Dying Girl, 7, Taunted by Neighbors in Trenton UPDATE: RIP, Kathleen:(

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Sorry to hear that Kathleen Edward passed away. It is a sad fact that Huntington's Disease would of claimed her eventually. Huntington's Disease at adulthood is really horrendous and die a slow and painful death.

And each subsequent generation that inherited the defective gene tends to get it earlier (which is why her mother made it to adulthood and Kathleen didn't). Horrible disease.
RIP Kathleen. I know you're in the arms of your mom and grandmommy.



Her grandmother is still alive. The disease was inherited from the grandfather onto the child's mother then onto the child.
Jennifer Petkov reminds me of Casey Anthony, Lori Drew, Eric Harris, and Osama bin Laden. Highly narcissistic, paranoid (excluding Anthony), and rageful. She has shades of Casey Anthony.
Unforgivable Acts? Jennifer Petkov to apologize to family of Kathleen Edward on 'Dr. Phil'
Published: Monday, January 30, 2012, 7:37 AM Updated: Monday, January 30, 2012, 9:57 AM

Kathleen Edward died earlier this month, and now the Trenton woman who taunted her with reminders of her disease will apologize on a national stage.

Jennifer Petkov, who became the subject of international scorn after posting death-themed photos of the dying 7-year-old on Facebook, is expected to apologize to her family during an episode of "Dr. Phil" scheduled to air today.

The episode, including the "Unforgivable Acts" segment featuring the Petkovs is expected to air at 5 p.m. in Metro Detroit.​
Unforgivable Acts? Jennifer Petkov to apologize to family of Kathleen Edward on 'Dr. Phil'
Published: Monday, January 30, 2012, 7:37 AM Updated: Monday, January 30, 2012, 9:57 AM

Kathleen Edward died earlier this month, and now the Trenton woman who taunted her with reminders of her disease will apologize on a national stage.

Jennifer Petkov, who became the subject of international scorn after posting death-themed photos of the dying 7-year-old on Facebook, is expected to apologize to her family during an episode of "Dr. Phil" scheduled to air today.

The episode, including the "Unforgivable Acts" segment featuring the Petkovs is expected to air at 5 p.m. in Metro Detroit.​

She did apologized back when it happened if I recall. She didn't sound remorseful. Typical psychopath. :crazy:
Unforgivable Acts? Jennifer Petkov to apologize to family of Kathleen Edward on 'Dr. Phil'
Published: Monday, January 30, 2012, 7:37 AM Updated: Monday, January 30, 2012, 9:57 AM

Kathleen Edward died earlier this month, and now the Trenton woman who taunted her with reminders of her disease will apologize on a national stage.

Jennifer Petkov, who became the subject of international scorn after posting death-themed photos of the dying 7-year-old on Facebook, is expected to apologize to her family during an episode of "Dr. Phil" scheduled to air today.

The episode, including the "Unforgivable Acts" segment featuring the Petkovs is expected to air at 5 p.m. in Metro Detroit.​

If he paid her one thin dime to do it, or even flew her to LA and put her in a hotel I'll be sick to my stomach! :furious: :sick:

Did anyone see it? I think this "apology" isn't worth the air it took her to expel it.
If he paid her one thin dime to do it, or even flew her to LA and put her in a hotel I'll be sick to my stomach! :furious: :sick:

Did anyone see it? I think this "apology" isn't worth the air it took her to expel it.

I watched most of it and jennifer and her husband put on a nice act of regret and denial, admitted only to what what had been clearly proven and documented. Said they were only "retaliating" for what had been done or said to them.

I don't believe they are sorry one bit. I don't buy their act and there is NO excuse for their behavior, NONE!!!!! I hope they continue to live their miserable lives, living with the backlash and the karma that they have brought on themselves.

Karma can be a "B". But the ugliness that they spewed actually brought so much love and support for Kathleen's family so i hope Jennifer sees that her actions just ruined her life and just brought worldwide blessing from everyone to Kathleen's life.

I cannot imagine the grief that Kathleen's family suffered after losing her mom and then Kathleen and then having to deal with these idiots. Just thinking about it makes me angry enough to spontaneously combust!:furious:
i missed the show... but i too don't buy any remorse... would love to see what a body language and communications expert would say about this dr phil appearance lol
I'm just seeing that little Kathleen passed away. RIP, sweet girl.

I'm glad I missed the Dr. Phil episode. I'm sure their apology was nothing but a farce and seeing it would have me wanting to reach through the TV to strangle them. I can't stand people who have so little compassion for other human beings.

BTW, if they treat humans this way, I wonder how they treat animals?? I sure hope they don't have any pets!
I watched most of it and jennifer and her husband put on a nice act of regret and denial, admitted only to what what had been clearly proven and documented. Said they were only "retaliating" for what had been done or said to them.

