Evidence That is Incompatible With an Accident Theory

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Bolded by me: How can something fall if it is already sitting on the ground? If the defense said they are not going to refute it, then I would understand that it is just accepted. But they said they will challenge it and they have seen the actual photos. There was never any heart shaped sticker. Don't know where your getting that other than pure speculation of a so called image (not even residue) that an Fbi agent thought she saw and then was informed by her supervisor that the Fbi does not speculate. This is definately still an issue and will be challenged by the defense simply because it makes no sense at all.

The duct tape IMO was not wrapped around the lower face. I don't know where you are getting that. It certainly was not wrapped around the entire skull. It is too short. I feel bad for the jury because they will prolly have to view these photos to settle this matter. I don't know where your getting this wrapped tightly stuff. I have not seen anything in the documents that says that. The mandible may have stayed with the skull simply because the skull was sitting on top of the mandible on the ground. IMO

Some may think that Kc applied the duct tape to cover up an accident, that may be what happened, but you wouldn't know it from the defense.

Why would the defense dispute something that appears to be so obvious? They wouldn't. They have seen the pictures and it is not as obvious as many think. With the soddi theory, you would think they would be all for the duct tape being on there tightly. But theyr'e not. go figure. Moo

Okay, I've just gotta ask...in your opinion then how did the skull get to the position it got to? Are you implying there was decapitation not caused by animal activity or flood...?
:banghead: :headache:

Is there a smiley for "declare victory and depart the field"?
I am skeptical of Le, simply because they have been wrong time and time again. I am also skeptical of defense Attorneys equally. To say that we should not be skeptical and accept every report by the state to be fact , totally goes against our constitution of the USA. Thomas Jefferson would be rolling over in his grave at the suggestion that people should not question the state. I realize everyone is not from this country and may use other systems in that country, but we the people of the United States of America have a right to question our state. I was in the Phillipines a long time ago and a Phillipine child stole some brass out of our tanks. The locals were going to cut his fingers off seriously. I saved this childs fingers by telling the locals we found all our brass. There were other children with missing fingers. That is barbaric. We do not do things that way in this country, we have a fair trial system to make sure we get the right person. We must question the state to get to the truth.

I am questioning this whole duct tape placement thing because the defense has said they will dispute it. I want to know the whole truth so I can have an informed opinion when speculating whether it was an accident or not. MOO
Okay, I've just gotta ask...in your opinion then how did the skull get to the position it got to? Are you implying there was decapitation not caused by animal activity or flood...?

I don't know. Its a great question. I wonder if Rk did it when he tapped on it with his stick. Do you know?
I don't know. Its a great question. I wonder if Rk did it when he tapped on it with his stick. Do you know?

No, I don't know, but I'm inclined to believe the forensic reports. It's moo that expert opinions and reports are pretty credible. I'd love to read or view video of the defense talking about the tape...there's been so much to wade through in this case...gotta link for me?
No, I don't know, but I'm inclined to believe the forensic reports. It's moo that expert opinions and reports are pretty credible. I'd love to read or view video of the defense talking about the tape...there's been so much to wade through in this case...gotta link for me?

I will look for it. I know it was LKB, so it may have been with Pipitone, but not sure. 48 hours? I am sure she was with one of the other attorneys too. So it could be one of the morning shows. I will look.
I am skeptical of Le, simply because they have been wrong time and time again. I am also skeptical of defense Attorneys equally. To say that we should not be skeptical and accept every report by the state to be fact , totally goes against our constitution of the USA. Thomas Jefferson would be rolling over in his grave at the suggestion that people should not question the state. I realize everyone is not from this country and may use other systems in that country, but we the people of the United States of America have a right to question our state. I was in the Phillipines a long time ago and a Phillipine child stole some brass out of our tanks. The locals were going to cut his fingers off seriously. I saved this childs fingers by telling the locals we found all our brass. There were other children with missing fingers. That is barbaric. We do not do things that way in this country, we have a fair trial system to make sure we get the right person. We must question the state to get to the truth.

