Drew Peterson's Trial *FIFTH WEEK* part one

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Don't care for Glasgow, but now is your time to shine.
In Session The sidebar ends. “That way of drowning someone is available to someone today?” “Water runs right up your nose, and you can lose consciousness right away.” “So, in this particular case, with what you indicated was a lack of struggle or injuries, this could be a possible scenario?” “No. This woman has injuries; she’s got a lacerated scalp, she’s got bruises on the left side. The case you’re describing would have nothing.” “But you can’t date these bruises, so she could have gotten them before she got into the bathtub?” “Not the laceration.” “But that could have been inflicted post-mortem?” “Oh, no, no . . . if you hit somebody when they’re dead, you can get bleeding . . . but you would not see the soft tissue hemorrhage, because that requires blood pressure.” “But once you start the drowning process, a person’s heart could continue to beat for quite some time?” “That’s possible, yes.”
Glasgow: Di Maio co-authored book that says, "basically health adults don't drown in the bathtub." #DrewPeterson

DiMaio: No way Savio's head injury could have been post-mortem. Damage requires blood pressure.
In Session The sidebar ends. Dr. DiMaio: “I concluded that the death was an accident, due to slipping in the bathtub and hitting the back of the head. This stunned Ms. Savio or rendered her unconscious. She slipped under the water, and she drowned.” “Did she have a pattern of injuries?” “Yes . . . they’re consistent with the pattern of injuries one would see if one fell on the left side of one’s body. They’re the injuries consistent with a fall and striking one’s head on a hard surface.” “Did you see any signs of a struggle?” “No, Sir . . . these injuries were up and down the left side of the body . . .those you see when see when somebody falls on their side, not with an assault. The injuries are of a fall, not an assault, the pattern of injuries.” “Is there any evidence at all about a struggle or an assault?” “You can look at any one injury and give multiple explanations. What you’re looking for is a pattern of injuries . . . the pattern of injuries are up and down the left side of the body, the left side of the back of the head. And this is the pattern of a fall, not of assault.”

Or trying to run up the stairs, tripping, falling to esacape your attacker????
Prosecutor Connor continues to ask Dr. Jentzen about the injuries suffered by Kathleen Savio, one by one. #DrewPeterson

KaraOko: Connor continues to get into discrepancies between Jentzen's testimony today, and in the pre-trial hearings. #DrewPeterson

bjlutz: Jentzen says his opinion is that Savio hit hips first, then head. Head injury rendered her unconscious.


Seriously? No, seriously?
I think my hips/butt out-weigh my head. So much so that there would be a thud and nothing would hit next.
In Session The witness admits that drowning in bathtubs are rare (“around 1.6 per million”). “If you divide the people who drown in tubs, there’s children, people with epilepsy or seizure disorders, and then you have the other group, which is people who fall and hit their heads. About half of those have alcohol.” “In this case, Ms. Savio’s toxicology was clean?” “Yes . . . you can do it sober. Alcohol helps, but you don’t need it for a slip and fall.”
Di Maio, on slip and fall tub drownings: "You can do it sober. Alcohol helps, but you don’t need it to slip and fall." #

witness DiMaio says about 15 percent of bathtub drowning deaths are healty adults who are not drunk, drugged or diseased....[ so that means 85% ARE NOT ...LOL]
I think if she slipped and fell from a standing position she would not have hit her head on the tub because she is too tall. She would have had to hit it on the wall behind the tub. Sounds like the injuries on her left side could have come from her being forced into the tub and held under, too. jmo
In Session “You’re also aware that the scalp is very vascular and bleed profusely?” “Yes, Sir.” “In your analysis, you even left room for the fact that any blood that might have been coming out of her head might have been wiped away by her hair?” “Yes, that’s a possibility . . . if there was any blood, it could. Especially if the hair is soaked. She’s got very thick hair, which was wet at the time of the autopsy, and that could wipe away [the blood]. But usually it’s a second blow that produces blood, not the first.” “But any crushing injury would be toward the center of the wound, so the outer edges would start to bleed?’ “No . . . bleeding would be from the inside of the blood vessels, not the outside.” “When a blood vessel is torn, there would be nothing to keep the blood from coming out?” “If you have an initial injury, you’ll bleed more from the vessels that aren’t completely severed than the ones that are severed. But the blood doesn’t come gushing out immediately.”
prosecutor Glasgow tried to ask DiMaio a question about sleeper holds, but judge shut it down immediately.

