FL - 17-yo Teen Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #5

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More worthless lip service IMO.
What do you base this opinion on? The clearly transparent reporting that the media has done? Or a prejudicial notion that police are bad and liars? Or something else? I'm genuinely curious as to why you think the police are lying when the media has done such a poor job in this case.
It's comforting to know that if a 250 lb. man shot an unarmed 140 lb. 17 year-old girl who was walking home from the store, you'd feel that was justified, too.

If the shooter was in fear for his life, yes I do. Of course, you left that part out.
Perhaps you should direct your concerns to a mod?

Like I said, we have been reminded over and over that Trayvon is a victim and we are not to blame the victim. I would also guess this info is included in the TOS that you agreed to when signing up?

I'm just saying that it would be advisable that we be cautious in what we say in respect to a man who's not been charged with a crime. I think we are all safe if we express it in our opinions only...

I've been extremely careful to not say one cross word about Trayvon's parents or blame anything on Trayvon himself. I'm deeply saddened at their loss and that this young man lost his life. I've also been careful to not paint George Zimmerman some sort of cold blooded killer as no such evidence exist to imply he is such. In some ways he's as much a victim of this as Trayvon...
What do you base this opinion on? The clearly transparent reporting that the media has done? Or a prejudicial notion that police are bad and liars? Or something else? I'm genuinely curious as to why you think the police are lying when the media has done such a poor job in this case.

Since when do opinions have to be based on something? It's an opinion. Not a fact? Belinda is entitled to her opinion and I personally agree with her based on everything I have read with my own eyes. Not just the media reporting, but statements made by Police Chief Bill Lee and others in involved in this case.
I had a talk with some of my lady friends I wanted to know how
they felt.... I asked how would you deal with this if you were the parent?
some said thank God I dont know and wont know it in my life.
and many said if that happend to my kid I would say whatever to
get the guy in jail, there is no way I wouldn't.
ONE SAID: Even if my kid is bad, I would go set it up that they all feel
my pain. I dont care, I would want someone arrested.

then I asked even if it is not fair?
these are the replies I got:
Not fair the kid is dead,
Not fair if I lost a kid
Not fair if ther is no investigation.
Not fair if I dont get satisfaction.

This is from my friends not anyone connected to the case.
I just like to hear how people think.
So is there any justice in that kind of thinking NOP Not IMO.
Not one said they wanted to see a fair trial.

If my friends said all that I would be finding some new friends.
Since when do opinions have to be based on something? It's an opinion. Not a fact? Belinda is entitled to her opinion and I personally agree with her based on everything I have read with my own eyes. Not just the media reporting, but statements made by Police Chief Bill Lee and others in involved in this case.
I thought that the entire point of this forum was to have opinions and speculation that are grounded in factual reality. Perhaps I was mistaken.
It's comforting to know that if a 250 lb. man shot an unarmed 140 lb. 17 year-old girl who was walking home from the store, you'd feel that was justified, too.

From the police report - Trayvon - 6' tall 160 lbs. Zimmerman - 5'9" no weight indicated.

For the second time, please, provide a link where I can verify his weight. If GZ did weigh 250 lbs, at 5'9", there is NO way he could catch up with a running 17 year old. TIA.
I'm just saying that it would be advisable that we be cautious in what we say in respect to a man who's not been charged with a crime. I think we are all safe if we express it in our opinions only...

I've been extremely careful to not say one cross word about Trayvon's parents or blame anything on Trayvon himself. I'm deeply saddened at their loss and that this young man lost his life. I've also been careful to not paint George Zimmerman some sort of cold blooded killer as no such evidence exist to imply he is such. In some ways he's as much a victim of this as Trayvon...

I understand what you're saying. On one hand I sort of agree---BUT the big difference is that George Zimmerman could be charged with a crime. Under no circumstances will Trayvon be charged, so what would be the point of digging up stuff on Trayvon? It would be done only to blame the victim IMO. It would be done to justify what happened to him...
I thought that the entire point of this forum was to have opinions and speculation that are grounded in factual reality. Perhaps I was mistaken.

