Ebola outbreak - general thread #2

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Supposedly you are immune after you've had it. Not sure I'd want to test out that supposition though.

Yeah well how many people have become infected with different strains after recovering from the first attack? I suppose there are probably chimps in labs being tortured/infected with every strain they can find to test their "theory" as we speak. :(
The longer this goes on the more I feel the Feds need to move in and take management of this out of the hands of the locals. The locals seem clueless and disorganized. I have to wonder if political considerations are delaying this- as well as delaying a ban on flights from the affected areas.
That doctor lives locally. I wonder if he will/ can assist. Also, does anyone know if once you have the virus you are immune . That is true with some viruses. I wonder if the doctor who had it and lived , could now assist and not be worried about catching it? Something tells me NO. Just speculating out loud.
I read the immunity is for about 10 yrs.
That doctor lives locally. I wonder if he will/ can assist. Also, does anyone know if once you have the virus you are immune . That is true with some viruses. I wonder if the doctor who had it and lived , could now assist and not be worried about catching it? Something tells me NO. Just speculating out loud.

The incubation period for the disease can last from two to 21 days and only then do people become symptomatic and contagious. Yet it’s evident that the disease can be contained. Already Senegal and Nigeria appear to have quelled the spread of Ebola. But other factors could exacerbate the threat if the disease is not completely contained soon: No one has studied how long Ebola immunity lasts, so although the assumption has been that immunity will last for several years it’s possible that, for example, recovered patients may get ill again next year.


Bringing this over from the last thread. Posted originally by Oceans. I thought the BBM was interesting.


Main articles: Ebolavirus (taxonomic group) and Ebola virus (specific virus)

Life cycles of the Ebolavirus

EVD is caused by four of five viruses classified in the genus Ebolavirus, family Filoviridae, order Mononegavirales. The four disease-causing viruses are Bundibugyo virus (BDBV), Sudan virus (SUDV), Taï Forest virus (TAFV), and one called, simply, Ebola virus (EBOV, formerly Zaire Ebola virus)). Ebola virus is the sole member of the Zaire ebolavirus species and the most dangerous of the known Ebola disease-causing viruses, as well as being responsible for the largest number of outbreaks.[16] The fifth virus, Reston virus (RESTV), is not thought to be disease-causing in humans. These five viruses are closely related to the Marburg viruses.


Human-to-human transmission can occur via direct contact with blood or bodily fluids from an infected person (including embalming of an infected dead person) or by contact with objects contaminated by the virus, particularly needles and syringes.[17] The potential for widespread EVD infections is considered low as the disease is only spread by direct contact with the secretions from someone who is showing signs of infection.[17] The symptoms limit a person's ability to spread the disease as they are often too sick to travel.[18] Because dead bodies are still infectious, local traditional burial rituals may spread the disease.[19] Nearly two thirds of the cases of Ebola in Guinea during the 2014 outbreak are believed to be due to burial practices.[20] Semen may be infectious in survivors for up to 3 months.[21] It is not entirely clear how an outbreak is initially started.[22] The initial infection is believed to occur after ebola virus is transmitted to a human by contact with an infected animal's body fluids.

One of the primary reasons for spread is that the health systems in the part of Africa where the disease occurs function poorly.[23] Medical workers who do not wear appropriate protective clothing may contract the disease.[24] Hospital-acquired transmission has occurred in African countries due to the reuse of needles and lack of universal precautions.[25][26] Some healthcare centers caring for people with the disease do not have running water.[21]

Airborne transmission has not been documented during EVD outbreaks.[2] They are, however, infectious as breathable 0.8– to 1.2-μm laboratory-generated droplets.[27] The virus has been shown to travel, without contact, from pigs to primates, although the same study failed to demonstrate similar transmission between non-human primates.[28]

Bats drop partially eaten fruits and pulp, then land mammals such as gorillas and duikers feed on these fallen fruits. This chain of events forms a possible indirect means of transmission from the natural host to animal populations, which has led to research towards viral shedding in the saliva of bats. Fruit production, animal behavior, and other factors vary at different times and places that may trigger outbreaks among animal populations.[29]

The lackadaisical approach to this event, after being told for MONTHS "expect it to come here, yet know we are totally prepared and ready to handle a case of ebola", is what has me with little to no hope that those in charge know what the hell they are doing.

Presbyterian - failed.
CDC - failed
Family that has been exposed - failed (sent child to school, left apartment to go shopping)
Dallas PD (sheriff) - failed
Red Cross - failed

Am I forgetting anyone or any government agency involved?
That doctor lives locally. I wonder if he will/ can assist. Also, does anyone know if once you have the virus you are immune . That is true with some viruses. I wonder if the doctor who had it and lived , could now assist and not be worried about catching it? Something tells me NO. Just speculating out loud.

I would think the Doctors who have had the virus want nothing to do with the clowns running the circus in Dallas!
DALLAS (AP) — A woman who has been confined to her Dallas apartment under armed guard after a man infected with Ebola stayed at her home, said she never imagined this could happen to her so far from disease-ravaged West Africa. Louise Troh said Thursday that she is tired of being locked up and wants federal health authorities to decontaminate her home.

She said she and her family are "stressed" about being quarantined.
"Who wants to be locked up?" she said.

Troh was waiting for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to collect the bed sheets and towels that Thomas Eric Duncan used when he stayed at her home before his Ebola diagnosis.

A hazardous material crew arrived to decontaminate the apartment Thursday evening but didn't have the required permits to clean and remove hazardous waste, city spokesman Richard Hill said. The crew, contracted by the county and state, would return Friday to complete the job.

