Evidence revealed during the course of the Wrongful Death action

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Yea, bizarre. Absolutely motive and means. Imo, she all but confessed to murdering Rebecca with her bizarre radios interview.
It appears judge ruled on nina's summary judgment.


573 02/27/2017 Amended Complaint dismissed with prejudice as to Romano, Nina .

When a case is dismissed with prejudice it's generally because case is found to be an overreach by plaintiffs. I wonder why the judge felt this way towards Ninas motion and not the other two defendants?

it seems to me her admission to police to being physically present at the mansion gives her opportunity to commit the murder. Motive is clear. She's aunt to a boy who was severely injured on Rebecca's watch. And means? Well dina and ninas dad used to take them boating so ropetying should be easy for either sisters.

So which of the defendants offered millions in settlement?

Despite the latest development, the case continues moving forward with Adams motions next up in schedule. When will Dina finally ask for summary judgment?

Here's hoping justice prevails for Rebecca.

Why do you believe this was a ruling on Nina's summary judgment motion, rather than just a follow-up on the Plaintiffs' request to dismiss Nina from the case?
Why do you believe this was a ruling on Nina's summary judgment motion, rather than just a follow-up on the Plaintiffs' request to dismiss Nina from the case?

Thanks AZlawyer. Someone sent me some info. But it may be incorrect.

I'm PMing you some new stuff...
Happy birthday Rebecca!


Thinking of you and your loved ones today.

New ROA 592 also dismissed Dina's motion for sanction against Neil Nalepa for absence from depo.

Next hearing will be 3/29 re: Adam 'consolidated discovery motion'

My interpretation of all this is that Greer likely believes that he has the strongest case against Adam for means, motive and opportunity.

I'm very surprised that both Dina and Nina were dismissed from suit given both had opportunity with Nina confessing to being physically present during the critical murder time, and Dina having no alibi whatsoever despite her proclamation of "ironclad alibi" which she never presented to court. I suppose with the advent of Trump and "fake/alternative news", Dina has managed to skirt the truth and justice with the exact same privileged rich person ploy...

IN MY OPINION, Greer made egregious error in dropping the twins from the WDS. No doubt in my mind both were involved with Dina as head conspirator.

Hope the murderers are dealt true justice in the afterlife.
My opinion has always been that Dina, Nina and Adam are completely innocent because in our country it is innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around.

My interpretation is that if Attorney Greer had any proof at all that Dina or Nina could have been involved, he would not have dropped them and it is my belief that they proved beyond a reasonable doubt that they were not involved.

As for the dismissal of Dina's motion for sanction against Neil Nalepa for absence from deposition, the Judge said Dina had to file against Neil in a Colorado court ,since the deposition took place there.

I respectfully disagree that Dina has a "Privileged Rich Person Ploy" because in my opinion, Mary Zahau is much more wealthy than Dina, Nina or Adam. It doesn't go both ways.

To me, it is nothing but sadness for everyone involved no matter what the outcome is- it will never bring Rebecca or Maxie back. No one wins.
R.I.P. Rebecca And Maxie

All My Opinion Only
Yet this is a forum where we discuss whom we suspect as murderers/perpetrators.

In my opinion, I contend with strong conviction that the three perps, Dina Shacknai, Nina Romano, and Adam Shacknai all willfully conspired and colluded to assault and execute Rebecca Zahau by hanging in raging vengeance for a crime Rebecca was completely innocent of. It is a crying shame that, as we see in real life with many many privileged wealthy people with political connections and lack of scruples, dirty filthy perps often get away with their felonious crimes by bribing, extorting and manipulating others. The others in this case are law enforcement, Pfingst, etc.

May the dastardly nefarious perps get the their just desserts soon. If not on earth, may the fires of hell excoriate them in the afterlife.

Rest in Eternal Peace and Love.

:cupcake::cupcake::cupcake: Happy belated birthday.
I'm not really surprised, as I've suspected from the beginning the fix was in. I'm guessing we'll hear next that the case against Adam has been dismissed. The whole goal of the murderers and the entire coverup crew was to insure there would be nothing with which to build a case for homicide. They succeeded, which is also no surprise, given the players and leverage involved. No one in Coronado, San Diego, or AZ was interested in doing the right thing for Rebecca.

It's a good reminder, I guess, that yes ... this kind of injustice DOES happen, as difficult as it is for moral people to comprehend.

