FBI says Caylee never left local Orlando area

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So, if Caylee never left the neighborhood, a dually trained dog could have tracked her over to the wooded area.

NOTHING the defense can come up with will explain why Caylee's dead body was in the trunk of KC's car and why she kept telling everyone the odor was that of a dead squirrel.
boy..she must have been thinking that LE was soooo absolutley stoopid all this time...they didn't even find the clothes...Caylee is 15 houses away...

I think something was left at the scene that was used to kill Caylee, something that won't be revealed until the toxicology reports come out...Dr G said it will be difficult to determine amounts etc. Which makes me think they are expecting a positive tox result for certain deadly chemicals.. I wounder if she used an insecticide sprayer or something to deliver Chloroform into the trunk of the car or directly into Caylees mouth
or nose. Remember that when you have surgery they do use tape etc...to insure the correct delivery of anethestisa and things into the mouth etc.

I think there is some very sinister evidence in play.

I can see Casey pumping deadly gas into the trunk..where she wouldn't have to see or hear anything traumatic....The FBI will knock this one out of the park.
I agree. But, I also wonder, Casey had a 31 day head start. Would the dogs have still been able to follow a scent left a month before? With rain? I don't know much about tracking or cadaver dogs, so I'm just wondering if anyone knows.

My family trains search & rescue and cadaver dogs. If you mean a line tracking (the dog following where the car went), no they wouldn't be able to do that with good weather.

The dogs did hit in the backyard in three seperate locations.

Let's take a forest situation ... a dog would be trained to air scent for that decomposition smell, (which they are trained to believe is their favourite toy), and it's hard to explain while typing, but, they don't follow the scent in a straight line. They go downwind of the scent and the scent goes out in a triangle. The dog keep going outside that triangle and brings itself back into it then through the other side. Here, i'll show a picture I drew. The x would be what you are searching for, the pink curvy line would be the path the dog and handler would take to find it.


i'll explain why they couldn't find Caylee in a few. brb.
I havent read the whole thread yet, so forgive me if this has been said, but if they know she wasnt taken out of the neighborhood, then I wonder how she was killed and where, because it obviously wasnt a bloody death (God, I hate writing that) because no signs of obvious blood trauma have been found so far (that we know of).......so what are your thoughts on this finding?
Now there is a third version of events. My, my, my. Now she dropped Caylee off in the parking lot of an apartment complex to ZFG who then drove away with Caylee in the car.

Ok. Well, that one doesn't work either. Try again.

Actually that's the fourth version:

- Casey handed off Caylee to ZFG on the steps of the Sawgrass apartments and Casey then drove off to go to work (Casey)

- ZFG and her sister Samantha, in Blanchard Park, knocked Casey down, snatched Caylee from Casey's arms, then got in a car with Samantha's 2 children and drove off (Baez, Lee, LP)

- Casey handed off Caylee to ZFG in Blanchard Park (Todd Black)

- Casey dropped Caylee off with ZFG and another woman in an apartment complex parking lot and saw them drive away together (Baez)

We need to start making a dartboard with all these different versions.
NOTHING the defense can come up with will explain why Caylee's dead body was in the trunk of KC's car and why she kept telling everyone the odor was that of a dead squirrel.

I suspect they are going to try to used the chain of custody angle in regards to the car. The car was abandoned (convienently) by Casey, then towed and left at the towyard. Then back to the house with CA and ultimately impounded by LE.

While IMO this will be a fultile attempt, it will be raised nontheless.
So, if Caylee never left the neighborhood, a dually trained dog could have tracked her over to the wooded area.

I may be wrong here, but if Casey killed Caylee, put her in the trunk then drove her to the spot where she was found, the dogs would lose her trail in the trunk of car. They would not pick up sent if Caylee was taken by car. Now why the dogs did not pick up the scent if they were taken to the woods , I have no clue. Unless they were not taken to the woods, only having the searchers looking there.

Whenever a child is stolen, and taken away by car, the dogs can usually track child until the trail goes cold on a road or street. Just thinking this could have been what happened.

I think CA has OCD. WHat is with ALL the vacuum cleaners? I have a 2 story house so I have 2 vacuums. She has 4 vacuums and a cleaner. Just an observation. This whole family has issues.
We do have to keep in mind that Caylee was in the trunk for 2.5 days. I believe that she was dead or dying on the 16th or the 17th. The reason I think this is because TL said that they slept in on the 17th and he skipped school that day. KC was in no hurry to get back to the car and and see if Caylee was dead or alive.Her car would have been at TL's parking lot with Caylee in it. Just sickening!

