FL - 17-yo Teen Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #5

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This is one of the most disgusting things the police and city did. Does anyone believe that a cop would go to a grieving family to talk about the case and say " Mr. Zimmerman says he has a squeaky clean record"? That makes no sense and there would be no reason to say that without saying but we know better, he has violent arrest in the past.

Then to put the "misunderstanding" on the shoulders of the grieving parent. Of course it could never be the cop said it the way the parent says because cops never lie.

It was simply an attempt of the cops to make Zimmerman look good and the City backing it up.


Why was George Zimmerman labeled as “squeaky clean” when in fact he has
a prior arrest history?
In one of the initial meetings with the father of the victim the investigator related to
him the account that Mr. Zimmerman provided of the incident. At that time the
investigator said that Mr. Zimmerman portrayed himself to be “squeaky clean”. We
are aware of the background information regarding both individuals involved in this
event. We believe Mr. Martin may have misconstrued this information.

*MOO*I find it beyond reprehensible that he said that to a grieving father *MOO*
Nothing will be released under the sunshine laws until the investigation of that information is finished. I think the special prosecuter and her team are thoroughly investigating every piece of evidence and report. I don't think anything will be released for a few days or even longer. This is good.

I hope that I am wrong about what I think the autopsy information holds. But, every time I read about how Trayvon was found laying, shot in the back is the only thing that comes to mind. I think they need to release the autopsy ASAP even if withholding other information. I just have a very bad feeling about this. Again, I hope I am wrong. That would just be that much more awful.
If Zimmerman got out of his car for the sole purpose of getting the street he was on, then how did him and Trayvon cross paths?

If Zimmerman was so confused about the streets, why didn't he just agree to meet the officer by the mailbox as dispatch suggested?

If Zimmerman planned to stay by his car, and only stepped out to get the street name, why did he want cops to call him when they arrived to see where he would be?

None of those questions have innocent answers IMO.
If Zimmerman got out of his car for the sole purpose of getting the street he was on, then how did him and Trayvon cross paths?

If Zimmerman was so confused about the streets, why didn't he just agree to meet the officer by the mailbox as dispatch suggested?

If Zimmerman planned to stay by his car, and only stepped out to get the street name, why did he want cops to call him when they arrived to see where he would be?

None of those questions have innocent answers IMO.
Can you please provide a sourcing for Zimmerman's account of these events? I still have not seen where he has spoken publicly about what happened, and am curious to see where exactly this information came from.
Is the girlfriend's account of what was said not supporting evidence?

If not, then we really don't have supporting evidence of hardly anything by your standards, except for what is contained in the police report and 911 tapes. (and even that is questionable, as they are other people's accounts)

Yup, that.
Are you implying that it's unreasonable to believe that a parent going through an extremely emotional event might misconstrue what is said? JMO

The police are lying about this IMO. I believe Trayvon's family was indeed told that Zimmerman had a squeaky clean record.

Why would an officer relay that tidbit of information to a victim's family anyway? For what purpose, other than to justify not making an arrest.

The family could have gotten it wrong, but this is a case where the police agency has a HUGE motive to lie, and IMO they did.
I hope that I am wrong about what I think the autopsy information holds. But, every time I read about how Trayvon was found laying, shot in the back is the only thing that comes to mind. I think they need to release the autopsy ASAP even if withholding other information. I just have a very bad feeling about this. Again, I hope I am wrong. That would just be that much more awful.

If Zimmerman was on his back, and Martin had him in the mount position as witnesses have claimed to have seen, it would be fully possible that Zimmerman shot Martin and Martin rolled off of him and wound up on his stomach. All reports so far have said that Zimmerman shot him in the chest. I'm fairly confident that the media would have instantaneously picked up on any inkling of him having been shot in the back.

Okay, well why on earth would LE tell him "we don't need you to do that" if they wanted him to continue to follow him??

Come on already. It is obvious that LE was advising him to not follow him anymore.

(Jumping off here)...and GZ said, "ok". He told LE he was attacked on his way back to his truck, which would indicate he had stopped following Trayvon.

I've seen no proof that GZ continued to follow, or keep TM in his sight. I'm not understanding why GZ is being portrayed as a liar and murderer, or what this portrait is based on, besides the pictures constantly flashing of two individuals who look nothing like these media, marketing induced images. From my research, most were taken of both, 5-7 years ago. GZ is a clean cut, 28 year old business man, not the guy in the mugshot from 7 years ago when he was 21. Trayvon is a very tall and athletic 17 year old, he's not the excessively used picture of a 12 year old. IMO, the real picture is extremely sad - and does not invoke anger in me, just many questions and sympathy for this young man's family - Trayvon will always be their child lost too soon, I understand that.