I am questioning this whole duct tape placement thing because the defense has said they will dispute it. I want to know the whole truth so I can have an informed opinion when speculating whether it was an accident or not. MOO

Someone has barbarically killed Caylee. The defense are doing everything they can to get their client off. That means they are going to question everything, including the placement of the duct tape. Them questioning everything is not the same as me or you questioning everything because their job is to get KC off, not to learn the whole truth. They don't care about the whole truth. The whole truth is potentially going to see their client executed. There is a very good chance their questioning is designed to invalidate the truth.
My biggest reason for doubting that KC is innocent is that she claims to have given Caylee over to a nanny whom no one can find. Once bailed out of jail instead of helping with the search she shut her mouth and made fish patties. this is not indicative of someone that wants to find their child. She was not ugly coping. She was happy as heck not to have her child to have to watch. She admitted as much in her letters. She resented being a mother that young. What in the heck is happening with my websleuths page? I typed this on a side thing...
I respectfully somewhat disagree. First of all, I feel the tape is part of this topic because it is the main reason people do not believe it was an accident. I think Dr G was under an extreme amount of pressure to produce a report. She states the tape was holding the mandible in place, however the defense may disagree and probably will. So I will hold out for the other sides expert. It is not cut and dry because the skull was sitting upright. I looked at a skeleton at the school I work at and I can see that the mandible would naturally disarticulate if the the skull was facing up, but it does not appear that it would disarticulate if the skull is sitting upright. I need it demonstrated to me. I am not sure I understand the matting at the bottom of the skull either. Does not make sense to me. If the hair fell off the skull and landed on the ground, then why did it not just up and float away? Rk describes it as though, and this is his second descreption that he lifted the bag and the skull was there. Never saying the body or skull was actually inside the bag. You would think by his interview the bag was laying on top of the skull. The last interview that is. Why can we not get a report from Steve hanson the actual person that collected the body? IMO
With all due respect, NTS I am going to have to disagree with you about some parts of your post. First, before there was ever any duct tape, indeed, before there was ever any body found, I believed this was NO accident and so did a great number of others. There were many indications of guilt before Caylee was ever found. There was NEVER reporting her daughter missing. Never reporting her DEAD actually. Then there was the rotting corpse smell inside the vehicle, which inevitably KC abandoned. There was the partying and dancing and cooking for the boys and playing like all was right as rain. There was MUCH to indicate that this was not a mother who had just ACCIDENTALLY lost a well loved child in death.

As for the tape holding the mandible in place and the hair mat, here is an interesting fact. ALL of us will one day have a hair matt like that lying about our heads. As the skin tissues die, and the bone is all that remains, the hair must of course fall off. Now, IF the hair had not had the duct tape running into it from around the face, it WOULD have dispersed in the floods...BUT it did not. This is because that tape was on TIGHT and even as the tissues dissolved enough taughtness remained once the hair slipped off the skull to the base of the skull to hold it right in place, along with the mandable. It must have been on there really good and tight to have done THAT job, and no tape just floating by is going to precisely attach in that way. It is illogical to assume that could even happen. It could not.

Dr. G is not under any pressure. She is a respected pathologist and if she saw nothing indicating homicide she would have said that. She did not. She said homicide by undetermined means, and that likely WAS because of that duct tape and what she personally had to go through to remove it from that baby's HEAD. The conspiracy is getting bigger and bigger today. The entire planet must be involved in the get KC conspiracy the way it has all gone today. lol Is that what we are to assume? Yuri and Dr. G and whom else? Whom else is in on this conspiracy to frame this poor innocent woman? Judge Strickland you think?

