Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

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He also kept claiming that Justina was near death, when she plainly wasn't.

How about how she was being tortured
Or her teeth were chipped by force feeding her
Or making the comparison to Nazis.
Her legs were blue.
Geeez's like Lou told lies at a rate, like he had diarrhea of the mouth...

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Reps. Bachmann, Bass, Marino, and McDermott Introduce “Justina’s Law”
Jun 27, 2014

Washington, D.C. -- Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) joined with Reps. Karen Bass (D-CA), Tom Marino (R-PA), and Jim McDermott (D-WA), the co-chairs of the Foster Youth Caucus, to introduce bipartisan legislation that prohibits federal funding for medical experimentation on a ward of the State.

The bill, H.R. 4989, nicknamed “Justina’s Law”, is a response to the recent case of 16-year-old Justina Pelletier, who was finally released from Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) back to the care of her family after a 16-month custody battle between the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Justina’s parents.

Not much more...the bill is only about 12 lines long.“justina’s-law”
Reps. Bachmann, Bass, Marino, and McDermott Introduce “Justina’s Law”
Jun 27, 2014

Washington, D.C. -- Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) joined with Reps. Karen Bass (D-CA), Tom Marino (R-PA), and Jim McDermott (D-WA), the co-chairs of the Foster Youth Caucus, to introduce bipartisan legislation that prohibits federal funding for medical experimentation on a ward of the State.

The bill, H.R. 4989, nicknamed “Justina’s Law”, is a response to the recent case of 16-year-old Justina Pelletier, who was finally released from Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) back to the care of her family after a 16-month custody battle between the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Justina’s parents.

Much more...“justina’s-law”

Ugh... didn't predict it, but not surprised. I'll state that I have a clear conflict of interest here in that I really, really, really do NOT like one of the Reps here, along with THIS LADY... and I'll leave it at that and save the cussing for the private political forum.
Reps. Bachmann, Bass, Marino, and McDermott Introduce “Justina’s Law”
Jun 27, 2014

Washington, D.C. -- Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) joined with Reps. Karen Bass (D-CA), Tom Marino (R-PA), and Jim McDermott (D-WA), the co-chairs of the Foster Youth Caucus, to introduce bipartisan legislation that prohibits federal funding for medical experimentation on a ward of the State.

The bill, H.R. 4989, nicknamed “Justina’s Law”, is a response to the recent case of 16-year-old Justina Pelletier, who was finally released from Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) back to the care of her family after a 16-month custody battle between the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Justina’s parents.

Much more...“justina’s-law”

What's really stupid about this is, is there any definitive proof that they did any experimentation on Justina? My 2 years of law school reads that bit about the experimentation as them allowing for use of non-traditional methods of treatment. In other words if a child in the care of the state isn't responding to traditional means of treatment, they can seek out experimental methods. But of course Lou would read it as them making his daughter a science experiment, because, of course.
I think this was done to fill out the plot lines in the made for TV movie that Lou is hoping to sell. He has always talked about a "Justina's Law". At one point the 'law' was to be something along the lines of 'the State can't just take our daughter away law'. It was never fully flushed out. Nor is this one.

ALL my opinion only!
The parents, DCF, any foster parents, and the child, if he or she is over 14, will also have to discuss and sign a service plan aimed at re- unifying the family or helping the family resolve the problems that led to the C&P.

A service plan is an agreement between the parents and DCF that includes a list of what each family member and DCF is expected to do. The service plan includes jobs that must be successfully completed by each family member so that the child can return home. These jobs can include taking parenting or anger management classes, going to counseling, finding suitable housing, or submitting to drug or alcohol screens. While the case is open, DCF, the parties, and their attorneys will monitor whether everyone, including DCF, is completing their tasks.

If the judge decides that the parents are not fit to rear the child and that it would be in the child’s best interest to terminate the parents’ rights to the child, the judge can free the child for adoption. The judge may also award permanent custody of the child to DCF with the goal of reuniting the family at a later date.

If I were the Pelletier's I would never have agreed to this either. They were smart not to sign this.

Except, this particular child has the mentality of a FIVE year old according to Lou.

