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This is my first time posting here. I have been following this case since day one, when I heard about it on the early morning news. Just wanted to comment about the average person knowing about Baby Lisa - I have mentioned it to a neighbor and to a friend of mine in MI (I'm in WA), and neither of them had even heard about the case. I think it's very possible the baby could be out in public and not be recognized. As has already been said, there are a lot of babies who look similar with thin blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin.

I saw a baby the other day in Wal Mart that looked a lot like Lisa, maybe a little younger, I was guessing 7 or 8 months.
I saw a baby the other day in Wal Mart that looked a lot like Lisa, maybe a little younger, I was guessing 7 or 8 months.

I saw a baby that looked just like her this morning at the market. I kept staring and I wanted to snap a picture with my cell phone. I actually got behind them in line. But the older brother looked exactly like the baby, and I even innocently questioned the big brother. " Is that your baby sister? Are you a good big brother? " His answer " Yeah, but sometimes she is annoying" Anyway, I was convinced that this baby was in this family for longer than a week...sigh
I saw a baby that looked just like her this morning at the market. I kept staring and I wanted to snap a picture with my cell phone. I actually got behind them in line. But the older brother looked exactly like the baby, and I even innocently questioned the big brother. " Is that your baby sister? Are you a good big brother? " His answer " Yeah, but sometimes she is annoying" Anyway, I was convinced that this baby was in this family for longer than a week...sigh

i have a friend that has a little girl about 4 months older than Lisa, and she looks just like her. she really is not a distinctive looking baby. :(
What just makes me sooooo :furious: is that there is someone sitting out there watching all of this and KNOWING where Baby Lisa is and what happened to her. Whomever this person(s) is, he/she/they deserve NO mercy when they are found out.

The guilty party sits back and watches LE work themselves to death trying to find this baby and tremendous resources are expended. Baby Lisa can and will be found, IMO.

It just makes me furious when a precious missing baby case turns into a sensationalized circus. That is when Baby Lisa becomes secondary to the sensationalists. (is that a word?)

Baby Lisa deserves dignity - not a circus with celebrity IP's and celebrity lawyers who are there for all the wrong reasons.

There! Now I feel a tiny bit better! Going for a self imposed T/O for a little while!

We dont know that LE is yelling at the parents like that. I am sure they were questioned to no end, and rightly so. Information is needed. At this point, I would be yelling at the parents. They have not taken a part in this investigation at all. If it were not for this web site posting pics of Lisa, I would have forgotten what she looked like because the parents are never holding a picture of her. It called "Deal with it", if you want them to help you find your kid, let them clear the number one suspects in all cases like this. Then the police can move on, in this case, the police to me, are probably staying put because actions speak louder than words and the actions of these parents says guilty. I cannot wait for an arrest.

If the parents are telling the truth about being interrogated for 10 straight hours, then IMO, there is no need for holding them that long. LE can get the information they need in a lot less time than that. Go back the next day, if necessary. If they told her that the LDT would help clear her from being a suspect, that alone would make her nervous, no wonder she failed. I wish more people understood that they can't make anyone take one, it's purely voluntary. But telling them they failed it if it was merely inconclusive... well, that's just playing hardball.

LE is always under pressure to solve cases, but their focus should be on finding the baby, not putting mom in jail. Of course, if they are pretty certain that she is guilty of something, maybe they think she'll break down and tell them where the baby is. I doubt it, but it has happened in other cases.

I don't know how much to believe, this whole thing is screwy. I pray that they will find little Lisa safe and sound somewhere, but my gut tells me she's gone. So so sad!!!
I guess, except the Ramsey's could afford their lawyers! They used their money to keep themselves out of jail. As far as I know, D and J are the exact opposite money wise! I guess if these lawyers are going to donate their time, it works.

ETA: I forgot about the wealthy benefactor, who is probably paying for these lawyers. I wonder how long this benefactor is going to benefit them...

Hopefully til Lisa is found.
My sentiments, exactly. These are organizations that are unknown unless tou NEED them . . . wonder how proactive KCMoPD is helping Deborah & Jeremy realize any outside help.

Stop ragging on the parents (for now) ! Their baby is missing . . .

I just work from the premise that the parents and family are reading here. Who wants to add to their pain?

Tough situation. If the family knew Lisa was deceased do you think they would string this out? Would they neglect laying her to rest so that someone could go free? I'm not seeing that.
What just makes me sooooo :furious: is that there is someone sitting out there watching all of this and KNOWING where Baby Lisa is and what happened to her. Whomever this person(s) is, he/she/they deserve NO mercy when they are found out.