[ WHY? WTF. Why can't the jury decide for themselves? He was in the army as an MP and then a cop for 25 yrs. Why wouldnt he know a sleeper hold? BUT I am glad they threw it out there...]
In Session “Did you consider whether Ms. Savio could have been rendered unconscious . . .” Objection. The attorneys approach the bench for a sidebar.
Here's a link to diMaio's book where he says healthy clear-headed adults don't die in bath tub drownings http://t.co/WRP5GNGI #drewpeterson

[ Did the state ask him about this book?]
In Session “Can you age or date a bruise?” “You can say it’s recent or it’s old; that’s about it. The methods use to age bruises are color and microscopic examinations. The problem with color is if you bang yourself and get a purple bruise, it’s usually purple for a day or two or three. Sometimes, for some people, a purple bruise just fades, and there’s never a color change. If you examine microscopically, it’s not reliable; you could look at a bruise that’s two hours old and see a microscopic change. You can look at a bruise that’s a day old, and there’s no microscopic changes at all . . . it’s just not reliable. So, the most you can say about a bruise is to say ‘it looks recent’ or ‘it looks old.’ The science is just not there.”


Really? Then how come in nursing school- 25 years ago!- I was taught how to age a bruise, the colors a bruise can be seen in yellow, green, black, purple, blue...) ????
Guess my nursing school professors lied to me.

jury sent out of room after Glasgow asks hypothetical question about Savio being hit on head during/after intentional drowning...

[ why can't they ask that? These experts keep saying there was NO SIGNS OF A STRUGGLE. So doesnt that open the door?]
Jury escorted out of courtroom after objection of Glasgow question that defense says is speculation. Burmila sustains objection. [uugghhhh]
In Session The sidebar ends. The jurors are released from the courtroom. The defense is objecting to the State’s line of questioning, saying that there’s no evidence to suggest that the victim was rendered unconscious and then forcibly drowned. Attorney Goldberg: “That line of testimony is entirely inappropriate.” Judge to prosecution: “Who’s going to testify that there was a struggle. You can’t present the doctor an infinite number of hypotheses.” Glasgow: “I’m trying to attack his analysis of the scene . . . he says in his book you can drown someone in a tub by just grabbing them by the ankles.” Judge: “How are you going to complete that, even if he says yes? What is the jury to make of that information?” Glasgow: I’m just attacking his analysis of this case as an accident.” Judge: “The objection is going to be sustained. You’re not going to be able to ask the doctor that question.”
I was thinking about this earlier this afternoon. The DT tried to make a big deal out of Pontarelli never seeing abuse or signs of domestic violence yet the DT also made sure they objected and prevented the PT from putting on any testimony about it. I object to how the DT gets to have it both ways.
judge tersely says he doesn't have a problem w/ Glasgow question other than he doesn't have legal basis to ask it.

prosecutor Glasgow tells judge that they have no rebuttal witnesses who will say Savio was held under water, then hit...

Witness and jury re-entering the courtroom; objection sustained Glasgow not allowed to ask that question
DiMaio: There were no signs of a struggle....

[ this ticks me off that the judge called the 'choke hold' testimony not relevant...:mad:]

It's common sense to me that the more the DT brings out testimony that there's no evidence of a struggle, the PT should be able to rebut with how that's possible with the training he had.
In Session The sidebar ends. Dr. DiMaio: “I concluded that the death was an accident, due to slipping in the bathtub and hitting the back of the head. This stunned Ms. Savio or rendered her unconscious. She slipped under the water, and she drowned.” “Did she have a pattern of injuries?” “Yes . . . they’re consistent with the pattern of injuries one would see if one fell on the left side of one’s body. They’re the injuries consistent with a fall and striking one’s head on a hard surface.” “Did you see any signs of a struggle?” “No, Sir . . . these injuries were up and down the left side of the body . . .those you see when see when somebody falls on their side, not with an assault. The injuries are of a fall, not an assault, the pattern of injuries.” “Is there any evidence at all about a struggle or an assault?” “You can look at any one injury and give multiple explanations. What you’re looking for is a pattern of injuries . . . the pattern of injuries are up and down the left side of the body, the left side of the back of the head. And this is the pattern of a fall, not of assault.”

And are they consistent with DP rendering her unconscious and dragging her from wherever she was subdued into the bathroom?
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