family sources say there is a four hour window for abduction

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Like I stated, the window of opportunity is more like 30 minutes to 45 minutes based on the neighbor outside until 11:30 PM and the sighting of the "man with the baby" between 12:00 - 12:15 AM.

Gotcha-not sure about the neighbor's sighting about the man with the baby, but if he is accurate in his time frame and he really did see a man with BL, then absolutely, we are then looking at a time frame of 30-45 minutes. 11:30 p.m. - 12:15 a.m.
Maybe the accusations against his partner were too much or DB mentioned her drinking binge and he couldn't handle the truth and needed a break to absorb all the details.

I don't blame him. I'm sure the interrogation wasn't pretty. Including being shown burnt clothing that could be their baby girls

Welp, if I were in that situation my priority would be finding my missing 10 month old, not the hurt feelings of my adult spouse.

But that's just me.
you know, i keep seeing that, but honest to's your baby. If you quit co-operating with the only people who can find her wth? I mean it's your child, normal parents would die for their child, it would suck being accused, but you take it to get your baby back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you!:rocker:
With respect-that can all be done in a manner of 10 minutes. Unfortunately, an IDI theory would tell me that they broke in to steal something-first thing they saw were cell phones and grabbed them-and that the baby woke and they had to do something to quiet the child. I believe they "quieted" the baby and then decided to take off from there taking the baby with them. They discarded the clothes and burned them in the dumpster and then took the baby and hid her somewhere. I do not believe that Lisa is with us any longer, if that is what happened. I hope I am wrong.

Yeah...because burglars always break into homes, kill babies to quiet them and then decide to carry them along with them...WHAT?
ARGH! I am not liking all these timelines, and nothing from LE, but good for LE.

I am not putting anyone down for drinking or getting drunk, but have you ever asked a drunk person about timelines? Asked a person the day after what time such and such happened? Time goes out the window when drinking, part of the reason to drink. This is not helping... {sulks off to corner}
After "quieting" Lisa, did they lay her dead body on the floor of the MB for a while? :waitasec:

Perhaps. Maybe the intruder could have entered the MBR with the baby to leave her there to make it seem as though she fell out of bed. Or maybe they went in there looking for additional stuff. Or maybe they felt bad and were thinking of leaving the baby there and then changed their mind. Or maybe they intended to go in there and kill more people but something happened to change their mind, perhaps someone stirring in the bed. I really don't know, but it is possible.

ETA-I hope I am wrong!

IMO, all these "revised versions" of the "Timeline" is to "create reasonable doubt" ...

:pullhair: confuse and confuse LE, and confuse the public and "potential jury pool" ...

:cow: And it is "obvious" to me that "someone" is covering for "someone" ... so WHO is covering for WHO ?

Like I stated, the window of opportunity is more like 30 minutes to 45 minutes based on the neighbor outside until 11:30 PM and the sighting of the "man with the baby" between 12:00 - 12:15 AM.

I can't even do a load of laundry in 30 minutes. Wonder what this kidnapper's secret is? ;)
just for *****s and giggles I looked up the date of that presser:

sho nuff it was 6 October... ((I had seen it reported that they stopped cooperating on the 6th))

how bout them apples... two days into the investigation of your missing baby you quit cooperating...

Around this time didn't they also have a public argument with LE because they were searching a wooded area for the 2nd or 3rd time?

I'd love to know *why* they were angry with LE............
I'm really starting to believe that Deborah really wanted everyone to see her sitting on the porch that night. They weren't out back, they were right there in front, and there likely can be witnesses hunted up that could account for DB's whereabouts the entire time that she was outside and highly visible.

I always thought from the beginning that JI was pretty much clueless, but I no longer believe that. When I couple his "anger" over things like lights being left on and a kitten in the house, with the fact that he was alone with Lisa shortly before she was last seen, added to the fact that he is also refusing to cooperate, and all the talk of Lisa's disappearance making them stronger as a couple...I am really starting to believe that he isn't clueless at all.
Yeah...because burglars always break into homes, kill babies to quiet them and then decide to carry them along with them...WHAT?

