Emergency custody papers filed by mother of JI's son 11/14/11

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I use dancing smilies and a ton of others when discussing this case. Kind of makes me feel better during the madness, sometimes. :seeya: :great: :twocents: :maddening::furious::rollercoaster: and then there is MK's favorite :slap:

I didn't refresh my page and missed a few post. lol I understand the need to lighten things up when a serious topic is discussed.
I don't think she had anything to do with Lisa missing, but I don't know that for a fact. Her timing at deciding to get her son back after ignoring him for years is awfully coincidental though...just saying

Isn't it obvious she wants her son in a safe place? Not back in the home with his dad's gf who was 'sleeping' when his little sister disappeared. I think that's just real obvious.
Isn't it obvious she wants her son in a safe place? Not back in the home with his dad's gf who was 'sleeping' when his little sister disappeared. I think that's just real obvious.

The custody issue will be about Jeremy. You may by right and Debbie will have to leave. My only question is why birth mom never attempted to even visit her son until now?
The custody issue will be about Jeremy. You may by right and Debbie will have to leave. My only question is why birth mom never attempted to even visit her son until now?

I honestly don't know why a parent wouldn't be involved in their child's life. I was blessed with the best parents. (I hope I've been a good parent to my children because I had such good examples.)

When a parent relinquishes custody could it be because of money, health reasons, maybe drug problems? To never attempt a visit --wow--IDK.
I honestly don't know why a parent wouldn't be involved in their child's life. I was blessed with the best parents. (I hope I've been a good parent to my children because I had such good examples.)

When a parent relinquishes custody could it be because of money, health reasons, maybe drug problems? To never attempt a visit --wow--IDK.

I've been blessed with great parents myself. I lost dad two years ago, but I still have mom. I have no answers why some parents do what they do.
I honestly don't know why a parent wouldn't be involved in their child's life. I was blessed with the best parents. (I hope I've been a good parent to my children because I had such good examples.)

When a parent relinquishes custody could it be because of money, health reasons, maybe drug problems? To never attempt a visit --wow--IDK.

bbm I agree, if I got screwed over in custody for some reason and only got supervised visits I would take them. I can't imagine going a day without seeing my daughter and yes I am one of those crazy parents who rarely get a sitter and I have only spent a week away from my daughter to travel to my dads funeral that week I cried almost every time I talked to her because the first thing she asked was mommy come home please. My husband would never keep me from her, I would fight, if supervised visits were all I could get-for whatever reason- I would get has many has I could.
I honestly don't know why a parent wouldn't be involved in their child's life. I was blessed with the best parents. (I hope I've been a good parent to my children because I had such good examples.)

When a parent relinquishes custody could it be because of money, health reasons, maybe drug problems? To never attempt a visit --wow--IDK.

BBM I know in the Kyron Horman case his mother had health issues and gave his father custody. My sister-in-law gave custody to her ex husband because she went into the military. I think money is sometimes a reason also. I don't know of any cases related to drugs myself but I am sure that would be one reason for loss of custody. I also know of cases where mothers have given custody of son's to the father based on role modelling.
I've been blessed with great parents myself. I lost dad two years ago, but I still have mom. I have no answers why some parents do what they do.

I too was blessed with 2 of the kindest, loving and supportive parents imaginable. Both of my parents are gone and have been for some time. I'm 40+ years old, miss them terribly and still after all this time feel like an orphan. If possible, a child needs both parents, there can never be too much love.
I have no answers either why some parents do what they do......
Time will tell. DB has more pointing to her guilt than her innocence.

ps Curious, why the dancing icon when discussing a missing baby?

- imo there will be no criminal charges stemming from deb's blood alcohol level on the night lisa's was taken.

bbm....There are hundreds of posts with icons on them - why call my post out that doesn't have them and never did? <insert confused and sad faced icon here>
Sorry Rosie, reading my post I realize it sounded different than I had intended. I know what a black out is like because I had amnesia. I also know that some people never recover from amnesia. I understood what you were saying in the first place. I was agreeing in my own silly way.

