Federal Investigation of Suffolk County Police Chief

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My POI has been known to rape and beat up hookers.
For all I know they may have killed the dog that found the bodies, and transferred the cop to the property clerk's office.


are u now saying your POI....
that rhymes with DAMES jerk
is poi for LISK? or just shannan?'

let's get him
Seems to me that you are just using this case to vilify people who you think "framed" a relative.

Maybe they didn't, perhaps your relative is just guilty as charged.

Or must he have been framed, just because he is a relative?

In any case that has nothing to do with LISK, unless, of course, the entire metropolitan LE is in on this frame-up, and are trying to cover their tracks on an unrelated case so you don't get "wise" to them.

At best, you and your opinions have to be regarded as being highly nonobjective.
Tugela, Do you doubt that a young man is being held on a half a million dollars bail for simply taking a bag with cigars and a empty holster in it?. Or do you believe that perhaps there was something else in the bag and now he is being taught a lesson?. Scared into silence. It is ok to question what does not make sense.
Tugela, Do you doubt that a young man is being held on a half a million dollars bail for simply taking a bag with cigars and a empty holster in it?. Or do you believe that perhaps there was something else in the bag and now he is being taught a lesson?. Scared into silence. It is ok to question what does not make sense.

The cigars could have been pre-embargo Habanos lol.
Thanks to JF and DeeDee.

I have made it very clear from the outset where I was coming from. It is just from another perspective. I shouldn't be 'penalized' for telling the truth about an agenda.

As to my son in law's guilt or innocence : he is so not guilty that even if he 'confessed' to me he did it I couldn't believe him because the facts simply don't support it. I deal with the FACTS, nothing else.

The GB4 and SG case wreaks with something wrong. If nothing else the SCPD/DA have been pretty much consistent over the years - they lie to cover-up.
Your POI is not made of teflon either. It just is only a matter of time. There HAS to be someone out there who can do something (within the legal boundaries). who 'hears you' AND listens. I am not giving up on the human race. Yet.
The cigars could have been pre-embargo Habanos lol.
Thanks to JF and DeeDee.

I have made it very clear from the outset where I was coming from. It is just from another perspective. I shouldn't be 'penalized' for telling the truth about an agenda.

As to my son in law's guilt or innocence : he is so not guilty that even if he 'confessed' to me he did it I couldn't believe him because the facts simply don't support it. I deal with the FACTS, nothing else.

The GB4 and SG case wreaks with something wrong. If nothing else the SCPD/DA have been pretty much consistent over the years - they lie to cover-up.

Hawk, as I've read it, at your SIL's trial they played a tape of him using the radio to do exactly what he was accused of doing. How was this arranged by whoever wanted to frame him? Or what was his reason for doing it during the course of his work day.
Hawk, as I've read it, at your SIL's trial they played a tape of him using the radio to do exactly what he was accused of doing. How was this arranged by whoever wanted to frame him? Or what was his reason for doing it during the course of his work day.

I am on my lpad now. when I get back to my pc i will explain. When i explain u will have no doubt. NONE
I am on my lpad now. when I get back to my pc i will explain. When i explain u will have no doubt. NONE

Thank you. Let me add I have no personal interest in his case, I only checked it out because of it's place at the center of a lot of your beliefs.
MCME - here is the explanation I promised you. The DA said that the SIL went to the 'witness accomplice' to ask him if he would help him and two others break into a safe at the King Kullen. The SIL said ( most of this is what was alleged ) he told the burglar that he would guarantee taking the call when it came in. He would report it as a false alarm. The burglar(s) good then expect all the time in the world to open the safe.

The call came in to another car, the assigned sector at about 1:11AM. It came over as an 'audible' alarm. The assigned sector accepted it. A full 80 seconds later the SIL reports that he is finishing up with a ticket and he is there and will take it. There was no audible alarm ringing, it was a silent alarm. It was originally designated an audible alarm and never changed in the system when the KK told the AFA alarm company to change it. It was never changed in the system.

The 1 11 call came about when door 602 at KK was opened and closed, without entry.

continued......gotta go.
He took the call. There was NO audible ringing as the dispatcher said it was. He went around the building and didn't see a break. He couldn't have shaken the rear doors because there are no handles on them. If the burglar was in the building at the safe he couldn't have seen them from the front window.

The alarm person testified. He said no one was in the building at the time of the 1 03 door opening. The manager came after the second alarm and said he could find no reason why a police officer could have seen anything that looked like a burglary until they both went in and saw the alarm box ripped off the wall. It was then the SIL called for help.

The KK investigator came a few hours later and issued a report that he believed there was no break. His opinion was the burglar hid in the building at closing time.

The KK manager came in and testified to the truth. Imo, he was terrified. But he told the truth as he saw it.

After hearing the second call after the store was really broken into at 1 33 02, the alarm was put out at 1 44, and the car that took the first call took it again. The SIL put out another call advising the car to disregard, it appeared to be a false alarm. He put that out a full 8M 59s later. Do you really believe a cop who is a look out for the burglars is really going to wait 9 minutes to call off the car knowing that not only would that car arrive, but any number of cars should stop by if nothing than to back up the call for the 2nd alarm?

The case was based on the false evidence that he was to GUARANTEE taking the call when it came in. Had he done that for the reasons they say he did then why did the burglars open the door and close it without going in? The witness said they had point to point Nextels to communicate with each other. The witness also said he wasn't going to break into the store unless the SIL was parked in the front lot of the store. He said when he went in and saw a marked police car parked just where he said he wanted it to be. He also said a Eddie Wright tore down the alarm box. Why, the cop already gave them an all clear when he said it was an apparent false alarm. But we know Wright couldn't have done that because he was in a Virginia Jail at the time. The information about Wright was testified to by the witness in a very explicit manner in direct evidence. Nobody trapped him in that lie until the defense lawyer produced a record of Wright's incarceration. Besides, the PD's own records place the SIL giving a ticket to another witness and it is documented by time stamped records and recorded as such by the communications bureau.

