Evidence Removed from Anthony Home-Official Crime Scene

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As a mother taking pictures of my kids with their dolls - I would probably insist that the dolls wear clothes, too. No one wants social services cracking down on them because their kid likes to have their dolls and barbies naked.

CA stated during one of her cameo's that the first thing Caylee did to her dolls/barbies was derobe them. Without fail - - - the first thing she would do.

I strongly feel that the only way LE is going to be able to prove that KC killed Caylee, not Zani or whoever else in the world yet to fabricate, is to find KC's fingerprints on the duct tape that was on her MOUTH. yuck. I'm relieved to hear they've found her remains, however, I would be alot more relieved to hear that they can retreive KC's prints off of the duct tape. Everything else could potentially be blamed on "Zani" with the key to their house for like over a year already as KC said to Cindy in the jailhouse tape....... where CA stared blankly............ like, should I say "No, I didn't know that "?" had a key to our HOME" or give KC for giving a complete stranger/made up person a key to our HOME without asking permission or telling us about it..............

yadda yadda..... It really doesn't matter what evidence they find at the home that matches up to the trash bags or dog hair or Caylee's bedding on pool chemicals........................ unless KC's fingerprints are on the duct tape she won't be blamed. MOO

Nothing CA has said so far has turned out to be the truth, so why would anyone believe that big lie about the dolls? Who ever heard of worrying about children's services coming over undressed dolls? That must be another one of her insane statements.

The story about they key is BS too as they had an alarm system on their house and the police had monitors on it. That will NEVER wash. There was no key, there was no nanny..........that was just MORE of KC & CA's lies.

The evidence at the house is going to be VERY powerful........wait and see. They didn't need the body before, so WHY would they need her fingerprints now? They don't.

Cindy got her wish............she got rid of KC, but she didn't take into account that KC would murder Caylee to prevent her from "winning".......

KC will take CA & GA down with her. Remember I said that.........
I think I saw ruffles (like those on the bed) sticking out of an evidence bag in one of the videos. GOOD CATCH!

So, perhaps there was a piece of the bedding ensemble in the bag with Caylee.

I saw that too and wondered the same thing...........
As a mother taking pictures of my kids with their dolls - I would probably insist that the dolls wear clothes, too. No one wants social services cracking down on them because their kid likes to have their dolls and barbies naked.

CA stated during one of her cameo's that the first thing Caylee did to her dolls/barbies was derobe them. Without fail - - - the first thing she would do.

I strongly feel that the only way LE is going to be able to prove that KC killed Caylee, not Zani or whoever else in the world yet to fabricate, is to find KC's fingerprints on the duct tape that was on her MOUTH. yuck. I'm relieved to hear they've found her remains, however, I would be alot more relieved to hear that they can retreive KC's prints off of the duct tape. Everything else could potentially be blamed on "Zani" with the key to their house for like over a year already as KC said to Cindy in the jailhouse tape....... where CA stared blankly............ like, should I say "No, I didn't know that "?" had a key to our HOME" or give KC for giving a complete stranger/made up person a key to our HOME without asking permission or telling us about it..............

yadda yadda..... It really doesn't matter what evidence they find at the home that matches up to the trash bags or dog hair or Caylee's bedding on pool chemicals........................ unless KC's fingerprints are on the duct tape she won't be blamed. MOO
Think Scott P. She'll get what she deserves.
Nothing CA has said so far has turned out to be the truth, so why would anyone believe that big lie about the dolls? Who ever heard of worrying about children's services coming over undressed dolls? That must be another one of her insane statements.

The story about they key is BS too as they had an alarm system on their house and the police had monitors on it. That will NEVER wash. There was no key, there was no nanny..........that was just MORE of KC & CA's lies.

The evidence at the house is going to be VERY powerful........wait and see. They didn't need the body before, so WHY would they need her fingerprints now? They don't.

Cindy got her wish............she got rid of KC, but she didn't take into account that KC would murder Caylee to prevent her from "winning".......

KC will take CA & GA down with her. Remember I said that.........
I trust you on this one Turbo!
LOL...so now he has ESP?

You know he does Chilly...:crazy:

But if her lips are moving she's lying. I would take anything Casey
said with a huge grain of salt......and then probably not believe her.
She has lied just to hear herself lie.

