Egypt Air flight 804 missing, 19 May 2016

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KC has an awesome notion. We need to find out if the route was normally operated using 737 equipment or did the A320 typically run this route.

An equipeent change could be very important it a terrorist context. If in fact there was an equipement change, they reputes everyone reports thus far that all operations at departure airport were all rosy!!

With the amount of hours they had I am not sure if the flight crew could have cert for both 737 and A320 (possible), but most likely mandate a different cockpit crew...

BBM. I think you're onto something. We learned about this story about midnight last night, and they reported that or one of those type of sites, reported the change in scheduled planes. My immediate thoughts were that because of that a bomb was placed on the flight. It was 25 min. delayed departure, so if they'd left on time, it would've crashed that much farther out than Egypt.
BBM. I think you're onto something. We learned about this story about midnight last night, and they reported that or one of those type of sites, reported the change in scheduled planes. My immediate thoughts were that because of that a bomb was placed on the flight. It was 25 min. delayed departure, so if they'd left on time, it would've crashed that much farther out than Egypt.
Omg you're right it would have landed already! Did you read about the lady from the airport saying she was trying to help a family get to the flight but they were on the wrong terminal and she said she was going to ask the pilot to wait for them if he could... I wonder if that's what caused the delay.
ETA If it was a bomb it's chilling to think how come they managed to do this with France on high security alert!!!

Sent from my NOS NOVU using Tapatalk
Throughout the day media has been like saying airports in both destination and departure airports are on not on par with USA. We think we are safe . Just not true :

A recent security audit found that TSA scanners failed to stop explosives and weapons 96% of the time. Sen. Ron Johnson said that the scanners “weren't even catching metal.”

TSA Spent $160 Mil For Scanners With A 96% Failure Rate

Undercover DHS Tests Find Security Failures at US Airports

TSA failed to stop undercover individuals from smuggling weapons and explosives past checkpoints 67 times out of 70 attempts.

What happens when we are wrong 96% of the time?

classified details are even worse

MSNBC reports that you cannot get in Greece airport - your car is searched before you get to the parking lot? Inside job?

This is not from SNL. Promise, when they were staffing, they were recruiting people that eat pizza, or purchase gasoline our govt paid to put the ad on pizza boxes?????? I am open to correlation notions regarding associated skill sets...bombs and pepperoni ?

Actually the ads at gas pumps make some sense bombs and gasoline!

I would have preferred retired FBI , CIA folks, but that is just me!


WTOP first reported that the ads for the full- and part-time openings at the airport security agency are appearing on the boxes of local pizza joints. In our nations capital. WTF?
Hi you!

That if funny - the typing /spelling fits in perfect as well - crackin up!!

I did not tell you I am doing there graphics from home!! The sea that it crashed in I would mess up every time!!!

This is just mo, but in my book, every news agency should turn of the "breaking news" deal. Could just be me but something that occurred what 28 hours ago is no longer breaking. I think a banner with "new INfo" might be more meaningful- ha!

BBM: I couldn't agree more!! :)
Fox News way-y-y-y behind. Still saying wreckage hasn't been found.

I find your comment perplexing since one of the things I see posted with great frequency on these threads is: "I wish these reporters would take their time and get the facts right instead of rushing to be first, then being wrong later."
Lots of ASCII in your last post Cariis. This is very disheartening if that study is correct about the metal detectors. Years ago, back when I was in high school, we had very good family friends whose business was professional metal detectors for airports and prisons. Both my father and I worked for them. I myself built/assembled about 100 hand scanners. The walkthrough kind even got a product placement in Mel Brooks movie, "High Anxiety". Their detectors could be set on super-sensitive, even belt buckles would set them off.
This might be one of the hand scanners I made!:
This is not from SNL. Promise, when they were staffing, they were recruiting people that eat pizza, or purchase gasoline our govt paid to put the ad on pizza boxes?????? I am open to correlation

Heh, they'll be advertising for cops in Krispy Kreme at this rate ....
Hi you!

That if funny - the typing /spelling fits in perfect as well - crackin up!!

I did not tell you I am doing there graphics from home!! The sea that it crashed in I would mess up every time!!!

This is just mo, but in my book, every news agency should turn of the "breaking news" deal. Could just be me but something that occurred what 28 hours ago is no longer breaking. I think a banner with "new INfo" might be more meaningful- ha!

Agree about the "breaking news" that CNN has decided to stick with each night no matter if its more political same old same old or really breaking news like this plane incident.

Don't they realize they are the boy who cried wolf in doing that?

So now when there is real breaking news we just flip the channel not thinking it is real news.