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just when you think things cant get any weirder...

there may be a law that should be changed, or a new law that should be enacted, because of this case...

but it certainly isnt this one.

if you had someone interview the legislators that introduced this law i would bet that they know less about this case than the average person that has posted on this thread (regardless of their position on the situation).
Like how he made it seem like she'd been admitted into the psychiatric ward from the ER when she really went to the neurology ward and stayed there for six weeks. Or that she just had the flu when the admission notes said it was for a cluster of other symptoms.
I didn't know she was seeing a neurologist for 6 weeks after she was taken. Can you please provide a link ?
I didn't know she was seeing a neurologist for 6 weeks after she was taken. Can you please provide a link ?

It's been previously posted. Read up^^^

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I didn't know she was seeing a neurologist for 6 weeks after she was taken. Can you please provide a link ?

"In April, doctors told Justina that she was being transferred to Bader 5 — the hospital’s psychiatric ward that focuses on the treatment of seriously troubled children who may pose a risk of harm to themselves or others.".

Seriously. Justina was hospitalized on February 10th. I believe she was admitted to the neurological floor. I believe that she was transferred to Bader 5 on April 23rd - this is based on the letter from Nurse Higgins to DCF, the date the partial clinic note from Dr Berry was printed, and other sources. IF that date is accurate, then BCH had 10 weeks of evaluation and diagnostics prior to determining that Justina was "seriously troubled" and may pose a risk to herself or others. I agree that there is a lot of information that the public is not privy to - but the judge and DCF are.

Reality diverges significantly from the story Lou was telling. The doctor in the ER wasn't fresh out of med school, Justina wasn't thrown into a dungeon after arriving at the ER.
Apparently the family is planning a huge coming home bash...they're inviting everyone ...I mean everyone, perfect strangers, via the Facebook page.

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Say what?

Are the parents clueless or what? Surely the last thing that a teenager (who has gone through a lot of psychologically distressing stuff lately and is trying to deal it with a kindergartener level cognition) needs is for a bunch of well meaning strangers coming in to tell her how horrible it is that she was tortured and incarcerated in the hands of the Dark Evil Forces and how glad everyone is that she was saved before they could kill her?
Like how he made it seem like she'd been admitted into the psychiatric ward from the ER when she really went to the neurology ward and stayed there for six weeks. Or that she just had the flu when the admission notes said it was for a cluster of other symptoms.

bbm I have not seen this, A link to this please.
bbm I have not seen this, A link to this please.

2 posts above yours.

This is not meant to be belligerent and I hope you don't view it as such. Why does it matter now? Many people on here were pointing out all the inconsistencies in what Lou was saying all along and the response was, so what, they have his daughter. The man has lied about all manner of things, which from my perspective, colors EVERYTHING he says with the same light. So if he is a liar and things he says can be verified as such, how do we know he's ever telling the truth?

These viral stories lend themselves to sides being picked. I do wonder, if it pans out that Justina was and continues to be medically abused, will the backlash be like the KFC story? Because here's the deal, this story smacks of the same things; inconsistent information, verifiable lies and manufactured internet outrage.
As her father I don't care what he says, he has the right to say anything, jmo They do not have the right to take peoples children and place gag orders, She was diagnosed by her dr and another dr changed that, and her father is suppose to be quiet. Like I said I hope the hospital suffers for what they do to people and I think that judge johnson needs to be put in check as well for rubber stamping anything from dcf or this hospital. I hope they sue their socks off.
As her father I don't care what he says, he has the right to say anything, jmo They do not have the right to take peoples children and place gag orders, She was diagnosed by her dr and another dr changed that, and her father is suppose to be quiet. Like I said I hope the hospital suffers for what they do to people and I think that judge johnson needs to be put in check as well for rubber stamping anything from dcf or this hospital. I hope they sue their socks off.

Ok so it doesn't matter now, so why did you want to see the link? Because you thought someone on here was lying?

