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"As a mechanical engineer, Norton knows logistics of the plane's navigational track in the rugged desolate area. He said he had an idea of what challenges the pilot faced when the plane dropped off the radar in Idaho's backcountry.

"Visibility was very low and temperatures were low and very rough mountain terrain, dense with trees," he said, "so it's literally looking for a needle in a haystack."

Over the past several years, the Nortons said Jonathan spent school breaks and holidays at their Ogden home while his parents remained in Wisconsin.

"Family is what it's about," Dave Norton said.

Jonathan Norton and Smith were planning to be married Jan. 4. Dave and RoJean Norton said the couple were seniors at BYU-Idaho, studying accounting, and were planning to begin their lives as a married couple in Oakland, Calif"
Still praying. Lord lead us to these lost ones. Amen!
As we search and pray for the them to be found, I am reminded of the Christmas Miracle that happened in the Andes Mountains in the 1970's when a plane carrying a rugby team of young men crashed in the mountains. You may remember the story from the movie "Alive" but I never found the movie to be anywhere near as compelling as the book.

I strongly encourage everyone to read the book because it is such a amazing story of survival, brotherhood and faith. You really feel as though you are up there on that mountain with those boys. You really get to know the boys and come to love them and feel what they experienced up on that mountain. The boys came out of the experience with their faith in God stronger than ever.

After being stranded in the mountains for over 2 months and being given up as dead, 2 of the boys undertook a 10 day treacherous hike through the snow and mountains to find civilization and bring help to the remaining survivors on that plane. They reached civilization a few days before Christmas, allowing the remaining boys to be rescued and reunited with their families for a true Christmas miracle.

1972 Andes flight disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think of this and have faith that the passengers can still be found alive. I am hoping and praying that they will be found soon. I hope their families and the searchers can keep the faith and keep looking because they are out there somewhere.
Drones. This would be an excellent use for drones. jMO
New, includes video.

""As you can imagine, the hole in these family's lives ... (we just want) to bring their loved ones home," the family said.

The family is asking the public to help search for the plane using a satelite imagery. The public is asked to "tag" images such as avalanches, campsites and, of course, airplane wreckage"
Coming back here to see if any progress. Boy that is tough terrain.
Lord guide the searchers to these good people! We ask this humbly in your name. Amen!
No news yet, but a lot better video for those of you who want to continue searching with us!

Taken the 20th Dec. and hopefully newer ones tomorrow for you all to look at...
Still hopeful and praying for a miracle! Thank you to all of you who are still praying and searching~

These videos are easier than the Tomnod, and videos 3,4 and 5 are closest to the JC airport they would have been trying to get to. Thank you all again!
search area expanded.
has a search area been shown for us to search which is
BEHIND the last known contact area?

In other words.

I have always had the opinion that the last contact was just as the problems began.
So i figured perhaps the plane failed much sooner than at the area we are searching.
I would like to have a second site set up for us to look through at the exact spot of the last radio contact.
They may have NOSE DIVED straight down and not gone any further?
The cold temps may have prevented them from drifting or being carried away by air pockets and all that.
So, can you please put a search area [ second one]
behind the last contact area?
I plan to keep searching and helping until absolutely all ground has been covered.
also please let us search into the SPRING Thaw we may see much better without snow..white plane white snow makes spotting anything tough.

I am glad to help as much as I can from my home computer.
I know I would not want any:please:eek:ne to give up if it were my beloved family..
Thanks for posting the footage dotr. It really puts in perspective how very difficult this search is. Lord guide us!
I know nothing of renting a drone but they would probably help:twocents:

"Monday, December 30

From Dale Smith's mother, Frances Phillips - "Dear all of you wonderful Tomnod people, in case you don't recognize my name, I am Dale's mother and the grandmother of Daniel and Amber. The MAST (Missing Aircraft Search Team) left Southern Oregon yesterday morning with a twin engine turbo jet helicopter fully equipped for searching high elevations. They fueled up and stayed in McCall last night hoping to be in the air by 8:30 am this morning. It is headed up by Tim Evinger, an award winning investigator and pilot, with amazing leadership skills and resources. An advance party went out yesterday in a small plane headed by John Lasker to pinpoint points of special interest. They are very familiar with Tomnod and are using your information as well as information furnished from Dellon and by their own MAST research team that worked hard yesterday. Thank you for all of your hard work and prayers."

"Monday, December 30

From Dale Smith's mother, Frances Phillips - "Dear all of you wonderful Tomnod people, in case you don't recognize my name, I am Dale's mother and the grandmother of Daniel and Amber. The MAST (Missing Aircraft Search Team) left Southern Oregon yesterday morning with a twin engine turbo jet helicopter fully equipped for searching high elevations. They fueled up and stayed in McCall last night hoping to be in the air by 8:30 am this morning. It is headed up by Tim Evinger, an award winning investigator and pilot, with amazing leadership skills and resources. An advance party went out yesterday in a small plane headed by John Lasker to pinpoint points of special interest. They are very familiar with Tomnod and are using your information as well as information furnished from Dellon and by their own MAST research team that worked hard yesterday. Thank you for all of your hard work and prayers."

Thanks for this update. I am still hoping and praying that they will be found.
I can't stop thinking of this family. Prayers continue!

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