I agree with you in this scanario. Reading the doc dumps, it is my opinion that Ricardo never minded Caylee being there with he and Casey . However that cop that Casey dated as well as AL, neither seemed to really want to have Caylee around. Esp in their shared bed at night.

I think this is why Casey decided to do this to Caylee. She was cramping her style while she was sleeping around. She had just gotten into it with CA so she could not leave her there and AL didn;t really want her there , so this is when Casey did this to Caylee. Then the next morning she and AL slept in , went to the video store. Casey's problem was solved and she now had a clear way to this AL. Sickening!!!
I may be wrong here, but if Casey killed Caylee, put her in the trunk then drove her to the spot where she was found, the dogs would lose her trail in the trunk of car. They would not pick up sent if Caylee was taken by car. Now why the dogs did not pick up the scent if they were taken to the woods , I have no clue. Unless they were not taken to the woods, only having the searchers looking there.

Whenever a child is stolen, and taken away by car, the dogs can usually track child until the trail goes cold on a road or street. Just thinking this could have been what happened.

I think CA has OCD. WHat is with ALL the vacuum cleaners? I have a 2 story house so I have 2 vacuums. She has 4 vacuums and a cleaner. Just an observation. This whole family has issues.

Right on! A dog cannot trace a car's footsteps. It just isn't possible. They can tell you if a body was in a car or not, but not where the car went.

If the wind was too strong, the dogs would have a hard time searching. Anyone know what type of dogs were used? German Shepherds? They aren't so good for water searches, and I believe when the dogs went it was flooded, was it not? They can still be used for those searches, but their abilities are more for strength and agility / long distances. Up here we train those dogs to be able to go 40km a day, then again the next day. I don't know what the standards are in the US.

If the wind wasn't co-operating during the search, then the dogs would also have a hard time. In that situation, a heavy wooded forest, they would airscent like the diagram I posted on the previous page. The dogs should have still been able to search the area, but it depends how far away from that exact location they were. They should be usually fine to find the location of a body no matter how many days have passed, burried or not. But since reports are saying the area was used as a graveyard of sorts in the past, then there could have been other scents that threw the dogs off.

I'd guess that they weren't close enoguh for the dogs to catch onto the scent of Caylee.

How many dogs were used? Does anyone know?
I suspect they are going to try to used the chain of custody angle in regards to the car. The car was abandoned (convienently) by Casey, then towed and left at the towyard. Then back to the house with CA and ultimately impounded by LE.

While IMO this will be a fultile attempt, it will be raised nontheless.

Right, but the prosecution will raise the fact that casey told the detectives on July 15th that she in fact spoke to her daughter for a few seconds that morning. She has locked herself to that particular lie, and it will come back to haunt her defense in a pretty big way.

If casey maintains that she spoke to Caylee on july 15th the car was already being turned over to the anthony's, so there isn't anyway for her to say that someone killed her daughter and put her in the trunk of her car and then removed her all within the span of what maybe 3-4 hours. Because once the anthony's had the car the access to the car by anyone other than them ceased to exist. Unless of course she will blame her parent's, something that I can see her doing.
Actually that's the fourth version:

- Casey dropped Caylee off with ZFG and another woman in an apartment complex parking lot and saw them drive away together (Baez)

Can you please tell me when Baez said this? :eek: :confused:
I'm really thankful LE has maintained their cool throughout this nightmare. They didn't need to respond effusively to all the defense's claims. They could do it subtly because they knew they had the goods. There was absolutely no need to take the bait. I think lots of the posturing that went on with the defense and the As was nothing more than attempts to goad LE into responding because they DID keep details close to the vest. We'll no doubt continue to see this. IMO, the defense's frustration is showing.

I think you're right. To increase the frustration, we have KC insisting on stic king with the nanny defense.
I don't think it's what LE is saying, I think it's more what they ARE NOT saying in this case.

I am going to step out on a limb and say that someone else in the A's home knows more than we have been told and may soon be arrested because of their involvement. If someone else was involved "in the home", I believe it is because they may have found out the truth after KC was let out on bail the first time. They then may have made an effort to help in the cover up.

