Emotions regarding case...

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I think the public shows more emotion than the the "grieving mother".

After watching Cindy being interviewed, and hearing/reading Casey's friends transcripts, i've come to the conclusion that casey premeditated this and her mother is doing anything she can to obstruct the case....I fence-sit on whether Cindy is an actual victim anymore because nobody can be THAT obtuse. she enabled her daughter and lost her granddaughter for doing so. that may be her only punishment unfortunately.
I have been so into this case that I fear I may have lost touch with sweet and dear friends I met on a message forum. These friends and I share a painful disorder (disability).

I will continue to follow this case but will also get back to posting on my forum.

Only God (to those who believe) has the understanding and truth about all those involved so I will leave it all up to him.

I have followed this case since it started via WS. I have found myself watching the webcam and reading WS at the same time along with watching Headline News and Fox. This case has captivated me due to KC not reporting her missing for so long and her behavior while Caylee was missing and how the family is acting about all of this. Such as washing away evidence cause it smelled like the car. Duh death!!!!
I went away for the weekend to a NASCAR race that I go to every year. I found myself spacing out and thinking about little Caylee during the race. If anyone has been to a race it's very loud! I then found myself back in the cabin afterwards crying. I tried to call my daughter to see how my granddaughter did at the babysitter on Friday and when I couldn't get them I was sad. I just don't understand why a mother would do something to her child and why the grandparents are harboring her in their home. I have a daughter and granddaughter around the same age as KC and Caylee and I think that is why I'm so emotionally involved in this case.

Of course I could just not watch or read anything involving the case but I feel that I have to know the final outcome and this group of people on WS are so intelligiant about this case and seem to have the best information before the news stations do.

What a beautiful child Caylee is and she never stood a chance in that family! I wish CA would have let KC put Caylee up for adoption so she could have had a loving family and felt thier love.

I just want this case to end soon. With that being said I don't want KC to get the death penalty cause I think that would be easy on her. I want her to live in prison for the rest of her life and suffer from the other inmates do to her. They will let her see what life is really like. Not being able to be at your attorney's office for 8 hours a day and then home in your room watching television and being on the internet. She will get what is coming to her sooner or later. :behindbar:furious:

The Anthony's are a waste, a huge waste!
Thank you for starting this thread.

As a long time follower of true crime, I am so greatful for the internet. I remember the day when we only had newspapers to follow these cases, maybe some local news reports and then maybe a book or two about the case. My interest started in true crime when a family from my area was killed in their summer cottage in northern Michigan. I was in 7th grade and it was 42 years ago. All the information that was available came via the newspapers. The crime was wrapped in mystery and the perplexities of the case never left my mind. The case has never been officially solved, and I do check on it once in a while. There is a slight similarity between that case and Caylee, in the respect that decomp played a prominent role. The family was locked in their cottage for a week before anyone discovered them. A passerby noticed an awful smell and contacted authorities. When LE walked onto the scene and approached the back door they were met with a horror that they weren't prepared for: swarms of flies and an awful odor that could be smelled all the way to the road. Of course, there was a flurry of info in the newspapers, but that eventually subsided and the case would only get attention on its anniversary and then it waned to a point that it was only brought up when someone thought about it and asked a question. Oddly enough, this year 2 books have been released about it and it is being remembered as Michigan folklore.

In between that case and now, I have followed many cases, and a few have stayed with me in that I still look for updates. OJ, Danielle Van Dam, Laci Peterson.
I came to WS the day Laci Peterson was first reported missing on TV. That was a very emotional case. The big difference for me is that in the Laci Peteson case there were
actually people you cared about beyond the victims. Sharon, Ron, Brent, Laci's g/f's, even Amber Frey were all people you felt sympathy for. In this case, the only person I care about is Caylee. Never in my life did I expect to see the path this case has taken.

