Family Press Conferences

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They would probably have to think about what to do with the donated money if the reward is never claimed. People who might want to help with the reward if it works might not like to donate to an account that just sits there and collects dust for ages. Do the donors get their money back after X amount of time or do they use the money for some other purpose or could they just give a pledge to pay a sum in case the reward gets collected some day?
It hurts me to even think this or say this (because I feel so badly for Kyron's loved ones & I want him to come home safe & sound ASAP), but I feel that raising a bigger reward fund seems like raising a ransom.

If someone has knowledge of his whereabouts & has not come forward by now, I don't feel they should be rewarded with any amount of money.

But I understand DY's frustration & fear - especially after finding out that one of the agencies asked to participate in the task force has had to decline due to lack of resources..

They would probably have to think about what to do with the donated money if the reward is never claimed. People who might want to help with the reward if it works might not like to donate to an account that just sits there and collects dust for ages. Do the donors get their money back after X amount of time or do they use the money for some other purpose or could they just give a pledge to pay a sum in case the reward gets collected some day?

That is a good point...what does happen to the reward funds we always hear about...

I think a lot of people would donate, but many do like to know how it is being used and there are questions about the other money raised already...I guess they want money for searches/following up on tips and reward money, separate?
So much, JBean. Not that she had the presser. I'm surprised, but not stunned, that TY wasn't there.

I've been off thinking about all this while doing other stuff and I've got to say that I have a chilling feeling. I really do. I'm afraid the tragedies may only have begun.

I know that many of you who've gone through several cases here on WS have repeatedly said that something in this case is really hincky. And I think now that there are depths we haven't yet even approached.

Here's something that bothered me: her "disappointment" that TH's family hadn't gotten in touch with her or them. The following is not meant to be critical, but just a recitation.

KH takes TH's daughter, legally gets her forbidden from even seeing her, then gets her booted out of their home, leaving her homeless (if her family hadn't taken her in), without an income, and without a job or the possibility of getting one. Next KH and DY mount a seemingly never-ending campaign, from local to national, alleging that TH took Kyron, did a crime. Plus she's a liar, a drunk, etc. etc. DY even said something like she's always been a liar.

And then they expect to "hear" from TH's family? I don't think so. Truthfully, I think that's very weird thinking. If you were TH's family, would you be calling DY up after all this got started?

Something about today literally scared me. And that's rare for me.

I also noticed something else. DY said that she had "called" everyone together for...x. OK, that one word "called" indicator. Let me explain--the better way to say something would have been "I asked you to come, and thank you." That acknowledges that she has asked a favor, and been granted one.

That, plus the expectation that TH's family should have gotten in touch, adds up to almost a sense of entitlement. And I am not criticizing her. I am instead looking, from my training, including that 100 or so hour course I took on analyzing statements, at how she said what she said.

She's angry. She's frustrated. She's exhausted. She's broken-hearted. And I think it's time for TY to take care of her at home. Because what I'm hearing and seeing is frankly, some skewed thinking (not a criticism). The thing about "Terri's supporters" and "it's not about Terri" and "if she can get 350,00 for her defense, shouldn't we have the same amount" is not only too personal, but also sets up an angry conflict with anyone who isn't, in KH's words, "on the team." The only people that keep making it "about Terri" are DY and KH. And it isn't a competition--she gets x, so we are due x or y.

I suspect that the hurt from Kaine leaving her, cheating on her, and doing it for Terri still runs deep. And it's adding to the righteous anger, in a very bad way. JMO.

Please don't anyone be mad at me. But truly, I think that the more DY or DY/KH carry on about TH--and then lash out at others for making it "about Terri" the less credence the "missing" part of Kyron's case will have. I wish she had just stopped without all the Terri stuff.

Oh interesting and I will have to ruminate on all this. thanks for giving me something else to think about rather than doing my taxes LOL.
But a couple things right off the top of my head, calling a press conference is a a common phrase and in my experience,"calling a presser" is a pretty typical. So, I cannot read into it what you are and entitlement is not something I am picking up on.
I do agree with you that she should not expect to hear from the grandparents. IMO, it's not necessarily weird thinking, it's just hopeful thinking; that perhaps they would want to support Kyron as much as their daughter. But as an outsider looking in, I concur that that would be very difficult for them and not to be expected at all. But again entitlement does not spring to mind. Maybe she feels Kyron is entitled to everyone's help? not sure but it is surely an interesting angle.
DY strikes me as the type that does not need KH's blessing to do a press conference so I applaud her for speaking out on her own. She wants to find her boy. I don't doubt that she has some resentment towards kaine and I agree with you on that.
Just thinking that the woman he chose could possibly have done something to her son is, well overwhelming for anyone. I can only imagine what she may be feeling, but nothing she does is scary to me.

