Evidence of Heart Shaped Sticker on Duct Tape Destroyed

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I think she wanted the police to go out to universal to look at tapes to see if the babysitter had been out there. They should have considered doing that instead of interogating her when they were all without sleep since the day before. Sometimes that type of interogation works, sometimes it backfires. Most people clam up.

O/T we never can explain away the 31 days it took KC to tell someone and then it was only because her parents HAD to go claim their car - otherwise - who knows? Maybe noone would have ever called the police about their missing child.
Thank you. The female is all black and the male standing to her side is a blanket back. I am very proud & love my dogs. :) I have only seen the Belgium on tv, but they are truly beautiful!

O/T (so what else is new)
This is a neat photo - it looks like she is looking into a mirror until you look closer. They are beauties!
Snaz wrote:
I ask you this question with all due respect...... do you seriously think KC's story makes sense and that little Caylee was abducted by SOD, or are you just playing devil's advocate?

notthatsmart wrote:
I am not playing devils advocate. I want the police to get it right. Putting the wrong person in jail is a bad thing for all of us. Casey's story is the only thing that makes sense out of this whole thing. Everything else is bizzare.

She thought everything was fine until some point she got worried. She did not report to the police in fear of Caylee getting hurt. ( once police get involved, people end up dead. that is fact)

She recognized right away that the police were going to blame her. She clammed up and got a lawyer who stopped her from talking to them. They should have never interogated her like that. They should have worked with her. If she is guilty, the evidence will show.

Think about her story, then think about all the other stories. Hers makes sense. I dont think the police ever did look for a nanny which worries me. I am on a fact finding mission.

I would like to see cause of death, motive, time of death. The generic statement that there is no Zfg and Jeffery Hopkins is a lie. There are several of both. I want the truth.

Red color is mine...

notthatsmart, firstly, I would have to respectfully disagree that KC's story is the only thing that makes sense out of this whole thing and that everything else is bizzare. IMO, KC's story is the only one that is bizarre.

Secondly, if my child were missing, my first thought would NOT be that I would be blamed. My first thought would be to FIND MY CHILD!

And, lastly, I am not aware of any generic statement that there is no Jeffrey Hopkins or ZFG. It has been proven that people with these names DO exist, just not in KC's imaginary world.
There is a thread here somewhere (no sure which one) that shows SA responding to an email from JB regarding a deal for immunity for KC to tell them where Caylee was. KC turned it down because it was not FULL immunity. With that heart-shaped sticker on the duct tape we now know why KC turned it down. She wanted full immunity after leading them to the body. No argument necessary, the immunity deal was at KC's request.

The A's need immunity because they're guilty of something imo. Maybe one of them placed the heart!
May not be an imaginary Nanny.

She did work at Universal. (Not imaginary)

Im not so sure the child wasn't kidnapped from the Nanny and she hi tailed it back where ever she is from. Perhaps Cuba or Mexico

I should stay on subject. sorry

No records of a ZFG EVER working for Universal exist. So if you have a link to that information I am sure we would all like to look into that little bombshell of info. Why would nanny have to hide. There is no record of her ever existing as the person KC described. Also you may want to provide the link that says the dog ate the nannies phone number and addresses.....all of them as according to KC she changed them all regularly. Yep, heart-shaped sticker is the least of her worries.
I think JB leaked the heart information because he knows KC's prints are on the duck tape. Perhaps we'll find out tomorrow, I hope we do.
I think JB leaked the heart information because he knows KC's prints are on the duck tape. Perhaps we'll find out tomorrow, I hope we do.

I think you're right. He's going to attempt to get the duct tape evidence thrown out all together, over the heart shape sticker residue that no longer exists.

I believe they found KC's dna on the duct tape, and or fingerprints.
If I can remember correctly, they worded their findings funny. They removed LA, GA, and CA's latent prints from being on the tape.

It's what they didn't say that makes me go *hmmm*:waitasec:
Color red is mine...

Oh, Leila, I completely agree with you!!!! Just a couple of additions, I believe the defense is making such a HUGE deal over the heart sticker residue (that they said was never there in the first place) is because they have nothing else on which to hang their hats!!!

The other thing.... KC NEVER DID report her daughter missing. Who knows how long she would have tried to hide the fact that Caylee was no longer living if CA hadn't forced her hand?

Let me add, CA forced KC's hand because she had to - not on her own accord. Think about it. CA's hand was forced due to the smelly car she had to claim from the tow yard.

This thread is off topic but it is hard to gather all the thoughts together from fragmented threads. There are so many details that if I had had more experience I would have known which notes to take, etc. I remember (I thought) that the coroner saw the tape but somebody wrote earlier in the thread that she did not. If we do not provide links it's too hard to look everything up but I feel confident that the State will know the facts.
I think you're right. He's going to attempt to get the duct tape evidence thrown out all together, over the heart shape sticker residue that no longer exists.

I believe they found KC's dna on the duct tape, and or fingerprints.
If I can remember correctly, they worded their findings funny. They removed LA, GA, and CA's latent prints from being on the tape.

It's what they didn't say that makes me go *hmmm*:waitasec:
Yep, I'm thinking the same thing....there was a reason JB leaked this information. He is very transparent as we've all seen.
I think JB leaked the heart information because he knows KC's prints are on the duck tape. Perhaps we'll find out tomorrow, I hope we do.

And that, folks, is my Blue Ribbon Post of the day! :woohoo:
I think so too.
My main concern is that it happened under CA's or GA's care and somehow it turned into what it is now - I can't get this idea out of my head - tell me why it couldn't have happened (I don't mean that snarky). I would like to outrule that the parents are sick enough to have their child pay for one of their mistakes. I'm suspicious. Or, that one or both of them have known the truth about what happened from early on - which, makes them guilty too.