She may have been referring to Caylee's extra clothing that would have been packed in her diaper bag possibly.:confused:

If the duct tape was there to hush Caylee, then there is a chance that Caylee vomited and choked to death.
And I hope in the end that Casey chokes on HER own vomit if that is the case!:furious:

Maybe Casey sprayed the body with the pesticides in hopes it would prevent animals
from disturbing the bag. I really think she intended to go back and move it to a safer
location but she ended up being arrested and the family couldn't get the job
finished for her.

Or maybe she thought it would make the smell go away? Maybe maybe maybe we will find some answers in the end...

I see Casey very differently, not smart AT ALL- she didn't even think ahead enough to create fake proof to cover her lies in all this. She doesn't plan ahead- She's an impulsive and a crappy liar!! The only reason she's been able to manipulate her parents all these years is because they never called her on anything for fear of upsetting her. 6 months pregnant and thinks everyone is going to believe she's just bloated!?! She's a moron and so'r they!

I hope she rots!

I have always thought Casey was average to even below average intelligence. She does not SOUND smart to me-she sounds like an idiot. She has told some of THE dumbest lies that I have ever seen told in the history of all DUMB criminals, and I agree it was just because her average intelligence parents bought into it and let her get away with it that she began to see herself as "Invincible Girl" and honestly thought everyone was as DUMB as she is because of it. And just for the record, she was SEVEN months prego and trying to pass it off as bloatedness...DUMB!!! as mud if you ask me! I hope she rots too!:furious:

The question seems to be whether whatever was found with the body that ties to the house helps with identification or with determining how Caylee died. It appears that LE thinks she was killed in the house - meaning the theories of Caylee being killed at Lee's or in the trunk of the car would be debunked.

I do not see that they believe she was killed in the house, but rather perhaps AT the house, or that there was SOMETHING that tied her remains TO the house, but not specifically that she died IN the house...maybe in the back yard?

My original theory, back in July, was that Casey strangled Caylee to death. I never believed she regularly chloroformed Caylee. If she used chloroform, imo, she used it once, to quiet Caylee before she strangled her to death. Once I found out Cindy also tried to strangle Casey (knowing a family member would stop her), I thought all the more Casey strangled Caylee. And then there was the "neck breaking" search discovery and that almost cemented the deal for me.

There was never a time I thought Caylee was alive. There was never a time I thought her death was an accident.

Now, I am also thinking, along with the strangulation theory, Casey could have smothered Caylee in her own bedroom. Duct taped her mouth so she doesn't scream. All this, with Cindy and George sleeping down the hall. What better payback, in Casey's mind.

So what I am trying to figure out is, what sorts of things inside that black bag, would tie Caylee's death to having occurred at the Anthony's house? Doll clothing in the bag, tieing that to the doll in the Anthony's house, probably isn't good enough. It has to be something else. It would be interesting to see how many items we can come up with.

a towel that has a match at the A house?
a washcloth that has a match at the A house?
actual TRASH from the A house inside the bag?
Caylee's babydolls clothes?
the outfit that George described to a T?
her hair in a pony tail holder?
a pillow that matched her bedset?
a specific piece of jewelery, like maybe that was purchased at JC Penny?
a receipt?
a rosary made with beads such as Casey was known to have in her possession?
a cross that was made of the same material as the cross at Blanchard Park, which COULD have been a DECOY that SHE planted?

I have been trying to post this forever!!
I was watching Headline News on HNN and they showed a close up of the
bags in the car and they showed this fabric it had to be part of Caylees
bedding! Here is a picture of her bedding... I don't have a link for what I saw
in the back of the car but it's the same fabric!

I saw it, it appeared to be the rounded bumper pad that was set at the rail of Caylee's bed...

Month's ago she told the FBG that "They haven't even found her clothes yet" whatever that was supposed to mean.

She could have meant her clothes as in the ones from her diaper bag?
Ugh. I forgot that Casey said "Zanny" had a key and may or may not have been inside the Anthony home.

This makes me so angry - this video, I mean..... I wish for all of you that I could quickly provide a link to the video snippet but I'm not that computer savvy. Sorry. I will never forget, however, watching the video where KC is prompting, it seems, CA to acknowledge that she was aware that the nanny/ZFG/Zanni had her own key/access to CA & GA' HOME. The look on CA's face makes me sick. Protect daughter at any cost.....regardless of love of granddaughter. Sick. Puke.

We seriously need to pray for prints off of the duct tape from Caylee's mouth. puke again.