The guilty party sits back and watches LE work themselves to death trying to find this baby and tremendous resources are expended. Baby Lisa can and will be found, IMO.

It just makes me furious when a precious missing baby case turns into a sensationalized circus. That is when Baby Lisa becomes secondary to the sensationalists. (is that a word?)

Baby Lisa deserves dignity - not a circus with celebrity IP's and celebrity lawyers who are there for all the wrong reasons.

There! Now I feel a tiny bit better! Going for a self imposed T/O for a little while!


Think I'll join you. But before I do, I'm going to scream this at the top of my lungs:

I'M SICK OF THIS :censored: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
We dont know that LE is yelling at the parents like that. I am sure they were questioned to no end, and rightly so. Information is needed. At this point, I would be yelling at the parents. They have not taken a part in this investigation at all. If it were not for this web site posting pics of Lisa, I would have forgotten what she looked like because the parents are never holding a picture of her. It called "Deal with it", if you want them to help you find your kid, let them clear the number one suspects in all cases like this. Then the police can move on, in this case, the police to me, are probably staying put because actions speak louder than words and the actions of these parents says guilty. I cannot wait for an arrest.

The interview of mom amd dad sitting down inside this is spoken about in detail, the interviewer asking specifically did LE tell you(mom) you murdered your baby!?! She states that this was done repeatedly for hours upon hours!! Just as well as the statement that she might as well tell them(LE) where she'd put Lisa's remains, they know she murdered her daughter sonshe ought to ATLEAST save her family the continued heartache and give up the locale!!

What I spoke about I meant it just as I said it.. You can review that particular interview to hear it as well(video is in the Sticky:MEDIA LINKS).. And I stand by my statement that you damn well better believe I d have every ATTY possible to FIND THE TRUTH OF WHERE MY BABY IS AND HAVE THEIR ASSISTANCE TO HELP NAVIGATE ME THRU THE PROCESS THAT BEST SERVES THE PURPOSE OF FINDING MY BABY.. again withOUT find myself strung up with a noose because LE's mistaken tunnel vision on me, her mom who is it innocent of what happened to my baby!! Without a shadow of a doubt this is the route I'd take the minute I knew they believed me to responsible for my daughter's disappearance.. And IMO hours repeatedly, over and over, relentlessly calling me the murderer of my child is more than enough to know LE is focused on me, the mom as the perp of the crime of murdering my own child!! Jmo..

ETA: I hardly believe that should you ever find yourself in this nightmare that you'd be feeling this sentiment to, as you say, "DEAL WITH IT!" when you find yourself alone in am interrogation room surrounded by LE that are not holding back and repeating to your face that you murdered your daughter!! You killed your baby and we know it!! Over and over for hours.. I hardly believe you would find your words, "DEAL WITH IT!" appropriate in putting yourself in the shoes of this woman in dealing with the devastating loss of your child and those there supposedly helping to find her believe that you, her mom killed her and are repeating that they believe your the cold blooded killer for hours to your face.. In fact I know "DEAL WITH IT!" would not be the words or feeling that came to mind when faced with personally..
And what I can't wait for is for Lisa to be found.. Stringing up in town square who may or may not be responsible is not what most are praying every minute of every day for, Lisa to be found.. IMO that is paramount!
I would be on TV, as they have. I would be very cooperative with the Police but would not allow myself to be grilled for 8-10 hours at a clip. At that point, it would feel coercive and I doubt much 'evidence' is being gathered to help find another perp. I believe I would be hounded mercilessly by the media and this would freak me out. I think every single detail of my life would be examined, including MY PARTICIPATION ON THIS WEB SITE and that would send everyone's hinky meters over the edge unless you post here too. I think I would be grieving and not thinking straight and I would also be very worried about how my other two children are coping. I don't think that I would ever take a lie detecter test, ever. If it's not admissable in a court of law, I have good reason not to trust it. And I would lawyer up, as a protection for me and my family despite the fact that I am innocent. At this point, I think if these parents did it we would have found something more meaningful in evidence apart from who left on what lights and whose baby wears shorts or any of the other things that have been pounced on because there has been no REAL news or important evidence to analyze. Wow, that was a small hissy fit on my part. Just hate seeing parents bashed when there isn't really anything yet to point a finger about.
I kind of agree with this, but the point is that we don't have enough information from either side to know what is really going on. I don't think any assumptions should be made about the police or the parents at this point (this is directed at everyone making assumptions about the police or the family). I do agree that this looks hinky on the family's part, but I also don't know the details either. And I am sure the police are doing the best job that they can, but like you said, we don't know exactly what they've been saying to the family. They do probably have a lot more information than we do, though. It's been a big he said-she said kind of thing, and I honestly don't know who is telling the truth or what the heck is going on here. It does feel like this poor baby is getting lost in the shuffle, though. The focus should be on her, not assembling a dream team for the parents (if that's what this even is). Hopefully BS will have his presser tomorrow and some light can finally be shed on what the heck is going on because this fence is becoming so uncomfortable to keep sitting on, argh!

