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Poor Desiree may not truly have any faith left in LE in this case, for all we know-she may feel it is up to her to "break the case" by breaking Terri, for all we know. She may be incredibly frustrated that to her, it may seem that nothing is being done. And the source of all of her frustration is, of course, Terri...for past sins, slights, Kyron's tears, and now the worst possible her mind, Terri took Kyron away from her. I think part of her belief being so strong on this is because she has already had, possibly in her mind, had Kyron taken away from her by Kaine. And now it's Terri's turn. I don't think she can imagine any other reason he would be "gone."

I'll support her anytime she wants to speak out. And would love to hear from Terri, even if a short written statement...
Oh hello you. :)

Terri's parents have not contacted DY or KH at all.

Do you think they are holding something back?
I don't know. But we need to re-prioratize. Supporting Terri should not be the focus.

We're confident Kyron is alive.

This was more of a whim for me. (I'll say!.. Clearly!)

I haven't seen this yet, but it sounds like desperation. I can't watch it... it makes me horribly sad. I wanna give DY a hug, the kind of hug that is earth shattering, guttural, crying, desperate to find your son hug. :( I've been so involved with the Dwight story that I've missed out tonight on this. I really can't watch it... I really can't. Hugs to all.
I've erased 5 comments now in reaction to some of the posts here and I'll just leave it as this: It's obvious to me that this woman is desperate to get her son back, and my heart wrenches for her. Hug your loved ones tightly tonight and hope this never happens again.
I am disgusted that Terri's parents are now being put in a negative spotlight. That's my initial reaction to watching and listening to this pc. If LE had any proof of Terri being the perp, my opinion would differ...
Poor Desiree may not truly have any faith left in LE in this case, for all we know-she may feel it is up to her to "break the case" by breaking Terri, for all we know. She may be incredibly frustrated that to her, it may seem that nothing is being done. And the source of all of her frustration is, of course, Terri...for past sins, slights, Kyron's tears, and now the worst possible her mind, Terri took Kyron away from her. I think part of her belief being so strong on this is because she has already had, possibly in her mind, had Kyron taken away from her by Kaine. And now it's Terri's turn. I don't think she can imagine any other reason he would be "gone."

I'll support her anytime she wants to speak out. And would love to hear from Terri, even if a short written statement...

If I hug you, will you hug me cluci? (((hugs))) I've been lurking on the Kyron case for a very long time now for many reasons, but serioulsy if I were in DY's shoes, I'd hold every damn press conference I felt like. I'd want my son back. I would LOVE to hear from Terri or her family, but seriously, my heart aches... just aches... DY may be wrong, maybe right, in her suspicions... who knows?? I feel for her, and she needs a friend/help right now. I fear for her.
snipped ... or however one indicates lifting a portion of a quote :)

With respect, if *your* child came up missing for (almost) 4 months; if you knew "stuff" the MSM and general public does not; if you sensed a lagging interest of media and LE support behind your 24/7 goal, that being finding your child ...

Wouldn't you feel *entitled* to *self-righteously* say: "Find my child. No matter what it takes." ???

I have no hens laying eggs in this nest of discussion. But DY's pain and frustration was clear. The talk about "self-righteous tone" and "entitlement" ... We're all about finding this precious child. Let's not go there?[/B]

Thank you... :) I'm completely frustrated again and I think I should go, yet again, but I wanna thank you shadowboy for saying what I can't succinctly say. <3
I too fear for Desiree...I don't think she can last much longer...she is either having or heading for a breakdown...

I wish, if Terri really did not do this, she could somehow convince Desiree of this...I am sure Terri watches Desiree everytime she pleads...:(
I too fear for Desiree...I don't think she can last much longer...she is either having or heading for a breakdown...

I wish, if Terri really did not do this, she could somehow convince Desiree of this...I am sure Terri watches Desiree everytime she pleads...:(

And I am sure, whether Terri was involved or not, she already tried to convince Desiree and everyone else that she was not involved and they did not believe her.
I am disgusted that Terri's parents are now being put in a negative spotlight. That's my initial reaction to watching and listening to this pc. If LE had any proof of Terri being the perp, my opinion would differ...

It really does make you wonder what LE is keeping under wraps. At this point the case is pretty thin...

questionable character (murder for hire, which was met with an icy conclusion with the botched attempt at an admittance, infidelity, and a DUI with a child in the car)

unaccounted time (this seems stronger but will have to be exposed and examined in court, and I imagine DS will play a role here)

failed polygraphs (allegedly, and not admissible anyway)

If you're a loving parent, the above wouldn't detract from supporting your daughter in need. If there is something damning that they do know, then that's another story, but from what we can gather I don't think it's blameworthy to support her as a parent.

