FL - 17-yo Boy Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #2

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I have taken some time to try to decompress, let my emotions stabilize, and look at this incident from both sides. I've read what other posters are saying and the different angles that everyone has of looking at what we know about this. No matter how I look at it, I still find GZ to be in the wrong.

Here are some different ways that I have looked at it:

Scenario #1) (This scenario gives all assumptions to the side of GZ)
GZ is patrolling the neighborhood and sees a young man he believes is acting suspicious. TM is indeed acting suspicious as he peeks in windows and looks around other peoples property. He indeed looks as though he is up to no good. GZ calls 911. (This, IMO, should have been the end of it. I would never approach a suspicious looking person who was casing my neighbors property. I would call LE and let them deal with it.) GZ speaks to the 911 operator as he follows TM down the street. The 911 operator states that they don't need him to do that. (Again, IMO, this should have been the end of it. GZ has been advised that he does not need to follow TM. Many have pointed out that the operator could only ask GZ not to follow and did not have the authority to tell him he couldn't follow. I see that as a "nanny-nanny-boo-boo approach. Sort of like a child who looks at a neighbor and says "You aren't my mom! You can't tell me what to do!" IMO, GZ called 911 for help. They did not call him. When he called for help, if he truly wanted to assist as the Neighborhood Watch Captain, he should have followed their instructions. By not doing so, he took matters into his own hands and thus is responsible for the outcome.) Now, TM notices GZ following him and his adrenaline starts pumping. Who is this guy? What does he want? Why is he following me? (It is at this point, IMO, that the SYG law is on TM's side because he has no idea who is following him or why, and in all likelyhood, is feeling very threatened.) Being scared, TM ducks into a dark pathway and waits for GZ to show up. When GZ gets there, TM jumps out at him and screams "What do you want?". GZ yells back "What are you doing here?" and a scuffle insues. GZ's gun goes off and TM lays dead. IMO, GZ is still at fault because but for his actions, this would not have occured.

Scenario #2) (This scenario gives all assumptions to the side of TM, and gives him a bit of an attitude commonly found in 17 y/o boys)
TM is walking home from 7-11 when it starts to pour rain. He ducks under a porch awning at one of the neighbors condos to wait in the hopes that it will slow up in a minute. He notices a man watching him and talking on the phone. He's been watched like that before when he's gone into stores and it pisses him off. He puts his hood up and goes back out into the rain. He hears footsteps behind him and turns to see that the man is now out of his car and following him on foot. His heart starts to pound harder and he quickens his pace. (IMO, at this point, the SYG law is on TM's side as he is now being followed by a stranger and must surely feel threatened.) He turns into the back walkways thinking maybe he can move faster but he hears that the man is right behind him. He starts thinking he has to protect himself so he turns around and yells at the man, "What do you want?" with his hands down and out to the side in the universal sign of "WTF?" GZ asks "What are you doing?" TM isn't going to play games with this man and he turns to leave. GZ reaches out and touches his shoulder and TM turns around swinging at him. (Again, IMO, the SYG law is still with TM since GZ is the one who has persued the contact and made the first physical contact.) A scuffle ensues, GZ's gun goes off and TM is dead.

I have gone over many similar scenarios, using differing variations, and no matter how I spin it, GZ, IMO, is still at fault. I believe that this would have never occurred if GZ had acted accordingly. If he had never approached TM or if he would have just hollered out "Hey, man! You looking for something?" in a friendly tone, we wouldn't be here and TM wouldn't be dead. Even if I assume that TM was doing something nefarious and planning evil deeds, it didn't give GZ the right to shoot him. TM did not approach GZ. GZ approached TM.
Apparently, Zimmerman has already proved once some thing like that did happen. He proved it well enough to the Sanford Police Department that they believed it.

How do you know what Zimmerman PROVED vs. what Zimmerman SAID ?

You don't.

He can say anything he wants, and so can you.

If Zimmerman had any proof whatsoever, we wouldn't see all of the outrage. Tray's parents are not asking for a conviction. They asked for an arrest.
I wish the State Attorney's Office would release a statement on the evidence that they are sending to forensics? I think that we could put to rest a lot of the back and forth if we knew Zimmerman's clothes had been taken into evidence? I believe the silence on these simple questions is because the Sanford Police collected no evidence except for Zimmerman's gun and Trayvon's body.

