Ebola outbreak - general thread #3

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Ok, this is a huge point, IMO. I thought he told the nurse (the first time) that he had just come from Liberia but that info did not get passed on to the Dr?

He mentioned Liberia in passing when asked for a Social Security number, but neglected to mention he'd handled a dying woman/possible Ebola/malaria. Yes, the hospital screwed up too by not pursuing this information, making the connection that he was highly contagious, but it was his responsibility to make sure it was clear. He never uttered the words "Ebola/malaria" or people would've been running to get him into isolation!!!
Dr Freiden and Dr Fauci have been on talk shows all week. Every channel I put on Dr Freiden is on, WTH? GET BACK TO WORK, darn it.

There have been American children dying from the Enterovirus. A child in NJ has died from it and he had pink eye. He died in his sleep.

he IS working. aye yie yie.
Yes to the Liberia part, no when he was asked if he had recently been around anyone with any illness.

Well crap....why bother wasting your time at the ER. Hate to say it but that doesn't surprise me. If I had a dollar for every time a patient's history would change each time they were asked by someone else (Dr, Resp Therapy, etc...) Needless to say I don't regret my decision to quit nursing. My hats off to all who continue to do this work, sincerely.
He mentioned Liberia in passing when asked for a Social Security number, but neglected to mention he'd handled a dying woman/possible Ebola/malaria. Yes, the hospital screwed up too by not pursuing this information, making the connection that he was highly contagious, but it was his responsibility to make sure it was clear. He never uttered the words "Ebola/malaria" or people would've been running to get him into isolation!!!

Thank you!
That doesn't the answer the question. I see it posited that Duncan knew he was exposed and even possibly knew he was symptomatic and that he came here just to get into a hospital. You said that yourself. So how does that work when the ticket was purchased 13 days before he was even exposed to it?

JMO and please correct me if this wrong, but didn't Mr. Duncan rent a room of the apt of Ms. Williams family, and "community activists" were out and about in their neighborhood educating/detecting ebola before Ms. Williams? Thought I read this somewhere. Regardless Ms. Williams was likely imo symptomatic for at least a week before she died and imo she could not have been symptomatic only the day before she passed. So imo it just didn't happen like one day Ms. Williams is fine and the next day she "miscarried." maybe denial, just like Patrick Sawyer, Liberian govt worker who took care of his sister and was sick on the plane travelling to Nigeria.
it is NOT factual that this man lied. on any other thread, any other topic, this would not be allowed.

MODS, where are you?
It is factual that he lied on the airport questionnaire in Liberia. That's why they've stated their intent to prosecute them.
NIH doctor schools Elisabeth Hasselbeck after she asks him to ‘seal the borders’ over Ebola
Hasselbeck's Ebola Border Lunacy:

Fox News host Elisabeth Hasselbeck on Monday asked Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institiute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, why he was not recommending a “closing of our borders” in response to an Ebola outbreak in west Africa.

I think some are past panic and moving into hysteria. I agree with you in questioning whether the officials are being completely level. I see lots of "dog and pony" shows in an effort to keep the public calm. I think the situation was terribly mishandled from the very beginning and now it's impossible to believe we are being given ALL of the facts.

I've been in that very ER over the 40 years (recent past) that I've lived here. All of my current doctors are from that hospital. There are lots of questions and not so many answers which is why it is so important to keep what few facts we do have straight.

I'm hanging on to the fact that no new cases have been identified so far. Prayers and positive vibes to the patient, his loved ones and all of the professionals involved in this complicated and potentially serious situation.

I only live about 25 miles from the hospital. In addition, I have been spending many hours for the past 6 weeks with my best friend who was in rehab at a nursing home. Most all of the nurses & CNAs are from Africa. How do I know? You can tell by their accent. I am not all that concerned, possibly because I am a 68 year survivor of childhood polio & a 33 year survivor of cancer. I am well aware that something is going to "get me" one of these days & when it's my time to go, I will. Actually, I probably put my life at risk every day driving in this darn traffic up here every day. In the meantime I choose to enjoy what time I have left.
Regardless of the intent 13 days beforehand- the minute Marthalene died, he should've changed his plans. Instead he hops a plane, knowing he can get treated in the US (his goals change priority) and lies twice- at the airport when asked directly if he'd had contact with a sick person in the last 21 days, and again by omission at the hospital the first time. When I boarded a cruise ship last summer, we all had to verify we had no contact with sick people prior to boarding the ship. That was at least 3,000 people who had to do that!!!

Well your assertion from pretty much the beginning was that he came here for healthcare/hospital because he knew that he had at least been exposed, if not infected. That assertion is not supported by the fact that he got the ticket almost 2 weeks before he was exposed by Marthalene.

But now your premise has changed - that he was coming here anyway, just now his priorities had changed?
NIH doctor schools Elisabeth Hasselbeck after she asks him to ‘seal the borders’ over Ebola
Hasselbeck's Ebola Border Lunacy:

Fox News host Elisabeth Hasselbeck on Monday asked Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institiute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, why he was not recommending a “closing of our borders” in response to an Ebola outbreak in west Africa.


IMO, he makes a fool of himself every time he says that you can't get planes in there. He is embarrassing himself.

She nailed him.

ETA and I can't believe he is still spewing the BS about taking temps. LOLOLOLOLOLOL
JMO and please correct me if this wrong, but didn't Mr. Duncan rent a room of the apt of Ms. Williams family, and "community activists" were out and about in their neighborhood educating/detecting ebola before Ms. Williams? Thought I read this somewhere. Regardless Ms. Williams was likely imo symptomatic for at least a week before she died and imo she could not have been symptomatic only the day before she passed. So imo it just didn't happen like one day Ms. Williams is fine and the next day she "miscarried." maybe denial, just like that Liberian health minister who took care of his sister and was sick on the plane travelling to Nigeria.