good post, thanks for answering my question.
Oh interesting and I will have to ruminate on all this. thanks for giving me something else to think about rather than doing my taxes LOL.
But a couple things right off the top of my head, calling a press conference is a a common phrase and in my experience,"calling a presser" is a pretty typical. So, I cannot read into it what you are and entitlement is not something I am picking up on.
I do agree with you that she should not expect to hear from the grandparents. IMO, it's not necessarily weird thinking, it's just hopeful thinking; that perhaps they would want to support Kyron as much as their daughter. But as an outsider looking in, I concur that that would be very difficult for them and not to be expected at all. But again entitlement does not spring to mind. Maybe she feels Kyron is entitled to everyone's help? not sure but it is surely an interesting angle.
DY strikes me as the type that does not need KH's blessing to do a press conference so I applaud her for speaking out on her own. She wants to find her boy. I don't doubt that she has some resentment towards kaine and I agree with you on that.
Just thinking that the woman he chose could possibly have done something to her son is, well overwhelming for anyone. I can only imagine what she may be feeling, but nothing she does is scary to me.

good post, thanks for answering my question.

Great post, Jbean. Saved me 10 minutes... you said everything I was thinking.
Here's something that bothered me: her "disappointment" that TH's family hadn't gotten in touch with her or them. The following is not meant to be critical, but just a recitation.

KH takes TH's daughter, legally gets her forbidden from even seeing her, then gets her booted out of their home, leaving her homeless (if her family hadn't taken her in), without an income, and without a job or the possibility of getting one. Next KH and DY mount a seemingly never-ending campaign, from local to national, alleging that TH took Kyron, did a crime. Plus she's a liar, a drunk, etc. etc. DY even said something like she's always been a liar.

And then they expect to "hear" from TH's family? I don't think so. Truthfully, I think that's very weird thinking. If you were TH's family, would you be calling DY up after all this got started?



First, let's leave Kaine out of this. Desiree is not responsible for his actions against Terri. Terri is responsible for that.

And, I agree, Desiree has been relentless in making her opinion of Terri known.

Still, if I were Terri's parents, as a parent I would be able to empathize with what Desiree is going through. I might not like what she is saying about my daughter, I might even fault her for it, but a part of me would understand. I would reach out, at least once. I would say that I believe with all my heart that my daughter is innocent of what you suspect (if that was truly what I felt), but I would certainly let Desiree know that I prayed for Kyron's safe return. I would do that, because it would be the truth.

I find it odd that absolutely no sentiment of support for Kyron has come from Terri's parents, if that is truly the case. JMOHO.
I was just telling some friends about a local story... a woman was murdered at midnight at a business here. Found shortly after the murder by a deputy on patrol. It was a bloodbath... she had been beaten to death with a blunt object, either a crowbar or an iron bar of some type. The crime went unsolved for over a year, even though there was a huge monetary reward. Even though this woman was, by all accounts, a very sweet person who had no enemies.

You know what solved the crime? A lover's spat. The girlfriend of one of the three perps got mad at her boyfriend and ratted him out in retribution. She didn't care about the reward money...even though poverty in this area is the highest of anywhere in the US. Even though she was unemployed and there is high unemployment here. Even though the reward money was equal to her earning potential for three years, had she cared to work instead of living on welfare. She--and others who had known for a year--didn't care about the reward. It was anger that made her call in and give LE what they needed to solve the case.

I don't know if she ever received the reward. I hope not. IMO, she should have been charged with accessory after the fact. She, and others, as it later came out, knew who did this from the night it occurred.

I know that this is anecdotal, but sometimes loyalty trumps riches. In the Kyron case, I can't imagine anyone in the know who might tattle on the person who did this, even if the reward climbs to $100K. Either people fiercely loyal to the perp know, and they're not telling, or only the perp knows, and she's not gonna tell on herself.

Thanks for sharing. I agree with a lot of what you said, however, it's not just Kaine, Desiree and Tony who are "making this about Terri", unfortunately, it's LE also. Pictures of her on flyers, etc., etc., and I don't know, but I feel that if LE EVER wanted to change their focus, they'd have a difficult time.

But I don't know what you mean here, can you expand on this bolded by me part:

She's angry. She's frustrated. She's exhausted. She's broken-hearted. And I think it's time for TY to take care of her at home. Because what I'm hearing and seeing is frankly, some skewed thinking (not a criticism). The thing about "Terri's supporters" and "it's not about Terri" and "if she can get 350,00 for her defense, shouldn't we have the same amount" is not only too personal, but also sets up an angry conflict with anyone who isn't, in KH's words, "on the team." The only people that keep making it "about Terri" are DY and KH. And it isn't a competition--she gets x, so we are due x or y.
First, let's leave Kaine out of this. Desiree is not responsible for his actions against Terri. Terri is responsible for that.

