Family wants to keep life support for girl brain dead after tonsil surgery #7

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when I had a colonoscopy (cringe) they told me I could have clear liquids from midnight to 6 am. I asked if I could have jello and they said no, so I asked why. they told me the food dye in jello could make my colon/ stomach/ esophagus look "wrong". even tea was out, anything with color. if I hadn't asked I probably would have had both tea and jello.

sometimes asking is a good thing :)

My doc told me I could have green jello, just no red. So, of course I did. Next day during the colonoscopy I woke up a little and was watching the screen. I asked him what that green was and he said that is from the green jello you ate last night.
I know this is complete speculation but I have a few questions as to what may happen down the road once Jahi does pass.

Do you think CHO/insurance will settle once a lawsuit is filed?

If they are using this case to "up the ante" of the $250k cap, won't that in essence be a moot point for Jahi's family? The law is what it is at the time of her death - so why would changes in the law affect them getting more $?

What if CHO refuses to settle? What if they take the stance that they are not going to let this be a pinnacle for future lawsuits and fight it every step of the way?

Who will Jahi's family turn to for compensation then? The facility who took her? The lawyer? Stating that they were represented on false pretenses of his desire to increase the cap?

Also - I had read on another thread where someone speculating that once her death certificate was issued her social security # would be flagged as deceased and that any and all medical assistance or coverage would cease. Does anyone know if that's true? And if the state isn't going to pick up any potential bills will the family be responsible for that enormous bill? I guess that of course is assuming that this all won't be covered 100% by "donations" by the facility, doctors, etc.

Nick Smith ‏@nicksmithnews 3m
#New: "#Jahi continues to be treated medically and is doing well. We're staying out of media unless there is a huge update." Says family.
Nick Smith ‏@nicksmithnews 3m
#New: "#Jahi continues to be treated medically and is doing well. We're staying out of media unless there is a huge update." Says family.

Given JM is ~33 days post having been certified dead, I'd like to read the family/attorney's definition of "doing well". :notgood:
I know this is complete speculation but I have a few questions as to what may happen down the road once Jahi does pass.

Do you think CHO/insurance will settle once a lawsuit is filed?

If they are using this case to "up the ante" of the $250k cap, won't that in essence be a moot point for Jahi's family? The law is what it is at the time of her death - so why would changes in the law affect them getting more $?

What if CHO refuses to settle? What if they take the stance that they are not going to let this be a pinnacle for future lawsuits and fight it every step of the way?

Who will Jahi's family turn to for compensation then? The facility who took her? The lawyer? Stating that they were represented on false pretenses of his desire to increase the cap?

Also - I had read on another thread where someone speculating that once her death certificate was issued her social security # would be flagged as deceased and that any and all medical assistance or coverage would cease. Does anyone know if that's true? And if the state isn't going to pick up any potential bills will the family be responsible for that enormous bill? I guess that of course is assuming that this all won't be covered 100% by "donations" by the facility, doctors, etc.


It will, but it won't be a moot point for their lawyer and his future income.

I'm sure they have lawsuits in the works above and beyond whatever that cap applies to. (Sorry to be so cynical, but I can't think of any reason this ghoulishness would still be going on if several people weren't convinced there would be a very large check at the end. I'm not saying her Mom is necessarily one of those people, though.) But the longer this drags out, the greater the outcry will be from the uninformed members of the public who believe that (the hospital/the government/atheists/big business/obama) 'did' this to her to somehow save money.
This is truly nuts. It is very hard to deal with people in denial, but there is no point keeping a corpse going. How long can this situation remain unchanged?
Nick Smith ‏@nicksmithnews 3m
#New: "#Jahi continues to be treated medically and is doing well. We're staying out of media unless there is a huge update." Says family.

