GUILTY FL - Abraham Shakespeare, 42, lottery winner, Polk County, 7 April 2009 #8

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Some of the things that she would talk about was just so weird.I tryed to listen but some times found my self just letting her talk i knew that LE was listening and they would catch what ever she said .It was sad to know she was done they had so much on her and i was talking to a desperate person who was trying what ever she could to get out of it.On the last day i spoke to her she told me she was painting in the two story at the time AS was being put in that hole.That she was told by the two people who put him there that it was money in that hole not his body.

You know she was only saying that because she knew she had an audience, the police listening on the other line. She got her own husband to dig that hole where he was buried. And everyone knows if there was money in that hole, she'd be in there getting it out. No way that greedy woman would let anyone bury money. The sickest thing I read somewhere or other was (if I remember it correctly, if not someone can correct me) when she asked police if she could keep the things if she told the truth.
They found blood or at least a red substance in several places in the house.At one point i was told she had shar regrought the tiles in the paintball office telling him that there was oil on the floor.I think maybe that is where she had his body until she could put him in the hole.I asked her if she had him in there saying i had had a dream and she just kind of laughed saying how creepy and she said i can't tell you that.

I know she had Shar Redo some things to cover up blood in the red house but they were already working on the office{5732} months before she ever met Abraham.I know that to be a fact because i went to plant city for the very first time then and she had not yet met him and i helpped on that remodeling.There are some things that they do {media,and LE}Have time lines wrong.She did from what i am told stop shar from finishing up the red house and go to the two story.But She for sure did not know A.S before doing the office..

I would not think that blood looks anything like oil. And when you are cleaning up blood at the same time a millionaire disappears and your girlfriend all of the sudden comes up with a large amount of unexplained cash to throw around, at what point do you question what the substance is that you are cleaning up?
I saw that he passed his polygraph that he had nothing to do with killing Abraham. Did they ask him on the polygraph if he knowingly had anything to do with covering the murder up?
On the other side of the coin, he has given back the house and the car so I think that is really great and I hope those things are making their way back to the estate.
Do you know if the person who owned the white cadillac turned it over to the estate? I know it was sitting at the tan house for quite a while. I don't know if it still is. And then there was that tractor trailer that Dorice had repossessed that was sitting there forever. I haven't been by there for awhile. I go that way home from work once in awhile if I want to stop in Brandon or if 4 is backed up.
Late for me now. Got a 10 hour workday tomorrow. Night.
To investigatingthecase (hope you still check in now and then) and your friends in Polk Co. and Hillsborough Co. Sheriff's office, you detectives and officers did an impressive job. That was a massive investigation. Well done.
I would not think that blood looks anything like oil. And when you are cleaning up blood at the same time a millionaire disappears and your girlfriend all of the sudden comes up with a large amount of unexplained cash to throw around, at what point do you question what the substance is that you are cleaning up?
I saw that he passed his polygraph that he had nothing to do with killing Abraham. Did they ask him on the polygraph if he knowingly had anything to do with covering the murder up?
On the other side of the coin, he has given back the house and the car so I think that is really great and I hope those things are making their way back to the estate.
Do you know if the person who owned the white cadillac turned it over to the estate? I know it was sitting at the tan house for quite a while. I don't know if it still is. And then there was that tractor trailer that Dorice had repossessed that was sitting there forever. I haven't been by there for awhile. I go that way home from work once in awhile if I want to stop in Brandon or if 4 is backed up.
Late for me now. Got a 10 hour workday tomorrow. Night.

