Evidence of Heart Shaped Sticker on Duct Tape Destroyed

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I will check there in the threads. Did the police prove there is no Jeff Hopkins with a son Zack? I mean I hope they didn't just check one Jeff Hopkins. That would be like checking one John Smith.

Are there threads that prove there was no nanny? I mean official discovery? Can you send me that link? I am not pulling anyones leg here. I think it is possible that LE has made a horrible mistake here. If they have, they have made fools out of all of us. I just want to be sure. I will go and check the other threads, but if anyone has a link to some kind of proof that there is no nanny, please send it to me.

Just so you know, the Defense also investigates. Since it would prove helpful to show that KC was telling a truth, the defense would want to find those folks as well. And they are the only ones allowed to speak to KC and get more clues. And THEY haven't found them.

Keep in mind, KC had acted like she had no problem talking to these people before now. contacting them, etc. It's only now, when she really needs to prove that these people are real.. that the phones don't work, they moved.. even covered their tracks so much that they can not be found. Rather weird.. 1 person, ok.. believeable.. but this girl has several mystery persons.

Believe me, if LE is pulling anyones leg, the Defense would be setting us straight with proof.
I will check there in the threads. Did the police prove there is no Jeff Hopkins with a son Zack? I mean I hope they didn't just check one Jeff Hopkins. That would be like checking one John Smith.

Are there threads that prove there was no nanny? I mean official discovery? Can you send me that link? I am not pulling anyones leg here. I think it is possible that LE has made a horrible mistake here. If they have, they have made fools out of all of us. I just want to be sure. I will go and check the other threads, but if anyone has a link to some kind of proof that there is no nanny, please send it to me.

Sorry, but your posts indicate a degree of naivete that is somewhat suspicious to me.
You are either Cindy Anthony or someone who needs to do some serious reading about this case. WE are trying to discuss one topic on this thread. Please come back when you have read enough to enter the conversation...
I will check there in the threads. Did the police prove there is no Jeff Hopkins with a son Zack? I mean I hope they didn't just check one Jeff Hopkins. That would be like checking one John Smith.

Are there threads that prove there was no nanny? I mean official discovery? Can you send me that link? I am not pulling anyones leg here. I think it is possible that LE has made a horrible mistake here. If they have, they have made fools out of all of us. I just want to be sure. I will go and check the other threads, but if anyone has a link to some kind of proof that there is no nanny, please send it to me.

Can't prove a negative.

Instead, prove that there is/was a nanny. Then prove who that person was/is.

Instead of trying to prove someone else is wrong, try and prove yourself right. Look for the evidence, documents, etc that supports what you believe to be true. It's your opinioin. No one is vested in your opinoin, but you.
Thank you, Spangle for explaining that one point I had not thought about. Most of us here have read through a good deal of these previous threads to catch up so it would be a good idea for anyone not familiar with the case to do the same. There are many, many links but if you have a question doing a search is a good start to get your answers. Anyone here can give you a link but it is better for the person with the question to do their own search and answer their own questions.
Sorry, but your posts indicate a degree of naivete that is somewhat suspicious to me.
You are either Cindy Anthony or someone who needs to do some serious reading about this case. WE are trying to discuss one topic on this thread. Please come back when you have read enough to enter the conversation...

I thought it but was afraid to voice it!:truce:
Unfortunately the truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers!!!!!!!

Start at the very beginning of these threads and work your way up to today and you will find as close to the truth as you can get. If the truth is that important to you as it is to everyone here go back in the threads and check out your questions because there are answers there. FYI: There is no ZFG and Jeff H is not a generic statement. KC claims to have known both and there is no record of either one of them as she presented the info to the police.....remember ZFG is a perfect 10. She does know a Jeff H and she did talk to him but he does not have a child and she claims it's another Jeff H who lives in Jacksonville. Did not check out. You may be able to fool people once and it's shame on you....when you fool a person twice...it's shame on them. Have you ever known anyone who has know so many people that have evaporated in thin air. bosses, friends, nannies. She also pleaded "not guilty" in her fraud case. So her signing her name to someone else's check and emptying out that person's checking account was an act of kindness? You be the judge.

