Ebola outbreak - general thread #3

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Oh for goodness sake!! I had to bite my tongue reading a lot of comments on here.. Common sense MUST prevail over PC madness while the world deals with this virus............I'll repeat MUST!!

I love animals as well and dearly, dearly love my dog......and the appropriate tests need to be done and if there is ANY chance that the dog may be infected then sorry but it must be put down.......crazy thinking any other way......

I have been reading about this virus for over 6 months now, I spotted it in a paper in a little article when the number infected was about 10, and in that time I have been reading out all the articles to my husband, watching the craziness grow. They do not know enough about this virus yet and no chances should be taken.

Sorry I will add that this post was in reply to a previous post about how we should save the poor dog, but I didn't link it in.
I saw that they were both Emory- based. The last set of comments you quoted stated clearly that the hospital is now following CDC guidelines, which are not as strict as whar Emory initially instituted.
This means, in case someone doesn't understand why there is a difference, that Emory initially had a more complicated isolation and personal protective device set up than the CDC guidelines call for.

To be honest, the more steps involved, the more chance for human error. People have to be taught and then practice how to apply and remove every layer of PPD they are wearing. In the best case teaching scenario I've been in as an RN, the PPD is covered with a brightly colored powdered dye, so when/ if a break in isolation technique occurs, the practice is visibly obvious and can be corrected before it becomes a habit.

In practice, each time a person applies and removes PPD in an isolation situation, they have ONE chance to get it done correctly. No matter if they have been working 12 hours straight or have just come on duty. Nothing replaces knowledge gained through practice and personal vigilance.

The point is that someone is lying. The article from August said they gave up their full hazmat suit and the article from today said they are wearing them.

Someone is lying, period.
Husband of ebola patient makes internet plea to save his dog:(


Many people in Madrid are protesting against putting this dog down, they are in front of the building in an effort to block authorities to go in and take the dog.

They also started a petition on Change.org to safe the dog "Excalibur". I signed the petition.

I'd load up my pets with food and water and pray I got back to them.. It beats certain death for them at least

That is what the guy in Spain did (husband of the nurse) when he had to go into quarantine. The authorities are going to his house to kill his dog against his will.
I love animals as well and dearly, dearly love my dog......and the appropriate tests need to be done and if there is ANY chance that the dog may be infected then sorry but it must be put down.......crazy thinking any other way......

Dogs do NOT get sick from Ebola so yes I would say it is crazy to put put them down ESPECIALLY when their owners are trying to save them.

All evidence shows shortly after the dog's system clears the virus they are NOT contagious. There is no real evidence that they are EVER contagious for that matter.
I'm going to go the full hog here and will probably upset a few people and I hope I don't offend but here is my take on the whole situation.

Firstly I really don't think they know the full extent of what they are dealing with and how it can mutate and what animals may also become infected, that alone scares the living daylights out of me........the animal factor. We here in Australia have serious diseases in bats, that they told us were not contagious....yep that was wrong and we have now had cases of bats infecting horses, dogs and humans...

Secondly I don't think the world is taking this seriously enough and many people in western countries are thinking/hoping that our countries are sophisticated/knowledgeable/rich enough etc etc to handle this successfully within our countries.

Thirdly a lot of people are comparing it to the panic that happened when AIDS first broke out.......I remember that time well, and yes there was a panic and people scared of toilets, taps etc........however it did not take long before the general public realised it was mostly within two particular communities: gay men and intravenous drug users sharing needles, it did not venture much past those communities (different scenario now of course).........this virus is completely different, it is infecting all types of people and a lot quicker and easier than AIDS did and when you have cases of cameramen who did not have close contact with anyone and hear of it surviving in soft environments, then quite frankly my dears: there is reason to panic!

Personally I think all borders of the countries where the virus is need to be completely closed off: forget about PC bullcrap and use common sense instead.....yes the people in these countries have rights blah blah blah but it needs to be contained and stopped from being taken into other countries where if it gets out of control, we are in serious trouble......contain it now.

How these borders are closed is another issue, I really do not like the idea of sending in innocent troops to man borders etc but I don't know how else it will be policed.

For these borders to be shut the whole world would need to band together and huge amounts of foreign aid put into these countries..........If the borders are closed then the people will need to be fed etc and looked after, properly...

