FL - 17 killed in Stoneman Douglas H.S. shooting, Parkland, 14 Feb 2018 #2 *Arrest*

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Gold said that Cruz escaped his misery by playing video games for eight, 12, even 15 hours a day. Gold, who owns a film and video production company, sometimes would play a game or two with them.

“It was kill, kill, kill, blow up something, and kill some more, all day,” he said.


Usually when there is some school shooting, video games get blamed. I did not see any of it with Parkland. I saw this a lot with Columbine, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook.
Very true. Now, where do we put them when they are "removed" from among us, at least temporarily?

ADDED: What are the criteria for removal?

That is going to be a very tough one. I mean very tough.

Adressing the bolded:

In my opinion it's less of an "elephant in the room" then it is a Red Herring...

No media exists that will turn an emotionally healthy person into a killer, any more than a normal four year old who plays "Whack-a-Mole" would ever be inclined to bash in the head of an actual mole with a mallet.

I have a son who's been a Sergeant in the Army for 20 years now. He owns guns, goes target shooting and he still plays Call of Duty and other games, which he has done since he was young.

He has never harmed an animal or another human being in his life intentionally. All of my sons have played games, listened to music, watched movies, with violent content, as have I.

In fact, I am a huge Stephen King fan, love horror movies, and as I recall, I had a respectable high score in Mortal Combat back in the day...

I remember I took a lot of crap off people who insisted that my son was going to be a failure in life because of how often he played these video games.

The underlying basis of most of these games are about skill and strategy. No sane individual would believe that these games have any bearing on what would happen in real life, if you shot someone.

My son has great leadership skills and strategic skills and he took those skills, honed in those video games and he now uses them as Army Special Forces Air Defense, to protect you. All of us.

He did not take from those games "gee I should be a mass murderer".

Of all people, we who feed our minds day in and day out, with violent crimes, here on websleuth should understand the distinction. Jmo.

I completely respect your opinion. Your Son has a healthy mind. My point is that when there is mental illness, combined with unmonitored psych drugs, unregulated violent video games, parents that are ill equipped or negligent or just too busy putting food on the table, terrible social service assistance. The video games provide a fantasy outlet that becomes obsession to those that "wronged" them. This fantasy advances to a point that it turns into planning and then acting on that fantasy, to the detriment of Us.

The game grand theft auto is not even the worst of them, but there is a part of the game where you can hire a prostitute, your money in the game goes down. The car jumps up and down simulating sex. Then the prostitue gets out and you can shot and kill her then your money bank goes back up. Repetition and hours being played causes desensitation that is absolutely not healthy for a child's developing mind, much less a child that has mental issues.

I am not going to say anything else about violent video games because it seems to be a touchy issue. Good night.
Lots of new info here

To longtime friend, school shooter Nikolas Cruz was lonely, volatile, ostracized


Sounds like Nikolas Cruz has trouble fitting in, like many other mass killers, terrorists, and bullies/abusers.

I saw ID Web Of Lies Friend Request and Tina Meier said Lori and Sarah Drew had trouble fitting in. I have read Sarah Drew was a target of bullying. I have never heard or read if Lori Drew was a target of bullying or abuse. Drew's childhood is sketchy, but would not be surprised if she was a target of bullying.

What I see in Nikolas Cruz is what I see in Lori Drew. They are more similar than different. Granted, Drew is extreme sociable and obsessed about social status unlike Cruz. Cruz is a megalomaniac, while Drew just has a huge and severely inflated ego.
That is going to be a very tough one. I mean very tough.

Very true. Does anyone have a list of hospitals/institutions or other facilities in Florida that are still open and operating? I say Florida because that's where our latest atrocity happened. What are the criteria for admittance to these facilities?

What about other states? What facilities are open? Are there any? Are there waiting lists for beds?

C'mon guys, we need to start looking into solutions.
I am not aware of an institution, money or not that you can simply send a child to. Treatment centers, boarding schools, but not institutions.
The quickest option would be to turn the child over to the state, which would likely result in them taking the other child as well. Then they would just be a danger to foster families.

You can't just drop someone off at an institution anymore. It's way more complicated. My suggestion is that we use LONG ACTING meds as an alternative to a secure location for those proven dangerous. If they don't want the meds, they can have the secure location. It would be a choice for them. Only in extreme cases would it ever be forced on anyone.

THIS is where the failure occurred. He SHOULD have had a domestic violence conviction from what we have heard. If he'd been charged, he wouldn't have been able to LEGALLY obtain a firearm. 39 police calls, never charged. That's not right.