Okay, I dont want to upset anyone here. I have followed this case from the beginning. I will look through the threads, but I am looking for discovery, fbi, osco, anything official that proves they looked for Jeffery Hopkins and not the one that she said wasn't the one. Just give me a link or thread or something other than bloggers that shows proof they actually checked out her story completely. That will help me to believe that you are correct. I realize this is the heart shaped sticker thread and I dont really want to debate things that are rumors. I hope you can help me by starting from the beggining of these threads yourself and maybe both of us can find some type of official evidence. Thank you guys for having patience with me.
Color red is mine...

Oh, Leila, I completely agree with you!!!! Just a couple of additions, I believe the defense is making such a HUGE deal over the heart sticker residue (that they said was never there in the first place) is because they have nothing else on which to hang their hats!!!

The other thing.... KC NEVER DID report her daughter missing. Who knows how long she would have tried to hide the fact that Caylee was no longer living if CA hadn't forced her hand?

This is exactly why the defense is making such a huge issue over this, and pointing to the destruction of this one piece of evidence through lab analysis. They're laying the basis for a claim of incompetency on the part of the prosecution, and will say their evidence is flawed.

In reality, the existence of that heart sticker is something that's a real detriment to the defense as it points to their client's crime as being even more heinous. And again, in reality, the defense is delighted that the heart sticker residue was destroyed. It's one particular piece of evidence they won't have to try to defend.
I will check there in the threads. Did the police prove there is no Jeff Hopkins with a son Zack? I mean I hope they didn't just check one Jeff Hopkins. That would be like checking one John Smith.

Are there threads that prove there was no nanny? I mean official discovery? Can you send me that link? I am not pulling anyones leg here. I think it is possible that LE has made a horrible mistake here. If they have, they have made fools out of all of us. I just want to be sure. I will go and check the other threads, but if anyone has a link to some kind of proof that there is no nanny, please send it to me.

Hows about none of KC's friends ever seen the nanny. No phone calls have been traced to a nanny , no one has ever seen her talk to the nanny on the phone...KC stated that Zanny had worked at Universal and guess what? That was a lie too. Just like the TGIF that Raquel or one of those other made up names worked at and heck I could go on and on BUT I wanted to save the best for the last...HER OWN FAMILY NEVER MET THE NANNY , NEVER SPOKE WITH THE NANNY ON THE PHONE , NEVER PICKED CAYLEE UP AT THE NANNYS etc. How can a grandparent not know who is watching their grandchild especially when that baby lived under their roof??? God Bless!!
Okay, I dont want to upset anyone here. I have followed this case from the beginning. I will look through the threads, but I am looking for discovery, fbi, osco, anything official that proves they looked for Jeffery Hopkins and not the one that she said wasn't the one. Just give me a link or thread or something other than bloggers that shows proof they actually checked out her story completely. That will help me to believe that you are correct. I realize this is the heart shaped sticker thread and I dont really want to debate things that are rumors. I hope you can help me by starting from the beggining of these threads yourself and maybe both of us can find some type of official evidence. Thank you guys for having patience with me.
Hun, the best way is to explore the site and educate yourself. Good Luck.

Snaz wrote:
I was just curious if you have a theory as to why KC would think the imaginary babysitter/nanny would have taken KC's allegedly kidnapped child to KC's imaginary place of employment and somehow show up on security video... for some reason, I have trouble with that one. But maybe you have a theory I haven't thought of.

notthatsmart wrote:
Well she did make statements to people saying that Caylee was with the Nanny at the theme parks. So if she was in that mind set, it makes sense that she would try to get the police out there. She even said it during the interogation.

noththatsmart, I guess what I am getting at is if an (imaginary) nanny kidnaps someone else's child, they don't usually parade them around at the aforementioned someone's (imaginary) place of employment, just waiting to be arrested and charged with kidnapping...... what would be the point of that???
Tulessa, OT again, but the shepard in your picture, is he/she all black. I had a belgium shepard once and he was almost all black but had a little color on him on his chest...very little, hardly visible. Beautiful, beautiful dogs...you must be proud?
Hows about none of KC's friends ever seen the nanny. No phone calls have been traced to a nanny , no one has ever seen her talk to the nanny on the phone...KC stated that Zanny had worked at Universal and guess what? That was a lie too. Just like the TGIF that Raquel or one of those other made up names worked at and heck I could go on and on BUT I wanted to save the best for the last...HER OWN FAMILY NEVER MET THE NANNY , NEVER SPOKE WITH THE NANNY ON THE PHONE , NEVER PICKED CAYLEE UP AT THE NANNYS etc. How can a grandparent not know who is watching their grandchild especially when that baby lived under their roof??? God Bless!!