There IS no conspiracy. There is one murdered baby. There is one murdering mother. And there are a LOT of people working for justice for the baby.
With all due respect, NTS I am going to have to disagree with you about some parts of your post. First, before there was ever any duct tape, indeed, before there was ever any body found, I believed this was NO accident and so did a great number of others. There were many indications of guilt before Caylee was ever found. There was NEVER reporting her daughter missing. Never reporting her DEAD actually. Then there was the rotting corpse smell inside the vehicle, which inevitably KC abandoned. There was the partying and dancing and cooking for the boys and playing like all was right as rain. There was MUCH to indicate that this was not a mother who had just ACCIDENTALLY lost a well loved child in death.

As for the tape holding the mandible in place and the hair mat, here is an interesting fact. ALL of us will one day have a hair matt like that lying about our heads. As the skin tissues die, and the bone is all that remains, the hair must of course fall off. Now, IF the hair had not had the duct tape running into it from around the face, it WOULD have dispersed in the floods...BUT it did not. This is because that tape was on TIGHT and even as the tissues dissolved enough taughtness remained once the hair slipped off the skull to the base of the skull to hold it right in place, along with the mandable. It must have been on there really good and tight to have done THAT job, and no tape just floating by is going to precisely attach in that way. It is illogical to assume that could even happen. It could not.

Dr. G is not under any pressure. She is a respected pathologist and if she saw nothing indicating homicide she would have said that. She did not. She said homicide by undetermined means, and that likely WAS because of that duct tape and what she personally had to go through to remove it from that baby's HEAD. The conspiracy is getting bigger and bigger today. The entire planet must be involved in the get KC conspiracy the way it has all gone today. lol Is that what we are to assume? Yuri and Dr. G and whom else? Whom else is in on this conspiracy to frame this poor innocent woman? Judge Strickland you think?

There IS no conspiracy. There is one murdered baby. There is one murdering mother. And there are a LOT of people working for justice for the baby.

Some have brought this conspiracy word in relation to my post. I just want to make a statement that I do not believe there is or has been any conspiracy in this case. Never have. So please stop attaching me to your conspiracy theories. Thanks
Some have brought this conspiracy word in relation to my post. I just want to make a statement that I do not believe there is or has been any conspiracy in this case. Never have. So please stop attaching me to your conspiracy theories. Thanks

Okay I am still typing on some weird side page...sorry. I think we all have stuff to contribute to this case...you included which is why I am championing you. I had a friend that was stabbed over 78 times in Baton Rouge, Charlotte Murray Pace, you can look it up. I got way to involved in that. To the point that my parents were ticked off at me. Lol..I actually participated in a bake sale that was monitored. All I can say about this case is that it is strange. The characters involved. But the prosecution has way more on KC than they ever had on Scott Peterson. KC holds a lot of the answers. She just won't talk and for that I hate her. And what is with the side screen stuff websleuth peeps?
Some have brought this conspiracy word in relation to my post. I just want to make a statement that I do not believe there is or has been any conspiracy in this case. Never have. So please stop attaching me to your conspiracy theories. Thanks
So Dr. G is just that lax and lame then huh? :banghead:
I don't happen to tend to agree.
Therefore it must be a conspiracy...else how would so many be involved/ Tim Miller and all of Equasearch...are they a part of it too I wonder? He got all those people to lie and say it was underwater every single time. So Tim MUST be part of it too...Who else?:waitasec:
Back to the topic of the thread: the defense's own strategy has all along implied that what happened was no accident.

If it had been an accident, why on earth have they been aiming the bus so indiscriminately at friends, strangers and now family members? Either sit down and shut the heck up if you are too ashamed to admit you turned your back and your baby drowned (or fill in substitute accident scenario here: _________), OR... FESS UP.

