Ebola outbreak - general thread #7

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Even with the modest goal of meeting 70% of the region's needs by Dec. 1, affected countries would need at least 16 more labs to help medical staff quickly diagnose patients, 230 more "dead body management teams" to bury or cremate bodies in ways that don't spread Ebola, ​; 4,388 more hospital beds; and 20,000 contract tracers to find and isolate potential cases.

Today, Liberia has enough beds for only 23% of patients, according to the WHO. That means 77% of Ebola patients are languishing and dying at home or, worse, in the street.

The news reports about west Africa are completely heartbreaking. My heart is heavy for the situation they are facing over there. I wish every day that each one of the west African's that are ill could get the care that we're providing for the few here who have fallen ill.

MOO but I think Ebola is here, not a pandemic but it will be popping up here and there. Thank goodness so many lessons have been learned through Mr. Duncan's (God Rest His Soul) and Presby's awful experience. People from this point forward will benefit from what was learned in Dallas.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery Dr.
This guy was not allowed to go back to work for 21 days per his contract with Columbia. He wasn't losing any money that he didn't already know he would be losing.
How do you know that he didn't?
Reportedly he is quite ill already and has GI symptoms.

You think he had diarrhea and vomiting all night and wouldn't call his contacts? Are you suggesting he has a death wish?

I totally agree he was irresponsible. But to imply he was spewing body fluids last night with not a care in the world really just defies belief. AND we are supposed to believe people entered his apartment later and witnessed vomit and diarrhea in the apartment and just walked around la ti dah, not a care in the world either? Casually threw away gloves with body fluids on it, not remotely concerned for their own safety?

I don't. I think lay people are far more cautious about this kind of thing, and don't take it lightly, particularly in light of all the news play it's gotten.
Thank you!! As a business owner, I can tell you that if this happened at our business, it would be devestating. Whether there is risk or not it's people's perception. There needs to be a quarentine for returning hcw in my opinion.

I agree. The current procedures would rather not inconvenience the relatively few people that are known to have traveled to the infected area, but they turn around and inconvenience hundreds and thousands of their contacts when the travel person ultimtely end up with the disease.

It could not be more idiotic and sheer stupidity the way the current procedures are being handled. And a very real and uneeded huge dollar expense to many because of it.
Thank you!! As a business owner, I can tell you that if this happened at our business, it would be devestating. Whether there is risk or not it's people's perception. There needs to be a quarentine for returning hcw in my opinion.

Well, that's true. From what I've read, Amber Vinson did not try on any dresses at the bridal shop because she was there to view bridesmaid's dresses, but I doubt that bridal shop is going to be selling any wedding gowns unless they burn all the dresses there and get entirely new inventory. The public won't care if she didn't lay so much as a finger on them because they really don't have to care.
You think he had diarrhea and vomiting all night and wouldn't call his contacts? Are you suggesting he has a death wish?

I totally agree he was irresponsible. But to imply he was spewing body fluids last night with not a care in the world really just defies belief. AND we are supposed to believe people entered his apartment later and witnessed vomit and diarrhea in the apartment and just walked around la ti dah, not a care in the world either? Casually threw away gloves with body fluids on it, not remotely concerned for their own safety?

I don't. I think lay people are far more cautious about this kind of thing, and don't take it lightly, particularly in light of all the news play it's gotten.

Then what kind of GI symptoms would he have since there is reports that he had them. Just bubbling stomach, would that be considered GI symptoms?
You think he had diarrhea and vomiting all night and wouldn't call his contacts? Are you suggesting he has a death wish?

I totally agree he was irresponsible. But to imply he was spewing body fluids last night with not a care in the world really just defies belief. AND we are supposed to believe people entered his apartment later and witnessed vomit and diarrhea in the apartment and just walked around la ti dah, not a care in the world either? Casually threw away gloves with body fluids on it, not remotely concerned for their own safety?

I don't. I think lay people are far more cautious about this kind of thing, and don't take it lightly, particularly in light of all the news play it's gotten.

He could have had it in the morning after he got his fever. I saw Mr. Duncan's puke washed off the pavement by the guy not wearing any gear, so I am not going to assume everybody is automatically cautious or know what they are doing.
Nobody is going to tell me not to panic,I am taking a flight to and from Brussels in a few weeks.I do not trust the temp. screening going on in Belgium.Eventually someone with ebola will get by screening and put a plane full of passengers at risk.If I can not trust a nurse and doctor who had contact with a patient to self isolate than I do not trust an immigrant coming from W.Africa to not get on a plane if they had contact or symptoms.
Then what kind of GI symptoms would he have since there is reports that he had them. Just bubbling stomach, would that be considered GI symptoms?

OF COURSE it would. Nausea is a GI symptom, but that is NOT the same thing as vomiting.

I work in a GI lab. Abdominal pain, queasiness, nausea, indigestion, flatulence, ALL are common "GI symptoms" that are NOT vomiting or diarrhea.
As far as we know, she has been COMPLETELY asymptomatic to date. So why is whether or not she works relevant? Apparently she is now in isolation. If she begins to exhibit symptoms, she will not have the opportunity to infect the population at large.

