Emotional Toll

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Sigh............This one is tearing at my soul. In the last six days, my hubby's boss' son died in a tragic accident at 26, one of my best friends is critical in a coronary care unit and today we get a call from a Medical Examiner in Florida that my cousin was found dead in May. We have been searching for him for years.....he was 57. Somehow they tracked down my aunt to let the family know.. So we at least know he is not alive anymore.....that is more than we have known since he was 16. And now all these horrific details about precious Zahara. I am convinced there is an evil in this world that is rising each and every day. In some small way I feel I combat that somehow in coming here and being tortured by what these little people have to endure at the hands of poor scum. God help us all and give us strength to find a way to stop this crap now...children are here to be loved....not slain. And slain she was in the most horrific way:furious:

(((Nana))) I'm sorry you have had such a horrific week - sending you strength and good thoughts to get you through these hard days. :grouphug:

I'm probably not going to sleep tonight. I think I'm going to make us all a "pot of soup" and pass out some fuzzy blankets.
I think this is a pivotal case for many of us. No matter how much we have seen on WS, nothing has prepared us for the horrors of this case. The fact that no one has been charged yet is driving me around the bend. I'm not being down on LE. I know they are doing everything they have to do to see that justice is done for Zahra. But, the unanswered questions are eating at my soul. I am thankful that such a dedicated, caring group of people are working their very hardest on Zahra's case. I don't think I will ever quite get over this case. My heart just aches and aches for what should have been. I yearn to have known the bright, shining soul that was Zahra. My mind screams at the horrors perpetrated upon this child. We have seen true evil here. May we all find some means of solace and comfort while we await the outcome of this case.
woke to the news that the high profile defense attorneys that were assigned to EB and AB have now been removed. They were assigned as the Defender's office thought murder charges might be imminent back in october. Since no charges have been filed and now the high priced attorneys have been removed - does that indicate that there won't be any charges?? Or does it at the very least indicate that there are no charges anticipated any time soon????

arggggg. Now my stomach is in knots. busy day ahead. Hope I can push thoughts of this matter away.
woke to the news that the high profile defense attorneys that were assigned to EB and AB have now been removed. They were assigned as the Defender's office thought murder charges might be imminent back in october. Since no charges have been filed and now the high priced attorneys have been removed - does that indicate that there won't be any charges?? Or does it at the very least indicate that there are no charges anticipated any time soon????

arggggg. Now my stomach is in knots. busy day ahead. Hope I can push thoughts of this matter away.

I don't think it means no charges will come at all. IMO, it makes sense not to keep pouring money in until things really get rolling. Personally, I don't know how charges couldn't be coming, at least for EB.
woke to the news that the high profile defense attorneys that were assigned to EB and AB have now been removed. They were assigned as the Defender's office thought murder charges might be imminent back in october. Since no charges have been filed and now the high priced attorneys have been removed - does that indicate that there won't be any charges?? Or does it at the very least indicate that there are no charges anticipated any time soon????

arggggg. Now my stomach is in knots. busy day ahead. Hope I can push thoughts of this matter away.

You have lost me - are you saying Dubbs has been removed ? Guess I missed this somehow - help me out aye ?

Found it - never mind :D
Thanks SCMom

We now have a thread on this:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5863299"]12.02.10 - Lawyers appointed when murder charges were 'imminent' are removed - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Zahra stole my heart. Thank you for starting this thread. For years I raised my severely autistic granddaughter who is a look a like for Zahra. Her smile is beautiful and her courage unbelievable. I would like to ask why there isn't more done by social services to protect our kids. What does it take to get there attention? In my opinion heads should roll!
I just keep asking why? She went through SO MUCH and for what to meet that horrific end. Why? Why not just take her during her bout with cancer? Why let her make it through all of that pain only to meet the most horrific pain imaginable? Why?

I don't know why but tonight this is really bothering me. You just wanna stand up and do something....anything....but evil, pure evil is running amuck. How do we protect them from these monsters all around us?

I see it this way:
Darkness cannot reside in the Light.
Darkness is drawn to the Light.
Darkness wants what the Light has but refuses to change for the Light.
Darkness is envious of the Light.
Even in sickness Zahra was full of the Light.
Even though Darkness destroyed Zahra, the Light within her shines Brighter to expose the evil within the Darkness.