It is a very scary feeling...there were two little kids with me in that wreck...I didn't know they were mine but I helped them out of the car and asked them questions about who they were and how they got there. Scared the bejesus out of my babies.

I've had amnesia from an accident also, Jaxson. I still, seven years later do not remember anything from a few seconds before impact, until waking up on the pavement later.

I also blacked out from drinking too much, and cannot recall anything after making dinner, and mixing a drink with too much booze in it. The next day my husband made fun of how drunk I was. Thank goodness I was home when it happened!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't have enough info to even begin to discern the best interests of this child, but several people have asked why the bio mom hasn't exercised her visitation. Being that years ago I served as count appointed supervisor for visitations, I can answer some POSSIBLE reasons that have nothing to do with whether she loves him or not.

She may have been so destitute and without a place to live that she had to move 'back home' IF she was lucky enough to even have that option. She may have had to move in with someone else. She may have been so far that she could not afford gas, IF she was lucky enough to even have a car. If not, she may not have been able to borrow a car. Her 'crowd' may have been just as destitute. She may have had to focus every minute of every day on sheer survival, getting something to eat and finding a safe and warm place to sleep. She may have been so depressed by life's unfortunate events that she had zero life chi with which to do more than simply breath.

There is SO much we do not know. I ran an emergency shelter for teenage girls and most of us here cannot even begin to fathom the basic survival issues many poor children were born into.

PLEASE, if you are tempted to retort with a "yeah, but" neat and simple answer (like she could have rented a car if she didn't own one, or she could have gone to the doctor to get meds for depression or sickness), I am BEGGING you to think through your logic first. It is AMAZING the "let them eat cake" easy and pat (but impossible) answers some people come up with without realizing how ridiculous they are. It shows an extreme lack of empathy. Some people can just never understand without BEING in those shoes themselves, and for those people, that is EXACTLY what I wish for them.
I don't have enough info to even begin to discern the best interests of this child, but several people have asked why the bio mom hasn't exercised her visitation. Being that years ago I served as count appointed supervisor for visitations, I can answer some POSSIBLE reasons that have nothing to do with whether she loves him or not.

She may have been so destitute and without a place to live that she had to move 'back home' IF she was lucky enough to even have that option. She may have had to move in with someone else. She may have been so far that she could not afford gas, IF she was lucky enough to even have a car. If not, she may not have been able to borrow a car. Her 'crowd' may have been just as destitute. She may have had to focus every minute of every day on sheer survival, getting something to eat and finding a safe and warm place to sleep. She may have been so depressed by life's unfortunate events that she had zero life chi with which to do more than simply breath.

There is SO much we do not know. I ran an emergency shelter for teenage girls and most of us here cannot even begin to fathom the basic survival issues many poor children were born into.

PLEASE, if you are tempted to retort with a "yeah, but" neat and simple answer (like she could have rented a car if she didn't own one, or she could have gone to the doctor to get meds for depression or sickness), I am BEGGING you to think through your logic first. It is AMAZING the "let them eat cake" easy and pat (but impossible) answers some people come up with without realizing how ridiculous they are. It shows an extreme lack of empathy. Some people can just never understand without BEING in those shoes themselves, and for those people, that is EXACTLY what I wish for them.

Would you know some of the reasons why those visitations would be ordered 'supervised' though?
The custody issue will be about Jeremy. You may by right and Debbie will have to leave. My only question is why birth mom never attempted to even visit her son until now?

With regards to this. . .I have been reading that she was deported. I can't substantiate that, but I read that LE had apparently said that early on. I'm assuming it must have been said by SY. If someone could find that it would be great. We also don't know if SY did say that if it is accurate, but it would sure make sense here if we knew she was. It would explain some things. . . why she wouldn't get custody. . .why she hadn't seen her son for along time and why she had supervised visits (India is not part of the Hague Convention, so maybe fear of fleeing).

All MOO and we really don't know.