What TF don't you get, MCME, a 6 year old can follow this. How old are you, 5?
MCME - apologies if I seemed too harsh. I have little patience with the entire system. I sometimes assume everyone knows what I know. It is so obvious how could they not. But what the heck isn't this is what the Board is about?

Actually, I should have thanked you for the opportunity to make the record straight. I think I got set off by another post by another poster.
Seems to me that you are just using this case to vilify people who you think "framed" a relative.

Maybe they didn't, perhaps your relative is just guilty as charged.

Or must he have been framed, just because he is a relative?

In any case that has nothing to do with LISK, unless, of course, the entire metropolitan LE is in on this frame-up, and are trying to cover their tracks on an unrelated case so you don't get "wise" to them.

At best, you and your opinions have to be regarded as being highly nonobjective.

tHE TRUTH IS I would have been happier if he was guilty. I could have dealt with that and never lost a nights sleep.
When Andy Brown saw that the Kingfish got an IRS refund he asked the Kingfish: How do you get a refund? The Kingfish said, "Son, first you gotsa do some funding to get a refund."

You can't vilify someone that has already been vilified. You can't really vilify them if you speak the truth.

Trust me my friend they read this EVERYDAY. Not only this Board but Newsday Comment sections attached to stories they print. Over there I am known as PeteF. On 631 Politics I am known as ISOM. I can no longer post there because they jiggled the site to make it virtually impossible to post more than a few words
There you go again Hawk posting things from a month ago...lol
LOL - the only reason I continue to post about the SIL case is to tell you folks certain persons in the SCPD and the DA cannot be trusted to tell the truth when one of their own is involved in other crimes.

Spota's detectives were involved with a convicted stock swindler that stole more than 2Million from his victims. One of Spota's detectives was placed on the Board of Directors of that fugazy company.

The other guy was the neighbor of a guy that was a prime suspect in the murder of a police witness that was giving testimony to the police and was murdered only 3 weeks after the DA knew of him.

For those reasons and other reasons I believe the GB4/SG case is going stale because people who are of some importance may be involved in the case.
Loeb is scheduled to appear July 9 before Suffolk County Judge Martin Efman on 29 counts related to breaking into more than a dozen cars in St. James.

(the following is less than 10% of the article)

The Suffolk County district attorney's office indicted Loeb in December on counts that include fourth-degree grand larceny, fourth- and fifth-degree possession of stolen property, seventh-degree possession of a controlled substance and third-degree criminal possession of a weapon. He has been held at Suffolk County Jail on $500,000 bond.

Miguelez, a first-time offender, faced 23 counts in the same indictment but was released from jail on Jan. 30 after posting $10,000 bond. He later agreed to a plea deal. The Suffolk County district attorney's office said that a judge set Loeb's bail at $500,000 because of his previous felony convictions.

Loeb's court-appointed attorney, Toni Marie Angeli, declined to comment.
A special prosecutor, Queens Assistant District Attorney Peter Crusco, has been assigned "to avoid any resulting appearance of impropriety," Suffolk County Assistant District Attorney Michael Miller said earlier this year. Crusco also did not want to comment.

Burke was assigned to the Suffolk district attorney's office before his appointment as chief of department.


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Thank you TKAM.
Hawk, Someone IS paying attention to you. The RIGHT someone. God bless you and your courage. I wish there were a lot more people like you.
SPADE and TKMB - Trust me the Burke story has been watered down at the insistence of Bellone and his deputy. In that article it said the DepCE had 'no comment' but he sure had a lot to say when he called Newsday to quash the juicier parts of the story. But the DCE had 'no comment' for this story. Yeah, right.

Always keep in mind that it is Burke/Bellone/ Spota that are in the forefront of the Giglo Beach case.

BTW, it would interest you to know that there is a case where the parents of a murdered woman are suing Suffolk County for not responding to her dead daughter's pleas for help. Watch Chan12, Newsday's parent company and you will see and hear the 911 calls made to SCPD crying for help. Then ask yourself why the SG 911 tapes aren't being published and why they are being hidden?

Ask yourself if it is appropriate that Bellone would align himself with a RS, who bought a home on Oak Beach from a convicted drug dealer, and a pornographer preying on woman and buy it for more than twice it was worth when he bought it. Ask yourself how he managed to get a mortgage for that property for more than 300K than it was worth.

Ask yourself why Spota and Burke brought back the 'good ole boys' in homicide after they were kicked out by the Clown Dormer for refusing to report to the Lucero homicide?

Ask yourself what was really in that SUV that got them to put a half million dollar bail on a common non violent car thief when only the other day they arrested a Romanian national for putting cameras above ATM machines to steal passcodes from unsuspecting customers to the tune of thousands of dollars, and then ask if you think a 10K bail is sufficient compared to Loeb.

Loeb is in jail on high bail for no other reason that to terrorize him into silence so he won't tell what was really in the car. It is just like the Clint Eastwood movie "Absolute Power" Loeb, like Eastwood saw something he wasn't supposed to see.

Maybe Parents for Megans Law Laura Ahearn can tell us why Burke got her almost 3M in funding for her fugazy organization and did it without the County Legislature getting a chance to review the facts, which, by the way the information given to them was proven to be BS.
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