The Zahaus deserve enormous credit for doing everything they could to bring justice for Rebecca, in the face of impossible odds.
Breaking: I heard Greer dropped Dina and Nina from WDS because the twins offered themselves up as plaintiff's witnesses against Adam in exchange for immunity.

Greer has strongest evidence against Adam:
1) Adam found Rebecca's dead body; (opportunity)
2) Adam admitted to being physically present the night she was killed; admitted to being at the crime scene; admitted to touching her body; (opportunity)
3) Adam is tugboat captain and knows how to make the special nautical ties found around Rebecca's wrists, ankles and neck; (means)
4) Adam is Max's uncle and was in vindictive mode against Rebecca for Max's braindeath. (motive)

This is a good strategy because Jonah will be forced to protect his bro Adam and confess about Dina/Nina's involvement.

Justice, at last.
Breaking: I heard Greer dropped Dina and Nina from WDS because the twins offered themselves up as plaintiff's witnesses against Adam in exchange for immunity.

Greer has strongest evidence against Adam:
1) Adam found Rebecca's dead body; (opportunity)
2) Adam admitted to being physically present the night she was killed; admitted to being at the crime scene; admitted to touching her body; (opportunity)
3) Adam is tugboat captain and knows how to make the special nautical ties found around Rebecca's wrists, ankles and neck; (means)
4) Adam is Max's uncle and was in vindictive mode against Rebecca for Max's braindeath. (motive)

This is a good strategy because Jonah will be forced to protect his bro Adam and confess about Dina/Nina's involvement.

Justice, at last.

Thank you for this information. I am not doubting you that you heard this, but in my opinion if such a thing was Greer's strategy why would it be public? Wouldn't it be kept a secret? In my opinion it seems like putting this information out there is a last ditch effort to possibly get JS to settle for his brother.
I guess we will just have to see what happens. I have learned that in this case anything is possible.
All My Opinion
Breaking: I heard Greer dropped Dina and Nina from WDS because the twins offered themselves up as plaintiff's witnesses against Adam in exchange for immunity.

Greer has strongest evidence against Adam:
1) Adam found Rebecca's dead body; (opportunity)
2) Adam admitted to being physically present the night she was killed; admitted to being at the crime scene; admitted to touching her body; (opportunity)
3) Adam is tugboat captain and knows how to make the special nautical ties found around Rebecca's wrists, ankles and neck; (means)
4) Adam is Max's uncle and was in vindictive mode against Rebecca for Max's braindeath. (motive)

This is a good strategy because Jonah will be forced to protect his bro Adam and confess about Dina/Nina's involvement.

Justice, at last.

Also in terms of evidence against Adam:
5) Adam admitted to watching *advertiser censored* at 5:30am that morning he stated he found Rebecca's body and then her body is found nude;
6) Adam failed the polygraph test and was requested to retake test but he declined;
7) Adam quickly hired a defense lawyer, Pfingst the day Rebecca's dead body found;
8) Adam made bizarre statements to the police which are noted in the report. "My bedside manner wasn't that bad..."
9) Adam admitted to using Ambien which research show may cause sleepwalking and other unconscious, violent behaviors of patients;
10) Adam has social deficits which may easily provoke him to behave in violent, antisocial manner.
Jessica, i heard it from an insider, but i have no way to verify. Sorry.
I'm very surprised that both Dina and Nina were dismissed from suit given both had opportunity with Nina confessing to being physically present during the critical murder time, and Dina having no alibi whatsoever despite her proclamation of "ironclad alibi" which she never presented to court. I suppose with the advent of Trump and "fake/alternative news", Dina has managed to skirt the truth and justice with the exact same privileged rich person ploy...

snipped, bold by me.

You think fake news was invented just since Trump was elected? The rich and powerful have been getting away with murder since just about forever. This isn't a new thing that came with Trump.
Breaking: I heard Greer dropped Dina and Nina from WDS because the twins offered themselves up as plaintiff's witnesses against Adam in exchange for immunity.

Greer has strongest evidence against Adam:
1) Adam found Rebecca's dead body; (opportunity)
2) Adam admitted to being physically present the night she was killed; admitted to being at the crime scene; admitted to touching her body; (opportunity)
3) Adam is tugboat captain and knows how to make the special nautical ties found around Rebecca's wrists, ankles and neck; (means)
4) Adam is Max's uncle and was in vindictive mode against Rebecca for Max's braindeath. (motive)

This is a good strategy because Jonah will be forced to protect his bro Adam and confess about Dina/Nina's involvement.

Justice, at last.

Thanks, bourne. That's encouraging news. If this is the case, we should see things moving along now.

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