I do not know if Duncan knew she was sick previously or not. I do not know if Duncan knew she had ebola or not.

That is not the point that I am addressing. The point I am is addressing is some poster's assertions that Mr. Duncan came solely to the U.S. to seek healthcare for the ebola he supposedly knew he had. That's all.
Oh lord! She really got around!

There is a great thread there with comments from a med student at the hospital where she is being treated. He is saying (among other things) that the med students do not want to go to work tomorrow.
Well your assertion from pretty much the beginning was that he came here for healthcare/hospital because he knew that he had at least been exposed, if not infected. That assertion is not supported by the fact that he got the ticket almost 2 weeks before he was exposed by Marthalene.

But now your premise has changed - that he was coming here anyway, just now his priorities had changed?
No, my premise has never changed. I have known since this case broke that he purchased his ticket in early Sept. He quit his job then. I think he always wanted a better life in the US. His girlfriend Louise, has now been given a furnished house in a gated community as a result of his actions. Living in Liberia and working for a major US company as a contractor and in contact with his family in the US, he knew about Ebola, he knew he was living in a hot zone.
So when Marthalene died that night, where he was living, while he was still in Liberia, he should have postponed his travel plans by 3 weeks. The difference is now he knew he could get into a hospital in the US and possibly get experimental drugs.
To obtain a Fiance Visa is very time-consuming, costly and includes LOTS of paperwork. It also requires a thorough health check through a US approved physician, being thoroughly checked shortly before entering the US, making sure the person has no contagious decease, blood tests are required, being tested for AIDS, TBC etc. It also requires proof of certain vaccines (hepatitis etc.).

He is believed to have had a tourist visa as per this link http://www.georgianewsday.com/news/...thomas-duncan-flew-to-us-on-tourist-visa.html

Based upon the roundtrip ticket, that would make sense that that was the type of visa he had. But this "fiance" stuff is entirely another. he probably intended to not go back and knew he was going to do that when he quit his job by just suddenly stop showing up. No need to explain to them or leave on good terms if you are not coming back. Also, if you are not coming back, you may want to take those extra days off before you leave to get rid of things, visit people you may not see again, etc.

I don;t think he was truly intending on being a tourist. There are no consequences for being here illegally and you still can financial help from the gov't so what did he have to lose? Nothing at all. He intended to stay here is my firm opinion and NOT go back.
NIH doctor schools Elisabeth Hasselbeck after she asks him to ‘seal the borders’ over Ebola
Hasselbeck's Ebola Border Lunacy:

Fox News host Elisabeth Hasselbeck on Monday asked Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institiute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, why he was not recommending a “closing of our borders” in response to an Ebola outbreak in west Africa.


I am not a fan of Elisabeth Hasselbeck. With that said, I don't think it has to be an all or nothing thing. I am certainly no expert but it seems that you could allow humanitarian flights in and out of affected areas (we seem to be doing the "out" part just fine to get people here for care) while stopping commercial flights. People with thermometers at the airport as a screening process seems ludicrous to me. A halt on commercial flights for a certain period of time, in order to contain this epidemic in Africa seems doable to me...again, I'm certainly no expert.
it is NOT factual that this man lied. on any other thread, any other topic, this would not be allowed.

MODS, where are you?

It is reported by media that he lied on his airport departure screening about not having had contact with a sick person before flying.


But I do agree with you that the man is being accused of a lot many things that aren't necessarily backed up by fact or links!
With all due respect, not true.

The house that Louise and her family are in is a TEMPORARY situation. She has NOT been gifted with the house. The house was offered as a temporary solution when the Mayor and County Judge started calling their personal friends asking for relief for an emergency with no answers.

Sorry this was a reply to LinasK. The op didn't carry over with my response. User error. :)
One would think he might feel guilt even if he didn't know he was infected. Have any of the people known to Duncan spoken out on his behalf to say that he would be horrified if he were aware of what he has brought about?
If so I have missed it.
What I did notice was a picture of a young man leaving the apartment (CNN) with a grin from ear to ear and I also heard a snippet on my local news of a female (not sure who it was) saying in a demanding tone that she wanted the medicine for Duncan that the other 4 had and that Americans were not doing enough for Duncan.
If I were in this situation I know I would rather hide away and would feel a large sense of guilt and sadness versus making demands,although I do understand the desire to want the best care for our loved ones.

Kimlynn I heard that same snippet of the woman voice demanding that they do more, give him the medicine that the others had gotten and that America was not doing enough for him. I was pretty peeved at that . I imagine their entire family/friend group has been the nenificiary of many financial and supportive help courtesy of American's. Pretty galling that she demands much more and accuses us of not doing enough.

There is no more of the zmapp medicine that she wanted given to him (the one that helped cure 5 of the 7 who got it). It was given to doctors, missionary aids and priests who were working in the relief effort. it will take about 6 weeks to make more. I have no prblem with the fact that one of those 7 doses did not go to him. Even if they did have a few more doses left, it should go to the people who are putting their lives at risk in the relief effort, not for "tourists" who have exhibited some very risky and unethical behavior and put innocent people at risk, knowing he had been exposed.

It may sound mean but if we save the risk taking tourists here on questionable visas and not the doctors who are most experienced with this disease, we shall soon find ourselves with no doctors.
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