Federal Investigation of Suffolk County Police Chief

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You may have grown up with my cousins grandfather. They were Irish, and used to get mad tat jimmy hung out with Italians and used to beat up on him. Until one time, jimmy got even with one of them and they left him alone from then on.
Channel 11 reported JB went into suspects house to get his duffle bag. He will probably get written up and told dont do that again.
why should you be surprised with anything they do - Newsday and Channel 12? Why do you think Dolan bought Newsday? He wants to control the ebb and flow of the news.

12 did a story where they went to a Spota 'victim's' house to interview her about her arrest. I got tired of watching it after it went on for more than a 1/2 hour. It was really great and the gal had a lot more to tell. It blew me away. I looked for the follow up in Newsday - not a peep. How do you NOT write about it after what she said and what 12 aired?

When it is about SCPD and Spota you only get the parts of the news by accident.
Go to WPIX Channel 11. Then go to a site called meet the reporters. Click on James Ford. If you get there in time you will see a picture of Burke in all his glory. The story is written out about the Loeb case and there is a video link you can watch to describe PIXS investigation. I don't think much will be left to your imagination as to what this case is really all about. No direct accusations are made about what was in the bag in the car, but you sure get the impression Burke had something to hide.
LOOK, A very important person in Suffolk County politics bought a house on Oak Beach in 2004 for twice the appraised value. The seller was a convicted high end drug dealer that the FEDS took over after the drug dealer was convicted in a Suffolk County court.

Soon after he went to a federal prison the FEDS opened up a corruption investigation of Suffolk County.

After he is released from federal prison in 1995, he goes into the sex related businesses. He is in to 'massages', *advertiser censored*, etc.,

The over priced house he sells to the POL is mortgaged for 300K more than the appraised value. Remember this is in 2004 at the height of the mortgage fraud scandals that almost broke the economy.

Mr.SB is DIRECTLY related to this guy. It has also been said this piece of property is the address of a certain POLS fund raising operation. The POL, not the buyer has been seen on the beaches of Oak Beach with his family.
LOOK, A very important person in Suffolk County politics bought a house on Oak Beach in 2004 for twice the appraised value. The seller was a convicted high end drug dealer that the FEDS took over after the drug dealer was convicted in a Suffolk County court.

Soon after he went to a federal prison the FEDS opened up a corruption investigation of Suffolk County.

After he is released from federal prison in 1995, he goes into the sex related businesses. He is in to 'massages', *advertiser censored*, etc.,

The over priced house he sells to the POL is mortgaged for 300K more than the appraised value. Remember this is in 2004 at the height of the mortgage fraud scandals that almost broke the economy.

Mr.SB is DIRECTLY related to this guy. It has also been said this piece of property is the address of a certain POLS fund raising operation. The POL, not the buyer has been seen on the beaches of Oak Beach with his family.

isn't he "allegedly" deceased now?
I trust "gangsters" and "mafia" more than politicians.

No disrespect to you intended.
It is 2013. Gangsters and mafia are now politicians and businessmen involved in much more than drug trafficking, prostitution, rackateering and gambling. They are now making money in healthcare and even in the green movement. Don't ever trust a sociopath.
But the pol that was the buyer is alive and well.
SS, there is a murder case in Manhattan where a wealthy woman killed her 8 year old son. The child was autistic. She started a drug company with her husband. They made millions. She has the child with another man after the divorce and after she severs her relations with the first husband. She is trying to get a lot of millions out of the business she helped create. The first husband threatens her. He will arrange to have the son sent to the biological father. The B father is said to be a pedophile. There may be evidence he sexually abused the kid.

She panics and decides she is going to kill the child and herself. Checks into a 2500.00 a night room at the Peninsula Hotel and feeds the kid and herself drugs. The child dies and she somehow manages to survive.

She had millions and so it served her no purpose to get rid of her son. She could have put the kid in the Waldorf for the rest of his life and it wouldn't have made a dent on her money.

The husband has scores of fugazy drug companies. I found 4 on LI and I wasn't looking very hard. Each one is said to do tens of millions in business and no one really seems to be there.

NYAG took down one place where the scam was only about 7M. The feds slipped in and took them down for 500M. Another minor dent in the company. OC, you bet.

Non-Profits is the other big scheme waiting to enrapture the public. Fact is many of the businesses related to the drug companies are supposed to be Non Profits......LOL
I have been looking at this Burke guy for about 8 years now. Get the information in dribs and drabs. Pick up a piece of information here, another there, and put it in the memory bank even though it doesn't seem like anything important.

The beginning of the crusade began when I read a blurb on The Schwartz Report that he was involved in the John Pius case. I remembered the case because it was a highly publicized and unusual case. The fact I was a cop at the time only lends to my curiosity. Filed it and went away and accepted the story the 4 kids charged did it.