It really baffles me how Casey and the Anthonys are allowed to lie and are willing to lie at the expense of this child. Their sense of entitlement irks me. The fact that they are unwilling to listen to people with experience, and follow their suggestions is repulsive.
Yes, this case is very emotional for me. I do not and cannot understand how this precious little girl was so disposible.

It is a comfort to have sites like this to help work thru thoughts and theories. I am either on here or on chat and some days it is very difficult to pull myself away, but I do, just to keep my emotions in check. Lucky for me I have a husband that is reminded of my hobby/interest when he passes by our bookshelves, so he doesn't complain too much.

To the newbies - if you find yourself getting too wrapped up, take a few hours off. Walk away, light a candle, say a prayer, hug your family and count your blessings. Also, if posting gets too daunting, come join us in chat - being able to discuss the case in real time is helpful at times and fun.
I have followed case after case including JonBenet Ramsey, Natalee Holloway, Elizabeth Smart, Lacy Peterson, etc., etc., etc. I'm fascinated, troubled, emotional, all of the above. Yeah, it's a HUGE emotional investment, but if we can come to an absolute conclusion about these (or even one) cases, we have done something great, we've made a difference.
I feel frustration and anger that Casey has not been charged with murder... I feel sadness that Caylee is gone and her mother does not care ...
I just can't wrap my brain around how anyone could think that Casey kept her supposed miscarriage in her trunk as a theory for the evidence located there.
Been lurking here from the beginning and just registered the other day. I can't claim to be as "sleuthful" as most on here but from my observations emotions here are swinging high and low, nice and not so nice, right along with the information/mis-information released. I really feel bad for the wonderful folks on WS who feel strongly when the media or LE releases info that cause them anger or additional grief. Folks on here express their genuine feelings, whatever they may be, out of caring for fellow people and seeking the truth. I feel you all are some of the smartest, most compassionate, rightous folks around, and if (God Forbid) myself or my family ever has a tradegy as those you seek to help, I want you all on my side. Keep doing the right thing, even when it seems the road has ended and nobody else seems to care anymore! Hats off!!
I have followed some crime stories very closely. I remember the day of the OJ verdict, I cried like a baby. I had just escaped an abusive relationship with my two year old son and I guess that is when it became a hobby of sorts. I am very addicted to the Caylee Anthony case, unreasonably so I think. All missing children derserve our attention,prayers and concern, but I think what is so addictive in this situation is the crazy circumstances and characters right out of a Stephen King novel! There is rage and fear. Fear that justice will not prevail and that prosecution standards and common sense once again collide. Everytime ANYONE suggests Caylee may be alive I get frustrated. First thought I have is "reasonable doubt".
I fear that this child's body will never be found and she won't ever have a resting place.

Her mother threw her out with the trash and the rest of the family goes and covers it by telling tales of rotten pizza, sightings from texas to PR and finger pointing at Amy and JG. They don't respect this child, they Lie and they insult TES.

Karma can't come fast enough. (oh i'm ranting, sorry)
I hope she ends up as a cellmate of Scott Peterson so they can revel in one anothers lies and schemes while they are waiting for forever...
I live and breathe this case about precious Caylee. Being the Mum of 4 grown sons, I cannot comprehend how anyone

could be this EVIL !

So, if it was an accident, then fess up, Casey O ! The truth shall set you free. Daily I ask the Lord to give wisdom to those out there searching for Caylee, and to place a strong conviction on Casey's conscience to tell the truth, to the point of not being able to eat, sleep, or think. This is incredibly ridiculous, and that baby deserves to be laid to rest in peace.

I have often wondered if Caylee is with Jesus, or does she wander Fl ? Seriously ! Whether by accident or murder, she had to have died so painfully. Is she in shock, or is her soul at peace now ? Does she need justice to walk into the light ?
The first time I ever saw Casey Anthony was when the news showed her walking into the court room for the first time. She had a little smile on her face like she was happy the cameras were there. It was at that moment I knew she had killed her daughter. She was way to happy to be a grieving mother.