I can argue each one of these points easily, but I best stick to the thread subject. Is there another thread we can discuss this in?
Tulessa, OT again, but the shepard in your picture, is he/she all black. I had a belgium shepard once and he was almost all black but had a little color on him on his chest...very little, hardly visible. Beautiful, beautiful dogs...you must be proud?

Thank you. The female is all black and the male standing to her side is a blanket back. I am very proud & love my dogs. :) I have only seen the Belgium on tv, but they are truly beautiful!
Thank you, Spangle for explaining that one point I had not thought about. Most of us here have read through a good deal of these previous threads to catch up so it would be a good idea for anyone not familiar with the case to do the same. There are many, many links but if you have a question doing a search is a good start to get your answers. Anyone here can give you a link but it is better for the person with the question to do their own search and answer their own questions.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink.

The fact is, if a person doesn't want to know, they will not make any effort to know. If they really, really want to know, they will do the research to find out.

Many folks will not believe what others say, but will believe their own research.
May not be an imaginary Nanny.

She did work at Universal. (Not imaginary)

Im not so sure the child wasn't kidnapped from the Nanny and she hi tailed it back where ever she is from. Perhaps Cuba or Mexico

I should stay on subject. sorry

Hun, I think Judge Strictland said it best.
The truth & Ms. Anthony are strangers.
I can argue each one of these points easily, but I best stick to the thread subject. Is there another thread we can discuss this in?

There is a thread here somewhere (no sure which one) that shows SA responding to an email from JB regarding a deal for immunity for KC to tell them where Caylee was. KC turned it down because it was not FULL immunity. With that heart-shaped sticker on the duct tape we now know why KC turned it down. She wanted full immunity after leading them to the body. No argument necessary, the immunity deal was at KC's request.
Okay, I dont want to upset anyone here. I have followed this case from the beginning. I will look through the threads, but I am looking for discovery, fbi, osco, anything official that proves they looked for Jeffery Hopkins and not the one that she said wasn't the one. Just give me a link or thread or something other than bloggers that shows proof they actually checked out her story completely. That will help me to believe that you are correct. I realize this is the heart shaped sticker thread and I dont really want to debate things that are rumors. I hope you can help me by starting from the beggining of these threads yourself and maybe both of us can find some type of official evidence. Thank you guys for having patience with me.

If you have been following the case from the get go, then were ever you have been following it, I'm sure also have links to the documents, etc.. just like we do. The stuff isn't secret.

The BIGGEST help for your topic, is the knowledge that even the defense isn't looking for this guy. That is kinda your proof.

Cause you see, it would help the defense greatly if it could be proven that this guy is real. THEY need that guy, more then the LE needs that guy.

Oh, you can try typing his name in the search section of WS and see what you get. That is how most folks do it. I'm not that interested in it to search. Sorry. been there, done that. But good luck.

Some times you don't need to read detailed reports, to know what is in it.
I was all set at one time, early on, to try to work out a case for someone (to be honest I was suspecting that girl who wanted to adopt Caylee before she was born) to have abducted little Caylee.
It just didn't work for me, no matter how I tried to turn things around and make them fit they didn't. No part of the nanny story worked in any way, although I thought at first maybe KC was simply substituting one name and address for another, where the actual abduction may have occurred. BUT how to explain the 31 days? the 'worried' mother out renting videos and partying? Worst of all was the smell in the car, just how to account for that?
Then there was the body in the swamp down the street from the house, a murdered child.. would a normal young woman who wanted a child have killed them, especially in that awful way? Why would they use duct tape?
Every single thing lead me right back to her own mother.. no where else.

I would love to come up with some amazing new theory, but I can't. I would certainly be interested in reading anyone elses theory relative to the case though, and would do so with an open mind and real interest.

My main concern is that it happened under CA's or GA's care and somehow it turned into what it is now - I can't get this idea out of my head - tell me why it couldn't have happened (I don't mean that snarky). I would like to outrule that the parents are sick enough to have their child pay for one of their mistakes. I'm suspicious. Or, that one or both of them have known the truth about what happened from early on - which, makes them guilty too.
Well, I must say in lieu of a doc dump this is keeping us alert and on our toes.

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