There would need to be far better medical facilities and copious amounts of sheets, needles, disinfectant whatever it takes!

Of course I know this isn't going to happen as there are mines etc in these countries that are foreign owned and as usual there will be huge companies invested in these and they will lose out financially..... paying for all of what is needed is going to cost the world a lot.

However: personally I think the rest of the world just needs to suck it up and pay for it. If this virus starts outbreaking in western countries, more than it is now, the outcome is unpredictable and could be economically distastrous!!!

I don't know what has happened in the US in Dallas with your case there, but here in Australia we had the case of the young mine worker who came back from over there and said he had symptoms in the Gold Coast. The Gold Coast is our biggest tourist area in Australia and is in the same state where I live. Within hours of knowing he was in the gold coast hospital, people had cancelled their holidays there in droves and people were taking their kids out of schools!!! Now imagine that if you get say 20 cases in one area!!!

Needs everything thrown at it now and contained in the western African countries and all types of drugs used including experimental...

That is another PC bullcarp argument that I have seen recently on a forum here in Australia. The question was asked about whether untested drugs should be used on the people in Africa............the amount of people saying it was unethical as we were using them as guinea pigs and we did not know the side effects, absolutely shocked me.............wake up people, do you really think that an African mother whose child had the symptoms would be caring about it being untested!!! no they would take anything on offer to save their child from dying in such a horrid way...........I would too!!! I think it is unethical not to give them anything that may stop this horrible disease. I really feel for them over there.

Ok all my opinion, I hope I haven't ruffled too many feathers.....
I'm going to go the full hog here and will probably upset a few people and I hope I don't offend but here is my take on the whole situation.

Firstly I really don't think they know the full extent of what they are dealing with and how it can mutate and what animals may also become infected, that alone scares the living daylights out of me........the animal factor. We here in Australia have serious diseases in bats, that they told us were not contagious....yep that was wrong and we have now had cases of bats infecting horses, dogs and humans...

Secondly I don't think the world is taking this seriously enough and many people in western countries are thinking/hoping that our countries are sophisticated/knowledgeable/rich enough etc etc to handle this successfully within our countries.

Thirdly a lot of people are comparing it to the panic that happened when AIDS first broke out.......I remember that time well, and yes there was a panic and people scared of toilets, taps etc........however it did not take long before the general public realised it was mostly within two particular communities: gay men and intravenous drug users sharing needles, it did not venture much past those communities (different scenario now of course).........this virus is completely different, it is infecting all types of people and a lot quicker and easier than AIDS did and when you have cases of cameramen who did not have close contact with anyone and hear of it surviving in soft environments, then quite frankly my dears: there is reason to panic!

Personally I think all borders of the countries where the virus is need to be completely closed off: forget about PC bullcrap and use common sense instead.....yes the people in these countries have rights blah blah blah but it needs to be contained and stopped from being taken into other countries where if it gets out of control, we are in serious trouble......contain it now.

How these borders are closed is another issue, I really do not like the idea of sending in innocent troops to man borders etc but I don't know how else it will be policed.

For these borders to be shut the whole world would need to band together and huge amounts of foreign aid put into these countries..........If the borders are closed then the people will need to be fed etc and looked after, properly...

There would need to be far better medical facilities and copious amounts of sheets, needles, disinfectant whatever it takes!

Of course I know this isn't going to happen as there are mines etc in these countries are foreign owned and as per usual there will be huge companies invested in these and they will lose out financially.....and paying for all of what is needed there is going to cost the world a lot.

However: personally I think the rest of the world just needs to suck it up and pay for it as if this virus starts outbreaking in western countries more than it is now the outcome is unpredictable and could be economically distastrous!!!

I don't know what has happened in the US in Dallas with your case there, but here in Australia we had the case of the young mine worker who came back from over there and said he had symptoms in the Gold Coast. The Gold Coast is our biggest tourist area in Australia and is in the same state where I live. Within hours of knowing he was in the gold coast hospital, people had cancelled their holidays there in droves and people were taking their kids out of schools!!! Now imagine that if you get say 20 cases in one area!!!

Needs everything thrown at it now and contained in the western African countries and all types of drugs used including experimental...