Makes the Christmas song, "I'll Be Home For Christmas" a little bit more special this year, doesn't it? I hope that they play it repeatedly in KC's jail cell for months......years.....
As a mother taking pictures of my kids with their dolls - I would probably insist that the dolls wear clothes, too. No one wants social services cracking down on them because their kid likes to have their dolls and barbies naked.

CA stated during one of her cameo's that the first thing Caylee did to her dolls/barbies was derobe them. Without fail - - - the first thing she would do.

I strongly feel that the only way LE is going to be able to prove that KC killed Caylee, not Zani or whoever else in the world yet to fabricate, is to find KC's fingerprints on the duct tape that was on her MOUTH. yuck. I'm relieved to hear they've found her remains, however, I would be alot more relieved to hear that they can retreive KC's prints off of the duct tape. Everything else could potentially be blamed on "Zani" with the key to their house for like over a year already as KC said to Cindy in the jailhouse tape....... where CA stared blankly............ like, should I say "No, I didn't know that "?" had a key to our HOME" or give KC for giving a complete stranger/made up person a key to our HOME without asking permission or telling us about it..............

yadda yadda..... It really doesn't matter what evidence they find at the home that matches up to the trash bags or dog hair or Caylee's bedding on pool chemicals........................ unless KC's fingerprints are on the duct tape she won't be blamed. MOO

But there IS no Zani (or Zanni or Zanny:crazy:.) Don't worry, even if the duct tape doesn't have KC's finger prints, there is enough to convict KC (IMO.) I thought so even before the body was discovered.
What does this matter? She's simply going to say that Zani did it! She stated already that Zani had a key to their home: anything that they find that links the A's home to Caylee's poor dead body is sadly irrelevant. What we need to prove is that KC DID IT!

There is no Zanny! How can a non-existent person commit a crime? There appears to be plenty of proof that KC did it. By the time this comes to trial, it will be a slam dunk (IMO.)
I completely agree. That Caylee may have liked to remove her dolls' clothing has nothing to do with the state of Caylee's remains, IMO. There was nothing tender, soft or sentimental about the way Caylee was discarded.
Caylee's little body was found in a trash bag, on the side of the road where a utility worker was poised to URINATE -- it's so unbelievably horrifying. Casey is a monster.:furious:

Now take yourself aside, and think like a 21 year old...... if your baby loved her dolls in that state....... perhaps it means to you, as her YOUNG mother, that your baby wants to be like that...... monkey see, monkey do. KC is how old? Try to think like her during all of this.
until the day comes when the defense will show ONE SINGLE PERSON in the universe that can say they saw, knew, orspoke to the PHANTOM BABY SITTER Z.F.G

a key that the PHANTOM had doesnt amount to hill of beans

the baby sitter might as well have been a locksmith - it just doesnt MATTER


this case is over --- :furious:
Now take yourself aside, and think like a 21 year old...... if your baby loved her dolls in that state....... perhaps it means to you, as her YOUNG mother, that your baby wants to be like that...... monkey see, monkey do. KC is how old? Try to think like her during all of this.

ok Im being snippy....but i dont think Caylee put duct tape on her baby dolls mouth....KC is cold and evil....she didnt want the clothes to be tied to Caylee....incase the remains were found....but decomposed to the point of not knowing who she was....clothes would take much longer to decompose....I pray the duct tape has finger prints...but Im thinking they wont....KC was a hudge CSI fan....she would think of that already...
There is no Zanny! How can a non-existent person commit a crime? There appears to be plenty of proof that KC did it. By the time this comes to trial, it will be a slam dunk (IMO.)

Personally, I think we all agree that there was never any Zani or Nanny. What the CP need to do is to PROVE this. CA was on LKL tonight ranting about how LE has only checked out this ONE Zenaida.....with the wrong plates. We need to prove that the remainder of those ZFG's weren't the nanny. More than that, and more solid, would be KC's prints off of the duct tape.
ok Im being snippy....but i dont think Caylee put duct tape on her baby dolls mouth....KC is cold and evil....she didnt want the clothes to be tied to Caylee....incase the remains were found....but decomposed to the point of not knowing who she was....clothes would take much longer to decompose....I pray the duct tape has finger prints...but Im thinking they wont....KC was a hudge CSI fan....she would think of that already...