A prosecutor found GZ truthful, based on whatever evidence and witness statements they have (as opposed to media exclusives). Based on that same evidence and witness statements, Trayvon Martin was found to have been the aggressor. This purpose of this new investigation is to determine if the Prosecutor's finding was correct. IMO.
IMO, we should try and keep it real.
Can you please provide a sourcing for Zimmerman's account of these events? I still have not seen where he has spoken publicly about what happened, and am curious to see where exactly this information came from.

The fact that Zimmerman stepped out of his car to get the street name and was attacked from behind is sourced to Chief Bill Lee, his spokesperson at that time IMO.
If you read my posts I Always say,
lets give the case a chance... because you all have hung him.
I dont know who is innicent... but all of you only dig up stuff on GZ.

Because Trayvon is the victim and WS is a victim friendly forum. We do not dig up dirt on victims.
Okay, well why on earth would LE tell him "we don't need you to do that" if they wanted him to continue to follow him??

Come on already. It is obvious that LE was advising him to not follow him anymore.

I agree, beach. In fact, in my neck of the woods "we don't need you to do that" is pretty much the same thing as "don't do that." It's just a more polite way of saying it. Probably would sound more like "we don't need you to be doing that."
If Zimmerman got out of his car for the sole purpose of getting the street he was on, then how did him and Trayvon cross paths?

If Zimmerman was so confused about the streets, why didn't he just agree to meet the officer by the mailbox as dispatch suggested?

If Zimmerman planned to stay by his car, and only stepped out to get the street name, why did he want cops to call him when they arrived to see where he would be?

None of those questions have innocent answers IMO.

See, I do not believe that Bill Lee was lying when he released that statement in George Zimmerman's defense. I believe that may be exactly what Zimmerman told LE?

Unfortunately for Zimmerman and Mr. Lee, the call to LE by Zimmerman completely contradicts that? Bill Lee should have never made any statements publicly defending Zimmerman and making Trayvon to be the bad guy. Especially when we know they didn't even collect a major piece of evidence... George Zimmerman's clothes.
If Zimmerman was on his back, and Martin had him in the mount position as witnesses have claimed to have seen, it would be fully possible that Zimmerman shot Martin and Martin rolled off of him and wound up on his stomach. All reports so far have said that Zimmerman shot him in the chest. I'm fairly confident that the media would have instantaneously picked up on any inkling of him having been shot in the back.


Then the officer who observed Zimmerman's injuries and wet/grassy shirt should have also noted BLOOD.
I hope that I am wrong about what I think the autopsy information holds. But, every time I read about how Trayvon was found laying, shot in the back is the only thing that comes to mind. I think they need to release the autopsy ASAP even if withholding other information. I just have a very bad feeling about this. Again, I hope I am wrong. That would just be that much more awful.

Hi Belinda, do you have a link for where you read that? I've read here chest, and now back. I've yet to see anything official though. TIA
Police Chief Bill Lee says that Zimmerman was innocently walking back to his car after jotting down a street address for the dispatcher when Trayvon attacked him from behind? I don't see any reason for Bill Lee to lie, do you? He's defending Zimmerman? He has seen the reports? We haven't?

So, the Chief was giving some sort of commentary in regard to the Martin/Zimmerman incident to a media source no doubt. Just cause he doesn't mention what color of underwear Zimmerman was wearing at the time are we to assume he wasn't wearing any? Or that he makes no mention of a conversation taking place between Zimmerman and Martin that it didn't happen... That's a whole lot of assuming.

We've got to remember this is still an active investigation so they have to be cautious of what they reveal.
Are you implying that it's unreasonable to believe that a parent going through an extremely emotional event might misconstrue what is said? JMO

Of course not. But do you really think in this investigation of Zimmerman that he ever told the cops he had a squeaky clean record? Do you think the cops ever asked him if he had any record while investigating this homicide? That information would be at their fingertips.

Do you think that of all the things Zimmerman would have said during this investigation this cop thought it would be so important he picked that statement out to tell Martin's Dad?

Do you think the cop told Mr. Martin that Zimmerman had a record?
Hi Belinda, do you have a link for where you read that? I've read here chest, and now back. I've yet to see anything official though. TIA

You may have wanted to bold the whole quote? No where did Belinda say that an article said Trayvon was shot in the back. She said that the way Trayvon was laying on the ground, a shot in the back is the only way she can imagine it happening.
That is not evidence that GZ started the altercation. All of those things could have happened and TM could still have started the fight. None of the facts we know of would preclude that possibility. The screams are not known to be from TM as of yet, and GZ sustained injuries. I would add that you're still getting facts wrong, as LE never ever told GZ not to follow TM.

There is hardly any evidence of any kind but
the more they want to hang GZ the more I look to see
what else is there to know.
we cannot hang someone without any evidence.

It is sad that a young man is dead.
And we still need information before we say the man is guilty.
I just don't see it that way, if they didn't want him to follow they could have been more explicit.

When GZ responded "Okay" to the 911 dispatcher, there was no reason for that dispatcher to believe that GZ was not following his instructions, thus needing to be "more explicit."
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