Ebola outbreak - general thread #5

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"Duncan was left in a nonquarantined zone for several hours, and a nurse supervisor faced resistance from hospital authorities after demanding that Duncan be moved to an isolation unit, according to the union’s statement. Additionally, Duncan’s lab specimens were sent through the hospital’s tube system, potentially contaminating the system, the nurses said.

Nurses who interacted with Duncan were given the option of wearing special N95 masks, but some supervisors said the masks were not necessary, the nurses said, according to the statement.

“For their necks, nurses had to use medical tape, that is not impermeable and has permeable seams, to wrap around their necks in order to protect themselves, and had to put on the tape and take it off on their own,” the statement reads.

“Nurses had to interact with Mr. Duncan with whatever protective equipment was available, at a time when he had copious amounts of diarrhea and vomiting which produces a lot of contagious fluids.”

A hospital spokesman did not respond to specific claims by the nurses but said the hospital has not received similar complaints.

"Patient and employee safety is our greatest priority and we take compliance very seriously," hospital spokesman Wendell Watson said in a statement. "We have numerous measures in place to provide a safe working environment, including mandatory annual training and a 24/7 hotline and other mechanisms that allow for anonymous reporting.

"Our nursing staff is committed to providing quality, compassionate care, as we have always known, and as the world has seen firsthand in recent days. We will continue to review and respond to any concerns raised by our nurses and all employees."


At this point, if I were the nurse in the Texas Presbyterian Hospital I'd be demanding to be transferred to one of the other hospitals that capable of giving proper care.

This hospital owes a heck of an apology to the nation. They screwed up royally, time and time again!

PHOTO: Nina Pham is seen in this undated handout photo provided by her family.

The problems encountered at the Dallas hospital are reflective of training and equipment insufficiencies at hospitals across the country, Deborah Burger, co-president of National Nurses United, told ABC News.

“What concerns me is that this validated what our systems say all over the country throughout the last two months, that hospitals are not prepared to take care of Ebola patients,” she said. “It is disturbing to have all of our concerns validated in one hospital.”

The criticisms follow a Tuesday admission by Thomas Frieden, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director, who said he regrets not sending a larger team of experts to Texas when Duncan was first diagnosed with Ebola.

The CDC could have sent a "more robust management team and been more hands on from day one," Frieden said. "Looking back, we say we should have put an even larger team on the ground immediately."
1 becomes 2: 2 becomes 4: 4 becomes 8: 8 becomes 16

This is how it happens...
How would US HIPAA laws prevent us from hearing news about any other country?

That was sarcasm. I need to realize very few on this thread can recognize it.

Bribery and politics can fill in where HIPPA laws fail.
Perhaps... Then again, Africa is a huge continent and so far the outbreaks there are "contained" to around a half dozen countries there. What would make it spread faster from South America to Central and North America than it has in Africa?

I think that some African countries are barring border transits from the affected countries....JMO
Who did nurse 2 meet with regarding the wedding plans? Caterer, floral designer, seamstress, pastor?
I can't believe they didn't meet with anyone.

They're saying (here) she didn't leave the house she was staying at. Maybe it was just chit-chat plans with her mom.
That was sarcasm. I need to realize very few on this thread can recognize it.

I usually get it, but you have to admit some pretty far out things have been said on these ebola threads.
Dang...I would. I'm thinking of cancelling my trip plans to England next month! Not really, but I am thinking about bringing along a face mask and wearing gloves on the plane - not that that would really protect me ...but maybe it would cut down the odds just in case!

I am flying to Brussels and my husband just told me the only seats left in economy are next to bathroom. I have always used a mask on flights and now will wear gloves and wipe down toilet seat.Best not to touch faucet to wash hands and use wipes.
They're saying (here) she didn't leave the house she was staying at. Maybe it was just chit-chat plans with her mom.

Riiiiiiiight didn't go out to eat, run to the store, get a pedicure? I can't believe they stayed in the house for the full (what is it????) three days.
The ruff life of the Ebola nurse’s dog

The precious pup of one of the Dallas nurses battling Ebola is enjoying his time in quarantine.



Duncan's family has had a contentious relationship with the CDC and Presbyterian. If they were sick, their families would be making quite a bit of noise.

Okay but they are making "no noise" - All I am saying is that they went from one extreme to the other and their quarantine time keeps getting extended.
Duncan's family has had a contentious relationship with the CDC and Presbyterian. If they were sick, their families would be making quite a bit of noise.

Unless their family members were being paid to keep quiet for now.

I find the silence from that previously very vocal family to be very very odd, and HIPPA laws would keep any such news from going public.
It seems CLEAR that the only way to truly solve this problem is a vaccine. Apparently they are making some positive headway in that regard.

However, vaccine development and trials usually take a long time. If they were to speed up the process and approve an "experimental vaccine" without going through the usual hoops, would any of you get the vaccine?

This might be a good poll but I don't know how to do it.
Congresswoman wants to suspend visas for Ebola-impacted countries

Published On: Oct 15 2014 11:56:16 AM EDT Updated On: Oct 15 2014 12:24:47 PM EDT

U.S. Congresswoman Candice Miller, R-Mich., is sending a letter to U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Secretary of State John Kerry to temporarily suspend visas to people from west African countries affected by Ebola.

In the letter, obtained by Local 4, Miller writes that more than 13,000 visas for Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone should be suspended until the outbreak is under control.

Miller also wants any U.S. patients infected with Ebola be treated at four specific hospitals in the country that specialize in the treatment of the disease...

Just read that the Frontier Airlines plane made several flights before the plane was cleaned. Don't know if the source is reputable, but the flight numbers/times were broadcast on an Atlanta radio station.
Duncan's family has had a contentious relationship with the CDC and Presbyterian. If they were sick, their families would be making quite a bit of noise.

That's exactly what I've been thinking. If they were sick, no way would they keep quiet. They'd be claiming it was further proof of negligence by the hospital..
Unless their family members were being paid to keep quiet for now.

I find the silence from that very LOUD family to be very very odd, and HIPPA laws would keep any such news from going public.

I really don't think you could keep the families of all 48 contacts quiet. HIPAA laws cannot be violated by the health care team, but there is nothing preventing the families from releasing information, as we've seen time and again.
Unless their family members were being paid to keep quiet for now.

I find the silence from that previously very vocal family to be very very odd, and HIPPA laws would keep any such news from going public.

Thank you. Jesse Jackson has said nothing recently (and that's not in the norm), Mr. Duncan's mother has said nothing recently, Ms Troh's son has said nothing recently.
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