Hmmm.... long-acting meds are not anything I've heard of before, but this is a good idea. Do such things exist now? Is there work being done? Might be one approach in this problem that requires multi-pronged approaches. It's complicated, but this is an idea worth considering.

Very true. Does anyone have a list of hospitals/institutions or other facilities in Florida that are still open and operating? I say Florida because that's where our latest atrocity happened. What are the criteria for admittance to these facilities?

What about other states? What facilities are open? Are there any? Are there waiting lists for beds?

C'mon guys, we need to start looking into solutions.


State Mental Health Treatment Facilities
Florida State Hospital (FSH)
Northeast Florida State Hospital (NEFSH)
North Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center (NFETC)
South Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center, operated by Correct Care LLC
South Florida State Hospital, Operated by Correct Care LLC
Treasure Coast Treatment Facility, operated by Correct Care LLC
West Florida Community Care Center, operated by Lakeview Center

Hope this helps...
I find that disturbing. Couldn't they bond over camping instead? or any other outdoor/indoor sport or activity?

Or Spaghetti!

Do not ask me where that came ~ from
WS'ers are a bit of a strange group, drawn to crime stories as we are. But, you know what? We're a really nice group too (for the most part, lol!). Way to go, WS.

Just had to say something nice - and I mean it!

That is really disturbing.

Tharpt student who attacked your son sounds like another Nikolas Cruz.

I am still concerned for the safety of the students and staff there. I did what I felt was necessary to end my son's exposure to him, as the kid is clearly escalating. My son was nervous everyday.
Of course, I wasn't given any information about what was being done to mitigate the risk of further violence due to privacy policy.
I just hope I don't see him on the news one day...
I am not aware of an institution, money or not that you can simply send a child to. Treatment centers, boarding schools, but not institutions.
The quickest option would be to turn the child over to the state, which would likely result in them taking the other child as well. Then they would just be a danger to foster families.

You can't just drop someone off at an institution anymore. It's way more complicated. My suggestion is that we use LONG ACTING meds as an alternative to a secure location for those proven dangerous. If they don't want the meds, they can have the secure location. It would be a choice for them. Only in extreme cases would it ever be forced on anyone.

THIS is where the failure occurred. He SHOULD have had a domestic violence conviction from what we have heard. If he'd been charged, he wouldn't have been able to LEGALLY obtain a firearm. 39 police calls, never charged. That's not right.

Totally agree with all you have said. A matter of "too little, too late" for all concerned.
Usually when there is some school shooting, video games get blamed. I did not see any of it with Parkland. I saw this a lot with Columbine, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook.

Yes.....with the Parkland case, it has been posted here that N.C. played violent video games for hours per day. All of them with the theme of kill, kill, kill.
One of the incidences where N.C.’ mom called the authorities is when she tried taking his X-Box away from him and he started throwing things & smashing up the house.
It was posted up thread.
I grew up about 10-15 minutes from Parkland. I’ve frequented that area, as I had many friends that lived there. Now I live in Broward County, Fort Lauderdale. As everyone else is, we are absolutely shaken up. Anywhere I go, it’s being talked about. People are visibly upset, shocked, and scared. I know this is always said, but I never thought it’d happen here. No one did.
The fact that multiple warnings signs and calls/tips went ignored is extremely disheartening. Now that social media is so prevalent in almost everyone’s life, it has become not only a place where warning signs can become revealed, but also a great source for evidence. Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc need to have a better reporting system, that is taken seriously. People tend to say things online that they wouldn’t normally say, but as someone earlier stated- there needs to be repercussions. Most often after a shooting, there is a digital footprint left by the suspect, warning signs. I noticed earlier this week, when I tried to report something on Facebook that you aren’t able to write anything about your issue, or send them a screenshot or anything. So you have to pick from their preset options. What I was trying to report, wasn’t a direct comment made by the individual or a post, but it was a series of screenshots of a conversation between 2 people and the one who posted it was not the issue, it was the other person in the screenshotted conversation. I don’t know how reporting things works, so I didn’t want to report the persons comment of posting the pictures, since they didn’t do anything wrong. But since social media is often times very telling, the whole reporting system needs to be beefed up, as well as shared between different agencies. If the YouTube comment about being a professional school shooter were shared with Broward officers, perhaps one of the times they were called to the residence, a different course of action would’ve been taken. When someone close to Cruz called the FBI to report a tip- in a perfect world- they could’ve pulled up all of his information in one place, this information sharing system. So they have a tip from a source close to him, multiple alarming comments online, several guns, history of violence and killing animals, an expressed interest in school shooting, his disciplinary actions at school including the fact that he wasn’t allowed to bring a backpack to school at one point (think about that, not allowed to bring a backpack to school), history of mental health with stopped treatment (violation of HIPAA, I know), a previous called in tip to the FBI, etc etc..and a cookie cutter profile becomes crystal clear of someone who is extremely likely to commit a violent crime. As far as where to go from there in my perfect world, I don’t know- but I think this idea of an information sharing system could have the potential to uncover many planned attacks.
Sorry this is so long 😬