That is another PC bullcarp argument that I have seen recently on a forum here. The question was asked about whether untested drugs should be used on the people in Africa............the amount of people saying it was unethical as we were using them as guinea pigs and we did not know the side effects absolutely shocked me.............wake up people, do you really think that an African mother whose child had the symptoms would be caring about it being untested!!! no they would take anything on offer to save their child from dying in such a horrid way...........I would too!!! I think it is unethical not to give them anything that may stop this horrible disease. I really feel for them over there.

Ok all my opinion, I hope I haven't ruffled too many feathers.....

Just want to say, regarding experimental or off-label treatments - docs in the various hard hit African areas are definitely not waiting for approval. I've read several articles interviewing several African docs (cannot remember offhand whether Liberian, Ivorian, or other) who have been treating with HIV antiviral. When the reporter asks about possible side affects, they all say the same - basically, "you talk about studies, but we do not have time for that. We are trying with what we have already". US docs interviewed express caution, but admit that it is during times like these, when cures are non-existant and treatments are few, that new ground will be broken.

My hats are off to all medical personnel on the front lines. True heroes of science and compassion both.

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Dogs do NOT get sick from Ebola so yes I would say it is crazy to put put them down ESPECIALLY when their owners are trying to save them.

All evidence shows shortly after the dog's system clears the virus they are NOT contagious. There is no real evidence that they are EVER contagious for that matter.

There is no real evidence you say, maybe the word yet should be added. And how many tests have they done on dogs. I would really like to some MSM reports on this. I really do not trust just hearsay at this stage....read my comment about how we were told that exact same thing about the lassa and Hendra viruses which started in bats....................now have infected horses which infected dogs..... Ebola is suppose to have started in bats as well....
No feathers ruffled here ReVampz, I here you.
The family of a man diagnosed with the first U.S. case of Ebola again visited him at the hospital Tuesday but declined to view him via video the last time had been too upsetting.

Relatives of Thomas Eric Duncan glimpsed him using a video system at Dallas' Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital on Monday. But when they returned anew, this time with Rev. Jessie Jackson, they decided such images were too much.

"What we saw was very painful. It didn't look good," said Duncan's nephew, Josephus Weeks.

Just info on testing labs at the end of the article.

"...more testing laboratories were needed to speed diagnosis of the disease. The United States has sent five mobile labs to the region, and Piot said China and Canada had each sent one, with Canada planning to dispatch a second one.

Contributions of medical personnel have come from Cuba, China and Uganda, said Fadela Chaib, a WHO spokeswoman.

Read more here: http://www.thenewstribune.com/2014/10/07/3420062/scientist-who-identified-ebola.html#storylink=cpy
The possibility of spread by dogs - at least in Africa - was raised by a 2005 report. Researchers tested dogs during the 2001-2002 Ebola outbreak in Gabon after seeing some of them eating infected dead animals. Of the 337 dogs from various towns and villages, 9 percent to 25 percent showed antibodies to Ebola, a sign they were infected or exposed to the virus.

"I think it's possible" that dogs might spread Ebola, but it's not likely in the U.S. or other places where dogs aren't near corpses or eating infected animals, said Sharon Curtis Granskog, a spokeswoman for the American Veterinary Medical Association.

Any health care professional see the break in " isolation containment" which is visible in the photos?

Touching the microscope? What is it.. I've only done cataract surgeries and even then we wore full gear but not biohazard gear.. Always had to keep arms between waist and below shoulder etc

Appears like we arent the only people worried about the children put at risk by the irresponsible actions. I would pull my kids out asap.


Agreed! How can they blanketly state that they were neither ill nor infectious. Duncan was living in that apartment when he actively came down with symptoms- he sweated, had diarrhea, and vomiting. Ebola can live on surfaces for up to 6 days! I see the judge's actions as irresponsible too. He's not calming fears, he's helping spread fear.
By David Willman

Dr. C.J. Peters, who battled a 1989 outbreak of the virus among research monkeyshoused in Virginia and who later led the CDC's most far-reaching study of Ebola's transmissibility in humans, said he would not rule out the possibility that it spreads through the air in tight quarters.
"We just don't have the data to exclude it," said Peters, who continues to research viral diseases at the University of Texas in Galveston.
"We know for a fact that the virus occurs in sputum and no one has ever done a study [disproving that] coughing or sneezing is a viable means of transmitting," he said. Unqualified assurances that Ebola is not spread through the air, Bailey said, are "misleading."

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