FL - 17-yo Teen Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #3

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I wonder if the father had the phone log you can access online if the phone was on his acct or the mom if it is on her acct.The dad might not have seen girlfriends number from actual phone.

I'm not sure, but I do know that you can answer a phone even if it is locked.

His father said he called the phone, and I'm sure he had his dad saved as Daddy, Dad, Pop--something to indicate a parent.
It was not I that implied things against the National Guard. I hold them in high respect.

Originally Posted by Dr.Fessel
Ah yes, another time when pretend LE murder innocent people.

Mr Zimmerman was merely a selfproclaimed neighborhood watchman. no need to imply things against the very honorable people who serve in the National Guard.
He also saw him run on to someones porch.If I saw a 6' tall male of any age on my neighbors porch never knocking on the door,ringing the bell I too would call police.I would think it might be someone looking to rob or harm my neighbor. I would not get my gun nor would I leave my house but I would call 911.

If you saw that same male being pursued by a slow moving truck with a guy watching him would you think that male might have been worried about this person following him and was thinking about knocking on the door.

I remember one time when I was a kid running up on a porch when someone was following me but not knocking because I did not want to appear to be chicken until it was absolutely necessary.
Huh? Any non African American speaking was/is booed and heckled while on stage. Non African American speakers are being treeated EXTREMELY disrespectfully. Are we watching the same "rally"?

Glad an African American saw fit to correct it.
WHAT actual evidence does anyone have that Trayvon threw any punches, let alone the first one? The statement of the man who killed him? The man who if he says, " well, yeah, I grabbed him, I was afraid he would get away, but he punched me so I shot him"

How do you know that he was NOT humble and friendly? There are no witnesses that saw Trayvon throw any punch let alone the first one, and the PD did such a wonderful job investigating that there is NO mention that maybe his knuckles were scraped, or bruised from any punches, there is no information that GZ had anything more than a slight bloody nose, which he could have gotten if he fired the gun and it kicked back hitting him in the face as I have seen happen a number of times....The fact that the PD did not immediately take GZ to a hospital for a complete check is pretty proof positive that he was not beaten and battered to a degree that anyone would think that he had been in a fight for his life.

How does any one justify simply taking the word of a man who just killed an unarmed person that it was self defense, when the man admits that he followed and confronted that person intentionally, a person that he had alread told 911 that there was something wrong with (which we now know is not true) and that he appeared high on drugs (which we now know for a fact is not true) a man that told LE that his history of legal problems was squeeky clean (which we now know is NOT true)....and we are supposed to just take his word for it without any substantial proof that Trayvon EVER did anything but try and defend himself? Nope not me, and apparently not the over a million people who signed the petition or the people who are now protesting all over the country....

He had injuries on the nose and back of the head, as noted in the police report.
WHAT actual evidence does anyone have that Trayvon threw any punches, let alone the first one? The statement of the man who killed him? The man who if he says, " well, yeah, I grabbed him, I was afraid he would get away, but he punched me so I shot him"

How do you know that he was NOT humble and friendly? There are no witnesses that saw Trayvon throw any punch let alone the first one, and the PD did such a wonderful job investigating that there is NO mention that maybe his knuckles were scraped, or bruised from any punches, there is no information that GZ had anything more than a slight bloody nose, which he could have gotten if he fired the gun and it kicked back hitting him in the face as I have seen happen a number of times....The fact that the PD did not immediately take GZ to a hospital for a complete check is pretty proof positive that he was not beaten and battered to a degree that anyone would think that he had been in a fight for his life.

How does any one justify simply taking the word of a man who just killed an unarmed person that it was self defense, when the man admits that he followed and confronted that person intentionally, a person that he had alread told 911 that there was something wrong with (which we now know is not true) and that he appeared high on drugs (which we now know for a fact is not true) a man that told LE that his history of legal problems was squeeky clean (which we now know is NOT true)....and we are supposed to just take his word for it without any substantial proof that Trayvon EVER did anything but try and defend himself? Nope not me, and apparently not the over a million people who signed the petition or the people who are now protesting all over the country....

I KNOW he was not humble and friendly because his girlfriend has said he was the first to engage in a verbal discussion, and it wasn't friendly.

I believe her, with what she said happened. <modsnip> why are you following me, and GZ answered what are you doing here.

And then there was physical combat.


Maybe we should all teach society civility. Just be civil. I am actually teaching my kids that. Lead with a smile and civility.

BTW, internet polling petitions mean zero to anyone. It takes less than 5 seconds to click. As a member of a couple of political action committees, we don't use internet click to agree polls, because it means nothing. Someone who is willing to come to the protests, as they are doing, means a LOT, or someone who picks up the phone and calls or sends a letter also means a lot. People who are sitting in their chairs clicking on a poll means zero.
He doesn't have any convictions on his record.

In order to be denied a gun, you have to have convictions for felonies.

He was arrested for shoving an officer, agreed to a plea deal which involved him attending classes no jail time. That's a conviction and it is on his record. And according to his record he has had a restraining order placed on him regarding domestic violence. That's a judgment.