To begin with, why would CA do the 911 thing if she or GA were the guilty party? And at that point she sounds absoloutley sincere.. terrified about the missing child.

Why would KC take the fall for either parent? No way! If she could pin this on anyone else she would, in a heartbeat. Why would KC tell such elaborate lies about leaving Caylee with the nanny, leading the police out to Universal studios, etc. if it were really CA's problem? Why would she sit in jail for over a year if she could blame her parents, AND not even once indicate it was in anyway the parents who were guilty?

I suppose they might have known early on, but it seems unlikely.. CA left that message on Facebook on (July 1st??) was it? Seems to be quite sincere in wondering why she can't see Caylee.. thinks it is due to KC being jealous.. which was true enough, but of course Caylee was dead. Which she didn't know.
There is just nothing to indicate the 'rents knew about Caylee being missing until July 15th
Can't prove a negative.

Instead, prove that there is/was a nanny. Then prove who that person was/is.

Instead of trying to prove someone else is wrong, try and prove yourself right. Look for the evidence, documents, etc that supports what you believe to be true. It's your opinioin. No one is vested in your opinoin, but you.

That's why it's disappointing that there are not any finger prints on the tape. Everything seems this and seems like that and is very incriminating but we need something concrete to be certain - at least until we hear all the evidence presented at trial when it may become crystal clear. Now, because of the way the info seems suspicious - even peeps testimonies are weird - it leaves little windows of doubt - just little cracks but still.
To begin with, why would CA do the 911 thing if she or GA were the guilty party? And at that point she sounds absoloutley sincere.. terrified about the missing child.

Why would KC take the fall for either parent? No way! If she could pin this on anyone else she would, in a heartbeat. Why would KC tell such elaborate lies about leaving Caylee with the nanny, leading the police out to Universal studios, etc. if it were really CA's problem? Why would she sit in jail for over a year if she could blame her parents, AND not even once indicate it was in anyway the parents who were guilty?

I suppose they might have known early on, but it seems unlikely.. CA left that message on Facebook on (July 1st??) was it? Seems to be quite sincere in wondering why she can't see Caylee.. thinks it is due to KC being jealous.. which was true enough, but of course Caylee was dead. Which she didn't know.
There is just nothing to indicate the 'rents knew about Caylee being missing until July 15th
I don't know. But I also wonder why they never called the police earlier or went for the car earlier. Alot of what they say is suspicious to me.
This "Bombshell" was PART of Baez's Motion to Dismiss. There were 9 Appendixes to this motion, which nobody from the media bothered to get (or at least look at) other than Tony Pipitone from Local 6.

I got this appendix on Wednesday and posted it here yesterday. It was filed Sept. 17.

It is NOT a leak, as some seem to think.:waitasec:

Although somebody from the defense could have tipped Tony as to where in the motion to look. But I think that he, being the good reporter that he is, found it himself. A week after the motion was filed by Baez.

Just setting the record straight. :)

I believe all of us want the LE to get the right person.

You might want to keep in mind, when LE was talking to KC, it wasn't to convict her. It was to find her Baby. The little girl who was missing.

The LE took what she said, and hot tailed it out to the streets. Only to find out that EVERYTHING she said was a lie.

And you believe this was done, cause KC knew she was going to be accused... Of what??

At this point, we are only looking for a missing child.

If she was in that mental state, where she was worried about being blamed.. then she must have known exactly what she was going to get blamed for.. and THAT was what she was worried about.. and not finding the child she knows she will be blamed for...

Hence, why would she even need them to look at the tapes??

And way.. tons of threads. You'll find some discussing this in depth so that you can see that not only the LE, but the WS also did our best to investigate what KC said, etc. She isn't being railroaded. That is for sure.

I was thinking of the interogation out at universal. It was bad. I am ashamed 0f the way they acted. I am not convinced that everything she said was a lie. I will look at the threads, but I do know this case very well.
That's why it's disappointing that there are not any finger prints on the tape. Everything seems this and seems like that and is very incriminating but we need something concrete to be certain - at least until we hear all the evidence presented at trial when it may become crystal clear. Now, because of the way the info seems suspicious - even peeps testimonies are weird - it leaves little windows of doubt - just little cracks but still.

But so FAR we have been told that no prints belonging to Cindy/George or Lee are on the tape. No mention is made of Casey........
I agree that the heart shaped sticker is the least of KC's worries. Let's please - I'm one of the worst culprits - bring this thread back on topic. I wish we could find links for who saw the residue in the first place, etc.

I'll try later but DWTS is on tonight!
If you have been following the case from the get go, then were ever you have been following it, I'm sure also have links to the documents, etc.. just like we do. The stuff isn't secret.

The BIGGEST help for your topic, is the knowledge that even the defense isn't looking for this guy. That is kinda your proof.

Cause you see, it would help the defense greatly if it could be proven that this guy is real. THEY need that guy, more then the LE needs that guy.

Oh, you can try typing his name in the search section of WS and see what you get. That is how most folks do it. I'm not that interested in it to search. Sorry. been there, done that. But good luck.

Some times you don't need to read detailed reports, to know what is in it.

It is the SA job to do the proving. So far thier story seems far fetched to me. sorry
But so FAR we have been told that no prints belonging to Cindy/George or Lee are on the tape. No mention is made of Casey........

I read it as "no prints" as in no prints period - due to water.
But so FAR we have been told that no prints belonging to Cindy/George or Lee are on the tape. No mention is made of Casey........

Bingo! That's what has me scratching my head and going hmmmmmmmmm.

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