It's great that just because he's her father, he can say anything he wants. Just like a grandmother can claim anything she wants, even if it's outright lies. Lies that vilify others. Stories like the KFC one happen, because people are willing to believe anything. People are willing to believe, even after it's shown that the party making the claims is a liar and prone to hyperbole.
One has nothing to do with the other and you know that. This case should never have happened. She should have been treated for her symptoms she arrived there with. And not re-diagnosed by a dr that interned and fellowed till seven months before seeing her, yeah he was still a student to me, if he couldn't write a script he isn't a real dr. harvard and mit mean nothing to me.<modsnip>
One has nothing to do with the other and you know that. This case should never have happened. She should have been treated for her symptoms she arrived there with. And not re-diagnosed by a dr that interned and fellowed till seven months before seeing her, yeah he was still a student to me, if he couldn't write a script he isn't a real dr. <modsnip>

BBM Liars and drama queens too!

I am not saying the cases are related, but of course you know I'm not. And it doesn't change the reality that we are dealing with adult family members who are caught lying to prove their point. The only difference here is that so far Lou has managed to avoid the wrong side of the internet.

Here are the notes:

Patient Name: Justina Pelletier
Originated by: Stephanie Newton MS on 2/10/13
Authenticated by: Gerard Berry MD on 2/13/13
Print Date/Time: 4/25/2013

"HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Justina has a longstanding history of possible mitochondrial disease with abdominal pain, poor motility, headaches and fatigue. These concerns started becoming much more severe in October 2012 when she began having what is described as odd movements of her right leg which caused her foot to pronate. She was seen by an orthopedic doctor, Dr. Webster at Tufts who prescribed a brace for the leg. Over time Justina's abnormal movements began to affect the left leg and now the rest of the body is affected. Her mother reports that over the past week she has had increased weakness which cause (sic) her to not be able to walk. She is having significant leg pain. Her headaches are becoming worse with light and sound. She also has intermittent slurred speech and altered mental status. Her mother reports that over the last 6-8 weeks her slurred speech and 'gibberish language' has been getting worse. Justina was admitted to Connecticut Children's Hospital on Monday February 04 due to worsening neurological problems as noted above. Her mother reports that it was difficult to complete this admission as Justina was not felt to have a known identifiable diagnosis. Her mother chose to bring her home from the hospital on February 8 hoping that she would do better. After discharge she was still not doing well, complained of feeling weird was not eating and had abnormalities on swallowing. Her other physicians were consulted and it was recommended that she be admitted here at Boston Chidlren's Hospital. She has been here since February 10."

Bumping this up again.

"In April, doctors told Justina that she was being transferred to Bader 5 &#8212; the hospital&#8217;s psychiatric ward that focuses on the treatment of seriously troubled children who may pose a risk of harm to themselves or others.".

Seriously. Justina was hospitalized on February 10th. I believe she was admitted to the neurological floor. I believe that she was transferred to Bader 5 on April 23rd - this is based on the letter from Nurse Higgins to DCF, the date the partial clinic note from Dr Berry was printed, and other sources. IF that date is accurate, then BCH had 10 weeks of evaluation and diagnostics prior to determining that Justina was "seriously troubled" and may pose a risk to herself or others. I agree that there is a lot of information that the public is not privy to - but the judge and DCF are.

So it wasn't the flu?
- odd movements of her right leg which caused her foot to pronate.
- abnormal movements began to affect the left leg and now the rest of the body is affected.
- increased weakness which cause (sic) her to not be able to walk.
- significant leg pain
- headaches are becoming worse with light and sound
- was speaking gibberish
- experiencing an altered mental status
- not eating
- abnormalities swallowing
- Her mother reports that it was difficult to complete this admission as Justina was not felt to have a known identifiable diagnosis.
- Her other physicians were consulted and it was recommended that she be admitted here at Boston Chidlren's Hospital.

That last two are very interesting.

So we add all this to
- her previous doctors were not consulted
- misinformation on the ER Doctor
- accusations of torture
- teeth were chipped by force feeding her
- comparing the medical staff to Nazis
- her legs being blue
- her being admitted into the psychiatric ward from the ER

What am I forgetting or missing?

Also this goes to the people who keep insisting that she's in worse condition now than she was when she was admitted.
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