Federal Indictment: James Burke, Former Suffolk Co PD Chief, December 2015

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You nèed to present it to the masses hawk.....well..I'd like it if you could..

Dealing here with my own issues....found the most brilliant article...indepth information on Megan and even moreso on Amber.....copied it and tryed to share it...and lost the frickwn link.........


Somewhere here in this forum....hope it works...Ive lost ot somewhere...

Heres the link...hope someone can find and share it....the info pertaining moreso to Amber....
this HTML class. Value is http://www.theunreso

The Unresolved: LISK, part 1 <= corrected link
GRRR.......search on the iternet "The unresolved Podcast......its there...but wont let me share...copy or paste for some reason ???
Mr.Spota seems to have gone MIA in recent weeks. Cops bring down an assortment of drug deals, gun deals, and gang activity and Spota is no where to be found. He usually likes to take the credit for all of these arrests.

Do you know the Glenn Frey song, "The Heat is On?"
I heard Spota goes to the Brooklyn MDC location at least one night of each week and dances on the street singing: "On the street where you live."
I heard Spota goes to the Brooklyn MDC location at least one night of each week and dances on the street singing: "On the street where you live."

HAWK....do you know where Burke was in his career in 2008?
He was the Commanding Officer of the Suffolk DA squad and doubled as the chief investigator for the DA. I'll fill you in later because that is a story unto itself. It is all about covering up that you don't want out in the public domain.
I hope he gets the book thrown at him. He hindered and prevented any progress in finding murderer(s) who may still be collecting victims to save his butt.

This should have been handled with the intense investigative work as the Green River Task Force.

Has the GRK detective who worked until he was almost dead himself going after Ridgeway ever comment on this case?
hello all,
i just watched the past 5 episodes of LISK and i see there was no mention of ex chief of the Suffolk County Police NY ex chief burke, WHY ????
if you look at ex chief burke he was somehow linked to a killing in the 1980's, john pius, i am not sure about the details...
he was also linked to having sex with a prostitue while he was the chief of police !! why is this not on the A&E show ??
while he was the acting chief of police while the killings took place he denied the help of the FBI...
he is in FBI custody now from violating the rights of a man who stole a duffle bag from his car with sex paraphernalia in it..
the new acting commissioner tim sini has now let the FBI help with this case..