Sorry - I never meant to imply that Caylee put duct tape on her dolls mouths. She used to derobe her dolls.
until the day comes when the defense will show ONE SINGLE PERSON in the universe that can say they saw, knew, orspoke to the PHANTOM BABY SITTER Z.F.G

a key that the PHANTOM had doesnt amount to hill of beans

the baby sitter might as well have been a locksmith - it just doesnt MATTER


this case is over --- :furious:

Exactly !!!
Personally, I think we all agree that there was never any Zani or Nanny. What the CP need to do is to PROVE this. CA was on LKL tonight ranting about how LE has only checked out this ONE Zenaida.....with the wrong plates. We need to prove that the remainder of those ZFG's weren't the nanny. More than that, and more solid, would be KC's prints off of the duct tape.

I don't think LE or the SA needs to spend a further second or tax dollar proving that at all. I believe they have already gathered more than ample proof that there was no Nanny.
I'm sure everyone remembers.......Lee and Mallory live in a house on the OTHER side of Suburban Dr. A stone's throw from where Caylee's remains were found. I'm sure the cars screaming toward the dump site were using sirens. I sure would notice.

Yeah, a while back I was looking at this BIG expanse of woods just behind or in front of Lee's house and stated what a CONVENIENT place for her to have taken Caylee...especially if Lee was out of town at the time, she could have parked in his driveway and under cover of early morning darkness, made her way into the familiar paths of her old "stomping grounds"...ironically, it appears to be these very woods that she WAS found within.

Could it be the PHONE that could have fallen out of her bag at Blanchard Park as she mentioned to LEE???

THAT would be so wonderful-beyond perfect!

Re: the butter knife.... it's in one of the early document dumps that it was indeed a butter knife that was removed from the car.

Actually I think it was called a kitchen knife, which could be either sharp or dull...:)

That's right. Sociopath's have no emotions at all. They only thing of self first. Look at Scott Peterson.. He's a perfect example of how they can kill with no remorse or emotion. I believe that Casey is much more evil then we all had thought to begin with.

I have always thought that Casey was the ULTIMATE in evil, and now all my beliefs about her are utterly substantiated. She is a monster in the flesh of a woman.

The croos necklace for Caylee has always bothered me. If KC truly didn't want this baby, then why give her a cross. A cross to me represents first of all Christ, but also, unconditional love, forgiveness and peace. Those things she didn't feel for Caylee. Do we know for sure that she did give the second one to her, or was it given to a "lover" as matching jewelry. Please forgive my mental lapse here.

We never were real sure on the crosses theories...it was just something we bounced around and debated but there was never any sound conclusion that there even were any crosses.

Wasn't GA spraying his lawn with lime or something over the summer? I remember people watching the webcam discussing something along those lines.

Yeppers, it keeps the dogs from detecting the scent of things you do not wish for them to detect.

Yes, he was and a lot of people thought it was strange. Why would you do something like that in the middle of summer? Things that make you go hmmmmm. :waitasec:

To throw off the cadaver dogs?

My apologies if a repeat. I am just reading the beginning of the thread.

I just saw Sheriff Beary on the news again, doing the interview about the clues found at the scene and the connections to the Anthony house.

I am hard pressed to believe that his answer wasn't anything but a kick in the behind to Casey and her backers when he gave his one word response.

Paraphrased question---reporter asking him if items found at the scene connect them to the Anthony house.

Shriff Beary one word response: "ABSOLUTELY."

He IS the man!:):clap::)

You can put lime on your yard any time. Fall is best but some do it in the summer.
But right when the police are searching around your property for signs of your granddaughters remains? More than a little peculiar...:eek:

Ithink I love him!
Me too!:blowkiss:

it was also said way back that either lime or pesticides (can't remember which exactly, ATM) would throw the cadaver dogs off

Maybe this has been mentioned already. Had the A's been in the house the whole time CSI was there. I bet that was interesting. Can't you just see control freak Sindy?

They were not allowed in the home after the search warrant was served on them until it was "executed", or carried out...:woohoo:
Personally, I think we all agree that there was never any Zani or Nanny. What the CP need to do is to PROVE this. CA was on LKL tonight ranting about how LE has only checked out this ONE Zenaida.....with the wrong plates. We need to prove that the remainder of those ZFG's weren't the nanny. More than that, and more solid, would be KC's prints off of the duct tape.

I believe there will be plenty of forensic evidence on the tape (and in the bag.) Over and over I heard "a treasure trove." As far as LE only checking out ONE ZFG, CA has said lots of things that don't ring true. Just tonight on Dateline she said "My investigators are finding out that everything Casey said is true." :eek: I nearly expired on the spot. So, again, um, you know, I am absolutely confident LE knows just what they are doing. :blowkiss:
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