Did anyone release anything formal ??
I am still concerned for the safety of the students and staff there. I did what I felt was necessary to end my son's exposure to him, as the kid is clearly escalating. My son was nervous everyday.
Of course, I wasn't given any information about what was being done to mitigate the risk of further violence due to privacy policy.
I just hope I don't see him on the news one day...

Scary to think about.

So many red flags.
CARIIS - Just the person I was thinking about. You seem to know all about funding for mental health. Can you give us/me a quick rundown on how that operates? There do seem to be a FEW places where those deemed "dangerous" can go. How does that work? Who is deemed dangerous? We need your expertise here, in easy to understand, and read, language.
Yes.....with the Parkland case, it has been posted here that N.C. played violent video games for hours per day. All of them with the theme of kill, kill, kill.
One of the incidences where N.C.’ mom called the authorities is when she tried taking his X-Box away from him and he started throwing things & smashing up the house.
It was posted up thread.

Nikolas Cruz playing video games a lot is something I just saw today.
I don't know about anyone else here, but does it seem like there is a lot more mental illness in people nowadays than there used to be, especially in our young people? Makes me really wonder what on earth is going on sometimes? I guess social media gives a lot of kids a platform nowadays too, and once upon a time kids didn't have all this technology their brains are swamped with now. Life used to be a lot more simple back then it seems. All IMO.
I grew up about 10-15 minutes from Parkland. I’ve frequented that area, as I had many friends that lived there. Now I live in Broward County, Fort Lauderdale. As everyone else is, we are absolutely shaken up. Anywhere I go, it’s being talked about. People are visibly upset, shocked, and scared. I know this is always said, but I never thought it’d happen here. No one did.
The fact that multiple warnings signs and calls/tips went ignored is extremely disheartening. Now that social media is so prevalent in almost everyone’s life, it has become not only a place where warning signs can become revealed, but also a great source for evidence. Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc need to have a better reporting system, that is taken seriously. People tend to say things online that they wouldn’t normally say, but as someone earlier stated- there needs to be repercussions. Most often after a shooting, there is a digital footprint left by the suspect, warning signs. I noticed earlier this week, when I tried to report something on Facebook that you aren’t able to write anything about your issue, or send them a screenshot or anything. So you have to pick from their preset options. What I was trying to report, wasn’t a direct comment made by the individual or a post, but it was a series of screenshots of a conversation between 2 people and the one who posted it was not the issue, it was the other person in the screenshotted conversation. I don’t know how reporting things works, so I didn’t want to report the persons comment of posting the pictures, since they didn’t do anything wrong. But since social media is often times very telling, the whole reporting system needs to be beefed up, as well as shared between different agencies. If the YouTube comment about being a professional school shooter were shared with Broward officers, perhaps one of the times they were called to the residence, a different course of action would’ve been taken. When someone close to Cruz called the FBI to report a tip- in a perfect world- they could’ve pulled up all of his information in one place, this information sharing system. So they have a tip from a source close to him, multiple alarming comments online, several guns, history of violence and killing animals, an expressed interest in school shooting, his disciplinary actions at school including the fact that he wasn’t allowed to bring a backpack to school at one point (think about that, not allowed to bring a backpack to school), history of mental health with stopped treatment (violation of HIPAA, I know), a previous called in tip to the FBI, etc etc..and a cookie cutter profile becomes crystal clear of someone who is extremely likely to commit a violent crime. As far as where to go from there in my perfect world, I don’t know- but I think this idea of an information sharing system could have the potential to uncover many planned attacks.
Sorry this is so long 😬

Technology offers the ability for the authorities/agencies to have data in a central “hub” for safety and investigatory purposes.

This way we can make it easier for folks that work in Investigative bureaus (ah-hum) to not have to work real hard at investigating. Hey, whatever works. Because, you know, it’s hard to investigate 19 yr olds who use their real (and unusually spelled) names & the same IP address. Insert sarcasm.
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