If it had really been an accident there would be NO reason to feed ANYone through the woodchipper. The defense's desperate flailing around for the latest donkey to tack a tail on implies that there is something more than "an accident" to be accounted for here and that they will literally do almost anything to pin it on someone beside KC.
I respectfully somewhat disagree. First of all, I feel the tape is part of this topic because it is the main reason people do not believe it was an accident. I think Dr G was under an extreme amount of pressure to produce a report. She states the tape was holding the mandible in place, however the defense may disagree and probably will. So I will hold out for the other sides expert. It is not cut and dry because the skull was sitting upright. I looked at a skeleton at the school I work at and I can see that the mandible would naturally disarticulate if the the skull was facing up, but it does not appear that it would disarticulate if the skull is sitting upright. I need it demonstrated to me. I am not sure I understand the matting at the bottom of the skull either. Does not make sense to me. If the hair fell off the skull and landed on the ground, then why did it not just up and float away? Rk describes it as though, and this is his second descreption that he lifted the bag and the skull was there. Never saying the body or skull was actually inside the bag. You would think by his interview the bag was laying on top of the skull. The last interview that is. Why can we not get a report from Steve hanson the actual person that collected the body? IMO

It isn't the main reason most believe it wasn't an accident. The main reason is due to Casey's own uncaring, flippant, laughing, cavalier behavior. If you've had one of your children die by accident, you are simply grief-stricken, inconsolable and distraught, none of which Casey has displayed.

Dr. Garavaglia is much more professional and experienced than what you're giving her credit for. To demean and disgrace someone in such an upstanding position as Dr. Garavaglia is an act of desperation to see Casey as anything other than what she is; a cold-blooded baby killer.

You don't understand it because for one reason, you're drawing conclusions of what is in your imagination, rather than what those on the actual scene, witnessed. They have the education and experience to have the true facts that haven't been shared with you, and although many have tried to help you by tirelessly explaining in detail what the true facts are in the documents, you are choosing not to see what you don't want to admit. That's fine, and your choice, but it isn't the fault of Dr. Garavaglia that you refuse to understand, so let's not blame her, hmmm?
Bolded by me: How can something fall if it is already sitting on the ground?

Have you ever watched a mammal decompose? Their bodies do all sorts of creepy shifting.

Sorry to be gross, but this is your answer to the quote I've snipped. This is how something can fall if it is already sitting on the ground.

I bet she hasn't told her defense what happened either, and they're treating her like delicate glass..JMO
I know some defense attorneys- they do NOT ask their clients whether they are guilty or not. They do NOT want to know, makes it easier to defend them. Then there's OJ's defense team who knew he was guilty, but justified it to themselves as "moral cover", I've been told...
IIRC According to Lkb whom has already seen the crime scene photos, the location/placement of the duct tape will be challenged.

From what I read in the medical examiners report, the duct tape was attached to the hair mat at the bottom of the skull. The hair had to be cut away to remove the tape. I am curious about this hair mass that apparently fell off of her skull with duct tape attached. Filled up with 14 inches of water and did not float. I just don't get it. Did the duct tape float up to the skull? Was it actually adhered to the hair? I don't believe it was ever wrapped around the skull as so many do.

Because the defense is going to challenge the duct tape placement, then the accident theory is still possible. However, when Jb stated to Kb that kc was not in those woods, you in lala land, then I feel he is ruling out the accident theory.

On the other hand, Kc seems to be sticking to the nanny or nany story.

IMO Accident is still possible, but barely.
Well in two other prominent cases-1) Laci Peterson, her skull did not float up and resurface, as her torso did. I don't think it was located. and 2) Natalie Holloway- recently some divers photographed what looked like a skull in the waters near Aruba. Whether it was Natalie or not this "skull" also did not float to the surface.

Bolded by me. Answer: CA

:waitasec: Yet she was not scared out of stealing thousands of dollars from her family over the years, especially from the pockets of her maternal grandparents? She was not scared enough when she got pregnant to have an abortion? She was not too scared to leave grandparents babysitting while she went out with her friends? She has no problem mouthing off and cussing her mother out, this has been confirmed by not only neighbors and acquaintances but Casey herself on film.

Someone who is scared to death of her mother would not become enraged when the subject becomes questions her about her missing granddaughter. Neither would someone who had any sort of bond with their deceased daughter imo.

I interpreted Cindy being the one to back down from Casey time and time again in those videos.

I don't think Casey is afraid of anyone except herself because she doesn't have a clue as to who she is. :twocents:
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