They copied from Nancy Grace and her "Bombshell" every show.

By the way. Hello Everyone. Sad that we have another plane going down. Seems more frequent these past 10 years. Seems it used to be 1 about every 5 or 10 years. Now its more like 1 a year if not sooner.
I was in Europe last month, I can tell you from experience CDG is well above American standards in airport security. I have my doubts that anyone placed an explosive device on this plane at that particular airport. I can also say I was rather thrown back by the lack of security at other countries' airports and train stations. ("lack of" meaning NONE). Other countries = Netherlands, Germany & Belgium. I think it is reasonable to say if these countries (especially Belgium, at that time) have very little security, most of the others would too.

My immediate thought was someone from the flight crew or a device that made it through one of the "the lack of security" countries.
Rewind MSNBC is saying Greece is now saying that it is not airplane debris - I give up!!
I was in Europe last month, I can tell you from experience CDG is well above American standards in airport security. I have my doubts that anyone placed an explosive device on this plane at that particular airport. I can also say I was rather thrown back by the lack of security at other countries' airports and train stations. ("lack of" meaning NONE). Other countries = Netherlands, Germany & Belgium. I think it is reasonable to say if these countries (especially Belgium, at that time) have very little security, most of the others would too.

My immediate thought was someone from the flight crew or a device that made it through one of the "the lack of security" countries.

I was in Europe last month, I can tell you from experience CDG is well above American standards in airport security. I have my doubts that anyone placed an explosive device on this plane at that particular airport. I can also say I was rather thrown back by the lack of security at other countries' airports and train stations. ("lack of" meaning NONE). Other countries = Netherlands, Germany & Belgium. I think it is reasonable to say if these countries (especially Belgium, at that time) have very little security, most of the others would too.

My immediate thought was someone from the flight crew or a device that made it through one of the "the lack of security" countries.

I agree. Im thinking baggage handlers or something. Wasn't the last Egypt area plane that went down involved suspected baggage handlers putting the bomb on it. I cant remember if they ever figured out how the bomb got on that one. I seemed to remember people were suspecting baggage handlers but may be wrong about that.

I do think its some sort of inside job with some sort of employee or contractor getting access to the plane.

The reason I suspect a bomb for this incident is because of no cockpit communication around the time it was going down.
Something happened to where the captain and co captain could not radio they needed help.
I was in Europe last month, I can tell you from experience CDG is well above American standards in airport security. I have my doubts that anyone placed an explosive device on this plane at that particular airport. I can also say I was rather thrown back by the lack of security at other countries' airports and train stations. ("lack of" meaning NONE). Other countries = Netherlands, Germany & Belgium. I think it is reasonable to say if these countries (especially Belgium, at that time) have very little security, most of the others would too.

My immediate thought was someone from the flight crew or a device that made it through one of the "the lack of security" countries.

Historically, the UK, Spain, France, Italy and Germany have had problems at various times with domestic terrorism. We had the IRA and INLA, though they've more or less gone away as terrorists (there's some evidence that they have morphed into "ordinary" organised crime outfits); Spain has had ETA (Basque separatists); Itally had the Brigadi Rossi; Germany had Baader Meinhof; and France had some problems with Corsican separatists. However from memory (which may be faulty) none of these groups actively targeted airports. The problems in France, Germany and Italy were mostly focused on bombs in railway stations and on kidnapping and murdering politicians. Here in the UK, most targets were civilian social places such as pubs and clubs, or economic targets such as the City. I can't remember what airport security was like in European airports before the rise of Islamic terrorism, but the UK has had heightened airport security since the 1970s in order to deter Irish terrorists from targetting airports.
Lots of ASCII in your last post Cariis. This is very disheartening if that study is correct about the metal detectors. Years ago, back when I was in high school, we had very good family friends whose business was professional metal detectors for airports and prisons. Both my father and I worked for them. I myself built/assembled about 100 hand scanners. The walkthrough kind even got a product placement in Mel Brooks movie, "High Anxiety". Their detectors could be set on super-sensitive, even belt buckles would set them off.

What does ASCII mean I looked it up but did not understand!

Years ago - bombs have changed they do not need to be looking for metal anymore!

It was from more than one test, or study!!!! It has been increasing (failure rate) for years. The 96% is the last batch! In the post that was different headlines only from a bunch of media sources - scary huh??

going random (in terms of years!) 2012 70% failure rate from the TSA,

TSA director reassigned

Inspector General's report, TSA agents failed 67 out of 70 tests, with ...