And Belinda's opinion is based on the fact that this statement has been used over and over again. We know the police say they did a good investigation, which is completely thrown out the window the moment they allowed Zimmerman to walk out of that station with critical evidence still on his body... his clothes.

It's lip service. MOO
If he attacked GZ was he still a victim?
Bingo! that is why it is so important to get and dig.
Why hang the man? WHY?
The details are mysterious at best.
Who gave them the right to hang GZ?
Now he is a victim too.

I will keep on asking the questions...
I do not thing people should come to conclusions
I do admit at first I too had done so.
But after having read more, and more.
ALL I walk away with is more questions.

I do not know how they all seem to think they know
something that we really do not know.
From the police report - Trayvon - 6' tall 160 lbs. Zimmerman - 5'9" no weight indicated.

For the second time, please, provide a link where I can verify his weight. If GZ did weigh 250 lbs, at 5'9", there is NO way he could catch up with a running 17 year old. TIA.

Zimmerman is the one who said Trayvon was running? Are you saying he lied?
What's that supposed to imply? That its alright to paint another a criminal who's yet to be charged of a crime... That right there is frightening... Please, Please, Please, tell me that's not how things work here, for that's borderline slander. Something I would think we would all wish to avoid...

RBBM. I will gladly tell you that is not how things work here.

Here is a link to the Etiquette & Information thread in the Rules forum.

I have copied and pasted the section about what it means when we say we are a victim friendly forum.

"Victim Friendly

Websleuths is a victim friendly forum. Attacking or bashing a victim is not allowed. Discussing victim behavior,good or bad is fine, but do so in a civl and constructive way and ONLY IF IT IS RELEVANT TO THE CASE. Additionally,sleuthing family members that are not suspected of being involved in the crime or disappearance is not allowed. Don't make random accusations or post personal information (even if it is public) like parking tickets, address, or first and last names of all their relatives and their neighbors. Also, never "bash" or attack them, or accuse them of involvement. However that does not mean that family members cannot come into discussion as the facts and issues of the case are discussed."

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=159"]Here is the link to the Rules forum[/ame].

And Belinda's opinion is based on the fact that this statement has been used over and over again. We know the police say they did a good investigation, which is completely thrown out the window the moment they allowed Zimmerman to walk out of that station with critical evidence still on his body... his clothes.

It's lip service. MOO
I've seen this repeated multiple times - I've been reading these threads long before I decided to join the discussion.

Out of curiosity, what "valuable evidence" do you think would be gained from Zimmerman's clothing? Keep in mind that this is not your traditional murder investigation. It's evident that he's the one that fired the shot, and has allegedly admitted such. There is no question as to whether he was the one that shot Martin. With that being said, what would his clothing provide in this scenario that is not already known?
If my friends said all that I would be finding some new friends.

I was very frustrated.
But they never can imagine this scenario in their world.
They can only imagine defending their kid to the end.

I am glad they will never have to deal with it all their kids
are grown and doing well.
I do not think anyone really knows how they would handle it till they must.
I'm just saying that it would be advisable that we be cautious in what we say in respect to a man who's not been charged with a crime. I think we are all safe if we express it in our opinions only...

I've been extremely careful to not say one cross word about Trayvon's parents or blame anything on Trayvon himself. I'm deeply saddened at their loss and that this young man lost his life. I've also been careful to not paint George Zimmerman some sort of cold blooded killer as no such evidence exist to imply he is such. In some ways he's as much a victim of this as Trayvon...

Then that means we need to be cautious in what we say about Hailey Dunn's mother and step-father, the father of Ayla Reynolds, the mother of Sky Metalwala, the mother of Juliette Guerts, the mother's boyfriend and roommate, etc.

There is a reason Zimmerman is the subject of a grand jury investigation and that Trayvon's case is now being handled by a special prosecutor.