Of course, it's not particularly blameworthy for a desperate parent looking to find her son to try to shake something (anything) in the hope that it leads her to him.
And I am sure, whether Terri was involved or not, she already tried to convince Desiree and everyone else that she was not involved and they did not believe her.

I've seen nothing indicative of this.
I've been lurking pretty much since this child went missing, and I've read all the threads about how TH cannot, at this point, do anything to turn the tide of public opinion in her favor. This seems like a perfect opportunity to me. If TH is innocent, get back that retainer and put it toward the reward. Surely if her parents gave her that money and believe she's innocent, the chance that it would bring a tip out of the woodwork, find kyron and clear their daughter's name would be a better investment. jmoo
I too fear for Desiree...I don't think she can last much longer...she is either having or heading for a breakdown...

I wish, if Terri really did not do this, she could somehow convince Desiree of this...I am sure Terri watches Desiree everytime she pleads...:(

I agree. I mean, despite what I think, she seems pretty convinced, and she's desperate. I feel for her. If ANYONE could convince Desiree otherwise, maybe she wouldn't do an impromptu press conference. I've seen these press conferences before by desperate family members as well, and I have felt the same.

Sorry if I'm wishy-washy tonight... I just am having some family issues that makes me wanting more acceptance and love. Sounds Pollyanna, but that's where I am lately. Just... melancholy, and tonight (without watching it), sounds like desperation in finding her son, which I can totally appreciate.

A little story (not involving my family issues) that I haven't brought up until now but my girls (twins) just started kindergarten and take the bus home from the elementary school. The first WEEK of school, I'm at the bus stop and the door opens, and one daughter gets out. I hug her, and the door closes. I say hey, I have another daughter! I'm near panic looking for my daughter on the bus and she isn't coming. Kyron's story runs thru my mind as I'm yelling her name on the bus. Finally, she appears, smiling, and says, "Here I am!" My heart lifted and I said, "Not funny." Come to find out, it was a bully (a girl) who wouldn't let her leave. I'll never forget that day, the first week my girls went to school on a bus. And I'll never forget the feeling I had in that short moment one of my daughters was missing. I had a glimpse of imaging the horror of that day for Kyron, of now, and I would never wish that or what they are going thru on others.
Hi Gibby, I am feeling really emotional and sad about Desiree she even walks, eats, sleeps, moves, breathes, is beyond me. In fact she probably doesn't do some of those things very often.

What if this never ends? That is a huge fear for me, and I'm not even involved. But these cases don't always resolved, as we well know. How will she cope?
I've been lurking pretty much since this child went missing, and I've read all the threads about how TH cannot, at this point, do anything to turn the tide of public opinion in her favor. This seems like a perfect opportunity to me. If TH is innocent, get back that retainer and put it toward the reward. Surely if her parents gave her that money and believe she's innocent, the chance that it would bring a tip out of the woodwork, find kyron and clear their daughter's name would be a better investment. jmoo

This seems like a perfect opportunity to me. If TH is innocent, get back that retainer and put it toward the reward. Surely if her parents gave her that money and believe she's innocent, the chance that it would bring a tip out of the woodwork, find kyron and clear their daughter's name would be a better investment. jmoo

This is a really, really good point. And in some sense her lawyer is also donning a PR hat, too. There's no doubt in my mind that these kinds of discussions about public statements come up between TH and Houze from time to time. I think Houze is smart enough that he probably believes TH is at the very least involved but wants to give her a fair trial, so I doubt we'll be seeing a public statement at any time though.
As usual, I'm coming into the discussion late. I did peek in earlier from my iPhone and read about the presser here, and it's been on my mind all evening.

I can't say Desiree's words or behavior seem unusual because there is nothing "usual" about a child vanishing without a trace, or the torture a parent endures as each day passes without a resolution. Nothing new about that statement; we hear it all the time around these forums because it's true. Still, we watch and make observations because that's what humans do.

Early in the case I made a very tentative post about my opinion that Desiree was striking out at Terri out of fear and a need to blame someone. It's a survival technique some call on when faced with tragedy to explain the unexplainable. By keeping Terri in her focus, Desiree can rationalize the situation to a degree. She might not like Terri, thinks she's a liar and maybe even a little crazy, but not as threatening as the alternative. We don't know exactly what LE told Desiree and Kaine, but I have a feeling she was quick to grab onto the slightest implication against Terri because it kept her in a safety zone. But now, as public interest wanes and the investigation loses momentum, summer fades into autumn, and Desiree finds herself falling into a slough, a place of despair, void of hope. So she's grasping, IMO. The talk about Terri's money and Terri's family not showing concern is a lot of blah, blah to keep Terri in the scope because otherwise, she'll have to accept the alternative and land right at the bottom of that black hole.

