, she was very exposed. Evidently he didn't care as he was at ease in a bold sort of way. Not what one would expect.

And then he wasn't dressed for digging in the dirt, so would he have simply pulled her into the trees and covered her with branches?

I know I am getting into your dream a bit much Karen, but it does sound so possible.

Do you think she died the night she was taken or the next day? Ta
Oh, Very Good SS! Ya Ya And I'm wondering if the ground was level.

I looked at a photo today that Karen posted and it was sunny but I noticed at the edge of the grass and runing into the trees it became quite dark. So I am also wondering if she was lying fully on the grass or over towards where the trees start.

I'm thinking for this guy to have a lifeless body lying out on the grass and his standing straddled over her, she was very exposed. Evidently he didn't care as he was at ease in a bold sort of way. Not what one would expect.

And then he wasn't dressed for digging in the dirt, so would he have simply pulled her into the trees and covered her with branches?

I know I am getting into your dream a bit much Karen, but it does sound so possible.

Do you think she died the night she was taken or the next day? Ta
Actually, a perp leaving her there uncovered in the open would be what I would expect if he had no feelings towards her. He may cover her with brush to obscure her, but I doubt he would go to any real bother to conceal her. He must feel comfortable in the area and not be concerned with being caught. Perps usually only take time to conceal a body if they need more time to distance themselves from the crime scene. It isn't because they care about the person they just killed, but only themselves. (Unless the perp is related to the person such as a parent...they tend to cover their victims by wrapping them or otherwise showing some care.)
Poster Noddy left me instructions on how to cut copy pate. so I'm going to try to post a pic of Wa. Park Ranger Mary A Boner, that is wearing the closet attire I'v seen yet. I'v been looking at all types of uniforms from various jobs to see if anything stood out, because I was troubled by his matching of clothes of this kind. All the sudden after looking up every boy scout division of uniforms and crossed those off the list. LE off list, flight maintence crew uniforms and national guard, Fish and wildlife uniforms and civillian Park rangers in field uniforms, less proper and I can't locate those. I'm not trying to say it is a Park ranger but the uniform I saw on Mary A. Boner smaked me in the face to the point of stomach turning. Was there a day camp for Jr. Park Rangers offered to children in Mc Cleary and other close towns? If you don't look at this mans attire as a uniform but more of a street clothes trying to be up to code for a job might help. To answer a question presented Lindsey's body and her head were directly in front of the forrest bushes as if the man could push her into the woods instead of pulling out of the woods. The edge of this forrest-bush (no Alder trees) would take a bit of a walk from where the openning started. Going by what I saw in my vision moment the perp would have to have drove Lindsey to this area. I don't know if the brutal attack happened before the place she laid or was hurt before. my gut tells me the attack of physical harm did take place in the back of the clearing. It seemed like the lull of the day after lunch hour as it seemed he was going to continue his day as planned. This would make Lindsey being held hidden before the drive to where she was. He was not affected in any way by the brutality he used on her and had nothing showing on his clothes like blood. Hands appeared weather, chapped,dry but not as if he did any type of hard labor. This man looked nothing like what I'v invisioned and posted. I expected a more creepy, greasey large not buff person who had difficulty with women and his station in life and it was clear the man I saw was none of those descriptions. I could see this guy buying a juice drink at the Shell station and chatting it up alittle with the attendant as I could tell he likes himself alot and is comfortable. since he wasn't dirty one bit I don't know where the attack took place as she was literally hanging on to a last moment of life. I don't want to take up too much time in sluethin and am sure people who scoff at dreams vision are dismissing this and I'm OK with this and won't take the sluething to intermingle with facts on Lindsey Baum missing thread. I'm going to post whatever is an off shute from my vision here and hope others may help me. Thank all of you for your questions, your links in helping me and respecting that I would never do anything to interrupt the investigation by all members. I just can't ignore this out of the ordinary moment. One of the things that I felt while looking up from a laying position at his stance was how tall he seemed from that angle, kind of like an optical illusion , maybe like Lindsey percieved him. Tall meaning authority. I hope this guy is caught and I'm way off the mark!! This has been daunting combined with my road trip experience. This seems like a sleepy town that gets busy around 5:eek:o pm due to people getting off work. I saw many a man that one may think to be a perp by looks associated to alot of these crimes but that look is not what I saw in my vision. The man I saw could fit into many social settings.
Looking at lots of photos today I did see a lot of fences too, even wood ones. I also saw many horshoe or oval shaped fields surrounded by trees in the Grays Harbor County area.

Do you know if dreams end up being true it turned out exactly as one saw it or it was deeper than that and they really give out an idea about a scenario? On Medium her dreams are not always exact but have enough in them to finally figure out what happened and then solve the case.

I do think SS's dream was amazing about Robert Manwill. xox
I believe it can be bits and pieces of the whole picture. IMO. I also believe it is like a puzzle and someone elses dream my incorporate to some part of your dream. I am kind of new at this and I am still learning and trying to understand a lot of things. My understanding it is usually the person who hand the dream is the one that can determine/understand what the meaning of it is, although it is always helps having others to help trying to figure out what that is. It also depends on what kind of dream it is. Or sometimes words will just stick out, example Beaver creek. could mean beaver in the creek, or a place or could be symbolic. And then trying to figure out who it might be for. Like I said I am kind of new at this and still trying to understand things. I also think it takes a lot for a person to trust and feel secure enough to tell what they are dreaming. I am glad that SS, concentric, and Lagey, as well as a few others are able to do that.. *S*
karen, in order to post a picture you need to first save it to your computer. Right click on the picture and save it. Then go to an image site.. like photobucket.com or imageshack.us, upload it there. they will give you an URL to use.
Come to the forums and click on the little yellow box with the mountain looking thing on it and paste the URL into there, hit ok and it will post it to the forum.

I googled Mary A. Boner and I'm not coming up with anything or I would do it for you.
Thanks TamgMit (what does that mean?) I did go out on limb in relaying my experience and that is out of character for me. Thank you and others for allowing me some relief! One thing I haven't discussed is my spiritual (I guess) placement and how it felt in that moment. Lindsey was very aware of my presence, tunnel vision towards her face then body, the face again. We were connected in that moment and felt like we were inside a clear oval, not a bubble, intensely eyes to eyes. The perp had no knowledge of my being there, like I was invisble to him. I moved off Lindsey to my left beside her head and body got up squatting on my toes knees bent, feeling I had to look at hers eyes again and dreading it . When I did she had already passed. I felt a sadness but more of a feeling of drained "Oh my god, what do I do for her, how can I relay such a story. If I was a patient in the line of work I did, I wouldsay they are delusions from a loss but this wasn't the case. This clearing is inside a much larger forrest but can be accessed.
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