Family of Heather Elvis to hold news conference - 04/02/15

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I know that but there a people out there who were buying into the BS and the rumor mill was exploding. I really hope people will leave M.E. alone, she had already lost her big sister - she does not need to be bullied. What scum would do that?

BBM-It's hard for me to believe people really buy into all the crazy, irrational rumors.
Those dimwits remind me of the crazies who kept insisting that JA was involved in the murder of Nancy Cooper, all because she called the non-emergency 911 line wondering if she should report her friend missing or not and explaining her friend was in a contentious divorce situation. It's been almost 7 years since that murder and the fans and wannabe girlfriends of the killer husband have libeled the friend and friend's husband on social media for years, anything to take the responsibility off the actual killer, even after he finally admitted he did the murder.

Social media illuminates the crazy, that's for sure, and what we learn is there's a lot of cray-cray that attaches itself to murderers. It's frightening to see what comes out from under rocks to make its way to computer keyboards.

IHNi about your first paragraph, but there is no doubt there are crazies--see the GZ, JA, CA cases and on and on and on.
So basically, the family is arguing with people online, and then is reporting these interactions to LE as threats?
LE does not sound very supportive or sympathetic. I feel like a lot of people have dug themselves into a hole that they can't get out of.

No, basically the family is not arguing with people online and reporting it as threats. You basically must not have not seen the taunting of this family on these pages. I watch the pages a lot and have not seen Mrs E comment ever. Mr E has commented a few times. One time to state about a pledge of money. It was a statement, not argumentative. I also saw where he did respond to one of the M's relatives, when they were disparaging Heather just awfully. He was angry and blasted the creep. I do not blame him. Neither you or I can say we know what the threats are that Mrs. E spoke of. You know on social media people may be sending them privately? As was said they could just stay off social media, but would you really? I doubt it, if we were in their shoes. I would imagine if it was my child missing, I would look everywhere to try to find out any clue I could find anywhere on the earth. Also, social media has shown a lot of the lies and inconsistencies in the defendants and their family's statements.

Finally, Mrs. E addressed the reward/donation question, which seems to be a BIG topic on social media. Now that will not matter. These people will not believe this, obviously. These people got what they asked for. She addressed it. Now let's see if they are satisfied. I am very doubtful. The other thing she made clear is she does not approve of the various pages. The social media hounds have been asking for the Elvis' to speak out on that. She now has, but isn't that something that was not her responsibility? I have never understood that one. My opinion is the Elvis family is not responsible to police every person on social media or control anyone but themselves.
What did Debbi Elvis say about the donation and reward money? For some reason them having that money really bothers the M supporters.
What did Debbi Elvis say about the donation and reward money? For some reason them having that money really bothers the M supporters.

Mrs. Elvis said that the money is still in the bank account. That it was only touched once, when they made T shirts. Then that money was put back into the account after the sales of the T shirts. Yes, the money really bothers some of these people. In some cases, I don't believe it is because of their support of the Ms. For some it is a fixation, born out of ego and jealousy. It seems a lot of these 'worried about the money' people are former supporters of the Elvis family.
The thing is, the Elvis family can (and should) stay off social media and then they won't have to see all this ugliness. As long as no one is making direct threats against the family. If there is libel happening, then a lawyer should gather that info and prepare to sue.

Social media exposes just how ugly humanity is and can be. It's not unique in this case. People will say things through the keyboard of their computer they would never say to someone in person. Appealing to the good sense of such people won't help because someone who will post vile and untrue flotsam will not suddenly see the error of their ways or have compassion.

Yeah, the #1 rule of social media (lessons learned here at WS :giggle:) is that trolls WANT ATTENTION, and to :ignore: and this attention just gave fuel to the fire.
He said several Elvis family members have had “back and forths” between members of the Moorer family
:moo: :gaah:
I often wonder about that when I see certain phrases used on here - phrases that certain "crazies" use relentlessly on social media.

One of my first clues is when someone claims a conspiracy to frame a defendant and when they refuse to consider the defendant actually did commit the crime. Red flags a waving.
Well one of my tip offs is when I see "had went" or "seen" used...
One of my first clues is when someone claims a conspiracy to frame a defendant and when they refuse to consider the defendant actually did commit the crime. Red flags a waving.
Hmmm. You know that kind of sound logic isn't going to go over well, right? ;)
No, basically the family is not arguing with people online and reporting it as threats. You basically must not have not seen the taunting of this family on these pages. I watch the pages a lot and have not seen Mrs E comment ever. Mr E has commented a few times. One time to state about a pledge of money. It was a statement, not argumentative. I also saw where he did respond to one of the M's relatives, when they were disparaging Heather just awfully. He was angry and blasted the creep. I do not blame him. Neither you or I can say we know what the threats are that Mrs. E spoke of. You know on social media people may be sending them privately? As was said they could just stay off social media, but would you really? I doubt it, if we were in their shoes. I would imagine if it was my child missing, I would look everywhere to try to find out any clue I could find anywhere on the earth. Also, social media has shown a lot of the lies and inconsistencies in the defendants and their family's statements.

