FL - 17 killed in Stoneman Douglas H.S. shooting, Parkland, 14 Feb 2018 #3 *Arrest*

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These were with another article.


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“Cruz told her real estate agent, Erick Mesia, that she could no longer afford the spacious Parkland home. She said “she needed to lower her costs so she could stretch her money longer,” Mesia said. By then the home was rundown, he said, calling it a “a handyman’s special.” There were marks on the walls and clutter all about.

“It was a difficult sale because the kids had turned it upside down. It was a mess,” said Mesia, whose firm sold the home and helped Lynda Cruz find a smaller, rental townhouse at the MiraLago development in Parkland.

Both boys were upset about moving, he said.”

Snipped from:


“Cruz told her real estate agent, Erick Mesia, that she could no longer afford the spacious Parkland home. She said “she needed to lower her costs so she could stretch her money longer,” Mesia said. By then the home was rundown, he said, calling it a “a handyman’s special.” There were marks on the walls and clutter all about.

“It was a difficult sale because the kids had turned it upside down. It was a mess,” said Mesia, whose firm sold the home and helped Lynda Cruz find a smaller, rental townhouse at the MiraLago development in Parkland.

Both boys were upset about moving, he said.”

Snipped from:

WOW! Such a lot of information!
Thank you for finding this.

I feel shocked reading it... so much info..


“Cruz told her real estate agent, Erick Mesia, that she could no longer afford the spacious Parkland home. She said “she needed to lower her costs so she could stretch her money longer,” Mesia said. By then the home was rundown, he said, calling it a “a handyman’s special.” There were marks on the walls and clutter all about.

“It was a difficult sale because the kids had turned it upside down. It was a mess,” said Mesia, whose firm sold the home and helped Lynda Cruz find a smaller, rental townhouse at the MiraLago development in Parkland.

Both boys were upset about moving, he said.”

Snipped from:

Wow thank you for that link - lots of detailed information about the Cruz family and adopted sons. Information that makes an analysis a lot easier.

Would Nikolas Cruz have been better off in an environment that nurtures introversion?





Will study all these links and thanks for the research.

It .is very difficult to focus on a single aspect from the article of Goodeeds.

So, Linda.. her cause of death has not been made public.. earlier articles stated she died from 'flu complications, being unwilling to pay for meds, because frugal..
Article appears to describe a life of gradual weakening.. to the extent that' the 2 children appeared to be in control'

I wonder what was going on with her/
Did she suffer from a degenerative disease, physical/mental or both?
When did the problems start?

I cannot get a sense of her nature or personality.
I'm not sure whether her calls to police were invited or whether she truly was in fear or panic for their safety?
Would need to know something about community policing specific to her locale.

Did she consider them friends, to be called upon to put frighteners on the boys when they became unmanageable?
How did the death of her husband affect her?

Was it a downhill struggle afterwards or did her 'weakening' occur as they reached puberty?
Who were her friends?
Had she any friends, did she belong to any groups, even online/
Did she ask for help and what was the nature of the help she thought she needed?

Sometimes one hears these scenarios described when people are living very remotely and have no access to social events and their children are home-schooled

Had she anybody at all??

Did her disintegration bring about or affect the worsening of Nik's mental state? Or was it the other way around.?

So many more questions now.....
Will study all these links and thanks for the research.

It .is very difficult to focus on a single aspect from the article of Goodeeds.

So, Linda.. her cause of death has not been made public.. earlier articles stated she died from 'flu complications, being unwilling to pay for meds, because frugal..
Article appears to describe a life of gradual weakening.. to the extent that' the 2 children appeared to be in control'

I wonder what was going on with her/
Did she suffer from a degenerative disease, physical/mental or both?
When did the problems start?

I cannot get a sense of her nature or personality.
I'm not sure whether her calls to police were invited or whether she truly was in fear or panic for their safety?
Would need to know something about community policing specific to her locale.

Did she consider them friends, to be called upon to put frighteners on the boys when they became unmanageable?
How did the death of her husband affect her?

Was it a downhill struggle afterwards or did her 'weakening' occur as they reached puberty?
Who were her friends?
Had she any friends, did she belong to any groups, even online/
Did she ask for help and what was the nature of the help she thought she needed?