Look what happen in TX. If she went to work Tuesday-Thursday her co-workers will be concerned.
If it is only for appearances, then why do they incinerate the barely used ebola gloves at the hospital? Why even put them in biohazard? It is way more expensive.
It's not just for appearances (not to say appearances aren't important - they are, if you want to instill trust). It's common sense and standard practice for a reason.
(And FWIW, EbolA actually thrives in cool and dark places. I'm seeing nearly as much misinformation out there coming from the "panicophobes" as from the panickers.)

Still, the odds of those gloves being a source of infection are extremely slim, especially if they were disinfected before removed.

But this case is just another example of the costs of people going with one extreme or another instead of thinking and responding moderately and rationally.

I don't fear outbreaks here, but the cost of people taking it too seriously is unlikely to be as costly to the rest of us as those who don't take it seriously enough.
Well, that's true. From what I've read, Amber Vinson did not try on any dresses at the bridal shop because she was there to view bridesmaid's dresses, but I doubt that bridal shop is going to be selling any wedding gowns unless they burn all the dresses there and get entirely new inventory. The public won't care if she didn't lay so much as a finger on them because they really don't have to care.

And THAT is the problem with the lack of self-quarantine, nrdsb4: not that dozens of people are actually going to be getting Ebola from the subway, or an airplane lavatory or by eating the same bowling shoes as an Ebola victim, but that they will THINK they could. And the economic consequences could be severe. Heck, we took a vacation about 2 months after 9/11 and the airlines, and hotels were practically paying US to go. Of course, my poor husband got the extra 'random' security screenings in every single line including at the gate because he is a bearded guy with an accent (he's French) which infuriated him because he is a proud naturalized U.S. citizen, but there is no question that fear has enormous economic consequences on businesses big and small. And that's one reason I do wish people who have had direct exposure to Ebola patients would actually self-quarantine for the 21 days after their last contact.
Nobody is going to tell me not to panic,I am taking a flight to and from Brussels in a few weeks.I do not trust the temp. screening going on in Belgium.Eventually someone with ebola will get by screening and put a plane full of passengers at risk.If I can not trust a nurse and doctor who had contact with a patient to self isolate than I do not trust an immigrant coming from W.Africa to not get on a plane if they had contact or symptoms.

That is what is so amazing to me. We have seen multiple cases now of doctors, reporters, and people who we would expect to know better are putting others at risk. If they arent doing things right, then surely the average Joe who becomes infected is going to make even more mistakes. And they most likely wont go to the hospital nearly as quickly once they do get sick. Especially if they are poor with no money to pay the hospital.

I could easily see where a sick average Joe with little money would wait till he collapsed before going to hospital. Some poor people equate hospitals with bills they cannot afford.
I don't fear outbreaks here, but the cost of people taking it too seriously is unlikely to be as costly to the rest of us as those who don't take it seriously enough.

Actually, panic based on fear vs. facts is very costly. It closes businesses, it causes people to miss work needlessly (think the teacher who is on forced isolation simply because she went to Dallas for a conference), it taxes the healthcare system with false alarms, etc. And that's just what comes to mind at a moment's notice.

That is not saying that reason and caution and logical protocols should not be instituted and followed. But it cannot be denied that there have been some absolutely mind blowing overreactions to this situation which have certainly exerted a price.
And THAT is the problem with the lack of self-quarantine, nrdsb4: not that dozens of people are actually going to be getting Ebola from the subway, or an airplane lavatory or by eating the same bowling shoes as an Ebola victim, but that they will THINK they could. And the economic consequences could be severe. Heck, we took a vacation about 2 months after 9/11 and the airlines, and hotels were practically paying US to go. Of course, my poor husband got the extra 'random' security screenings in every single line including at the gate because he is a bearded guy with an accent (he's French) which infuriated him because he is a proud naturalized U.S. citizen, but there is no question that fear has enormous economic consequences on businesses big and small. And that's one reason I do wish people who have had direct exposure to Ebola patients would actually self-quarantine for the 21 days after their last contact.

BBM. I actually agree with you on that. Although it's been made perfectly clear that you cannot count on all of them to do that. It is becoming clear that some people are going to have to be FORCED to comply with common sense precautions.
I'm not in a panic. Just a little confused about how Writebol and the reporter got it.
They say they were not around anyone near death from ebola.
I am not clear on what Mrs. Writebol was doing. I have heard conflicting reports <--
No surprise there!

All posts are MOO
I'm not in a panic. Just a little confused about how Writebol and the reporter got it.
They say they were not around anyone near death from ebola.
I am not clear on what Mrs. Writebol was doing. I have heard conflicting reports <--
No surprise there!

All posts are MOO

She was involved in decontamination of doctors coming out of Ebola wards. My understanding she would be the one spraying them as they came out. Maybe it splashed on her.
And THAT is the problem with the lack of self-quarantine, nrdsb4: not that dozens of people are actually going to be getting Ebola from the subway, or an airplane lavatory or by eating the same bowling shoes as an Ebola victim, but that they will THINK they could.

I think it should be illegal to eat the same bowling shoes as an ebola victim! :D
She was involved in decontamination of doctors coming out of Ebola wards. My understanding she would be the one spraying them as they came out. Maybe it splashed on her.

Didn't she herself speculate just that?
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