LA Times:
airport security is a charade

Huffington : In a series of trials, the Department of Homeland Security was able to smuggle fake explosives, weapons and other contraband past airport screeners in major cities across the country,

During the tests, DHS agents each tried to bring a banned item past TSA screeners. They succeeded 95 percent of the time.

In one test an undercover agent was stopped after setting off an alarm at a magnetometer, but TSA screeners failed to detect a fake explosive device that was taped to his back during a follow-on pat down

“Unfortunately these sorts of occurrences are all too frequent

undercover investigators were able to smuggle mock explosives or banned weapons through checkpoints in 95 percent of trials, ABC ...

in 2016 ....
tells Fox 9, TSA agents failed 9 out of 12 tests, passed two tests and one test was inconclusive

Omg you're right it would have landed already! Did you read about the lady from the airport saying she was trying to help a family get to the flight but they were on the wrong terminal and she said she was going to ask the pilot to wait for them if he could... I wonder if that's what caused the delay.
ETA If it was a bomb it's chilling to think how come they managed to do this with France on high security alert!!!

Sent from my NOS NOVU using Tapatalk

Bold text that terrifies me the most.
Historically, the UK, Spain, France, Italy and Germany have had problems at various times with domestic terrorism. We had the IRA and INLA, though they've more or less gone away as terrorists (there's some evidence that they have morphed into "ordinary" organised crime outfits); Spain has had ETA (Basque separatists); Itally had the Brigadi Rossi; Germany had Baader Meinhof; and France had some problems with Corsican separatists. However from memory (which may be faulty) none of these groups actively targeted airports. The problems in France, Germany and Italy were mostly focused on bombs in railway stations and on kidnapping and murdering politicians. Here in the UK, most targets were civilian social places such as pubs and clubs, or economic targets such as the City. I can't remember what airport security was like in European airports before the rise of Islamic terrorism, but the UK has had heightened airport security since the 1970s in order to deter Irish terrorists from targetting airports.

So has Greece. My father used to tell me never to fly out of Greece because their airport security was so bad.
I was in Europe last month, I can tell you from experience CDG is well above American standards in airport security. I have my doubts that anyone placed an explosive device on this plane at that particular airport. I can also say I was rather thrown back by the lack of security at other countries' airports and train stations. ("lack of" meaning NONE). Other countries = Netherlands, Germany & Belgium. I think it is reasonable to say if these countries (especially Belgium, at that time) have very little security, most of the others would too.

My immediate thought was someone from the flight crew or a device that made it through one of the "the lack of security" countries.

I haven't flown out of the others, but The Netherlands most certainly does have airport security. It's just in a different location than you're probably used to - right by the gate. Everyone is interviewed, scanned and/or
patted down and your carry-on scanned and searched before you're allowed into the sealed off waiting room. Lots of opportunity to do something bad in the airport itself, not so much bringing anything onto the plane. Compare that to US airports where people barely get interviewed (although you do get scanned and so does your carry-on) before entering the entire huge airport with lots of stores and lots of people working there and lots of opportunity to smuggle something nefarious behind the security lines. I much prefer the security at the gates because it puts up an extra barrier between possibly shady characters working at airport stores and the planes.

ETA: also, in Amsterdam you do not get to the general part of the airport (with the stores and everything, the area that is behind security at US airports) unless you have a boarding pass. They do check for that. So not every John, Dick and Harry off the street can just walk deep into the airport. If you wanted to wreak airport havoc you'd have to have a boarding pass or do it by the check-in desks (like they did in Brussels).
Their detectors could be set on super-sensitive, even belt buckles would set them off.

Even belt buckles? Dear God - I hope they were more sensitive than that.

As a hobby detectorist, "sensitive" to me means finding 0.32g of silver under a good 10" of soil.
So has Greece. My father used to tell me never to fly out of Greece because their airport security was so bad.

Greece has had a domestic problem with the far left and anarchist groups more or less since the war. It's so endemic it's rather difficult to differentiate between what is "problem" and what is simply "Greece".
BBM. I think you're onto something. We learned about this story about midnight last night, and they reported that or one of those type of sites, reported the change in scheduled planes. My immediate thoughts were that because of that a bomb was placed on the flight. It was 25 min. delayed departure, so if they'd left on time, it would've crashed that much farther out than Egypt.

I tried earlier and could not figure out to get the info. It would be interesting to see what aircraft was doing the segments for the last week or so!! Some reports have indicated it was usually a 737, while others have said it is typically the A320.

We could find out if there was a equipment change - which would likely indicate a crew change .

Msnbc reporting none of the passengers on terror watch list .

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