Was a CSI team even brought out to the scene? Do we know if the bullet exited Trayvon's body? Where was the shell casing? If the bullet did exit Trayvon's body, has it been documented where the bullet was found and did they run any kind of trajectory (sp?) tests to determine how it happened? How far away was Trayvon's phone from his body when he fell dead?

So many questions that I could go on for hours!
The first thing a plain clothes LE does is to pull his badge and identify himself when there is an encounter. This man had nothing. Did GZ assume that because he was white and had a gun that this young man should have stopped and put his hands in the air??? His father lived in this gated community IMO to protect himself and his family against this type of thing. I just don't get it. I think Sanford is asking for trouble on this one and with what has happened in the past with other shootings they have opened up a can of worms with this one. jmo
I wish the State Attorney's Office would release a statement on the evidence that they are sending to forensics? I think that we could put to rest a lot of the back and forth if we knew Zimmerman's clothes had been taken into evidence? I believe the silence on these simple questions is because the Sanford Police collected no evidence except for Zimmerman's gun and Trayvon's body.

Was a CSI team even brought out to the scene? Do we know if the bullet exited Trayvon's body? Where was the shell casing? If the bullet did exit Trayvon's body, has it been documented where the bullet was found and did they run any kind of trajectory (sp?) tests to determine how it happened? How far away was Trayvon's phone from his body when he fell dead?

So many questions that I could go on for hours!

Wouldn't the ME's office do that???
Where have you heard the weapon was in his waistband?

"Witnesses told ABC News they heard Zimmerman pronounce aloud to the breathless residents watching the violence unfold "it was self-defense," and place the gun on the ground."


Or MAYBE, he grabbed Tray by the arm, and attempted to stop him from leaving because he was well aware of the gun in his pants or pocket

Or MAYBE the gun wasn't in his pants or pocket but in his hand, which lead to the cries of someone pleading for their life...

Or MAYBE we could go on like this all day....if we don't want to stick to the most logical and reasonable explainations that is.

All we know is that the gun was in his waistband when police arrived, and presuming it was there when he confronted Tray, then it is probable that Tray saw that gun when he began questioning him.
I think we are owed at least this much verbally:

1) Was Zimmerman's clothes taken into evidence the night he shot Trayvon Martin? They don't have to tell us what they are doing with it! We do not need to see photographs! Just tell us that it has been collected, photographed, and documented into evidence?

2) Are there pictures of Zimmerman's injuries? You do not have to release them! Just tell us if there are pictures!

3) Trayvon's clothes? Were they collected, documented, and photographed into evidence? We do not need to see the pictures! Just tell us if they have been collected, photographed, and documented into evidence.

4) Was the bullet casing collected, photographed, and documented into evidence?

5) Was it documented and photographed where the bullet casing was and where Tray's body was? Usually they use a grid like paper to do this. Where was Tray's cell phone on this grid? Was there any other blood anywhere on the sidewalks, grass, etc... because I would assume George's blood, had he been bleeding, especially from a head wound (caused by sidewalk), there would be blood!

I think they should at least answer, without having to release the actual evidence, these questions.
782.11 Unnecessary killing to prevent unlawful act.—Whoever shall unnecessarily kill another, either while resisting an attempt by such other person to commit any felony, or to do any other unlawful act, or after such attempt shall have failed, shall be deemed guilty of manslaughter, a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

I find it interesting that this statute, and not justifiable homicide, is listed on the initial report. I wonder what they found Trayvon's unlawful act to be?

I get that this is initial, but they police didn't just show up and grab this out of the air...
Apparently, Zimmerman has already proved once some thing like that did happen. He proved it well enough to the Sanford Police Department that they believed it.

He did not PROVE anything! The SPD did NO investigation at all at the scene of the crime of TM's killing. The investigating officer took GZ's statement as the truth at face value and even tried to change witnesses' statements of what they saw and heard. They took GZ's lie that he had no record as the truth and did not even verifiy this until hours later. They collected NO evidence for tests and simply took GZ's word for what happened, loaded up TM's unidentified body and shipped it to the morgue. The fact that they did NOT investigate and took GZ's word for everything is the reason this incident has come back to haunt them. NOTHING was proven by GZ.