That makes me so sad somehow. I picture desperate people sitting beside her bed and reciting "she's doing well, she's doing well, she's doing well" like a mantra, thinking that maybe saying it enough times makes it so.
It will, but it won't be a moot point for their lawyer and his future income.
I'm sure they have lawsuits in the works above and beyond whatever that cap applies to. (Sorry to be so cynical, but I can't think of any reason this ghoulishness would still be going on if several people weren't convinced there would be a very large check at the end. I'm not saying her Mom is necessarily one of those people, though.) But the longer this drags out, the greater the outcry will be from the uninformed members of the public who believe that (the hospital/the government/atheists/big business/obama) 'did' this to her to somehow save money.

That's exactly what I figured - but I also have a feeling that once the family finds out that the cap will remain at $250k for them they may be offended that he "used" them to increase OTHER families compensations but "Jahi gets nothing" and turn against him. Remember, he's doing all this pro bono, right? So he apparently gets "nothing" by "helping them". Mmmm hmmm...we'll see how pro bono he is down the road.
After Jahi's heart finally stops for the last time who do you think will be the attorney who will bring the lawsuit against Children's if there is one?

Before this case I had never heard of Dolan and I assumed he was probably some unknown trying to make a name for himself. So I was curious and looked his bio up today and was very shocked.

Not only is he a high profile attorney but he is ranked in the top 100 lawyers in the country.

I was also shocked to learn he has won some of the biggest cases in the nation. Here is just one of them that resulted in 60 BILLION! I wonder if that broke any records as to highest payout ever?

FedEx Civil Rights Groundbreaking Verdict

Christopher B. Dolan, received a $60,000,000 verdict against FedEx

The $50 million punitive damage award came in the second phase of the trial and was based on a finding that FedEx Ground and Shoun acted with oppression and malice in the treatment of the plaintiffs. The Jury held the individual manager liable for $1 million in emotional distress damages and $56.00 in punitive damages after the plaintiffs' counsel asked the jury to teach him a lesson through compassion in the punitive damage phase and hold the company liable for the damage. The total verdict was $61,000,056. (Alameda County Superior Court Case No . 841208-9.)

I don't know why I was thinking he was 'small potatoes' and I pictured him as having a dusty cluttered little office with dirty ashtrays everywhere. :D

So if there is a malpractice case in the future do you think he will do it or will it be someone like Attorney John Buris? I am not sure he does malpractice cases like Dolan though.

How in the world did Jahi's family obtain such a high profile lawyer and didn't Dolan say he did it pro bono?

Just wondering about what our posters may think as to who the attorney will be in case a lawsuit is filed.

Generally, lawyers get 1/3 of anything they win in malpractice cases. So don't think talking for the family for free right now means not getting a third of any possible lawsuit. That is, if they win.
Generally, lawyers get 1/3 of anything they win in malpractice cases. So don't think talking for the family for free right now means not getting a third of any possible lawsuit. That is, if they win.

But that is separate isn't it? He spent a lot of time on just getting Jahi released to her family.

I did wonder why an 'ambulance chaser' (in my mind at the time) could be so successful in the courts.

It just shows I should have looked up his bio when it first started and then I wouldn't have been so shocked.:D

So you think he is going to be the one to bring the case? I thought I remember him saying he would not be representing them in any malpractice case but I could very easily have that wrong.

I see a private out of court settlement. jmo no trial idk jmo
That makes me so sad somehow. I picture desperate people sitting beside her bed and reciting "she's doing well, she's doing well, she's doing well" like a mantra, thinking that maybe saying it enough times makes it so.

I think nothing will convince this mother that her child is dead until she goes to paint her fingernails or fix her hair and pieces come loose. In the meantime, here she is throwing all her love and energy at the body of her DEAD child. Where are her living children?? Who is caring for them?

I just picture NW as getting immediately defensive & distraught the moment anyone tries to give her even the tiniest glimpse of reality and all her circle of fellow death-deniers, opportunists, experimental medical practitioners and even those who are just well-meaning coddlers can't or won't stand up to her crying and grief.