Sometimes one hears these scenarios described when people are living very remotely and have no access to social events and their children are home-schooled

Had she anybody at all??

Did her disintegration bring about or affect the worsening of Nik's mental state? Or was it the other way around.?

So many more questions now.....

It’s tragic that she suffered alone, as it appears there wasn’t a support system.

To your last question:
Don’t know for sure but I think it would be a bit of both were taking place in a cyclical dynamic.

I would like to know about her life before Roger and the boys. What was her marriage like, abusive? Was she not able to conceive and the longing for children accelerate the adoption process once she was married to Roger?

I’m sure she was happy to be married and looking so forward to a family life, only to have that end suddenly. That had to be rough knowing chances of finding another partner real soon were not likely. Her parents were deceased at that point. From what we have heard about from her sister in law it doesn’t seem she saw much of her only sibling. He died 2 years ago.

Did the family not want to have anything to do with the her because of the boys, embarrassed?

I saw the death certificate...not sure where now or if I posted it? I imagine her immune system was wrecked.

Great articles, thanks! Still reading.

PARKLAND, Fla. - Exclusive documents obtained by Local 10 News show the education plan for school shooter Nikolas Cruz; a plan that left clear signals that should have alerted officials of the danger he posed to the community, according to a former Broward County ESE specialist who reviewed the information at the station's request.

Provenzano said that in 42 years of dealing with exceptional students she never saw a document with such obvious signs that a student might resort to violence.

"These are significant red flags that this is a very troubled young man," she said.

The plan also noted that Cruz had been involved in two serious incidents, recent at the time: "He is very easily influenced and was coerced to jump off the back of the school bus by a peer. Nikolas has difficulty with wanting to have friends and engaging in following the negative behaviors of those peers.

He also has poor judgment in social situations. Recently he was punched numerous times by a peer for using racial slurs towards that peer. … He refused to accept that the comments made by him caused the peers reaction."

Records indicate that once the move was made to Marjory Stoneman Douglas, his behavior deteriorated, with several disciplinary actions, including for fighting and assault that led to his ouster from the school in February last year.

The documents also show Cruz was dependent on psychiatric medication and continued to struggle greatly in social situations. Despite those issues, he was still enrolled at Douglas in January 2016 when his behavior rapidly deteriorated.

"If you make a movement with somebody like this, you better have an ironclad system of support to monitor him along the way," Provenzano said.

When asked if she believed Cruz received that support, Provenzano did not hesitate with an answer.

"No, I do not," Provenzano said.


PARKLAND, Fla. - An ESE specialist who retired from Broward County Public Schools last year said the system failed Parkland school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz. "These kids are lost, and they need to feel like they belong," Dottie Provenzano said.

Provenzano spent 42 years working with "lost" kids, and spent 11 years working as an ESE specialist with Broward County Public Schools before retiring last year.

"Kids that are troubled like this, they need to feel supported," she said.

When Local 10 News reporter Bob Norman showed Provenzano Cruz's lengthy discipline summary from the Broward County School Board, she came to one conclusion.

"We failed him, and now we have 17 dead children because of a system that didn't work," Provenzano said.

The records show that while a student at Westglades Middle School, Cruz was hit with disciplinary action 25 times for hurling insults, using profane language, fighting and disruptive behavior.

The school board transferred him in February 2014 to Cross Creek School, which is for emotionally and behaviorally disabled students, where he got special care.

But for unknown reasons, Cruz was later transferred to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

"Cross Creek never should have released him. He was not ready to be released," Provenzano said.

Provenzano said the move was a recipe for disaster.

"It's a school of 3,000 students and, yes, he might have a social worker who can meet with him here and there, but he went from a highly structured environment where they're not even allowed to walk down the hall without an adult to saying, 'here you go,'" Provenzano said.

The records also show that once at Stoneman Douglas, Cruz quickly became a problem student. He was disciplined five times for insults, using profanity at staff, fighting and an assault.

"He makes the transition and has all these disciplinary issues after he gets there and nothing happened," Provenzano said.

Ultimately, Cruz was transferred to an off-campus learning center on Feb. 8, 2017.

"You feel this student was dumped?" Norman asked.

"I do," Provenzano said.