I certainly agree with you. Its a sad shame. Sometimes you wish you were there to shake one of them and say listen up, you need to do XYZ because this isnt looking good for you. All we can do is either pray that little Lisa is alive and safe someplace or God forbid, she didnt suffer and is in a better place.
If the parents are telling the truth about being interrogated for 10 straight hours, then IMO, there is no need for holding them that long. LE can get the information they need in a lot less time than that. Go back the next day, if necessary. If they told her that the LDT would help clear her from being a suspect, that alone would make her nervous, no wonder she failed. I wish more people understood that they can't make anyone take one, it's purely voluntary. But telling them they failed it if it was merely inconclusive... well, that's just playing hardball.

LE is always under pressure to solve cases, but their focus should be on finding the baby, not putting mom in jail. Of course, if they are pretty certain that she is guilty of something, maybe they think she'll break down and tell them where the baby is. I doubt it, but it has happened in other cases.

I don't know how much to believe, this whole thing is screwy. I pray that they will find little Lisa safe and sound somewhere, but my gut tells me she's gone. So so sad!!!

I will stand by my previous statements that if this were my child missing then I wouldnt care how long they questioned me. Keep me for 24 hours if you want but please continue to look for my kid. If they need to do that to clear the parents then so be it. Besides we dont know what was said behind closed doors or maybe what wasnt said behind closed doors to me LE keep them that long. When a detective is questioning you and keeps you like that, its for a reason. Not saying this means she is guilty, I will put my feelings aside on that statement but there was still reason why they kept her that long.

I am sure with the evidence that has been collected and all the questioning that has been done the police have an idea if mom or dad was involved and of course they need to follow these things. I cannot feel sorry for the parents right now. You dont get yourself involved with high profile people for the sake of them being high profile. They want something out of this (the parents). The only person right now I feel sorry for is Lisa, the parents are making a mockery of this whole thing. I cant feel sorry for them.
The interview of mom amd dad sitting down inside this is spoken about in detail, the interviewer asking specifically did LE tell you(mom) you murdered your baby!?! She states that this was done repeatedly for hours upon hours!! Just as well as the statement that she might as well tell them(LE) where she'd put Lisa's remains, they know she murdered her daughter sonshe ought to ATLEAST save her family the continued heartache and give up the locale!!

What I spoke about I meant it just as I said it.. You can review that particular interview to hear it as well(video is in the Sticky:MEDIA LINKS).. And I stand by my statement that you damn well better believe I d have every ATTY possible to FIND THE TRUTH OF WHERE MY BABY IS AND HAVE THEIR ASSISTANCE TO HELP NAVIGATE ME THRU THE PROCESS THAT BEST SERVES THE PURPOSE OF FINDING MY BABY.. again withOUT find myself strung up with a noose because LE's mistaken tunnel vision on me, her mom who is it innocent of what happened to my baby!! Without a shadow of a doubt this is the route I'd take the minute I knew they believed me to responsible for my daughter's disappearance.. And IMO hours repeatedly, over and over, relentlessly calling me the murderer of my child is more than enough to know LE is focused on me, the mom as the perp of the crime of murdering my own child!! Jmo..

ETA: I hardly believe that should you ever find yourself in this nightmare that you'd be feeling this sentiment to, as you say, "DEAL WITH IT!" when you find yourself alone in am interrogation room surrounded by LE that are not holding back and repeating to your face that you murdered your daughter!! You killed your baby and we know it!! Over and over for hours.. I hardly believe you would find your words, "DEAL WITH IT!" appropriate in putting yourself in the shoes of this woman in dealing with the devastating loss of your child and those there supposedly helping to find her believe that you, her mom killed her and are repeating that they believe your the cold blooded killer for hours to your face.. In fact I know "DEAL WITH IT!" would not be the words or feeling that came to mind when faced with personally..
And what I can't wait for is for Lisa to be found.. Stringing up in town square who may or may not be responsible is not what most are praying every minute of every day for, Lisa to be found.. IMO that is paramount!