Now Zahra is with the Light.
She is WHOLE.
She is Happy.
She is Loved.
She is having a Christmas that we can only dream about.
Welcome to WS's Justice4Kids! I love your name!!!
Just want to thank you for allowing me to offer a little friendly advice last night. I don't know that it helped you, but reading back through my comments this morning, it sure helped me. Hubby and I are supposed to go see a band tonight, and I feel so sucked dry emotionally, I actually thought about cancelling. Reading my own words to you last night reminded me that my good intentions really don't mean much if I don't act on them. So...tonight is for Hubby. Let there be smiling and dancing and laughter! And most of all, let there be an abundance of attention heaped on him by his adoring wife. :)
I keep waiting for the great healer that is time to ease the pain of what happened to precious Zahra, but as time goes by...it just keeps getting worse. Im afraid Im in it for the long haul on this one...I cant stop thinking about her and how much justice needs to happen for her. Even then, I fear this one will stick with me for a very long time.....
Just want to thank you for allowing me to offer a little friendly advice last night. I don't know that it helped you, but reading back through my comments this morning, it sure helped me. Hubby and I are supposed to go see a band tonight, and I feel so sucked dry emotionally, I actually thought about cancelling. Reading my own words to you last night reminded me that my good intentions really don't mean much if I don't act on them. So...tonight is for Hubby. Let there be smiling and dancing and laughter! And most of all, let there be an abundance of attention heaped on him by his adoring wife. :)

For MK: :clap::Banane35:
MK, I think I will continue taking your advice, and do something fun with my husband tonight too! I think we will all feel a little bit better when an arrest is made. As bad as we feel, can you imagine how the officers that had to go in that house feel??? Just horrible.
For MK: :clap::Banane35:
MK, I think I will continue taking your advice, and do something fun with my husband tonight too! I think we will all feel a little bit better when an arrest is made. As bad as we feel, can you imagine how the officers that had to go in that house feel??? Just horrible.

I think that's a fantastic idea, Reannan! Where there is heartache, let us sow love. :Banane35:
I just cut up carrots and put them in brown sugar and butter for our veggie side for dinner.My Daughter likes them that way. That is my way of dealing.Cooking. You guys have fun this evening and try to step a away for a bit in your head. Hugs.
I get a precious honor of taking my granddaughter to our Christmas parade tonight.....being with her will be joyful but in my heart I still wish little Zahara could see a parade. Tonight in the cold I will look up to the Heavens and say a little prayer for her......and then I plan on enjoying my granddaughter while I can......then it will be back on here to see if there has been any justice meted out yet.
I have seen a lot of horrible things in my lifetime, but this case is one I almost cannot post on anymore. I read, but find no words for the awful things we have been reading about having happened to Zahra.

Knowing what has happened to a beautiful, innocent child who had already overcome so much has just made my heart really hurt. I do have to give myself time outs on this one. I will never forget precious Zahra, ever.
This case has really taken a toll on me, I can say that. I am a newbie to WS, but I live about 20 miles from where Zahra and her "family" (feels strange to call such evil people that) lived and from where she was found. I find myself so revolted by this case, but unable to tune it out like I am able to with so many. I think the fact that there are so many elements to this, including the fact that this child was more vulnerable even than other children her age and the fact that extended family didn't do everything humanly possible remove her from a situation that clearly was at the very least "abusive" are hard for me to take. My anger at ALL of the adults involved, including the Department of Social Services and all the way across the board is so huge.

As a mother, I cannot imagine speaking a cross word to my child when they are sick, let alone hurting them, so the fact that this girl clearly suffered so much and was still treated so badly is depressing.

My daughter has a chronic illness and even though she's a teenager and can sometimes be a handful, I have learned to be more tolerant of her because of how afraid I was when she was in the acute stage and found a new level of appreciation for her.

Of course, I'm speaking as a rational, (mostly) normal human being and the Bakers clearly are not that, so it's sort of beside the point.

But this case is the first thing I think of when I wake up and it keeps me up at night. I don't know how to shake it.
I am onboard with the DH time as well. DH has a company he does business with sometimes and we are invited to their company Christmas party tonite. I really wasn't looking forward to it but now I think it might be necessary. Hope you folks enjoy your evenings. I will be trying to enjoy mine and just let it all go for a minute. Just what the Dr. ordered.

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