“The documents also show that Cruz had been making progress and doing well in classes at Cross Creek School prior to the move. He was even volunteering at the YMCA and wanted to return to a "regular school" like Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School instead of Cross Creek, which he believed was for students who were "not smart." It mentions family counseling involving his mother, who died this past November.


Environment matters!

Broward County Public Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie recommended Tuesday during a school board meeting that a comprehensive and independent review be conducted regarding Nikolas Cruz's educational record and the academic, social and emotional services he receive

The review includes:
• A thorough review of the student's academic records.
• Identification and review of the academic, social and emotional services provided to Nikolas Cruz during the time he was enrolled in Broward County Public Schools.
• On-site interviews with BCPS staff and agency partners, who provided academic and support services to the student.
• A review of policies and procedures in place during the student's academic journey.

The review is expected to start Tuesday and conclude by June, with a final report issued of its findings and recommendations.

Looking at Nikolas Cruz, he is a dangerous injustice collector and serial bully.

On Wound Collectors

Murderous Envy

Nikolas Cruz is pathologically envious as he is very obsessed about his girlfriend. He got expelled because of it as he attacked the ex-girlfriend's boyfriend. Envy is a common characteristic of injustice collectors.

Alleged school shooter was abusive to ex-girlfriend: classmate

Alleged school shooter Nikolas Cruz threatened to kill his ex girlfriend — and was expelled after fighting with her new boyfriend, classmates revealed Thursday.

“The reason he got expelled was because he was fighting with his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend,” Connor Dietrich, 17, a junior at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, told The Post.

“He stalked her and threatened her. He was like, ‘I’m going to kill you,’ and he would say awful things to her and harass her to the point I would walk her to the bus just to make sure she was OK. We all made sure she was never alone.”

The Dangerous Injustice Collector: Behaviors of Someone Who Never Forgets, Never Forgives, Never Lets Go, and Strikes Back!

Identifying The Next Mass Murderer—Before It’s Too Late

Psychology of Terrorism - National Criminal Justice Reference Service

Terrorists are injustice collectors. It is not the sole reason, but a major factor.

Revisiting Adam Lanza: The Official Sandy Hook Report

Lanza is consumed by pathological envy.

Elliot Rodger-My Twisted World

Envy is a major theme in Rodger's manifesto.

Seung Hui Cho’s Manifesto

Like Rodger and Lanza, envy consumes Cho.

Websleuth Radio Interview Tina Meier

There are not of profiles or background information on Lori Drew. Tina Meier's description of Lori Drew starts at the 20:40 mark, which is constant complainer and unhappy. If one was not paying attention, one could be thinking that is Nikolas Cruz being described. Both Cruz and Drew are bullies.

In both cases, they are consumed by envy as they are very resentful and unhappy people. They are perpetual victims and live a life of resentment and grudges. They are avoided by people for their extremely negative personality. Lori Drew is similar to Jodi Arias, Betty Broderick, Yoselyn Ortega, Elliot Rodger, Stephen Paddock, Devin Kelley, Omar Mateen, Seung-Hui Cho, Adam Lanza, Eric Harris, 9/11 Terrorists and Osama bin Laden.

Elliot Rodger: A Psychotic Psychopath?

A similar dynamic occurred with several psychotic shooters in the form of a masochistic personality. This refers to having an extreme sensitivity to emotional pain, and holding onto and exaggerating one’s suffering. Though in other writings I have used the terms “injustice collector” and “masochism” interchangeably, further reflection suggests that though similar concepts, they have a different dynamic. Psychopathic shooters rise in anger in response to what they perceive as injustice — “how dare they!” In contrast, psychotic shooters sink in anguish in response to what they perceive as cruelty — “woe is me!”

Rodger’s personality was notable for the intensity of his envy and resentment. Like masochism and injustice collecting, envy and resentment are similar concepts but they perhaps can be differentiated between psychotic and psychopathic shooters. To make this point, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold will serve as examples. Both were aware of hierarchies of status, but they had different responses for different reasons. Harris, a psychopathic shooter, looked down on people and resented those who had status in the eyes of the world because he thought he deserved to have the highest status. Klebold, a psychotic shooter, looked up to people and envied those who had status. In other words, psychotic shooters recognized that their peers were above them; this resulted in envy. Psychopathic shooters, however, refused to acknowledge that anyone was above them; this resulted in resentment toward those who thought they had, or were seen by others as having, higher status.