LE has made it clear that the gun was in Zimmerman's waistband. It was not in his pocket. If the altercation was that violent, the gun would have fallen out during the altercation or would have went into Zimmerman's pant leg, etc... The gun, imo, was pulled out and pointed at Tray and that is when the altercation. Like you said, there is a reason Tray did not run again. He didn't have a choice this time, imo. He had to fight for his life!

ETA: Tray was not going to be another *advertiser censored**hole who got away. Zimmerman was not going to allow that to happen.
Where have you heard the weapon was in his waistband?

"Witnesses told ABC News they heard Zimmerman pronounce aloud to the breathless residents watching the violence unfold "it was self-defense," and place the gun on the ground."


If you have time, read the initial report released by the Sanford police. It's very informative.

http://www.sanfordfl.gov/investigation/docs/Twin Lakes Shooting Initial Report.pdf

Per the report:

Zimmerman complied with all of my verbal commands and was secured in handcuffs. Located on the inside of Zimmerman's waist band, I removed a black Kel Tek 9mm PF9 semi auto handgun and holster.
Where have you heard the weapon was in his waistband?

"Witnesses told ABC News they heard Zimmerman pronounce aloud to the breathless residents watching the violence unfold "it was self-defense," and place the gun on the ground."


Hi, Ross! :seeya:

I believe that everyone is assuming that GZ was carrying his gun in his waistband due to the fact that the LE report states that where they removed it from. I could be wrong. It has happened before. :crazy: Check out the link below to the City of Sanford, and on page 3 of the Twin Lakes Shooting Initial Report it states that an officer removed a 9mm from GZ's waistband. I assume that this is why it is being assumed that he carried it there during the timeframe of the incident. I'm not sure if we know for sure that is where it was the whole time or not. Hope that helps. :)

Just so I'm not misunderstood, I'm ALWAYS passionate about seeing both sides. I'm almost always smack dab in the middle. If this forum were bashing Tray and only seeing GZ's side in this two-sided story, I'd be taking his side.

There ARE two sides here, and this forum for the time being is only seeing Tray's, so I'm here to try to state GZ's side of things.

And I personally believe GZ's injuries are more severe than the board believes at this point. But only because of what I've read in a comments section at the end of a MSM article, by someone who claimed to know him, so it's rumor and can't be cited.

Hm, so regardless of the facts, root for the perceived underdog simply for the sake of arguing. Smashing. :sigh:

Personally, I'm gonna discount unverified information from a likely friend of the aggressor and go with the known facts are and common sense.

The medical examiner wouldn't collect evidence. I'm questioning whether the evidence was even collected, photographed, and documented?

They would do the trajectory as far as the path the bullet took and where the gun was when TM was shot.

Rossva, if you would read through the thread/s you would find it. I'm not going through this with you over here.

I am the one who believes that when Zimmerman caught back up with Trayvon that he had the gun in his hand. I do not believe the gun was in his waistband... but it has been widely reported that when that Zimmerman claims that when Tray was on top of him... he reached the gun out of his waistband and shot Tray.
NEW YORK (AP) — The father of a black teenager shot to death by a neighborhood watch captain in Florida said he was "honored" by a march being planned for New York City in support of his son.

"I feel very honored that New York would do a rally in my son's honor," Tracy Martin told The Associated Press on Wednesday, hours before what was being called the Million Hoodie March was supposed to take place.

"It means a lot to me and my family knowing that people across the country, across the world, are coming together to get justice for Trayvon."


Martin said he and his son's mother, Sybrina Fulton, found out about the march after arriving in New York City, where they have done some interviews about the situation. They got in touch with the organizers to say they would come and speak to the attendees.

The timing of Martin's parents being in the city when the march is happening is "incredible," said Daniel Maree, one of the organizers. He heard about the case earlier this week, he said.

"I was outraged and wanted to do something about it," Maree said.

In recent days, information surrounding the teen's death has been coming out, including 911 calls, and on Tuesday, an account from his family's lawyer of a conversation he had with his girlfriend in the moments before his death was released.

Asked how he was holding up as all this information comes out, Tracy Martin said he was trying to stay strong.

"I don't feel this is the time to break down, even though it's a very troubling time in my life," he said. "I've told myself, when I get justice for Trayvon, then I'll have my time to break down."

For those who believe that it is perfectly ok to chase/pursue someone with a loaded gun at hand.....would you still see no problem with that if the person being pursued by a 250 man was a 140 pound blond 17 year old girl?
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