Email From Lee To Lois Which She has Given Cocoamom Permission To Post On WS.

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It's right on video one of the media stations have it recorded but LE has better things to do I'm sure then involve themselves in this matter. IMO what George A did was wrong and cold hearted.

Hi windchime...the media did not show us much of the scene that actually transpired at BP. I know you were there and took a video and later posted it here, on WS, but it was removed fairly quickly. Can you tell us what it was that you SAW since it seems we cannot view the video?:confused:
Not sure how you are inferring that he stated they had no part in it. He basically states outright that if she thinks they would NOT have taken it down then they are an outright idiot and have been drinking the idiocy kool-aid of LE, TM and LP...Nowhere in his statement does he imply in any way that they did NOT do it...He outright states they did...:waitasec:

ROLF I missed a word !!! never mind lol carry on without me heh heh

This is what you get for speed reading !

Also I didnt know about Jot using full names :eek: I did it once sorry
ROLF I missed a word !!! never mind lol carry on without me heh heh

This is what you get for speed reading !

Also I didnt know about Jot using full names :eek: I did it once sorry

No problem...I was just a bit confused...Love your avatar by the that the Corpse Bride?
No, the email below his was within the email he sent her. Like he hit "forward" then typed his own email. Kinda dumb if you ask me since it makes the A's treatment of the memorial/vigil/candlelight/ whatever look bad!

Lois has not communicated with the A's since September. (and has no intention of doing so). They just keep on..andon....andon....

It sounds as if Lee was responding to someone else. He might have gone to his address book (most are alphabetical), and clicked on "Lois" instead of "Louise", and thought he was responding to an email from "Louise."

One sentence in Lee's email jumped out at me, when he stated, "However, to believe something with no basis in reality is just foolish in my opinion." My immediate thought was that the Anthony family is believing in something - Caylee being alive - when there's no basis in reality for that belief. Caylee has been missing since June 15th, 5 months, and there's evidence in Casey's car that a dead body was in the trunk, along with a hair from a deceased Caylee.
I think he's talking about the flowers/balloons left at JBP. NOW, I wonder if it was DM who took them, at the direction of the A's...of if one of the A's did it themselves...:confused:

I think Lee is talking about the flowers and balloons left at the memorial at JBP too. The poster that George took was one that the Anthony's had given Lois, so Lee wouldn't refer to that as something that was untrue about his niece.
Lois was kind enough to forward this email to me to post for you all to view. Please be kind in return - discuss the email and issue only!

Thank you,

Lois wrote:

Here's what I got in email today form Lee Anthony this has been sent out of the clear blue sky after having no contact with him whatsoever since Sept. Please pass it on Lois~~

--- On Mon, 11/17/08, Lee Anthony <> wrote:
From: Lee Anthony <>
[cc email addresses withheld]
If you thought for a half a second that I or either of my parents would not have taken down whatever you had put up in reference to something untrue as to my neice, you are being played for a fool by "law enforcement" and anyone else of their ilk. Tim Miller is disgusting for reasons that will be addressed at a later time. Don't even get me started on the bounty hunter.

On behalf of Caylee's entire family, show her some respect and put your attention or any efforts on how you can spread the word to help find her because she is alive and missing. If you can't come to terms with that, then she, nor anyone else, doesn't need your help!

Don't get me wrong, I have tons of respect for people's kind hearts and wanting to do what they feel. However, to believe something with no basis in reality is just foolish in my opinion. Of course, you can enjoy your opinion as well.

Take care.

This below email was at the end of Lee’s email as well from an independent individual (name withheld)
On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 3:02 PM, wrote:[email withheld]
There was a beautiful prayer service for Beautiful little Caylee Marie Anthony. I have included pictures of all the beautiful flowers and balloons that people left. It was very peaceful. Rev. Grund read some scriptures it was very comforting. It was just wonderful that people can come together and pray for a little girl they have never met.

Sadly all these beautiful flowers that people set out for Caylee were stolen. Dennis Milstead the found of Kidfinders also a convicted felon figures. Well anyway he took all the flowers and balloons. So a nice gesture by so many that have fallen in love with this beautiful little girl has be destroyed.

Up until I heard this I would of walked with Cindy and George to the end of the world to find Caylee. They had my support 120%. But now I am so saddened by this horrible act. I will still pray for Caylee everyday. I will do whatever I can to help Leonard and Rob. Tim Miller also has my support.

[Name withheld]The name withheld is a KF member...

Where does her email to Lee start and end?:waitasec:
You have to love the beautiful irony of this sentence:

However, to believe something with no basis in reality is just foolish in my opinion.

Totally agree.

Isn't this a huge clue on how the family operates? Lead us around and around in circles, and blame the very people who are here to help you and your family.

Sad, very sad, indeed.

I have no respect for this family.

"Don't get me wrong, I have tons of respect for people's kind hearts and wanting to do what they feel. However, to believe something with no basis in reality is just foolish in my opinion."



How much intelligence does it take (by Lee) to figure out that he is contradicting himself over and over again? Oops, I just go with what Mommy tells me to say.
--- On Mon, 11/17/08, Lee Anthony <> wrote:
From: Lee Anthony <>

I wanted to add a thought I had before about Email fraud. Just so everybody knows, the senders IP cannot be gathered from Gmail by any means I know of. Only the MS mailserver IP will show.

