Federal Investigation of Suffolk County Police Chief

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I should also add, there are other whac jobs out there that are not suspects, but have done the same types of things. Left things, sent things to people, taken pictures of items on the memorials but then didn't meave the items.... just took a picture to send.
Then there was the guy on Nat Geo - came all the way from Florida to collect some soil from the spots the bodies were.... to sell on his serial killer website.
Take all kinds.
People confess to crimes they didn't commit... want people to feel they are responsible when they're not.
It's mind boggling how whacked some people are

It REALLY does boggle the mind! :(
The guy is a drug addicted car booster. He is not a violent felon or a drug kingpin. he had 1/2 M bail set on him. OK, if he stole something from your car you would want to put him in jail forever. I get that. But I have NEVER seen such high bail set on a car booster. 10K would have been high, a 1/2 M is outrageous.

NYS Chief Judge Lipmann just issued a directive that the courts and prosecutors should try to make reasonable bail for indigent defendants and not keep them in jail any longer than necessary. I guess DA Spota didn't get that directive.

Sounds like Suffolk Co. needs a Knapp commission. Doesnt this guys lawyer wonder what the hell is going on? Have the rumors spread from Suffolk Co. to Queens?
DeeDee, what do you think? But I doubt if the Queens DA is going to do anything about it. They will just say they are prosecuting the theft and won't bother to look at the rest. That is all they have been asked to do.

When I first started with Spota I became aware that two of the criminals he was going to use in my son in law's case admitted to him with signed confessions that they burned an occupied building in Yonkers and were paid by another party.

Spota never bothered to tell the Westchester DA these two guys confessed to him and he gave them immunity. Not a word to the WDA, requesting her leave. He was too arrogant and he didn't want to take the chance if she refused to cooperate with his request his whole frame job of the SIL would have gone in the garbage.

He had such information for more than a year and a half. He never told them. The case was open for more than 3 years at the time. He never told them.

I told WDA, and sent a detective that was assigned to the case two confessions. He went nuts. I had already started this thing several months earlier when I spoke to the initial detective that had the case. That detective simply forgot to ask me for my name. That detective told me he called both LI DA offices and PDs and nobody knew anything about it. Nassau wouldn't have known, but Suffolk surely did.

After getting on the new WDA for information on this case, she wrote back to me that she searched her files ( including the previous DA) and could find no record of the SCPD or DA ever requesting their cooperation not to prosecute this crime. A crime that carried a 20 year minimum sentence upon conviction.

One of the arsonists admitted to 37 other violent felonies, including stick-ups and home invasions with torture and injury. He only received 5 years probation, and was allowed to continue his mortgage fraud business in Boca Raton where he served out part of his probation, or until I made the Palm Beach County authorities aware of his mortgage fraud being committed right in their faces - with the blessings of the Suffolk DA Tom "Clarence" Spotatohead.
The point of the above post and how it relates to Gilgo is this: If what I say is true or any part of it is true, I ask you how you could expect SCDA/SCPD to do an honest investigation if there is a chance a well connected person is involved in the murders in a direct or even indirect manner - using the services of prostitutes?
Several months ago I provided documented evidence that a very questionable and suspicious land deal occurred in Oak Beach - 2000, thru 5/2004. A high public official and fundraiser for a Suffolk County public official bought a home from a convicted drug dealer who when he was released from jail moved into the sex business. That is a FACT supported by many documents and news stories.

The Public Official bought a house the drug dealer bought at Oak Beach for $825K, when It sure looks something worth looking into.

IMO it is a deal ripe with corruption and grand larceny. It goes to the climate of what is going on in Suffolk County. If these same people are in anyway involved in the GB4, either directly or indirectly ( they have knowledge ) this case will never be solved and the guilty brought to justice.
My biggest fear (concerning this case) is that you are right Hawk. (In regards to the last paragraph in your last post)
My biggest fear (concerning this case) is that you are right Hawk. (In regards to the last paragraph in your last post)


I just came across some information that might make your worst fears even more justified.

It appears I have found information that could connect a high police official of being complicit in a homicide. I have believed that for many years now. But now I have more information that links all the players back to the police official and the framing of my son in law.

the same people are running the GB4 SG case.
I hope you have taken measures to make copies of this info. and put them in a secure place. Maybe give them to a lawyer.

Please watch your back Hawk.

I just came across some information that might make your worst fears even more justified.

It appears I have found information that could connect a high police official of being complicit in a homicide. I have believed that for many years now. But now I have more information that links all the players back to the police official and the framing of my son in law.

the same people are running the GB4 SG case.

Once upon a time, in a land long ago and far away
a man named Bernie Kerik was police commish in nyc.

ohhhhhhhh little boys and girls.....my oh my.......

he's in prison now....... so sad.....so so so sad......rut row

Bernard Kerik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I saw the ex-commissioner in the mall shopping with his young daughter (this was obviously before his prison time.) I wanted to run up to him and give him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. I will always remember him for remaining so tough and strong in the face of the WTC terrorist attacks. Somehow, watching him and Mayor G appear so in charge in the midst of chaos and uncertainty made me feel safer.
JF, they are in a safe place - they are all over the Internet, and that doesn't disappear from all places no matter what you do.
If what you say is true (I need to preface my statements with that, as I do not know you. You understand I am sure) then a bad man. a very bad man, is in a position of tremendous power and influence with a huge responsibility to protect the public in an area that is "rumored" cough cough, (I have something in my throat, excuse me) rumored to be heavily influenced by corrupt police union officials, bad guys who pose as cops to help other bad guys steal and make money, big time drug deals, sex trafficking, gambling and any other opportunity to make vast amounts of cold hard cash.