Finally, Mrs. E addressed the reward/donation question, which seems to be a BIG topic on social media. Now that will not matter. These people will not believe this, obviously. These people got what they asked for. She addressed it. Now let's see if they are satisfied. I am very doubtful. The other thing she made clear is she does not approve of the various pages. The social media hounds have been asking for the Elvis' to speak out on that. She now has, but isn't that something that was not her responsibility? I have never understood that one. My opinion is the Elvis family is not responsible to police every person on social media or control anyone but themselves.

I am just going by what LE says. They said that several Elvis family members have had "back and forth" fights with Moorer family members. There is nothing in LE's response that says the family is being attacked online. The soliciter even describes as "just because you don't like what someone is saying"---would he really use those words about personal attacks?

Why continue to use up LE resources, when LE is making it clear that these online posts are not against any law? How much clearer can LE say: "We don't care!" They even describe the online posts being reported as "bizarre" and "inappropriate" instead of more negative words.
Here's the solicitor's comments from the Sun News, reads as if the Elvis have a strong civil case and not a criminal case against the cyber bullies and trolls...

Jimmy Richardson, 15th circuit solicitor, said he’s heard from Terry and Debbie Elvis many times regarding online threats against the family, but the prosecutor can only deal with cases where arrests have already been made. He said he sends all reports to the proper authorities, but has encouraged the Elvis family to civilly sue their harassers.

“There may very well be civil ramifications from slander or libel,” Richardson said. “But through a criminal process, you can’t lock somebody up just because you don’t like what they’re saying.”

Online threats can be considered harassment or stalking if the victim’s privacy is violated or if the victim is being credibly threatened directly, Richardson said. Pictures or video taken in public places or outside are not considered stalking.

Read more here:
Here's the solicitor's comments from the Sun News, reads as if the Elvis have a strong civil case and not a criminal case against the cyber bullies and trolls...

Jimmy Richardson, 15th circuit solicitor, said he’s heard from Terry and Debbie Elvis many times regarding online threats against the family, but the prosecutor can only deal with cases where arrests have already been made. He said he sends all reports to the proper authorities, but has encouraged the Elvis family to civilly sue their harassers.

“There may very well be civil ramifications from slander or libel,” Richardson said. “But through a criminal process, you can’t lock somebody up just because you don’t like what they’re saying.”

Online threats can be considered harassment or stalking if the victim’s privacy is violated or if the victim is being credibly threatened directly, Richardson said. Pictures or video taken in public places or outside are not considered stalking.

Read more here:

Not sure if the amount (if any) they would receive from the lawsuit would be worth the legal fees. They will also have to show actual proof in court---like after these statements by Moorer supporters, our business lost X in revenue and we know it is connected because X---not just claims.
I've read of many cases where families are attacked online by trolls, and in most articles, there are examples of these vicious statements. Why were none provided in this case?
I am just going by what LE says. They said that several Elvis family members have had "back and forth" fights with Moorer family members. There is nothing in LE's response that says the family is being attacked online. The soliciter even describes as "just because you don't like what someone is saying"---would he really use those words about personal attacks?

Why continue to use up LE resources, when LE is making it clear that these online posts are not against any law? How much clearer can LE say: "We don't care!" They even describe the online posts being reported as "bizarre" and "inappropriate" instead of more negative words.

The BBM tells me a lot.
The BBM tells me a lot.

He actually said this before that statement...
“There may very well be civil ramifications from slander or libel,” Richardson said. “But through a criminal process, you can’t lock somebody up just because you don’t like what they’re saying.”
Editorial by My Horry News from December. I wouldn't be surprised if they take a pro-defense stand for the trial..It seems like they were already considering it, and this will just cement it:

This is why we continue to press for the release of the Heather Elvis search warrants. It is not to sell newspapers nor will it have a deleterious impact on the trial. Withholding the search warrants is wrong. As we continue to explore our legal options, consider this.
Police have said in court they have enough probable cause to charge Sidney and Tammy Moorer, but won’t say what that probable cause is. They also said they’re continuing to look for more evidence. Meantime, the Moorers remain in jail and police won’t tell us why.
Since when in America do police have the power to lock someone up, and then go look for evidence later? If they do, police also have the power to lock us up for writing this editorial, and then look for evidence of wrongdoing.

Their editor comments on the aricle, criticizing "anti-Moorer readers".
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