The tractor trailer was there last week (Thursday, I think it was). The white Caddy is still parked in front of the tan house, which the yard is extremely overgrown now. You'll miss the Caddy almost the grass is so tall. Also, I've been by there twice in the last 2 weeks, and was going to ask who the thin framed middle aged gray haired guy was hanging around the red brick house, who drives an older Bronco style truck. I saw him once, then the other time I saw him and a lady, sitting out in the front yard watching traffic pass. DebM has told us that the place has been rented, so no doubt it's the new tenants. I think we're done with seeing anything of interest over at those houses. I'd still love to know if the new tenants know there was a murder committed in the house. Somehow, I'd say NO they don't. I cannot imagine anyone actually living there who knew. But Deb, I guess you did. Did it not creep you out??? I mean, were you ever there alone? Was it freaky at all??
You know she was only saying that because she knew she had an audience, the police listening on the other line. She got her own husband to dig that hole where he was buried. And everyone knows if there was money in that hole, she'd be in there getting it out. No way that greedy woman would let anyone bury money. The sickest thing I read somewhere or other was (if I remember it correctly, if not someone can correct me) when she asked police if she could keep the things if she told the truth.
I think she didn't care who was listening.That day the conversation was really different.And as for the company that was supposed to be coming to get all her things and take them to the Redhawk house.Her first call to me on June 30 was her telling me that the Person {whom she told me owned a collection agencey}Was another inmate who got sent to Prison..Who from what i have read was the one who told LE everything DDM told her while in jail.Howard Altman told me a couple weeks ago that she called him telling him what DDM was saying to her.DDM was played while in jail.She was very upset about that.But yeah i agree with you Susan she was not painting while someone was hiding money.That was what got her in to all this.
The tractor trailer was there last week (Thursday, I think it was). The white Caddy is still parked in front of the tan house, which the yard is extremely overgrown now. You'll miss the Caddy almost the grass is so tall. Also, I've been by there twice in the last 2 weeks, and was going to ask who the thin framed middle aged gray haired guy was hanging around the red brick house, who drives an older Bronco style truck. I saw him once, then the other time I saw him and a lady, sitting out in the front yard watching traffic pass. DebM has told us that the place has been rented, so no doubt it's the new tenants. I think we're done with seeing anything of interest over at those houses. I'd still love to know if the new tenants know there was a murder committed in the house. Somehow, I'd say NO they don't. I cannot imagine anyone actually living there who knew. But Deb, I guess you did. Did it not creep you out??? I mean, were you ever there alone? Was it freaky at all??
The white caddy was bought for PP by DDM. PP first left it for me to use until i got my car and then decided to hand it over to LE because she isn't sure if it was bought with AS money or not so she just handed it over.The day i left i was with the lead Det.He told me that the bank took the vet and the truck but wasn't sure if they wanted the caddy.I told the ATT.That the car was there and why and that the Det had the keys.He was supposed to get them if he did i don't know.And yes i did stay at that house alone yes it was creepy at first.But i was living there before i knew what went on there and it was ok.
The white caddy was bought for PP by DDM. PP first left it for me to use until i got my car and then decided to hand it over to LE because she isn't sure if it was bought with AS money or not so she just handed it over.The day i left i was with the lead Det.He told me that the bank took the vet and the truck but wasn't sure if they wanted the caddy.I told the ATT.That the car was there and why and that the Det had the keys.He was supposed to get them if he did i don't know.And yes i did stay at that house alone yes it was creepy at first.But i was living there before i knew what went on there and it was ok.

It's not the dead who would bother me, it's the living. But I guess with Dorice in jail, the worst of the living connected with that house is locked up. Still, I would not want to live on St. Rd. 60. That road is just too busy and there is always the fear of just about anyone burglarizing the place. It is rural, but on that main road, it isn't exactly like a rural road.
Great place to have a garage sale with the constant traffic.
I'm confused as to why the bank would take the Vet and the truck. Doesn't make sense to me. Reading those binders, she paid for the cars, cash and trade-in. Why would the bank get them? And what about the equity in them? Does not sound like the estate is going to end up with much with the bank taking back things and the taxes going unpaid on the properties which could make them eligible for tax sale, I would believe.
Wasn't there a story in the paper where the Lawyer said he had the car and truck?I don't know who really has them i just know i met with the Lead Det.I wanted him to witness everything going back into the two story. so he told me that the bank had earlier that week came and got the vet and the truck.Maybe because it was stolen money?I don't claim to understand any of this.I was scared of who would come to the house since i didn't know who was who.What they looked like or anything.One night there was someone out side of one of the bedroom windows shooting a gun that pretty much scared the mess out of me.My faith became so much stronger thru all that mess.I am very thankful of that.
Wasn't there a story in the paper where the Lawyer said he had the car and truck?I don't know who really has them i just know i met with the Lead Det.I wanted him to witness everything going back into the two story. so he told me that the bank had earlier that week came and got the vet and the truck.Maybe because it was stolen money?I don't claim to understand any of this.I was scared of who would come to the house since i didn't know who was who.What they looked like or anything.One night there was someone out side of one of the bedroom windows shooting a gun that pretty much scared the mess out of me.My faith became so much stronger thru all that mess.I am very thankful of that.

Shooting guns by the windows at night? Like I say, more to be afraid with the living than be afraid of the dead.
I must have missed or forgotten about the lawyer having it, but I hope you are right and it is the children's lawyer.
You are a night owl, aren't you? I use to be but 10 hour days kill me. Well, at least I have a job. I keep seeing how many people in Tampa don't and it is so sad, especially when there are places hiring. One place that is hiring is the government. Since Obama took over they've been hiring nonstop.
I'm in the process of transcribing some of the witness interviews and detective supplement reports from this last 09/16/2010 public discovery documents release.