His background coupled with inconsistencies in his statement to police as evidenced by the calls to police and witness statements show it is not speculation that Zimmerman was the aggressor and unlawfully killed Trayvon.

There is a reason most of the country is appalled and demanding justice.
Zimmerman is the one who said Trayvon was running? Are you saying he lied?

What did you infer that from? The question wasn't if Martin was running, it was if Zimmerman could catch up to a running Martin. If not, that would imply that Martin found Zimmerman.

Then that means we need to be cautious in what we say about Hailey Dunn's mother and step-father, the father of Ayla Reynolds, the mother of Sky Metalwala, the mother of Juliette Guerts, the mother's boyfriend and roommate, etc.

There is a reason Zimmerman is the subject of a grand jury investigation and that Trayvon's case is now being handled by a special prosecutor.

His background coupled with inconsistencies in his statement to police as evidenced by the calls to police and witness statements show it is not speculation that Zimmerman was the aggressor and unlawfully killed Trayvon.

There is a reason most of the country is appalled and demanding justice.

We simply don't know if that's true. Mr. Hornsby even stated a scenario where GZ could have been acting defensively.
From the police report - Trayvon - 6' tall 160 lbs. Zimmerman - 5'9" no weight indicated.

For the second time, please, provide a link where I can verify his weight. If GZ did weigh 250 lbs, at 5'9", there is NO way he could catch up with a running 17 year old. TIA.


Zimmerman is nearly twice the teenager's size, measuring at 5 feet 9 and weighing 250 pounds, according to police records.

Now I'm sure you'll be able to provide a link stating it's impossible for a man of that size to catch up to a person of Trayvon's size?
I am sincerly sadned by this case, and IMO it does need to go to court.

When you are so ready to hang GZ with no evidence I find it imprtant to get some.

I haven't "hung" anyone, nor have I advocated hanging anyone, or posted rewards for their capture, or ranted, or marched or railed, or burned anyone in effigy. I feel that George Zimmerman made lousy choices, probably rooted in bigotry, that exceeded any reasonable authority he could be assumed to have had. I feel that those choices led directly to the death at Zimmerman's hands of a child who was minding his own business. I feel that if George Zimmerman had just called LE and finished his drive home from the store then Trayvon Martin would still be alive. I am extremely dubious that George Zimmerman suffered or was about to suffer grievous injury of the type that would justify lethal force. These are the things that I have come to believe after careful examination of the paltry amount of evidence available so far, and judicious application of myown common sense, as well as application of my training in sociology.

I have not, to date, slung any mud, used any slurs, or advocated for anything, accusations to the contrary. I will, however, go on record as advocating for something now. I am advocating for, and desirous of, full and exhaustive investigation of this incident by all applicable parties and by all means available. I would like to see all witness testimony, full forensic investigation, disclosure of autopsy results, the contents of the police reports, documentation by professionals of Zimmerman's injuries and full accountability by all investigating parties. I want justice.

I hope i have been as clear as possible about what I believe, what I want, and what I am advocating for. I hope this will put to lie any accusations of my seeking to see anyone "hung". Also, insofar as hanging goes, I am firmly anti-death penalty.
Then that means we need to be cautious in what we say about Hailey Dunn's mother and step-father, the father of Ayla Reynolds, the mother of Sky Metalwala, the mother of Juliette Guerts, the mother's boyfriend and roommate, etc.

There is a reason Zimmerman is the subject of a grand jury investigation and that Trayvon's case is now being handled by a special prosecutor.

His background coupled with inconsistencies in his statement to police as evidenced by the calls to police and witness statements show it is not speculation that Zimmerman was the aggressor and unlawfully killed Trayvon.

There is a reason most of the country is appalled and demanding justice.

Yes, and I'm not entirely sure that's a direct result of anything other than how the media has portrayed this and certain figures that have gotten involved.

The public was enraged at Robert Jewell and those evil Duke Lacrosse players... What became of them?

ETA: Also, that's some incredibly backwards thinking IMO. He's going to trial, therefore he must be guilty?! Really?
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