If the records are available now they were available for a background check. Interferring with a police officer is a serious charge and he was lucky to have gotten such a light sentence. But it still counts as a conviction.

I think GZ has demostrated in a very negative way that a license for a handgun should have never been issued to him.

He wasn't trying to get suggestions on his behavior from a dispatcher. He was trying to get LE out there, and quickly, to check out this guy he found suspicious.

Let me turn this around. If he intended to kill this guy in cold blood, why in the WORLD would he call the cops and ask for someone to arrive quickly?

He wouldn't.

Apparently he was aware of that insane SYG law.
I wish to toss a question out there to the board...

If i have a gun... that's obviously within reach... why am i screaming for help???

When my best chance for help... is mere inches from my hand.

Its like somebody begging for food... while they have a cheeseburger in their pocket!!!
I'm really tired of Trayvon being blamed for his own death. Maybe if Trayvon had done this, he'd be alive; maybe if Trayvon done that, he'd be alive. Why is it so hard to understand that Trayvon was an innocent young man who was minding his own business walking home when he was viciously murdered? I really don't understand.
I'm not sure, but I do know that you can answer a phone even if it is locked.

His father said he called the phone, and I'm sure he had his dad saved as Daddy, Dad, Pop--something to indicate a parent.

My phone when locked will not let me take a call it will just ring,even when opened.I stopped locking it because I kept forgetting my code.
George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watchman who shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, has been withdrawn from school at Seminole State College by school officials, citing safety reasons.

SSC officials released a statement saying, "Due to the highly charged and high-profile controversy involving this student, Seminole State has taken the unusual but necessary step this week to withdraw Mr. Zimmerman from enrollment. This decision is based solely on our responsibility to provide for the safety of our students on campus as well as for Mr. Zimmerman."

Ballistics is the word I think I'm looking for. That would be testing the gun, not just a visual inspection of how many bullets are left.

Well they might have done that too, but I don't think anyone is disputing what gun the bullet came from. However some people were claiming there were two shots found and that doesn't appear to be the case.
My phone when locked will not let me take a call it will just ring,even when opened.I stopped locking it because I kept forgetting my code.

It has been reported that Trayvon had an iPhone. Anyone with an iPhone can attest to the fact that you simply "slide to answer" no lock code required.
If they were wrestling like a 911 caller said maybe it was over the gun.The lady who said she saw them wrestling could not make out skin color but she did say they were wrestling.If both were fighting for control of the gun it might have just gone off.I could see GZ being a coward and screaming for help if he lost control over his gun JMO.

Then why would not have GZ stated that the gun went off accidentally in his testimony. Nope do not buy that besides that would have been an extremely lucky shot. Sounds more like a careful aim to me with the intent to kill.
It was 60 degrees in Sanford Florida at 7:00 pm on 2/16/2012.

I'm watching HLN and one of the commentators who heard the tape said Zimmerman's words were "I'ts effin COLD". Another commentator, who also heard the tapes, did not deny this. She sure wants to make it racial though. I didn't realize Martin was 17, I thought he was a little kid - are the pictures they are showing all the time current?
He wasn't trying to get suggestions on his behavior from a dispatcher. He was trying to get LE out there, and quickly, to check out this guy he found suspicious.

Let me turn this around. If he intended to kill this guy in cold blood, why in the WORLD would he call the cops and ask for someone to arrive quickly?

He wouldn't.

Imo, he was exploiting the Stand Your Ground law. Plain and simple. I would argue that this crime was as premeditated as any other obsessed killer... MOO

Well they might have done that too, but I don't think anyone is disputing what gun the bullet came from. However some people were claiming there were two shots found and that doesn't appear to be the case.

I agree, but ballistics is more than just testing where the bullet came from.
I certainly have seen enough young people who disarm a volatile situation by being humble and friendly. THAT's what Trayvon could have done. In all honesty said:
I am sorry but I have to answer this one twice, can't help myself.

Perhaps that's what he could have done, but that still does NOT answer the question I asked which is WHAT CRIME DID HE COMMIT THAT WAS PUNISHABLE BY DEATH?

Until and unless there is some actual proof the Trayvon DID in fact attack someone, the question remains, WHAT DID HE DO WRONG?

Being belligerant with someone who is belligerant with you is NOT a crime, not answering a question from someone you don't know and who appears to be stalking and threatening you is not a crime, even police officers faced with a belligerant teen with a attitude is not allowed to pull out a gun and shoot them. In fact, I think he did a lot of things right....he did NOT try and confront GZ with an attitude, he did not turn and confront GZ when he first realized he was being followed, he told his girlfriend he was going to try and walk faster and just get away from him...which is what I would have wanted my kid to do in similar situations since attempting to difuse the situation by being nice just might have gotten him beaten, abducted or worse....It is very clear that he did not want to be close enough to GZ for there to be a physical confrontation, he was SCARED, and I for one don't blame him, I would have been too, but by your example he was shot to death because he was not nice and humble enough??

Once again, don't know where to go with that, it's bizarre IMO JMHO and stuff
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