if you have any questions please feel free to contact me..
hello, i am also new here hello tippytoes ! i think the killings are all done by the same person, let me explain why.
i think there was a time between the the LISK and the GB4 and this screwball changed the way he or she kills.
i think they need to look at ex chief of the SCPD ! ex chief james burke of the Suffolk County Police has a track record of seeing prostitues while being the chief of police..
hello, i am also new here hello tippytoes ! i think the killings are all done by the same person, let me explain why. <br>
i think there was a time between the the LISK and the GB4 and this screwball changed the way he or she kills. <br>
i think they need to look at ex chief of the SCPD ! ex chief james burke of the Suffolk County Police has a track record of seeing prostitues while being the chief of police..
Go to youtube Get arrow security Richard Dormer. Its a 7 part series. He explains why he believes the one killer theory.
Since the days of Tom Dewey district attorneys have used NYPD detectives to bolster their investigative ability to investigate crimes that come to the attention of the DA. What Dewey also did was to form his own investigative team solely under his control.
The investigators could investigate cases of police corruption and thereby relieving NYPD cops of the stigma of investigating fellow cops, some many of them knew and worked with before they were assigned to the DA squads. It served as a check and balance. In other words the DA investigators would be an entirely separate entity answerable only to the DA, not the NYPD.
The principle was so solid that it exists to this day for more than 75 years. &#8230;&#8230;..that is with the exception of the SCDA.
The other four NYC DA&#8217;s adopted this same program as it increased the size of the investigative team of the DA, with the detectives being paid from the police budget.
Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and other DA&#8217;s soon followed. It was a win &#8211; win situation.
In NYC it wasn&#8217;t a civil service position, there was no test needed to get the job.
In Nassau and Suffolk it was civil service. That meant if you were an investigator you had tenure and couldn&#8217;t be summarily dismissed if a new DA took office.
Spota comes into office and is saddled with the previous administrations investigators- can he trust them to stay on the &#8216;reservation?&#8217; He hires a non-controversial guy named Robert Creighton. Now Spota has to manage that part of the office. Investigators you can&#8217;t trust you hand out menial jobs to them. Those that are on board you bring into the fold, and you even instruct them NOT to share with their own boss. All one has to do is to review the payroll records for the DA Investigators and see which one take down the most OT and you should see which ones sold their souls to the Devil and which ones did not.
Now there comes a time when Mr. Creighton leaves his job. There is a Deputy Chief Investigator, but Spota doesn&#8217;t give him the job, HE GIVES IT TO JAMES BURKE!!! Burke is already the commanding officer of the SCPD detectives working under Spota, now he is the DA Chief Investigator. Spota will leave nothing to chance when it concerns Burke. He wants him in total control so they can continue with their &#8216;criminal enterprise&#8217; without interference.
To add to this mess we have Spota hiring on several ex-detectives from days of old. At least one of them chased a 14 year old kid named Burke while investigating the 1979 John Pius murder. That detective screwed the case up to a fare-thee-well, so much so it took 11 years to complete. Now this former detective, now DA Investigator now works for Burke as Burke is the Chief Investigator. OK, at least on paper he does. It has always been my opinion that Spota hired these guys on not to work for Burke, BUT to watch Burke and keep him out of trouble.
I hope you folks are getting to understand the back story to the DA office.
I would like to offer the readers another example of what is going on in Suffolk County and the police department. I put it out there for you to draw your own conclusions.
August, 2015, a 52 year old lawyer is on the beach with his family and decides to use the bathroom in a public hall for the local residents. At the time there was a Sweet 16 party going on in that hall.
He uses the bathroom and the story gets murky after that. One version is he was drunk, and possibly under the influence of drugs (Xanax) and joins the food line to fill his plate with food. Two men, one the father of the girl being honored confronts the man and tells him to leave. The other story is he didn&#8217;t go on that line.
Stories were being spread this man was drunk and under the influence. The BAC test puts him at about 0.6, or what would three beers might do. The autopsy revealed there were no drugs in his system.
Extensive video footage shows two men rousting the lawyer and pushing him down to the floor at least 4 times. He is being punched and kicked in the process. He even gets pushed over a small retaining wall and lands on the ground. The video shows us two men sitting on this man for about 10 minutes. The man becomes still. The two men leave and then come back 10 minutes later. The video shows us that one of the men kicks the victim in the back to see if he will move. I don&#8217;t think he was dead at the time but he was certainly on his way.
Cops and ambulance don&#8217;t arrive for another 45 minutes. The man is DOA.
Private investigators take photos of the body at the funeral home without the make-up. The dead guy looks like he was in a train wreck.
Plenty of witnesses and plenty of video. Case goes to the grand jury &#8211; no true bill for ANY form of a homicide. It is deemed to be a case of &#8216;self-defense&#8217;.
Family of the deceased has filed lawsuits on all the concerned parties. Tough to not producing those now knowing a lot of people are looking for them.
PS &#8211; same ADA that framed and tried my former son in law is the same ADA that brought this case to the grand jury.
In the son in law case ADA Timmons was &#8216;armed&#8217; with the testimony of a lifelong criminal that plead out to ONLY 37 violent felonies while still involved in a massive mortgage/bank fraud scheme somehow manages to secure an indictment. In the above case&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;..well, you figure it out.
Wasn't someone in the DA's office supposedly chartering their boat for striper fishing trips, but was really just staying tied up at the dock with booze, women, and local polls?
Yes, that is only the assumption that this was going on in Suffolk. One thing I do know is he threw a party on his boat each August and invited all the &#8216;good ole boys&#8217; to that party. The unconfirmed information is a well-known Suffolk attorney named Ray Perini funded those parties.
Several years ago I went out there to monitor the party and before I exited the parking lot I was seen with a camera in my hand by someone I believed to be a Suffolk County Supreme Court judge named Robert Doyle.
Several months ago this story broke in Newsday. Ray Perini was interviewed for that piece and said a former NYPD detective (me) was there and the parties were canceled. The reason given for canceling future parties is because the attendees didn&#8217;t think it was worth doing anymore because of my being there. The question I have for Mr. Perini is: If you were doing nothing wrong why would you cancel the parties?
The Suffolk County Legislature took note and demanded the financial disclosure statements the ADA gave to the Ethics Panel. The Legislature is stacked with Democrats. The response by the Ethics Panel is if you want to get the disclosures you need a 2/3 vote of the Legislature for them to release those documents. I have to assume the Ethics Panel never thought a Legislature stacked with Democrats would issue such a demand. They were wrong.
The ADA petitioned the court to stop the disclosures being sent to the Legislature. That is still up in the air because it seems as though the court put it on the back burner, pending a decision.
Yes, that is only the assumption that this was going on in Suffolk. One thing I do know is he threw a party on his boat each August and invited all the ‘good ole boys’ to that party. The unconfirmed information is a well-known Suffolk attorney named Ray Perini funded those parties.
Several years ago I went out there to monitor the party and before I exited the parking lot I was seen with a camera in my hand by someone I believed to be a Suffolk County Supreme Court judge named Robert Doyle.
Several months ago this story broke in Newsday. Ray Perini was interviewed for that piece and said a former NYPD detective (me) was there and the parties were canceled. The reason given for canceling future parties is because the attendees didn’t think it was worth doing anymore because of my being there. The question I have for Mr. Perini is: If you were doing nothing wrong why would you cancel the parties?
The Suffolk County Legislature took note and demanded the financial disclosure statements the ADA gave to the Ethics Panel. The Legislature is stacked with Democrats. The response by the Ethics Panel is if you want to get the disclosures you need a 2/3 vote of the Legislature for them to release those documents. I have to assume the Ethics Panel never thought a Legislature stacked with Democrats would issue such a demand. They were wrong.
The ADA petitioned the court to stop the disclosures being sent to the Legislature. That is still up in the air because it seems as though the court put it on the back burner, pending a decision.
link to cached Newsday article.
hello all,
i just watched the past 5 episodes of LISK and i see there was no mention of ex chief of the Suffolk County Police NY ex chief burke, WHY ????
if you look at ex chief burke he was somehow linked to a killing in the 1980's, john pius, i am not sure about the details...
he was also linked to having sex with a prostitue while he was the chief of police !! why is this not on the A&E show ??
while he was the acting chief of police while the killings took place he denied the help of the FBI...
he is in FBI custody now from violating the rights of a man who stole a duffle bag from his car with sex paraphernalia in it..
the new acting commissioner tim sini has now let the FBI help with this case..