I was thinking about something in the past few days. If Caylee was dead when she was dumped in that field she had to be heavy. How did KC open the trunk, pull her out and carry her to the woods with no one seeing a thing? I weigh more then KC and I think that I would have trouble doing that. When my youngest grandson was her age he used to fall asleep and he was quite heavy to move to his bed.

I believe LE skirted around issues at the conference. This very statement "Caylee never left Orlando neighborhood" may have been enough to cause LA to lawyer up. JMO

I still think it an odd turn of events that the very day, after the night the A's were telling the world that KC was alive and bad mouthing LE, NG..the body shows up. I am one of those who is not convinced it was not moved there..YET.
Don't you think Caylee would have fit (in the fetal position) in a large duffle bag or something? I mean, it might have looked suspicious for Casey to go into the woods with a bag, but who knows.. if this was a common place for people to hang out and party, maybe it would have looked "normal"?
Actually that's the fourth version:

- Casey handed off Caylee to ZFG on the steps of the Sawgrass apartments and Casey then drove off to go to work (Casey)

- ZFG and her sister Samantha, in Blanchard Park, knocked Casey down, snatched Caylee from Casey's arms, then got in a car with Samantha's 2 children and drove off (Baez, Lee, LP)

- Casey handed off Caylee to ZFG in Blanchard Park (Todd Black)

- Casey dropped Caylee off with ZFG and another woman in an apartment complex parking lot and saw them drive away together (Baez)

We need to start making a dartboard with all these different versions.

Quote bolded by me, with respect:)

I believe in one of the first interviews with OCSO KC is called on her "leaving the baby at Sawgrass with Zanny" lies. They had checked all the security cams and there is not one picture of KC being at that apartment at all when she claimed to have been. When that came to light the story changed to the "Zanny took Caylee at the park," lie.

Sometimes I think we have kept better account of KC's lies then the experts. LOL
Don't you think Caylee would have fit (in the fetal position) in a large duffle bag or something? I mean, it might have looked suspicious for Casey to go into the woods with a bag, but who knows.. if this was a common place for people to hang out and party, maybe it would have looked "normal"?

Where Caylee was found is not the place for people to hang out and party. That was by the school, which is 800 feet and across the street from where Caylee was found. Also, from what I've been able to put together, the area the dogs searched was also by the school.


ETA: Also, IIRC, the 4 guys found the rope by the school.
Where Caylee was found is not the place for people to hang out and party. That was by the school, which is 800 feet and across the street from where Caylee was found. Also, from what I've been able to put together, the area the dogs searched was also by the school.


ETA: Also, IIRC, the 4 guys found the rope by the school.

Thanks for clearing that up..

I had thought that at some point, maybe Casey was staying in the woods with Caylee's remains.. as sick as that is.. where else was she during the time nobody knew where she was?
This case reminds me of the Scott Peterson case in so many ways. Young attractive sociopaths thinking they have gotten away with murder. Bodies recovered months later when people had almost given up hope. Obvious homocide but no obvious cause of death. Blowhard attorneys claiming their client's side of the story will reveal the truth. Stone cold killers who flash smiles in court and never believe they will be convicted because they think they're smarter than everyone else.

LE holding their cards very close to the vest so no mistakes are made and there are no grounds for appeal after the killer is convicted...

I believe Caylee died in that house, I think it was premeditated and Casey was ready for some time to kill her; the fight about stealing from her grand parents and being told to get out was the final straw for a woman who never wanted her baby in the first place. I think after she killed her child, Casey stuffed her in that bag, stashed her in the playhouse while she cleaned up the mess inside, backed the car into the garage to load the bag in the trunk and drove it to the spot where the remains were found last week. After a few days of the body fluids fermenting in the Florida heat the smell in the car became unbearable and that's how it ended up parked outside the Amscot.

During the Peterson case there was a former Federal prosecutor who kept reminding us the hardest part about a murder is getting rid of the messy body. I think that's why Casey had to move her outside to clean up the evidence of the murder and that is where the evidence in the trunk came from; the bag leaked.

I don't know if the SA will change their mind about the DP but I hope they do because I have a feeling any jury who convicts this monster will have no problem sending her to death row. Just like in the Scott Peterson case.
Thanks for clearing that up..

I had thought that at some point, maybe Casey was staying in the woods with Caylee's remains.. as sick as that is.. where else was she during the time nobody knew where she was?

Anything is possible with that girl. So who knows. I should clarify that when I talk about the dogs, I'm referring to LE. I'm not sure where Gail SJ searched with her dogs.

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