The family must be relocated before the cleanup can begin, Hill said. He had no information on where the family would go.

more at the link


She needs to stop whining and hope being confined( under guard ) is the least of her problems. As opposed to her or her loved 1's or another innocent person getting Ebola because of the action of her selfish b/f. IMO
The lackadaisical approach to this event, after being told for MONTHS "expect it to come here, yet know we are totally prepared and ready to handle a case of ebola", is what has me with little to no hope that those in charge know what the hell they are doing.

Presbyterian - failed.
CDC - failed
Family that has been exposed - failed (sent child to school, left apartment to go shopping)
Dallas PD (sheriff) - failed
Red Cross - failed

Am I forgetting anyone or any government agency involved?

Dallas County Health Department , FAILED....
The lackadaisical approach to this event, after being told for MONTHS "expect it to come here, yet know we are totally prepared and ready to handle a case of ebola", is what has me with little to no hope that those in charge know what the hell they are doing.

Presbyterian - failed.
CDC - failed
Family that has been exposed - failed (sent child to school, left apartment to go shopping)
Dallas PD (sheriff) - failed
Red Cross - failed

Am I forgetting anyone or any government agency involved?

JMO Just WHY is it that we can save the day in other countries, but are bumbling fools in saving ourselves domestically??? I won't go into a long rant, but we were all told how manageable Ebola would be here, because of our superior abilities..........Perhaps we need to take a few lessons from Nigeria in disease crisis management. aargh. JMO
I am wondering if the virus is more or less likely to spread quickly in the U.S.

Yes, we have hospitals and medical infrastructure, but I would hazard to guess that the average person in the U.S. comes into contact with many more people on a daily basis than a lot of people in Africa which would make it harder to identify all points of contact of an infected person.

Any thoughts from anyone on whether this would be easier or harder to contain in the U.S. than other areas?

I don't know about your containment question, but your post triggered some other questions in my mind. Since Ebola has not been in the environment here in the US, people in the US don't have any immunities at all to the virus. Whereas people in Africa probably have some level of immunity built up over the years. (Think about the diseases that were brought to the US by Europeans that wiped out populations of Native Americans.) Also the virus seems to start with fruit bats in Africa, the bats carry it around and pass it on to primates and some other animals (pigs?), which are eaten by humans, thereby passing on the virus to people. What if it gets into our animal population and then into our food system?

I am not an alarmist, but it is a scarey to think about the possibilities.
I would think the Doctors who have had the virus want nothing to do with the clowns running the circus in Dallas!

Isabelle, I know you may have discussed this earlier in the other thread. But I would love your nurse's opinion I live locally and trying to stay calm . But it just seems one big mistake followed by another and I'm losing confidence quickly in the way this is handled. I assumed it would be a spooky few days and we'd get the ' all clear' that there was no longer any threat and no more exposed persons, etc. So do you think this is being handled efficiently or is there a potential here for a much, much bigger exposure? TIA :)
JMO Just WHY is it that we can save the day in other countries, but are bumbling fools in saving ourselves domestically???

Exactly anyone who paid attention to the disaster that was Katrina knows you should NEVER depend on the government in a real crisis.

I think another difference between helping with a problem in another country and a problem here is that when it happens here the local yokels end up taking control, not the folks that actually have experience managing epidemics and other situations of that nature.
Does anyone know if the apartment has now been cleaned? I've read conflicting stories on companies that were not qualified (or, were they smart and said, "No way?") to clean-up crews not being allowed in by the family to the fact that the apartment has been cleaned. What's the story?
I don't know about your containment question, but your post triggered some other questions in my mind. Since Ebola has not been in the environment here in the US, people in the US don't have any immunities at all to the virus. Whereas people in Africa probably have some level of immunity built up over the years. (Think about the diseases that were brought to the US by Europeans that wiped out populations of Native Americans.) Also the virus seems to start with fruit bats in Africa, the bats carry it around and pass it on to primates and some other animals (pigs?), which are eaten by humans, thereby passing on the virus to people. What if it gets into our animal population and then into our food system?

I am not an alarmist, but it is a scarey to think about the possibilities.

Interesting thought about immunity.

Scary indeed!

Due to the dire circumstances and health concerns we need to be extra diligent about the information posted on this thread. The last thread had over 25,000 views and Websleuths is visited from all over the nation and world. Please try to
or back up information with a
whenever possible. Moreover, refrain from making sweeping and patronizing generalizations about other cultures. Thanks!
Can someone please tell me why some apparently random private company was relied on to go and do the clean up? It sounds ridiculous, like someone in the health department flicked through the yellow pages and then said, "Hey, we've got this little Ebola situation. How much an hour?" Does the CDC or health department not have a pre-arranged contract or their own crew for such situations?
Does anyone know if the apartment has now been cleaned? I've read conflicting stories on companies that were not qualified (or, were they smart and said, "No way?") to clean-up crews not being allowed in by the family to the fact that the apartment has been cleaned. What's the story?

I just heard on CNN that they hired a private company, and they did arrive to clean, but didn't have the proper permits to travel with the biohazard material on the highway.
JMO I cannot understand why the woman and her son and nephews are all penned up together! If there was a chance that any of them had not been exposed while Duncan was symptomatic, it is almost a guarantee NOW that they ALL will become symptomatic from exposure to each other!! Am I crazy?? It seems to me that they all should have been isolated immediately. The most likely person to have contracted it is the woman, and as soon as she has a fever, all the others are exposed. OOPS, too late,so sorry. Boy that makes me angry. JMO
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