I do 419 scambaiting in my spare time and use Gmail for precisely this reason, since you don't want scammers having your IP address (not that some scammer in Nigeria can do anything about it anyway, lol). In scambaiting you use sockpuppet characters to bait the scammers and don't want the same IP identified to more than 1 character, so I use Gmail.

I'm also adding that LA's supposed Email address should be removed from the front page of this thread! It kind of surprises me that we can't use full names but can post private info? No wonder the A's are getting so many "accidental" mails, lol.
I wanted to add a thought I had before about Email fraud. Just so everybody knows, the senders IP cannot be gathered from Gmail by any means I know of. Only the MS mailserver IP will show.

I do 419 scambaiting in my spare time and use Gmail for precisely this reason, since you don't want scammers having your IP address (not that some scammer in Nigeria can do anything about it anyway, lol). In scambaiting you use sockpuppet characters to bait the scammers and don't want the same IP identified to more than 1 character, so I use Gmail.

I'm also adding that LA's supposed Email address should be removed from the front page of this thread! It kind of surprises me that we can't use full names but can post private info? No wonder the A's are getting so many "accidental" mails, lol.

If I am not mistaken LA's email is public knowledge isn't it? Isn't it on a website?
No, not Dante and stop guessing - I never heard of the person -put it that way...not sure about the below email being sent to him first but when I redacted the email addresses, it appeared to be addressed to LA from this individual and HE hit forward and sent to Lois and mass of others...

Janis, you are a hoot! I find it comical that they type like they talk -

I'm only on page 3 of this thread, so if this has already been resolved, then just ignore me. :) But I think the bottom email was sent out by someone to everyone in their address book, of which Lee AND Lois happened to be a part of. Then when Lee responded, he hit "reply to all" and his email (with the original one attached) went back to everyone who had been sent the first one. So Lois and everyone who got the original email, got Lee's too. When you reply to all, it will always show each person receiving it, and all the rest will show as cc'd. So if we look at it that way, then Lee was responding to the person who spoke about someone removing the flowers from LP's memorial/vigil. (Lee is just too stupid, and sent his email back to everybody) :bang: Now whether that was DM (from kidfinders), CA, GA, or LA, who removed the flowers, we don't obviously was one of them . :)
If I am not mistaken LA's email is public knowledge isn't it? Isn't it on a website?

Tricia, I think Lee's email address is public knowledge.

I know his email address was shown in the money/donation threads that were pulled, but not sure it was listed anywhere else.

There are others here on WS that probably have more info than I do.

Lee has been keeping to himself since they asked for his DNA. We have now seen at least one verifiable email from Lee (by David L, The Criminal Report Daily) and possibly another one here now that Lois has provided that show that he is IN ON THE CONSPIRACY! This is not denial-it is Conspiracy Theory 101, and class is in session! He made almost the exact same statement about Tim M. in the 1st email mentioned that he is making now in this email, the "don't even get me started on..." remark. That is the second time we are seeing that remark from Lee, and in connection with two different men, Mr. Padilla and Tim M. There is obviously something wretched seething inside of Lee that he feels the need to bash BOTH of these men in MASS email...What is it that is bothering Lee? Is it that he, along with his parents, does not want anyone getting close enough to actually find Caylee's remains, and so he feels the need to discredit the ones who MAY? I don't know the answers, but I do know that Mr. Anthony is showing an incredible lack of savoir faire in this entire matter.

Magic Cat, you always say what I am thinking, but in a more understandable way. :blowkiss:
Magic Cat, you always say what I am thinking, but in a more understandable way. :blowkiss:

I am happy to be of service...:blowkiss:

Also Tricia: Lee's email used to be on the Caylee site. I am not finding it there now, and the site has been updated quite a bit, so it may not be posted on a public site any longer. I am still looking but do not see it...:eek:
I wanted to add a thought I had before about Email fraud. Just so everybody knows, the senders IP cannot be gathered from Gmail by any means I know of. Only the MS mailserver IP will show.

I do 419 scambaiting in my spare time and use Gmail for precisely this reason, since you don't want scammers having your IP address (not that some scammer in Nigeria can do anything about it anyway, lol). In scambaiting you use sockpuppet characters to bait the scammers and don't want the same IP identified to more than 1 character, so I use Gmail.

I'm also adding that LA's supposed Email address should be removed from the front page of this thread! It kind of surprises me that we can't use full names but can post private info? No wonder the A's are getting so many "accidental" mails, lol.

OOOO Off topic. Excellent stuff keep up the good work, I used to be a power seller on eBay and know lots of stories in regards to some crazy a$$ scams. I've read quite a few of the Scambaiters things in the USA and LOVE Them, there was a horse scambaiter that was wicked !

Sorry back to topic :)
OOOO Off topic. Excellent stuff keep up the good work, I used to be a power seller on eBay and know lots of stories in regards to some crazy a$$ scams. I've read quite a few of the Scambaiters things in the USA and LOVE Them, there was a horse scambaiter that was wicked !

Sorry back to topic :)

I also was a PS on eBay...small world ay?
Ive been lurking here for a long time reading in hopes of getting up to speed on this case.
Though ive almost come to the conclusion that its such a convoluted mess it may be more then I can wrap my frontal lobe around.
This email strengthens that conviction.
I cant decide whether this family is suffering from some form of pathalogical denial or they simply hope Caylee never being found would leave a big enough hole of reasonable doubt for Casey to slither through.
Am I off base?

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