I don't believe they are sorry one bit. I don't buy their act and there is NO excuse for their behavior, NONE!!!!! I hope they continue to live their miserable lives, living with the backlash and the karma that they have brought on themselves.

Karma can be a "B". But the ugliness that they spewed actually brought so much love and support for Kathleen's family so i hope Jennifer sees that her actions just ruined her life and just brought worldwide blessing from everyone to Kathleen's life.

I cannot imagine the grief that Kathleen's family suffered after losing her mom and then Kathleen and then having to deal with these idiots. Just thinking about it makes me angry enough to spontaneously combust!:furious:

i missed the show... but i too don't buy any remorse... would love to see what a body language and communications expert would say about this dr phil appearance lol

I'd bet dollars to donuts that the only reason they did this was to lighten the hatred against them. I'm very sure this apology was self serving.
i missed the show... but i too don't buy any remorse... would love to see what a body language and communications expert would say about this dr phil appearance lol

Someone on another forum did an analysis on Petkov's body language.

M. Davis 1 year ago

This woman is not sorry, at all.

Apology video:

2:46 - Compare to...

Cindy Anthony: http://i.imgur.com/5hTC9.png
Donald Rumsfield: http://i.imgur.com/b2aTv.jpg

...Referred to as a full facial shrug. Shows a lack of conviction on the part of the speaker.

Not only that, but you can actually see her shoulders raise and drop while saying she hopes they can live their lives peacefully from now on.

Same occurs at around 2:50-2:52.

Moreso, at the same time she is saying, "hopefully we can live our lives peacefully from now on" she is shaking her head from side to side. Her gestures are fully inconsistent with the message she is trying to convey.

Not only is she not sorry, but if I were a wagering man, I'd say that she's not even finished working towards whatever goal it is she set out to accomplish in the first place.


This sounds like someone who is plotting against other people.
Someone on another forum did an analysis on Petkov's body language.

M. Davis 1 year ago

This woman is not sorry, at all.

Apology video:

2:46 - Compare to...

Cindy Anthony: http://i.imgur.com/5hTC9.png
Donald Rumsfield: http://i.imgur.com/b2aTv.jpg

...Referred to as a full facial shrug. Shows a lack of conviction on the part of the speaker.

Not only that, but you can actually see her shoulders raise and drop while saying she hopes they can live their lives peacefully from now on.

Same occurs at around 2:50-2:52.

Moreso, at the same time she is saying, "hopefully we can live our lives peacefully from now on" she is shaking her head from side to side. Her gestures are fully inconsistent with the message she is trying to convey.

Not only is she not sorry, but if I were a wagering man, I'd say that she's not even finished working towards whatever goal it is she set out to accomplish in the first place.


This sounds like someone who is plotting against other people.

Well, I think she might be done taunting this family - LE and the neighbors are on her and won't let her get away with a single thing anymore.

But she's young. I think in her future she'll find other victims, and ruin their lives too. She seems like one of those people who is always focused on a specific enemy. In this case it was a family with a dying child. :(
I live in the area.... and yesterday on channel 955 on mojo in the morning they were talking about the case... they say that this woman still sits on her front porch and stares down the family...

I mean how horrible is that?!
I live in the area.... and yesterday on channel 955 on mojo in the morning they were talking about the case... they say that this woman still sits on her front porch and stares down the family...

I mean how horrible is that?!

I wish the community would rally and sit vigil around Kathleen's family home to interrupt this woman's ability to stare them down. Cameras and video cams should be running at all times and hopefully she'll start to feel like a bug pinned under a magnifying glass.
The wiring in her brain needs readjusting.JMO
I'd bet dollars to donuts that the only reason they did this was to lighten the hatred against them. I'm very sure this apology was self serving.

I agree. If they were sincere they would have done it privately. :furious:
I live in the area.... and yesterday on channel 955 on mojo in the morning they were talking about the case... they say that this woman still sits on her front porch and stares down the family...

I mean how horrible is that?!

I thought the Petkovs moved, but maybe I'm wrong.
I thought the Petkovs moved, but maybe I'm wrong.

not sure???? but it was on the radio on my way to the gym the other morning.. perhaps they were referring to how they acted before they moved? I know that it was AFTER the doctor phil thing tho..
not sure???? but it was on the radio on my way to the gym the other morning.. perhaps they were referring to how they acted before they moved? I know that it was AFTER the doctor phil thing tho..

It didn't sound like they had moved when they were on Dr. Phil. or that they planned to move. Definitely sounded like an ongoing situation to me. JMO
God bless anyone that has to come in contact with JP. She needs to be dropped off on an island. She reminds me of Nellie Olsen on Little House on the Prairie magnified X 100.

Prayers to Kathleen's family.

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