And, I agree, Desiree has been relentless in making her opinion of Terri known.

Still, if I were Terri's parents, as a parent I would be able to empathize with what Desiree is going through. I might not like what she is saying about my daughter, I might even fault her for it, but a part of me would understand. I would reach out, at least once. I would say that I believe with all my heart that my daughter is innocent of what you suspect (if that was truly what I felt), but I would certainly let Desiree know that I prayed for Kyron's safe return. I would do that, because it would be the truth.

I find it odd that absolutely no sentiment of support for Kyron has come from Terri's parents, if that is truly the case. JMOHO.

I don't think there's a snowball's chance that Carol has an ounce of empathy for Desiree. I think that she has thoroughly convinced herself that Terri was Kyron's mother, and that Desiree just gave birth to him.

If you read back to Lynn Terry's original interview with Carol, you can see hints of bile that she had for Desiree even then. I would guess that the Moultons only know what Terri has fed them, and I would assume that they've not heard much good about Desiree.
I was just telling some friends about a local story... a woman was murdered at midnight at a business here. Found shortly after the murder by a deputy on patrol. It was a bloodbath... she had been beaten to death with a blunt object, either a crowbar or an iron bar of some type. The crime went unsolved for over a year, even though there was a huge monetary reward. Even though this woman was, by all accounts, a very sweet person who had no enemies.

You know what solved the crime? A lover's spat. The girlfriend of one of the three perps got mad at her boyfriend and ratted him out in retribution. She didn't care about the reward money...even though poverty in this area is the highest of anywhere in the US. Even though she was unemployed and there is high unemployment here. Even though the reward money was equal to her earning potential for three years, had she cared to work instead of living on welfare. She--and others who had known for a year--didn't care about the reward. It was anger that made her call in and give LE what they needed to solve the case.

I don't know if she ever received the reward. I hope not. IMO, she should have been charged with accessory after the fact. She, and others, as it later came out, knew who did this from the night it occurred.

I know that this is anecdotal, but sometimes loyalty trumps riches. In the Kyron case, I can't imagine anyone in the know who might tattle on the person who did this, even if the reward climbs to $100K. Either people fiercely loyal to the perp know, and they're not telling, or only the perp knows, and she's not gonna tell on herself.

Unfortunately, I think your last sentence says it all....
I don't think there's a snowball's chance that Carol has an ounce of empathy for Desiree. I think that she has thoroughly convinced herself that Terri was Kyron's mother, and that Desiree just gave birth to him.

If you read back to Lynn Terry's original interview with Carol, you can see hints of bile that she had for Desiree even then. I would guess that the Moultons only know what Terri has fed them, and I would assume that they've not heard much good about Desiree.

I do completely agree.

Thanks for sharing. I agree with a lot of what you said, however, it's not just Kaine, Desiree and Tony who are "making this about Terri", unfortunately, it's LE also. Pictures of her on flyers, etc., etc., and I don't know, but I feel that if LE EVER wanted to change their focus, they'd have a difficult time.

(Respectfully snipped)

LE didn't just haplessly, out of lack of evidence, put Terri out there on the questionnaires in such a public way. I still believe that they have so much more than we know right now that indicates that she did this.

I doubt that LE pride is confining their vision. I'm sure that, if another line were to develop, they'd follow that. Indeed, I would assert that they've most likely followed all other lines to dead ends.

I don't think that LE pride is keeping this case from publicly developing. We don't know what LE knows, and for them to target Terri, there has to be a reason (or reasons). I know it's frustrating for the public not to know WHY they are targeting Terri, but I'm sure that LE doesn't want to imperil the case just to sate public hunger for more info.
I think it's simple...Desiree is feeling more and more desperate and she's seeing the media coverage dwindle. I think she should probably become more like Beth Holloway Twitty and get her face on TV pressuring Terri as much as possible, although watching the press conference today it's obvious that Desiree doesn't have the assertive personality Beth does. I totally understand where she's coming from...if I thought someone was responsible for my son's disappearance nothing would gall me more than seeing the perp receive any kind of comfort, even from her defense attorney. And Terri possibly raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for her defense while funds were scarce for Kyron would chap my hide in a major way too.
Didn't the DA state they are going to try this case?
My heart just breaking for Desiree :(
If Terri is truly innocent... Disiree and Terri should put the pass behind them for the time.

IMO Terri is doing nothing to help find Kyron...Why is that????
IMO, DY is begging for her son now and LE gave her ways to do it publicly........
IMO,there is a reason behind all of this, we just don't understand it all yet.
IMO, like LE said that we would understand later when they find Kyron.
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