The Enigma of Adam Lanza’s Mind and Motivations for Murder

In other shootings, envy appears to have been a significant motivation (Langman, 2015). Knowing how difficult his childhood was, perhaps Lanza envied children in general because in his eyes they were all happy and would be successful, whereas he was depressed and a failure. He may have sought to obliterate children who represented social success and who thus highlighted the extent of his own “defectiveness.”

The story of Cain is of particular interest not only because Cain was a murderer, but because Lanza, like many other psychotic school shooters, had a sibling who was much higher functioning than he was (Langman, 2015). Unlike Lanza, his brother, Ryan, “was socially well adjusted, one of the popular kids at Newtown High” (Lysiak, 2013, p.*22). Sibling rivalry and sibling envy were issues for many psychotic shooters (Langman, 2015). Though Lanza left no record of animosity towards Ryan, he broke off contact with him two years before the attack, suggesting a hostile attitude. Thus, there may have been two reasons for Lanza to identify with Cain — sibling rivalry and murder.

His suicidal thoughts may have been a result of hopelessness about himself and what the future would hold for him. In addition, the magnitude of these failures and deficits may have caused envy and rage against those whom he perceived as succeeding where he had failed.

One can picture Nikolas Cruz as someone who is consumed by envy. He is very obsessed about his girlfriend that he attacked her boyfriend.
This was entered about 2 weeks ago on Rogers obituary from 2004. Odd that an entry from a family member would be made 14 years after the death. I don’t recall seeing the name ‘Albert Cruz’ anywhere.


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Lyft Says It Will Offer Free Rides to the March For Our Lives Rally on March 24

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Lyft Says It Will Offer Free Rides to the March For Our Lives Rally on March 24

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The reality of a guy with a gun


l Centro College shootout Edit
Johnson, now injured during the firefight, attempted to enter the Lamar Street entrance of the college by shooting out the glass door but was unable to make his way in.[15] He wounded two campus police officers who were near the doorway inside the building. One was shot in the stomach underneath his bulletproof vest (with the bullet not being discovered until three weeks later[22]), while the other was hit by flying glass in the legs.[23] Johnson then made his way to Elm Street where he shot out another glass door and entered the college unseen; he then made his way to Building B.[24] Hearing the shattering glass, one of the injured campus officers, Corporal Bryan Shaw, made his way through the building and discovered a trail of blood leading to a stairwell. Accompanied by another police officer, Shaw entered the stairwell and was met with a hail of gunfire coming from above. Unable to see Johnson, he held his fire and retreated with the other officer.[15][25]

Afterwards, Johnson made his way along a mezzanine between the school's second-floor dining area and third-floor library, but came onto a dead end of windows facing down onto Elm Street. He shot out multiple windows and fired repeatedly at officers on Elm Street. He hit Michael Smith, a police officer standing in front of a 7-Eleven, killing him and shattering the store-front glass. Officers began entering the college, sealing escape routes from the building, and evacuating students and teachers in the building, including those on a floor above Johnson, through a different stairwell.[15][16][18]

Approaching Johnson on the second floor near the library,[24] officers found him secured behind a corner firing intermittently.[26] He was in an area filled with offices and the school's computer servers, with only two doors leading to where he was positioned, and a hallway about 30 feet (9.1 m) long separating him from SWAT members.[16][24] At least 200 gunshots were believed to have been fired by Johnson and SWAT officers in that area during the standoff.[24]
The Latest: Subpoenas prepared in school shooting inquiry

Florida Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Rick Swearingen said Wednesday that the agency will eventually turn over its findings to the Broward County prosecutor.

Couple who took in shooting suspect speak to grand jury

The family who took in the 19-year-old suspected of killing 17 people at a Florida high school testified Wednesday before a grand jury considering charges against him.

Florida gun shop owner refused to sell Cruz an AR-15 because he wasn’t 21

“And I asked him, it’s the first question I ask everybody, ‘How old are you?’” the owner, Razi, told Local10 News, the ABC News affiliate. “And I believe he said, ‘Oh, I’m over 18.’ I said, ‘Are you under 21?’ He said, ‘Yes,’ and I said, ‘I don’t sell any firearms to under the age of 21.’”
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