I hope we can agree to disagree on this. I would deal with it. If my child were missing I never would take a break from finding her, never make deals with networks, never hide out in my house, I would be involved. I would know I would be first suspect and the first thing i would say to the police would be that I did know this and to please question away. There was a reason they kept mom there as long as they did. They dont usually keep someone in questioning that long without a reason but yes, I am sorry I would deal with it.
On that note, the only reason to me the police may have tunnel vision at this point in time is because of the way the parents have acted. NOT PROACTIVE at all, like I said, if it werent for these sites I would have not only forgotten about this child, because its barely on the news, but I wouldnt remember what she looked like. Hence my big problem with the parents.. They should be on every single news channel holding up pictures of their daughter and by name asking for Lisa's safe return. They havent done that once. NOT ONCE have they held a picture up and said, please whoever has our daughter Lisa, please bring her home to us. We need to have Lisa home. Here is a picture of Lisa, we miss her, please bring Lisa home.. Personalize your child DB and LI. Thats they way its done. Get on every single channel, every radio show, every thing you can think of, newspapers etc.. Show that child, speak about her, make a human to whoever might have taken her (if someone did) and expect the police to want to clear you. JMO
I just can't worry about the parents' hurt feelings or how mean the police are supposedly being...that will all come out in the wash if the parents had nothing to do with this, I hope.
okay, who's holding you to this statement? I mean, really guys . . . you just do not know. And when you think you DO know, there's an acquittal.

I think there are different perspectives on this board and that's a great thing. As far as how I approach these cases, I do so from the angle of a detective, a Sherlock Holmes type of attitude, and put everything under a microscope. A lot of my posts will reflect this, such as maps, video breakdowns, statements, etc. From these items I try to develop a theory that makes sense. Ultimately, I am seeking to answer the question "Who done it?" Sherlock Holmes came up with the answer to that question after examinations of the crime scene and the ensuing investigation, early on, just as real life detectives do.

From everything we've learned, all clearly illustrated in this forum, I am convinced the answer to the question "Who done it?" will include Deborah Bradley as part of that answer.

If this turns out to be incorrect, I will pick another hobby, because my skills clearly suck to be this confident of who is involved when it turns out not to be the case. I will find another hobby I can be successful at. MOO.
I would be on TV, as they have. I would be very cooperative with the Police but would not allow myself to be grilled for 8-10 hours at a clip. t.

I know but look at what happened the last time the parents wanted a break from questioning --- they went right to the media and said the parents were no longer cooperating. So now they are putting up with whatever the cops want to do and for how long because otherwise everyone starts saying they are guilty. So I see that they are in a no-win situation.

I know a lot disagree, but, for now, I do not see the mother as capable of doing this. I really have a horrible feeling she was taken by that man who was seen going down the street. A horrible feeling.
My sentiments, exactly. These are organizations that are unknown unless tou NEED them . . . wonder how proactive KCMoPD is helping Deborah & Jeremy realize any outside help.

Stop ragging on the parents (for now) ! Their baby is missing . . .

JMO: If my child was missing -especially if I felt like the actual LE working on the case were focusing on incriminating me instead of on finding the child - I would be proactive about getting outside help. I agree that TES and KlaasKids are probably mostly known among families who have needed them, so I don't fault the parents for not knowing ahead of time about these organizations. Rather, I would think it was oddly passive if, despite being dissatisfied with how things are going with KCPD, a family didn't educate themselves about other options. Of course I acknowledge that the fact that we haven't heard about contact with TES or KlaasKids isn't proof that it hasn't been made.

I googled "missing children help" and KlaasKids was on the first page - the fifth result.
I think there are different perspectives on this board and that's a great thing. As far as how I approach these cases, I do so from the angle of a detective, a Sherlock Holmes type of attitude, and put everything under a microscope. A lot of my posts will reflect this, such as maps, video breakdowns, statements, etc. From these items I try to develop a theory that makes sense. Ultimately, I am seeking to answer the question "Who done it?" Sherlock Holmes came up with the answer to that question after examinations of the crime scene and the ensuing investigation, early on, just as real life detectives do.

From everything we've learned, all clearly illustrated in this forum, I am convinced the answer to the question "Who done it?" will include Deborah Bradley as part of that answer.

If this turns out to be incorrect, I will pick another hobby, because my skills clearly suck to be this confident of who is involved when it turns out not to be the case. I will find another hobby I can be successful at. MOO.

I also believe the mother is involved. Yet, if it turns out we are in correct, please stay here. You have great insight.
The mother is guilty as sin IMO. If it turns out she is innocent I will pick a new hobby than investigating these cases.

If that's the case several of us are going to be eating Crow Pot Roast...You're welcome to join us!! :blowkiss:

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