This is the first case I have followed so closely and I will be glad when it's over.

Oh, I agree. They show her in that blue 82 or whatever number hoodie and she has this look on her face like she is the absolute shi* (no pun intended with the word absolute!!!)
Oh, I agree. They show her in that blue 82 or whatever number hoodie and she has this look on her face like she is the absolute shi* (no pun intended with the word absolute!!!)

I am not a violent lady,:blowkiss: but Casey does have a face that I could slap !:furious:

But u know what ? Little Mrs. Law Abiding Citizen here would get charged with assalt, and NOBODY !!! :bang:would bail me out ! :behindbar'Ya think ?
I just don't get it!!!! I am a self proclaimed spoiled brat. I had a rude awakening when I lost my mom in 06 and my grandpa just this past July. I have always had things handed to me....I am spoiled...I admit it...I was on birth control when BOTH my kids were conceived and I have (in the back of my head) at times thought of them as inconvienient or a burden...And I feel horrible for thinking of these things...BUT I could not fathom ever causing either of them harm....Ever. That is why this case is so close to my heart. I can see where a person might be coming from....feeling burdened by a child....but you do other things. You get babysitters (real ones) or you tell people that yoU NEED to get away. They will listen. Believe me. I know. I have needed a few breaks just to get my sanity back.....I did the normal thing in my situation...I turned around and said...I cannot handle this at this point...rather than offing my own kids, whom I would lay my own life down for.

I am not a violent lady,:blowkiss: but Casey does have a face that I could slap !:furious:

But u know what ? Little Mrs. Law Abiding Citizen here would get charged with assalt, and NOBODY !!! :bang:would bail me out ! :behindbar'Ya think ?

I would!!!! :crazy:
Oh, I agree. They show her in that blue 82 or whatever number hoodie and she has this look on her face like she is the absolute shi* (no pun intended with the word absolute!!!)
actually she looked like ah they are gonna let me back out this isnt serioius kinda oh **** look imho .. nervous some people smirk or smile when they are nervous i do .. but when im terrified i dont .. she is a hard person to read im thinking ... you arnt gonna really read her unless she lets you either . who knows mabey this is all some sick plan she concocted up to get money . and here little caylee would be alive .. to get on talk shows make movies ect ect you just never know these days with people they are all in trouble with money gonna lose thier home ect ect .. who knows .
actually she looked like ah they are gonna let me back out this isnt serioius kinda oh **** look imho .. nervous some people smirk or smile when they are nervous i do .. but when im terrified i dont .. she is a hard person to read im thinking ... you arnt gonna really read her unless she lets you either . who knows mabey this is all some sick plan she concocted up to get money . and here little caylee would be alive .. to get on talk shows make movies ect ect you just never know these days with people they are all in trouble with money gonna lose thier home ect ect .. who knows .

Well, as I have said before, I am a self proclaimed spoiled brat. I had that look on my face many times but that was when I was feeling like I was getting away with something or that I was above whatever was happening...Ya know?? But when faced with serious situation, you would not find that smirk on my face.
I have always been interested in crime and detective work, but I first came to Websleuths during the Chandra Levy case, which is sadly still unsolved. I mostly lurked here reading back then, but joined during the search for Elizabeth Smart. I really got involved here with the Laci Peterson case which became an obsession for me to the point of not sleeping. I spent hours here posting news and analyzing every little detail, so I know what people are going through over Caylee.

I had to get away from sleuthing after Scott Peterson went to jail, but I still followed quite a few cases.

Crime makes me feel two emotions more than anything: anger and disgust. I feel anger about the lying and deceit. I feel disgust when human beings throw away the lives of others, especially children.

Once someone is a proven liar, it is hard for me to feel pity for them. So over time I've become alot colder towards people who commit crimes. All that matters to me is justice for the victims, and that's what keeps me interested.

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