Family of Heather Elvis to hold news conference - 04/02/15

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He actually said this before that statement...
“There may very well be civil ramifications from slander or libel,” Richardson said. “But through a criminal process, you can’t lock somebody up just because you don’t like what they’re saying.”

I've never heard of another family of a missing or murdered person suing people for online posts. Why would the Elvis family have a more successful case than other families? I think the case would get thrown out as soon as the lawyers for the defendants show that family members engaged with the "trolls" and it is all a huge ongoing back-and-forth online argument.
I've never heard of another family of a missing or murdered person suing people for online posts. Why would the Elvis family have a more successful case than other families? I think the case would get thrown out as soon as the lawyers for the defendants show that family members engaged with the "trolls" and it is all a huge ongoing back-and-forth online argument.

BBM Does it say the Elvis family is suing anyone? The way I read says Solicitor Richardson stated that "there very well may be civil ramifications from slander or rival...". Or did I miss something?
BBM Does it say the Elvis family is suing anyone? The way I read says Solicitor Richardson stated that "there very well may be civil ramifications from slander or rival...". Or did I miss something?

Where in my post did I say that the Elvis family filed a lawsuit? I just asked why people think they would have a case (if they decided to sue).
Mrs. Elvis said that the money is still in the bank account. That it was only touched once, when they made T shirts. Then that money was put back into the account after the sales of the T shirts. Yes, the money really bothers some of these people. In some cases, I don't believe it is because of their support of the Ms. For some it is a fixation, born out of ego and jealousy. It seems a lot of these 'worried about the money' people are former supporters of the Elvis family.

Why haven't they used the donations for billboards, searches, etc? The money seperate from the reward money. I am confused as to why the money, which was donated to help find their daughter, is sitting in a bank account.
I've read of many cases where families are attacked online by trolls, and in most articles, there are examples of these vicious statements. Why were none provided in this case?

Are you questioning the truth of this? This is the statement of the solicitor:

“To our knowledge, there have been numerous posts of very derogatory information concerning the Elvis’, mostly Terry Elvis,” Denis said.

And if not, why should they republish the filth?
There's no criminal case to be made unless or until someone makes a direct and verifiable threat to harm someone in the Elvis family. Not harm their reputation or hurt their feelings, but physically harm them. Then LE can get involved. Outside of that, there's nothing for LE to do and the DA wouldn't be involved unless LE made an arrest.

There could be enough for a civil suit (libel, harassment) but that would depend on what was published or what was done, the details, and would need to be evaluated by an attorney to determine if something legally could be done about it. (note: "could be" does not mean "is")
I am just going by what LE says. They said that several Elvis family members have had "back and forth" fights with Moorer family members. There is nothing in LE's response that says the family is being attacked online. The soliciter even describes as "just because you don't like what someone is saying"---would he really use those words about personal attacks?

Why continue to use up LE resources, when LE is making it clear that these online posts are not against any law? How much clearer can LE say: "We don't care!" They even describe the online posts being reported as "bizarre" and "inappropriate" instead of more negative words.

Derogatory is a very negative word
Editorial by My Horry News from December. I wouldn't be surprised if they take a pro-defense stand for the trial..It seems like they were already considering it, and this will just cement it:

Their editor comments on the aricle, criticizing "anti-Moorer readers".

Regarding the question "Since when in America do Police have the power to lock someone up and then go look for evidence later...". The truth is they did have probable cause to get an arrest warrant for each of the M's. If they didn't, they couldn't have gotten the warrants. The Police have the charged duty to investigate crimes and arrest who their investigation shows committed the crimes. Unless the offense is committed in their presence, they have to submit an affidavit to a judicial officer (Court, Judge, Magistrate) and obtain a warrant. They have to have evidence. They can't just randomly grab people off the streets and lock them up without probable cause. They also can and most times do continue to investigate crimes to look for more evidence even after an arrest is made. Is the editorial writer suggesting that the Police cannot continue to search for evidence? If Heather's body was to be found, could they not check it for DNA or wounds that could have caused her death, etc.

Maybe it is because I come from a criminal justice background, but when I read editorials like this I just want to scream! :tantrum:

As far as the editorial writer commenting on the "anti-Moorer" readers, that is his or her right. It is also the right of the Elvis supporters to criticize the writer for doing it.
Where in my post did I say that the Elvis family filed a lawsuit? I just asked why people think they would have a case (if they decided to sue).

Well, you didn't say the Elvis family was suing anyone.

I simply responded by emphasizing that they hadn't filed suit.
Why haven't they used the donations for billboards, searches, etc? The money seperate from the reward money. I am confused as to why the money, which was donated to help find their daughter, is sitting in a bank account.

Money has been used for billboards, fliers, T shirts and multiple items to remind the community that their daughter is missing. I personally take Mrs Elvis' word that the reward money is in the bank. I do not know whether there is additional money on top of that. Do you know factually that money was not used for searches? I know I cannot say if money was or was not used for searches. With all due respect, I do know it gets tiresome that people say they are not searching for their daughter.
Money has been used for billboards, fliers, T shirts and multiple items to remind the community that their daughter is missing. I personally take Mrs Elvis' word that the reward money is in the bank. I do not know whether there is additional money on top of that. Do you know factually that money was not used for searches? I know I cannot say if money was or was not used for searches. With all due respect, I do know it gets tiresome that people say they are not searching for their daughter.