Look, we are all just trying to figure this out. No need to be testy with me. Sure-there are plenty of people who break into homes with the intention of stealing and end up killing someone unexpectedly. Here in Illinois that just happened to a 14 year old girl who came home while someone was robbing their house and the killed her. Obviously, he's not going to take off with the body of a 14 year old girl. But if your victim is easy to carry and you are afraid of leaving evidence, then sure. Why not? Criminals aren't always smart and their plans aren't always well thought out, particularly if they are under the influence of something.
Welp, if I were in that situation my priority would be finding my missing 10 month old, not the hurt feelings of my adult spouse.

But that's just me.

What bothers me is the People Oct31 issue where DB says, "It's not about clearing my name. We'll take these bullets for my daughter."

The 50 second phone call at 8:30 p.m. to Megan's phone served a purpose. The 2:38 phone call served a purpose. Both of these had to be discovered.

50 seconds is not enough time to strategize or ask a favor. It would have been more like a confirmation call that the plan was a go. MOO. 2:38 is about 15 minutes after the dumpster fire, perhaps to say that clothes have been burned and they have made it back home, IMO.

Have we ever gotten confirmation of the early morning call, or is that still just a rumor (that first started out as a text, IIRC). TIA!
IMO, after she spilled the beans about how LE treated her, someone came forward and advised her to keep her mouth shut. Benefactor

We have seen how well that has worked for her in finding Lisa...Oh, wait, I forgot...that is the point. :pullhair:
And strangely enough, we hear from JI and DB themselves that JI was the one who walked out of the interviews...not DB. Why do you think THAT is? :waitasec:

If I were in JI's place, and I had come home after working long hours and found the house the way he did, my baby was missing, then to find out my boyfriend had been drinking very heavily to the point of passing out, and who knows what else he learned during that questioning, I would have doubts about my boyfriend. No matter how good of a father I had thought him to be. If LE were questioning me and giving their "opinion" of what may have happened, I would probably get right up and find the boyfriend and demand some answers from him! See if I could find out any more info than LE had. I don't think I would take LE's accusations sitting down thats for sure. I would want to hear it for myself what happened. Maybe thats why the demand to be interviewed together. If I really thought the boyfriend did something I would try to go along with whatever he wanted if I thought I could get my baby back! JMO
What bothers me is the People Oct31 issue where DB says, "It's not about clearing my name. We'll take these bullets for my daughter."


But they also have 2 sons to think of as well. And they may have people that are working for them that are adamant they keep their mouths shut.

IMO, all these "revised versions" of the "Timeline" is to "create reasonable doubt" ...

:pullhair: confuse and confuse LE, and confuse the public and "potential jury pool" ...

:cow: And it is "obvious" to me that "someone" is covering for "someone" ... so WHO is covering for WHO ?


Or the reporters just can't get it right and keep chaing it to make it 'new'. Or some 'source' comes out of the woodwork and bam, new timeline. DB and JI's timeline hasn't changed much. It is the reporting of it and the 'sources' that are changing it.

And what you see as obvious that someone is covering for someone else, I do not see, so it is not so obvious, IMO.
Perhaps. Maybe the intruder could have entered the MBR with the baby to leave her there to make it seem as though she fell out of bed. Or maybe they went in there looking for additional stuff. Or maybe they felt bad and were thinking of leaving the baby there and then changed their mind. Or maybe they intended to go in there and kill more people but something happened to change their mind, perhaps someone stirring in the bed. I really don't know, but it is possible.

ETA-I hope I am wrong!

I'm sorry....we'll just have to agree to disagree. To me, this isn't that complicated. DB killed her baby, accident or on purpose, and hid her little body somewhere. Maybe tossed her in the river. All the drinking, sightings of men strolling the hood with a baby, phones not working or actually's just gorilla dust tossed up by the defense team and the family. MOO

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