if you have any questions please feel free to contact me..

I think possible the investigators may have been hoping for SCPD cooperation and didn't want to embarrass them. There certainly are quite a few suspicious characters in that area!
hello all,
i just watched the past 5 episodes of LISK and i see there was no mention of ex chief of the Suffolk County Police NY ex chief burke, WHY ????
if you look at ex chief burke he was somehow linked to a killing in the 1980's, john pius, i am not sure about the details...
he was also linked to having sex with a prostitue while he was the chief of police !! why is this not on the A&E show ??
while he was the acting chief of police while the killings took place he denied the help of the FBI...
he is in FBI custody now from violating the rights of a man who stole a duffle bag from his car with sex paraphernalia in it..
the new acting commissioner tim sini has now let the FBI help with this case..

if you have any questions please feel free to contact me..

Yes Burke s dirty at the very least. The Feds have been pretty tight lipped since they got involved though. Any other info that n the murder he was linked to?
What struck me as arrogance on their part is the boat party was at high noon in the middle of a working day. I mean these jokers doen't even want to go to a party on their own time. If I knew then what I know now I would have been better prepared to meet the challenge. I just didn't realize how serious it could be.
hello all,
i just watched the past 5 episodes of LISK and i see there was no mention of ex chief of the Suffolk County Police NY ex chief burke, WHY ????
if you look at ex chief burke he was somehow linked to a killing in the 1980's, john pius, i am not sure about the details...
he was also linked to having sex with a prostitue while he was the chief of police !! why is this not on the A&E show ??
while he was the acting chief of police while the killings took place he denied the help of the FBI...
he is in FBI custody now from violating the rights of a man who stole a duffle bag from his car with sex paraphernalia in it..
the new acting commissioner tim sini has now let the FBI help with this case..

if you have any questions please feel free to contact me..

Burke will be mentioned and shown in Episode 8, aired in the NY area, tonight 10PM ET, A&E. Pay particular attention to the interview of the retired NYPD detective that follows the clip with Burke. Very handsome guy and I can understand why they added him to the show.
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