Below is a link to the transcripts I have completed thus far. I hope this helps some of you who are not able to download the full .pdf files that were made available. I'll be updating this listing as I complete more transcrpts.

It was in the same story where he said he had taken the house.Maybe i am wrong.I don't know why they didn't want the caddy.Any way no i am not a night owl I am an hour behind you.And yes shooting guns at the window at night.That was the worst night i believe i had while i was there.The sheriff came and drove around but didn't see anyone.I didn't bother to look out the window,Hearing the shots was all i needed.
That Marshell chick was the one who DDM said had her own collection agency and was coming to get her things.DeeDee said a guy named Edwin was coming to get the paintball field.So at least some of the Marshell lady's statement is true,I am blown away with the rest of this story although some of it does make since.After PP told me about Shar doing the floor again in the paintball office i always thought she had him in there until she could bury him.Thanks ACR for putting this stuff up some of this i have not read yet my computer wouldn't download it.
You're welcome overwhelmed. I know there are a lot of folks following this case who don't have the ability to dowload the documents so I hope by transcribing some of them that they will be able to read them and offer comment such as you have.

In response to your comment regarding thoughts that Abraham's body was moved after being shot in the house, I found this quote from the referenced document listed below whereas Dee Dee told another individual also that the body had been moved.

Is that "round" chair the same chair that Patricia Paulson called LE about Dee Dee saying she return a chair to a store for some reason?


Det. Mitchell F. Messer Supplement 02/14/2010 1347pm

"On 01/27/10 Writer, CSI Brando, Cpl. Picard, Det. D. McGill, and Polk Co SO Det. Lynn entered the residence and conducted a walkthrough of the residence. Writer was advised by Det. Lynn of statements made by Dorice Moore to Greg Todd Smith in which she advised the shooting of Abraham Shakespeare occurred in the office within the house and that Abraham had been seated in the "round" chair and that he was dragged out of the office and into another room. CSI Brando then conducted analysis of the carpet of the office using "Bluestar" which yielded a positive result for blood on the carpet between the round chair and the desk, as well as on the carpet in front of the door opening to the kitchen."

PAGE 603 Binder #1 Public Discovery of 09/16/2010

You're welcome overwhelmed. I know there are a lot of folks following this case who don't have the ability to dowload the documents so I hope by transcribing some of them that they will be able to read them and offer comment such as you have.

In response to your comment regarding thoughts that Abraham's body was moved after being shot in the house, I found this quote from the referenced document listed below whereas Dee Dee told another individual also that the body had been moved.

Is that "round" chair the same chair that Patricia Paulson called LE about Dee Dee saying she return a chair to a store for some reason?


Det. Mitchell F. Messer Supplement 02/14/2010 1347pm

"On 01/27/10 Writer, CSI Brando, Cpl. Picard, Det. D. McGill, and Polk Co SO Det. Lynn entered the residence and conducted a walkthrough of the residence. Writer was advised by Det. Lynn of statements made by Dorice Moore to Greg Todd Smith in which she advised the shooting of Abraham Shakespeare occurred in the office within the house and that Abraham had been seated in the "round" chair and that he was dragged out of the office and into another room. CSI Brando then conducted analysis of the carpet of the office using "Bluestar" which yielded a positive result for blood on the carpet between the round chair and the desk, as well as on the carpet in front of the door opening to the kitchen."

PAGE 603 Binder #1 Public Discovery of 09/16/2010

Yes it is the same.You see i went to Plant City in 08 and they were busy working on the office well she had her {DeeDee}office completed and in the middle of the room was this round chair very nice comfortable and so i was telling PP how ddm had made the statement that she could sit in that chair and look at the fire place.PP said no way cause when she got to Plant City She had just had that Delivered.PP helpped her remove the plastic from the chair.SOO where did she put the chair that WAS in the office BEFORE PP got there?Cause if AS was sitting in the round chair the one that LE took was not the same chair it was like swade and this chair was perfect Maybe she put it in the hole and they took that one to show that she had two of them.I am just guessing here i seen both so the one they took was way to clean to have ever had blood on it.
Again, referencing this link:
Det. Mitchell F. Messer Supplement 02/14/2010 1347pm

Sounds like LE is saying the blood was found on the "carpet" between the round chair and the desk, not that the blood was found on the chair itself. That's the way I'm reading it.

