Family of Heather Elvis to hold news conference - 04/02/15

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Heather's family do not have Heather and they don't know where she is. This reward has not been paid out. Of course the money should be sitting in a bank and not being spent on searches, etc because it is promised as a reward for information.

IMO Tammy should be spending time with her family while she can and leave the Elvis's alone. One day when she is rotting in jail, she will be sorry that she spent her last precious free moments glued to the computer day & night playing with 100 alias's.

The TK pledged money that the fund did not end up getting.


There is nothing wrong with asking questions about the donated funds. The family is the ones who brought it up during the press conference.

Back in 2010, when Kyron Horman's parents announced that two local newspapers would not be allowed to attend their press conference---there were 200+ posts criticizing their actions. We have just seen the same thing happen in this case yet only a handful of posts speak out against it. Why did Kaine and Desiree endure so much more backlash and criticism? I do not understand the difference in reaction.
Stop the namecalling and bickering now please !!

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Heather's family do not have Heather and they don't know where she is. This reward has not been paid out. Of course the money should be sitting in a bank and not being spent on searches, etc because it is promised as a reward for information.

IMO Tammy should be spending time with her family while she can and leave the Elvis's alone. One day when she is rotting in jail, she will be sorry that she spent her last precious free moments glued to the computer day & night playing with 100 alias's.


The majority of the &#8220;trolls&#8221; are people based in other states, Debbie Elvis said, who follow high-profile missing person and murder cases.

Back in 2010, when Kyron Horman's parents announced that two local newspapers would not be allowed to attend their press conference---there were 200+ posts criticizing their actions. We have just seen the same thing happen in this case yet only a handful of posts speak out against it. Why did Kaine and Desiree endure so much more backlash and criticism? I do not understand the difference in reaction.
I'm not familiar with that case, so it's difficult for me to compare and contrast. After a quick click on the thread, though, based on the names of the two papers that were excluded, I see one glaring difference: geography. Sociologically and psychologically speaking, I'm not sure if there are two regions in our country where people are more vastly different.

To offer an anecdote: My husband is originally from your neck of the woods (an assumption from your screen name). He, however, has lived in both the Pacific Northwest and now the South(east). From his observations, Southerners care more about individual people, and Pac NW'ers care more about causes. They have a more global view, compared to our more local viewpoint. They protest at the drop of a hat, whereas I can't recall a time when there was a protest around here. Obviously, these are generalizations, and it's not my intention to offend anyone; this is just a sociological observation and the only insight I can offer to your query.

The majority of the &#8220;trolls&#8221; are people based in other states, Debbie Elvis said, who follow high-profile missing person and murder cases.

How would she know that? I actually *think* that most of the people (including the "trolls") who actively talk about the case on FB are locals. I don't know of many cases that have the extent of social media drama this one has 15 months later. Saying they are case hoppers makes it sound like every case goes through this...and is that true? If so, why have we not heard of other families holding press conferences and constantly contacting LE about trolls?
Why haven't they used the donations for billboards, searches, etc? The money seperate from the reward money. I am confused as to why the money, which was donated to help find their daughter, is sitting in a bank account.

BBM: I don't understand this thought. I see it all over the crazy social media pages, too. Where would you have them search? They can't just comb every acre of the state, not to mention Florida. Oh, and Georgia is between here and Florida. I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but I'm just getting frustrated with what seems to be passing judgement toward the victim's family in regards to them not searching.

I feel like the horse died, we beat it, buried it, resurrected it, and are beating it again.

I do in part @Surfside. I don't know the logistics of a donation vs. reward fund but, if that was clarified early on, some of the money collected from donations/fund raisers could have been put to good use. LE can't possibly fund an all-and-out search effort for very long. Their resources are limited and the cost is high for manpower alone. Just look at the recent report stating that they have spent $40k so far on the case.

I was a big proponent of hiring a PI early on. That time has come and gone. Maybe it could have helped break the case or not. But, we'll never know. At least that effort would have been made.

And, if it were my child, I would have let the psychics, voo-doo witch doctors, and clairvoyants offer up their services without question or doubt.