Do you understand what happens to people who interfere with bad guys' money making ventures? I'm sure you do. Trust me, posting info all over the internet is NOT going to protect you. They have ways of making people disappear, or have their death appear as an accident. Hell, they will probably bully some veterinarian to use his cremator to turn you to ashes, if they are like the jersey guys. You need to protect yourself. Please. If something happens to you, who else will have the cojones to see it through?
The only reason BK was made the commissioner is because Mayor Giuliani wanted to rub it in the face of the cops he so dearly hated. He wanted to show the cops he was the boss and any person he chose could run the PD, even a detective that resigned after serving for 7 years in the PD.

BK went to Saudi, Arabia to offer security protection to the Sheiks and Umpahs that ruled that country. Does anyone really know how close he was to a country where most of the 911 terrorists hailed from?

Mayor Rudy went so far to disgrace the NYPD that he moved the emergency mobilization agency out of 1PP to the 7th Floor of a WTC building. That building was one of the first that went down on 911. He took the first responder emergency units away from the PD, and created an entirely new bureau to super cede the PD and FD.

He then compounded the his wanton errors by nominating BK to Pres.Bush to be the Director of Homeland Security. That would cause the downfall of BK and RG. BK went to jail and RG, the once first leader for the GOP for the upcoming presidential election would now have to withdraw from running.
The only reason BK was made the commissioner is because Mayor Giuliani wanted to rub it in the face of the cops he so dearly hated. He wanted to show the cops he was the boss and any person he chose could run the PD, even a detective that resigned after serving for 7 years in the PD.

BK went to Saudi, Arabia to offer security protection to the Sheiks and Umpahs that ruled that country. Does anyone really know how close he was to a country where most of the 911 terrorists hailed from?

Mayor Rudy went so far to disgrace the NYPD that he moved the emergency mobilization agency out of 1PP to the 7th Floor of a WTC building. That building was one of the first that went down on 911. He took the first responder emergency units away from the PD, and created an entirely new bureau to super cede the PD and FD.

He then compounded the his wanton errors by nominating BK to Pres.Bush to be the Director of Homeland Security. That would cause the downfall of BK and RG. BK went to jail and RG, the once first leader for the GOP for the upcoming presidential election would now have to withdraw from running.


an ex commissioner of police of nyc....is in prison.
the top cop......BUSTED. BIG TIME.

and what about the bugging of the boat of al pirro?

an ex commissioner of police of nyc....is in prison.
the top cop......BUSTED. BIG TIME.

and what about the bugging of the boat of al pirro?

You understand, completely. Yeah, what happened to Pirro? The FEDS seemed to have her good, and nothing happened after that/ The target was ALWAYS RG, and no one else.
I had a very productive day. What I was telling interested parties is something they already seem to know. I think they want to hear it again from a different POV.

The one thing I thought was the most exciting was from information I just received that would tend to implicate a police official in a murder. Maybe that was because the information didn't sink in because it was so far out there. One thing I can tell you is I got this information when I was a detective and no one stood in my way the cop goes to the head of the list for this unsolved murder.

I can connect him right to one of the chief suspects in the murder. I have now satisfied I connected him to the murder scene. Some things you can't hide. But it helps to know what you are looking for.

This is why I say these sort of cases like Gilgo are a long drawn out affair. You collect a lot of information that appears meaningless. Most times it is. Sometimes it pops right off the page and hits you between the eyes.

Nothing the investigator does is wasted if you absorb what you learn or you don't learn.

I just came across some information that might make your worst fears even more justified.

It appears I have found information that could connect a high police official of being complicit in a homicide. I have believed that for many years now. But now I have more information that links all the players back to the police official and the framing of my son in law.

the same people are running the GB4 SG case.

Ah, so now why we know why you are so down on the local LE. It is not about the case, it is a personal grudge.
Ah, so now why we know why you are so down on the local LE. It is not about the case, it is a personal grudge.

wow!!! what most have known for a very long time you have suddenly figured out.
If certain members of SCPD and DA didn't frame my son in law you will have never seen me here. Make no mistake about it that they framed him out of whole cloth. They just made it up. I didn't come upon that suddenly as a leap of faith judgment. I didn't arrive at that because he told me so. Truth is I though he at least did something resembling what he was charged with. I know them a lot better than most people do. I would even go so far as to say I know them better than most of their own PD knows them.
The GB4 and SG case stinks to the high heavens. They supposedly have tapes of a nut job calling one of the dead gals family. They have SG on a 23 min 911 call and they won't release it to the public. You did see what the FBI/BPD/MAP did with the tapes of the two bombers.

You have that detective writing a letter to Newsday saying he heard the tape and he could find no panic in SG's voice. He happens to be the same detective that didn't solve another murder case in 2003 when there was no end to suspects. It wasn't because he couldn't, it was because THEY didn't want him to solve it lest it comes back to them.

The framing of a dead man. I predicted that a week or more before it happened.

My POI has been known to rape and beat up hookers. He has a child with a long time hooker. He was around in the 1979 murder of a 13 year old kid. He became a witness for the DA. He was around when a witness was murdered after the witness was brought into the DA office and gave information about his neighbor. Now he plays a major role in the investigation. His latest scandal is he had <modsnip> *advertiser censored* stolen out of his car and they are trying to cover that up.

The detectives that are investigating this case knows this. What do they care as long as they wallets and pensions are being fattened up. Do a Suffolk County salary database search and it is top heavy with SCPD detectives. They go along to get along.

For all I know they may have killed the dog that found the bodies, and transferred the cop to the property clerk's office.

wow!!! what most have known for a very long time you have suddenly figured out.

:floorlaugh: Hello!

I gotta respect and love your honesty and forthrightness Hawk! You have always made it VERY clear that you have an agenda. Unlike others involved in this case.

I also respect your theory!
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