But a possible reason they could have taken the round chair is because of the way the blood was found on the carpet near the chair, that perhaps logically the blood should have also been on the chair which would prove that was a different, but similiar chair sitting in the same location. I don't know that this is a fact but does that make sense?

Too bad you guys didn't have a photo of her office and that chair, both the original and the second one. :dance:

Binder 2, page 128
They begain investigating Valenti law group. I'm not sure they are correct on this. They are saying that he decided to use them in his case against Ford for the Lotto ticket and then decided to go with someone else after amassing a $20,000 bill. I don't think that is right (I could be wrong). I thought he hired them for the Appeals case, they wrote the Appeal, and then they withdrew because they were not being paid. As I recall, I think I got the legal papers on this one and the way they were charging Abraham was kind of strange. I didn't really understand it. But I do not think he decided to go with someone else, I think they were handling the Appeal. And I believe their brief won it. It goes on to say that the bill went unpaid so they put a lien on the 9340 Redhawk Bend Drive and several financial accounts at Community Bank. Howard Stitzel then contacted them in 6//09 saying he represented Dorice and AMP and the contact was to settle the lien against the property and the financial accounts. Dorice settled the lean for $20,000.
They evidentally have the video of Moore and Troy opening the safe deposit box as it is referenced on page 130 and they say there was nothing of value based on this video. Well, I'm not sure I'm onboard with this statement. Dorice Moore, who has lied about everything and anything, particularly to do with money is making the video. I'm sure she could edit out anything she did not want in there. And who is the witness.. none other than Troy Young who was furninshing her with information even when we all knew there was an active investigation into a missing person going on with her the prime suspect. He was already helping her. I don't think I'd believe anything he had to say either. He's lost his credibility. I'd like to see the unedited version of both that one and the one where she's setting him up acting like he's going to be leaving the country.
I just added April Renee Taylor's Interview to the transcript web page. She's a paralegal that worked for Attorney James Buzbee but she also did some side jobs for D. Howard Stitzel including Dee Dee Moore's divorce, some mortgage assignments and a promissory note whereas Stitzel borrowed $30,000 from Abraham and the note apparently has disappeared.

Anyway, lots of little tidbits on filing deeds and what April's professional opinion is on how Abraham's signature appears on some documents.

April Renee Taylor Interview 02/08/2010 10:00am

I am trying to see if I post this link to all of Dorice's posts if it will actually go there.
Okay, that worked.
Here was the one I was looking for:
FL- missing lottery winner Abraham Shakespeare, last seen April 2009 - Page 12 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

QUOTE DORICE: "I would have been glad to pay the IRS but I did not owe them. They put a lien on my assets until the audit was done that cleared me. "

See Binder 2, page 137 - An outstanding debt to the US Treasury concerning the tax year 2001 was paid in full for the sum total of $51,000. Per H&R Block, this payment was made 12/08. Confirmation of this payment was later received from the Hillsborough County Clerk of Courts."

Who to believe, Dorice saying an audit cleared her or the police with the records. There's a no-brainer.
Binder 2, page 138 - Finally an explanation of Karen Disalvo. For those who have been around awhile, this was the woman who was suppose to be associated iwth the cellular company. It appears she provided info to the police that Dorice embezzled from Arcadia Healthcare of in excess of $60,000. She also stated that Dorice took more than $100,000 from the cellular company, American Wireless. We already know that Potwin came on here and said she defrauded her of some obsene amount of money (was it like $60,000?).
She was married throughout this time. I'm sure part of this time she was living with people. Don't they ever notice that she keeps on coming up with these windfalls? I do not get how you cannot know that the person you are living with is a thief when they are stealing that amount of money. How do you not know when the person you live with gets arrested? There was no family member who noticed she was a thief? How many more thefts were there?
I still have the same question I had previously, were there prior murders? She has shown no remorse, no sign of a conscience over this murder.

Binder 2, page 141 - Says that David Land, Richard Land's brother, was involved in a relationship with Paula Paulson-Krasniqi. Hmm... Also says the Lands were discussing getting the house on St Rd 60 back from Dorice towards the end.
I'm not loving that the police are not consistent in what they say in these binders. Still in Binder 2, page 143 - among documents found at the Redhawk house -

IRS documentation of Dorice Moore's 2001 tax year debt of $63,000. (This debt was eventually paid [1/10] via monies from Abraham Shakespeare.)
Up above another quote saying it was paid in 12/08. A month makes a difference in this case as I believe he started really moving money and property in January 2009.
Anybody find a comprehensive time-line the police have done yet? I understand things better when they are in a timeline. Not an overview timeline, but a detailed one.
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