ETA-apparently the address she was living at (from the dockets) is a group home.
With regards to this. . .I have been reading that she was deported. I can't substantiate that, but I read that LE had apparently said that early on. I'm assuming it must have been said by SY. If someone could find that it would be great. We also don't know if SY did say that if it is accurate, but it would sure make sense here if we knew she was. It would explain some things.

i have not heard this, ever. i will be looking for it. where did you read that?
Would you know some of the reasons why those visitations would be ordered 'supervised' though?

I can tell you a few I have seen, but this is not comprehensive.

Neglect, physical abuse, substance abuse, mental incapacity, reasonable concern of child being kidnapped, especially to another country, consorting with convicted and/or violent sex offenders, and, not uncommonly,

lies about some of the above

from a parent who is desperate to retain total control or who does not want to pay child support.

I've seen all of these. I'm sure there are more.

ETA: Sky Metalawa, missing now in Washington, could have been a case like this. His mother, Julia, filed false charges against Sky's father, effectively removing his father from his life for a time. It took too long to disprove those charges to save Sky's life, sadly.
i have not heard this, ever. i will be looking for it. where did you read that?

I read it on another forum. Someone had said that LE early on had said that she was deported. I vaguely remember it too, because when this all started I naturally was thinking that one of the other bio parents could have taken BL.

I think it was an interview with SY, but I haven't found it yet.
So, you think RR may have something to do with Baby Lisa missing? There are "weird" things going on in this case but, really? Guess she should make her alibi known. :innocent:

I guess it's "anyone but Deb did it"? ABDDI :great: Kind of has a ring to it, no?

Huh? I specifically said that I do NOT think RR had anything to with Lisa. What I said was, we can't KNOW that one way or the other, and that this case - and its motley crew cast of colorful characters - is just freaking weird and nothing would surprise me at this point.
Respectfully I disagree, if she was male we would call her a sperm donor...not a father. She is the egg donor, not a mother. However, I am going to back track on my original statement until I know for a fact that she has not seen her 8 year old son since he was 2. I am currently wondering what went on in 2008 if JI was given custody in 2005. If she was visiting with him until 2008 I would not call her a stranger as that is much less time apart and more importantly he would have been older and known her for 5 years instead of as a baby and toddler. Of course a 5 year old would be more devastated by losing his mother than a 2 year old.

My father was adopted at the age of 3 along with his 4 year old sister when their mother left them. They have no memory of her and they do not look at her as anything but a stranger.

A mother is someone who loves and cuddles and sings to and reads bedtime stories and teaches you your ABC's. A mother kisses your owwie and comes to all your plays at school and yells the loudest at your sporting events. A mother takes you shopping for

you first special dress. Mother's don't give birth and hang out for a couple of years.[/


If I found out right now, at age 40 I had along lost brother or sister, i'd be thrilled and wished I had the oppurtunity to do those things when I was 8 instead of 40, even if not from birth or 2 years old. I am an only child though, but even if my birth mother or father came out, even if they had many skelotons I'd be so grateful-no bitterness, especially at this time of my life...I just hope that boy has the oppurtunity but most of all that RR recognizes how/what it was like to not have him and learns, also that JI and DB know how it feels to not have a child and just welcome her with bygones, still of course being wise and taking in account of whatever problems RR may have (maybe mental maybe the boy will inherit it, they should teach him how he should be treated by how they treat her) , a smart person learns from their own mistakes a genius learns from others mistakes ...a stupid person never learns

I know someone who's husbands exwife's parents (ex-inlaws) treat his new wife and the baby they had together, better then her own family, their not obligated or responsible for this behavior,,, but man it sure shows some character, btw his ex wife is also so kind and welcoming to her and especially their child. I'm just saying it would be so nice if something positive could come out of this, like that the boys get to know their mom and dad and everyone seems and learns from their mistake...they don't have to be geniuses...but they don't have to be stupid neither:fence:
I read it on another forum. Someone had said that LE early on had said that she was deported. I vaguely remember it too, because when this all started I naturally was thinking that one of the other bio parents could have taken BL.

I think it was an interview with SY, but I haven't found it yet.
The being deported thing is not making sense to me. How is she suddenly legal after being deported? If she only has a temp visa would she even have a chance of custody?

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