I start searching for the case and find a NY Magazine article on the case by a respected journalist. He never mentions in two extensive articles that Burke was a witness. Not that he purposely left it out, he just forgot to put it in. I called him and asked him where was Burke's name. The guy told me to read the article. I told him I read it several times so would he please tell me what page it was on. My, gosh, he said, it wasn't there. But I got filled in later.

Met with him in Manhattan with a friend of the kids and Burke. That was enough for me to launch into a full attack on Burke.

I meet a former SCPD cop at a funeral wake. He tells me Burke and a certain guy are 'very close'. I don't know what he means. It is a funeral so I leave it at that. Meet him again at a wedding a few years later and ask him what did he mean by 'close'. He tells me Burke and his cop pal went to Thailand together. He smiles. Tells me the whole PD was buzzing about it..

I talk to another guy who knows the Burke and Spota crew and he tells me Burke and the mastermind of the burglary ring they arrested my son in law of belonging to is Burke's neighbor. No, this can't be. I check it out and I find it is true. I post it all over the Internet. The search engines I used were later changed not to reflect that. I used Zabasearch.

OK, enough for now. I can go on for hours or until my fingers get confused with my brain and I start hitting the wrong keys.
When Burke was made Chief of Department I got a call from a prominent newsman. He said when he read it he thought of me and how angry I must be. I told that I was actually very pleased. It was no surprise because I knew this was planned many years before by Burke and Spota. When I read where Levy withdrew and Bellone would be a shoo-in, and that it came at the hands of Spota and Burke, I knew right there and then Burke was destined to greater and better things.

I told this fellow that I was very happy he got the top spot. He would now be standing at the 'top of the hill' where everyone could see him and be able to take pot shots at him. I figured his enemies who remained silent and terrified would go after him. from what I have gathered over the past few months makes me believe I was on the money.
Feingold, the drug dealer sold the house to the POL who is very close to SB. The pol is charged with finding ways to enhance the treasury of the entity he works for. I would say buying a house for double it is worth doesn't seem like a very smart guy. But that all depends on what you think smart is.
A new story in Newsday for tomorrow's edition regarding the man that now heads the Gilgo Beach investigation. It gets better everyday.

One of the men accused of taking Suffolk Police Chief of Department James Burke's gun belt, ammunition and handcuffs from a department-issued SUV last year has told his family that the Suffolk top cop punched him while they were alone at the Fourth Precinct, the suspect's mother said.

Christopher Loeb, 26, said the incident occurred in the precinct's squad room on Dec. 14, 2012.

let's see.
$500,000 bail.

it is going to be a WHOPPER of a trial if it goes to trial.

LOTTSA men like you are going to come out of the woodwork to sing like canaries against

WHY are the feds looking in the OTHER BURKES yard NOW?????? for money and bodies?
what gives with all that?
WHY, indeed? TKMB, you may have asked the most PROFOUND question ever posted on this BOARD. The FEDS just don't care as long as they get their way. You have seen what they have done with bigger cases.

How could the FEDS not go to the jail to talk to Loeb when everyone knows this is really about child *advertiser censored*?
Whenever I mention "Suffolk County" to any of my very street smart "associates", the word corruption escapes from their mouths. Sorry to all you decent LE people out there. I know you can't all be corrupt and it must be a very frightening situation to be in, not knowing who you can trust and who you can't.

As for sneaky politicians, and again I know they aren't all that way, but there are a good share of them out there. I have a doozy of a story for you. Back in the day a decade or so ago, I had a crappy assignment to hide in a vehicle at a union rally and document any activity that caused damage to the property and identify the person or persons responsible. I know some union guys think that's a rat job, but I looked at it from the business owner's point of view. Anyway, I'm sweating my a@@ off in this hot van for hours, video camera in hand waiting for some jerk to get rowdy and start damaging things. They were all cool. And other than the fact that I was sweating to death and felt like I was going to die (limiting fluid intake is a must when you are a female and there is no restroom available. Guys have it much easier) it was uneventful and a pretty easy assignment. Anyway, the rally was over and I was ready to pack up my stuff, when I hear two men chatting on their way to the vehicle parked next to the one I was in. It was the politician and his male secretary. He did not know I was in the vehicle right next to him. This politician was the same guy moments ago standing on his soapbox telling all the union guys and gals how much he supported them and their cause. Friggin liar.
As he was entering his vehicle, I overheard his secretary say to him, " I know you didn't want to come, but it's good for votes." I SWEAR TO GOD. THAT is one of the many reasons I am very leery of politicians.
I have been looking at this Burke guy for about 8 years now.

I meet a former SCPD cop at a funeral wake. He tells me Burke and a certain guy are 'very close'. I don't know what he means. It is a funeral so I leave it at that. Meet him again at a wedding a few years later and ask him what did he mean by 'close'. He tells me Burke and his cop pal went to Thailand together. He smiles. Tells me the whole PD was buzzing about it..

don't forget
bernie kerik was the top cop in nypd.
rut row
went to prison

burke is only a chief. not commish.
he CAN be taken down.
he can!!!!

loeb needs a damn smart attorney. but QUICK.
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