And there lies poor precious Jahi, dead for over a MONTH being poked and prodded and irrigated and suctioned and sponged and nothing, not even her mother's petting and caressing of the corpse, NONE of it is doing anything but preserving the semblance of life for just a little longer while all around her people are galloping back on forth on their hobbyhorses and polishing their arguments to help personal injury attorneys make more money in the future.

There is deep, deep dysfunction and exploitation here and it just enrages me.
Nick Smith ‏@nicksmithnews 3m
#New: "#Jahi continues to be treated medically and is doing well. We're staying out of media unless there is a huge update." Says family.

Guess that means no more updates, cause I think its safe to say, she aint doing good...if she was doing as well as they claim, we would be bombarded.....I'm sorry but I think these people are nuts......
But that is separate isn't it? He spent a lot of time on just getting Jahi released to her family.

I did wonder why an 'ambulance chaser' (in my mind at the time) could be so successful in the courts.

It just shows I should have looked up his bio when it first started and then I wouldn't have been so shocked.:D

So you think he is going to be the one to bring the case? I thought I remember him saying he would not be representing them in any malpractice case but I could very easily have that wrong.


I don't know who would handle it. If him, or if he is in a firm, someone there. If what we have been reading is true, I am not sure this is a big $$ case with all that we have read happened with family involvement.

As far as getting Jahi to another hospital, that is the families right to make that choice, so I can see why he volunteered for that and the free publicity.

Keeping her on the ventilator until it is beyond acceptable limits is an entirely different issue too. I do hope someone is explaining what is going on with Jahi's body to the family in clear and understandable to them terms. Just for their own sake for what is to come.
I don't know who would handle it. If him, or if he is in a firm, someone there. If what we have been reading is true, I am not sure this is a big $$ case with all that we have read happened with family involvement.

As far as getting Jahi to another hospital, that is the families right to make that choice, so I can see why he volunteered for that and the free publicity.

Keeping her on the ventilator until it is beyond acceptable limits is an entirely different issue too. I do hope someone is explaining what is going on with Jahi's body to the family in clear and understandable to them terms. Just for their own sake for what is to come.

BBM: Do you mean that is your opinion? (families right to make the choice)

I just wanted to make sure there is no confusion and you are aware of the laws. I respect your right to your opinion, if that is what it is.
The lack of "support" by the nationwide medical community as a whole speaks volumes. JMO
Nick Smith ‏@nicksmithnews 3m
#New: "#Jahi continues to be treated medically and is doing well. We're staying out of media unless there is a huge update." Says family.

Hmmmm what would a huge update be? That is a very generic update ..again with the "doing well". Wonder if that just means ventilator still plugged in, heart still pumping.
I hope that CHO doesn't settle on anything out of court. They stood their ground with the laws and they ask to speak but they were denied. I think they should allow any future proceedings to play out in court. There have been to many that have been so quick to try and tarnish their reputation. I think it's important that the truth is revealed in this case, so there is a better understanding of brain death. I also think that it's important for others to see the autopsy results. It may make others think twice about doing the same to the bodies of their loved ones.
I don't know who would handle it. If him, or if he is in a firm, someone there. If what we have been reading is true, I am not sure this is a big $$ case with all that we have read happened with family involvement.

As far as getting Jahi to another hospital, that is the families right to make that choice, so I can see why he volunteered for that and the free publicity.

Keeping her on the ventilator until it is beyond acceptable limits is an entirely different issue too. I do hope someone is explaining what is going on with Jahi's body to the family in clear and understandable to them terms. Just for their own sake for what is to come.


Even if the family suctioned and did harm, etc., even then, the hospital will not want to go to trial. They do not want to be seen as bullying the victims family. Especially in Oakland, where this family is seen as heroic by many of the locals. Even if it was not the hospitals or surgeons or nurses faults, CHO will quietly settle, imo. That is what insurance is for. The negative blowback from any kind of trial would be disastrous for them, most likely.

I think, speculation only, that one of the nurses MIGHT have allowed grandmother, a fellow nurse. to suction while she went for more supplies, help etc. And that would make the families actions moot at that point.
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