Not passing judgement on the E's. Just stating what I would have done and used the money for since no one has come forward with any tip worthy of the "reward money".
I happen to think some of the trolls or pot stirrers are connected to a certain non-credible blogger that follows cases to sensationalize, along with others connected to the M's.
There is nothing wrong with asking questions about the donated funds. The family is the ones who brought it up during the press conference.

They brought it up because they are being accused,bashed and stalked by lunatics.
How would she know that? I actually *think* that most of the people (including the "trolls") who actively talk about the case on FB are locals. I don't know of many cases that have the extent of social media drama this one has 15 months later. Saying they are case hoppers makes it sound like every case goes through this...and is that true? If so, why have we not heard of other families holding press conferences and constantly contacting LE about trolls?

Its true from what I have seen happen in other cases.

I remember when the two young girls were murdered beside the road in OK some social media site posters posted the most horrible allegations imaginable against a family member. Many of them pretending to be 'in the know' or said they had been told information by local LE. Most of the trolls were locals some were not. This went on night and day until the real murderer was finally caught years later. It turned out they were nothing but nasty mean spirited liars and attention seekers.

Social media sites have been come a den of uncouth and nasty mean people who love nothing more than to threaten and harass others. And they also accuse their victims falsely of horrific things that turnout to be nothing but bald face lies. They seem to have no concept about decency, respect AND truth. For some it seems to have become something like a blood sport to them. The deeper they can hurt others the better they like it.

And I do think they hop from case to case. They seem to thrive on chaos, lies, and victimization to those who don't deserve it.
BBM: I don't understand this thought. I see it all over the crazy social media pages, too. Where would you have them search? They can't just comb every acre of the state, not to mention Florida. Oh, and Georgia is between here and Florida. I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but I'm just getting frustrated with what seems to be passing judgement toward the victim's family in regards to them not searching.

I feel like the horse died, we beat it, buried it, resurrected it, and are beating it again.

The people who are worried about donation money...that and not Heather,is their only concern. Where is the money? How is it being spent? Seriously, get a life! Where is Heather...remember her? The victim? The one who was murdered? Where is Heather? If they want to complain about money and how it was spent,why not spend every waking moment going after the M's...remember them, the ones who committed fraud to feed their Disney addiction? I don't understand. Where is Heather?
You are so right, Motherof5. It's purposeful and derails the conversation from missing Heather. A special kind of evil, imo.
How would she know that? I actually *think* that most of the people (including the "trolls") who actively talk about the case on FB are locals. I don't know of many cases that have the extent of social media drama this one has 15 months later. Saying they are case hoppers makes it sound like every case goes through this...and is that true? If so, why have we not heard of other families holding press conferences and constantly contacting LE about trolls?

BBM- You will have to ask DE that question.:) Her statement regarding the people involved in the social media harrassment was very matter of fact. I tend to believe she is right. I doubt all the troll posting is Tammy M., on her computer day & night, playing with 100 alias's, as the poster indicated. That was my point.

I think the same happens in most of the profile cases these days. People harrass and threaten those they don't agree with. I think it becomes a game to these people. They also harrass and threaten Jurors that make a decision they don't agree with (Casey A. and Jodi A. cases). It's ugly and it keeps getting uglier.

The people who are worried about donation money...that and not Heather,is their only concern. Where is the money? How is it being spent? Seriously, get a life! Where is Heather...remember her? The victim? The one who was murdered? Where is Heather? If they want to complain about money and how it was spent,why not spend every waking moment going after the M's...remember them, the ones who committed fraud to feed their Disney addiction? I don't understand. Where is Heather?

BBM- Would you please clarify. Are you suggesting the public spend every waking moment going after the M's ? I don't understand.
The authorities said relatively early into this that they might never find her and future searches would be conducted in response to credible tips (I'm paraphrasing previously discussed remarks quoted in published news reports).

I view these remarks as euphemisms for "unrecoverable", and I view unrecoverable as a term suggesting particular disposal methods/locations. So continuing searches not associated with more information would likely be futile.

BBM- Would you please clarify. Are you suggesting the public spend every waking moment going after the M's ? I don't understand.

Of course not. I was simply being sarcastic and pointing out the ridiculousness of bashing the victim's family and not questioning the accused about their fraud charges.
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