The family just said the only thing the donations have been used for is t-shirts.

It looks like they have a seperate fund from the reward. My question is..why in the past 15 months, have they only used the donations for t-shirts? It is not helping anyone just sitting in the bank.
The family just said the only thing the donations have been used for is t-shirts.

It looks like they have a seperate fund from the reward. My question is..why in the past 15 months, have they only used the donations for t-shirts? It is not helping anyone just sitting in the bank.

Actually, Mrs Elvis said they "they made a commitment to the community that they would use that money for a reward in finding Heather."

See attached print story and video:

Again, I beg to differ, about money only being used for T - shirts. Signs, ink, posters, billboards, decals and other things to remind people that she is missing are not free. I don't know how much money is in this account either. I don't know if it is separate. I know the reward is supposed to be 30,000. I am confused by what you are trying to say. Shouldn't the reward money be sitting there, in case someone comes forward or finds Heather? What precisely in your opinion should they be spending money on, aside from the items that I mentioned above, that surely have been out there in very large quantities already?
What did Debbi Elvis say about the donation and reward money? For some reason them having that money really bothers the M supporters.

You quoted the above post in your reply below:

Mrs. Elvis said that the money is still in the bank account. That it was only touched once, when they made T shirts. Then that money was put back into the account after the sales of the T shirts. Yes, the money really bothers some of these people. In some cases, I don't believe it is because of their support of the Ms. For some it is a fixation, born out of ego and jealousy. It seems a lot of these 'worried about the money' people are former supporters of the Elvis family.

Your post says that the money has only been used once---for t-shirts.
Why haven't they used the donations for billboards, searches, etc? The money seperate from the reward money. I am confused as to why the money, which was donated to help find their daughter, is sitting in a bank account.
BBM: I don't understand this thought. I see it all over the crazy social media pages, too. Where would you have them search? They can't just comb every acre of the state, not to mention Florida. Oh, and Georgia is between here and Florida. I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but I'm just getting frustrated with what seems to be passing judgement toward the victim's family in regards to them not searching.

I feel like the horse died, we beat it, buried it, resurrected it, and are beating it again.
Why haven't they used the donations for billboards, searches, etc? The money seperate from the reward money. I am confused as to why the money, which was donated to help find their daughter, is sitting in a bank account.

Perhaps they are keeping it there to be utilized after the trial when the majority of the interest in this case will likely wane. I do think it's possible some of the money has been used in hiring a private investigator or two as well. I understand Mrs. Elvis stated the money in the bank account was only touched once for t-shirts, but I've wondered if the account she referred to was one for reward money only. Certainly, they've incurred expenses in trying to locate and find out what happened to their daughter, (more driving equates to using more gas, long distance calls, etc).

My understanding is legally they are required to provide the information about how the funds are being or have been spent, so I understand the right to question it, but with all they've been going through I'm okay with just not knowing.

Heather's family do not have Heather and they don't know where she is. This reward has not been paid out. Of course the money should be sitting in a bank and not being spent on searches, etc because it is promised as a reward for information.

IMO Tammy should be spending time with her family while she can and leave the Elvis's alone. One day when she is rotting in jail, she will be sorry that she spent her last precious free moments glued to the computer day & night playing with 100 alias's.

Heather's family do not have Heather and they don't know where she is. This reward has not been paid out. Of course the money should be sitting in a bank and not being spent on searches, etc because it is promised as a reward for information.

IMO Tammy should be spending time with her family while she can and leave the Elvis's alone. One day when she is rotting in jail, she will be sorry that she spent her last precious free moments glued to the computer day & night playing with 100 alias's.


Heather's family do not have Heather and they don't know where she is. This reward has not been paid out. Of course the money should be sitting in a bank and not being spent on searches, etc because it is promised as a reward for information.

IMO Tammy should be spending time with her family while she can and leave the Elvis's alone. One day when she is rotting in jail, she will be sorry that she spent her last precious free moments glued to the computer day & night playing with 100 alias's.

Is that the most current reward? It's been 30K since January 2014. I know they have had fundraisers since then. Either the money was added to the reward (so it should be over 30K) or they have a seperate fund.
Perhaps they are keeping it there to be utilized after the trial when the majority of the interest in this case will likely wane. I do think it's possible some of the money has been used in hiring a private investigator or two as well. I understand Mrs. Elvis stated the money in the bank account was only touched once for t-shirts, but I've wondered if the account she referred to was one for reward money only. Certainly, they've incurred expenses in trying to locate and find out what happened to their daughter, (more driving equates to using more gas, long distance calls, etc).

My understanding is legally they are required to provide the information about how the funds are being or have been spent, so I understand the right to question it, but with all they've been going through I'm okay with just not knowing.

If they have a seperate fund, why would they take money from the reward fund?
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