But maybe I presume too much. The only thing I know for certain is that Desiree is a woman in the worst kind of pain who deserves my sympathy and respect.
I don't know how she does it....DY I mean. I would imagine she feels a gutteral scream inside her and is trying her best not to shout it out. Losing my son was the worst thing in my life but I got to bury him. I know where he is and where he is not. She can't lay her head down at night for thinking about is he cold, is he hungry or is he safe. Horror of horrors for her and Kaine. They have sure held it in better than I could have. The not knowing has to be the worst just has to. There is no end no closure and what if he isn't found. I don't want to think the worst in this case either but I firmly believe this family was given some kind of information in the beginning because they appear to have never waivered on their belief of who is to something had to be said I would think...I just cannot believe LE would have let them go on this course if there was not something there. So my prayer tonight is if this is the case that someone answers this mother's plea....we never want to walk in this woman's heart aches for her tonight more than ever. She is just trying to get through this heartache the best way and possibly the only way she can. IMO
As usual, I'm coming into the discussion late. I did peek in earlier from my iPhone and read about the presser here, and it's been on my mind all evening.

I can't say Desiree's words or behavior seem unusual because there is nothing "usual" about a child vanishing without a trace, or the torture a parent endures as each day passes without a resolution. Nothing new about that statement; we hear it all the time around these forums because it's true. Still, we watch and make observations because that's what humans do.

Early in the case I made a very tentative post about my opinion that Desiree was striking out at Terri out of fear and a need to blame someone. It's a survival technique some call on when faced with tragedy to explain the unexplainable. By keeping Terri in her focus, Desiree can rationalize the situation to a degree. She might not like Terri, thinks she's a liar and maybe even a little crazy, but not as threatening as the alternative. We don't know exactly what LE told Desiree and Kaine, but I have a feeling she was quick to grab onto the slightest implication against Terri because it kept her in a safety zone. But now, as public interest wanes and the investigation loses momentum, summer fades into autumn, and Desiree finds herself falling into a slough, a place of despair, void of hope. So she's grasping, IMO. The talk about Terri's money and Terri's family not showing concern is a lot of blah, blah to keep Terri in the scope because otherwise, she'll have to accept the alternative and land right at the bottom of that black hole.

But maybe I presume too much. The only thing I know for certain is that Desiree is a woman in the worst kind of pain who deserves my sympathy and respect.

I sensed that for the first time, DY is not 100% convinced that TH is behind this, or at least directly behind it. Her appeal to TH's family and friends sounded like, "whether you think TH is guilty or not, we all can work together to bring Kyron home". You wouldn't say that unless you thought maybe there was a chance TH wasn't guilty. Maybe I am wrong, but she seemed less sure tonight.
Excellent analysis Kat010. There certainly is a self-righteous tone with a heavy slant toward entitlement. I can see see a few of the reasons why: moo mho

Who knows what Desiree has given up while being a significant other to Tony - he is in LE and that takes weird hours and endless commitment from the entire family. Maybe Desiree thinks LE should do more, never give up, and that money shouldn't matter when it comes to one of their own - when it comes to finding her child.

Another Loss: An affair by her husband robbed her of the joy of being a new mom to Kyron.

And another: She had to share Kyron with her husband's mistress, Terri.

Biggest of all: She lost Kyron while he was in the presence of the mistress who is now her X-husband's wife, Terri.

Desiree's life has been riddled with heartbreaking loss and disappointment, she must be wondering if it will ever end. Maybe the sense of entitlement comes from feeling you have been dealt enough low blows in life, and now it should be your turn for the good. Like all the other loved ones who have lost a child, she simply wants her child back. Not sure there's any other way to express it without giving off a sense of entitlement. this entire case is tragic. moo mho
Respectfully, Eyes, I don't think Desiree really gives a whit about any of that right now. Not really. If anything, I think she's conjuring those old feelings of resentment for the reason I stated in my earlier post: to keep her focus on Terri because she's terrified of facing the alternative.
I don't know how she does it....DY I mean. I would imagine she feels a gutteral scream inside her and is trying her best not to shout it out. Losing my son was the worst thing in my life but I got to bury him. I know where he is and where he is not. She can't lay her head down at night for thinking about is he cold, is he hungry or is he safe. Horror of horrors for her and Kaine. They have sure held it in better than I could have. The not knowing has to be the worst just has to. There is no end no closure and what if he isn't found. I don't want to think the worst in this case either but I firmly believe this family was given some kind of information in the beginning because they appear to have never waivered on their belief of who is to something had to be said I would think...I just cannot believe LE would have let them go on this course if there was not something there. So my prayer tonight is if this is the case that someone answers this mother's plea....we never want to walk in this woman's heart aches for her tonight more than ever. She is just trying to get through this heartache the best way and possibly the only way she can. IMO
I'm so sorry for you, Nana. And I'm touched that you who has suffered the loss of a child appreciates that Desiree's pain is even greater. I share in your prayer tonight.
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